
  • The Real Presence Coalition (RPC) is an informal group of influential Catholics working to restore belief in Jesus Christ’s Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist.
  • The U.S. Bishops initiated a National Eucharistic Revival campaign in 2021 in response to a Pew Research poll revealing that a majority of Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence.
  • The bishops have stated that the Revival is a “grassroots movement of Catholics” with the goal to “restore and renew the Catholic Church’s devotion to the Eucharist.”
  • RPC applaud the bishops’ effort to ignite the hearts of the faithful with their three year plan.
  • Moving forward, we believe a specific action plan will need to be developed to sustain the Revival’s momentum and achieve measurable improvements in Catholics’ belief in the Real Presence.
  • In the spirit of Synodality, the RPC believes the laity can provide valuable input to bishops in their mission.
  • As such, RPC’s initial effort will be to conduct a survey of U.S. lay Catholics to better understand the root causes that have contributed to the loss of faith.
  • RPC has engaged a professional polling firm to assist in the development of the survey and analyze the results.
  • Survey responses are completely confidential – participants are not required to provide their name, email address or phone number.
  • Coalition members are responsible for helping to promote the survey via email and social media.

RPC Members (by last name)

  • Terry Barber (Virgin Most Powerful Radio)
  • Doug Barry (U.S. Grace Force)
  • Mike Church (Crusade Channel)
  • Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
  • Beverly DeSoto (Regina Magazine)
  • Tim Flanders (One Peter Five)
  • Deacon Keith Fournier
  • Fr Richard Heilman
  • Michael Hichborn (Lepanto Institute)
  • Dr. Peter Kwasniewski
  • Dr. Taylor Marshall
  • Mother Miriam
  • Fr. Chad Ripperger
  • Jesse Romero (Virgin Most Powerful Radio)
  • Eric Sammons (Crisis Magazine)
  • Bishop Athanasius Schneider
  • Bishop Joseph Strickland
  • John Henry Westen (LifeSite News)
  • Vicki Yamasaki (Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace)
  • John Yep (Catholics for Catholics)
  • Liz Yore (Yore Children)