Open-Ended Feedback: Recommendations

The final question of the survey asked respondents to select their top recommendation to U.S. bishops on how to restore belief in the Real Presence. Approximately 15% of respondents chose to respond to this question by selecting the “Other” option, resulting in 1,994 open-ended responses consisting of more that 35,000 words of feedback. Each response was subsequently assigned one or more of topic tags, the frequency of which is illustrated in the graph below.

The following table presents all open-ended recommendation responses. You can filter the table by clicking on the TAG button on the top of the table. The selected tag will appear in red below the tag selection drop-down. You can clear the selected tag by simply clicking on it. You can also use the SEARCH box to find key words throughout the feedback. There is also an audio version of this feedback available on our podcast of the results.

1Permit, encourage, and support the Roman Rite in the TLM in your dioceses and move toward implementing all the above in both forms (NO and TLM).Return to Tradition
2Retrain priests to speak and act as if Jesus is truly present. Catechesis, Personal Witness
3All of the above. We have never been taught the TRUE Catholic faith. I am 58. They watered it down not to offend man, while completely offending The Trinity and The Blessed Mother, Mary.Multiple Recommendations
4Comprehensive plan to demonstrate reverence for the Eucharistic by all priests, altar servers, EMHCs, anyone who has a role in the Mass.Reverence
5 All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
6Publicly repent your sins against the church, and call the faithfully to do the same.Leadership Reforms
7Reminding all of the need to be in a state of grace to receive.Confession
8All of these things. #1 = Purge the Church of bad priests. The Church's success starts with its priests and the clergy. Practice and teach what we are supposed to believe. Our souls are in your hands.Multiple Recommendations
9All of the above and bring the Latin Mass back. We have to drive an hour and a half to get to a Latin Mass. Otherwise we would be going to the TLM alwaysMultiple Recommendations
10Promote the TLMReturn to Tradition
11Some aspect of the above. Unsure of where to start to be honest.Multiple Recommendations
12All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
13I believe it has to be all of these. You cannot take just one, or two, and have it make sense. It isn't just one of these elements that adds to belief the Real Presence, it's all in conjunction. It cannot be done even half way. If you eliminate any one of these, then the Lord doesn't receive His right reverence and the laity are not properly cared for by their bishops.Multiple Recommendations
14Encourage the widespread offering of the Latin Mass which embodies many of the behaviors consistent with the Real Presence.Return to Tradition
15Challenge parents to step up to their responsibilityCatechesis
16Catechize the faithful - with JOYCatechesis
17Catechize the clergy about nature of Mass, and impose ad orientemCatechesis, Return to Tradition
18God's glory is present in so many situations and denominations outside of the Catholic Church. Catholics are completely asleep that there is a Great Awakening to corruption going on. God is talking through profits in other churches. You want to know about the real presence? Find someone who has good communication with god. They are likely not catholic. I seldom go to mass because I seek God's glory elsewhere. Catholicism has been inhabited by the evil spirit of religion for more than 500 years.Other
19All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
20All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
21Multi faceted. Not one answer. Ministers need to go priests need to show reverence for Jesus in EucharistMultiple Recommendations, Personal Witness, Reverence
22I feel that "Catechize the faithful" would have to include all the other item lists above.Multiple Recommendations, Catechesis
23all of the above would be beneficialMultiple Recommendations
24Teach truth as it was given to us by Christ.Catechesis
25Honestly all of the above must happen!Multiple Recommendations
26End the sexual abuse by priests. I have very little respect for a priest until I get to know themLeadership Reforms
27Take away ALL Novus ordo heretical/schismatic masses and have ONLY pre-55 traditional Latin masses that are NOT in communion with the heretic Bergoglio.Return to Tradition
28All of the above Multiple Recommendations
29Better training of priests. Currently most diocesan priests don't believe in confession, the real presence, sin.Leadership Reforms, Catechesis
30Include in the catechizing the promotion of such books as A Cardiologist Examines Jesus: The Stunning Science behind Eucharistic Miracles, by Dr. Franco Serafini.Catechesis
31Communion kneeling and Priest celebrating Mass Ad OrientumReturn to Tradition
32Promote the sacrament of Confession as necessary before receiving the Eucharist Confession
33Expand access to the Tridentine liturgy which emphasizes reverence, transcendence, and Christ as being forever a victim of sacrifice on our behalfReturn to Tradition
34We've done a lot of damage to our Church with weak Bishops and Priests (Pope). Double messages, cover-ups, more concern about not offending the congregation that speaking clear truths. Is it any surprise that we are going the way of Protestants.. Our Leadership Reforms
35in my previous comment, greater education on MassCatechesis
36This is difficult... return to kneelers with catechist would lessen extraordinary ministers, etc.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
37Only consecrated hands should touch the most Blessed Sacrament!Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
38All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
39Witness, catechize and opportunities to meet Jesus in the Eucharist.Catechesis
40Catechizing priests & the faithful would drive them to receiving on the tongue and naturally eliminate EMHCs while encouraging greater reverence. Catechesis, Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
41Preach on worthy reception, mortal sin, confession and three hour fastConfession
42promote adoration and do so by their own witnessAdoration
43Facilitate encounters with the living God through ACTS, Cursillo, CRHP, etc. and provide opportunities to foster and teach personal prayer, it’s at home and in adoration. Add perpetual adoration chapels. That’s where I fell in love with Jesus!Adoration, Catechesis
44I liked the railing where you were kneeling. I know this would be difficult to do.Return to Tradition
45All of them, but the faithful need to be catechized.. during homilies etc.Multiple Recommendations
46All of the above!!!Multiple Recommendations
47Receiving on the tongue with altar rails and cutting out extraordinary ministers. Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
48More education about the mass and the Eucharist Catechesis
49Allow and encourage the Traditional Latin Mass. This setting organically provides many of, not just one of, these options listed. But of those listed above, kneeling and receiving on the tongue communicates intuitively to the soul, the reality of the grandeur of what they are participating in. Return to Tradition
50All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
51ALL ALL ALL of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
52Two are required. Receive kneeling on the tongue only from priest or deacon.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
53Bring back the Latin Mass. Our pastor started to celebrate but Pope shut it down. Return to Tradition
54Honestly, all of these, and continue to repeat them all!Multiple Recommendations
55Dressing modestly and remembering that you are at a wedding banquetReverence
56I would say the reception of the Eucharist in general needs to be re-reformed. No EMHC’s, receive while kneeling and on the tongue. How do you choose just one when they all go together?Return to Tradition
57Realize what has happened since V2 and defend authentic Holy Mother Church and her lambs, as you are supposed to.Return to Tradition
58Mandate the reception of holy communion kneeling on the tongue not just encourage Return to Tradition
59Establish the Traditional Latin Mass universally. Return to Tradition
60Bishops need to do all the aboveMultiple Recommendations
61Proper Catechesis would eliminate essentially all of the issues pertaining to irreverence towards and abuse of the Holy Eucharist. If only it were emphasized and everyone understood that they are indeed receiving Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, all would kneel, receive on the tongue via consecrated hands, and would attend Eucharistic processions and Mass as often as possible.Catechesis
62Offer the Traditional Latin MassReturn to Tradition
63Offering the Traditional Latin Mass at your parishes throughout the DioceseReturn to Tradition
64It has to be all of the above.Multiple Recommendations
65All of the above Multiple Recommendations
66All of the above especially #1Multiple Recommendations
67Ad orientum-emphasis that liturgy is about the worship and adoration of God, not geared toward the priest or the peopleReturn to Tradition
68While all of the above items are important and needed, the crucial thing that needs to change is that the NO rite needs to be abandoned in favor of the usus antiquior. Bishops should do everything they possibly can to nurture the availability of traditional Masses in their dioceses.Multiple Recommendations
69However each of these points are extremely important and need to be addressed Multiple Recommendations
70A combination of eliminating EMOHC completely, offering reception while kneeling and on the tongue, and catechized the faithful. It has to be a combination. One thing alone isn't going to fix this issue.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
71All of the above. Multiple Recommendations
72All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
73Stop being weirdos and restore the married presbyterateOther
74Get rid of the Novus ordo created by Protestants in league with free Masonic clergy Return to Tradition
75ELIMINATE receiving the Eucharist in the hand and extraordinary ministers from distributing unless actually NECESSARY..Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
76Emphasize finding Christ in both neighbor and Sacrament. Serving the poor. Abandon their silly culture wars. Other
77Too difficult to pick one. Withhold the Eucharist from public officials who obstinately reject Catholic teaching, to bring awareness to more people and absolutely eliminate Extraordinary MinistersMultiple Recommendations, Canon 915, Limit Extraordinary Ministers
78All of the above. Multiple Recommendations
79All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
80Ensure that the clergy always model proper reverence.Reverence
81Allow the uninhibited use of traditional Latin mass, as many of the remedies are encapsulated under this solution.Return to Tradition
82Please see my previous wordsOther
83Care for our lgbtq brothers and sisters better Other
84Ad orientem Novus ordo mass Return to Tradition
85Teach God's Truth, Tell the Truth and Practice the TruthCatechesis
86All of the above Multiple Recommendations
87Have the tabernacle front and center where it is supposed to be. In some churches, you need a GPS to find it!Tabernacle Location
88All of the above applyMultiple Recommendations
89Change frequency of Confession/Penance recommendation to twice a month or monthly.Confession
90Discontinue the Novus Ordo and return to the 1954 Missal Return to Tradition
91Allow the TLM in all parishesReturn to Tradition
92Celebrate and encourage the traditional Latin MassReturn to Tradition
93To exhort one Cardinal to say that the Pope is deadOther
94Restore the’54Return to Tradition
95Be totally Catholic!Personal Witness
96Seminary training !Catechesis
97Publically renounce heresiesLeadership Reforms
98Emphasize the importance of making a proper confession prior to reception of Holy Communion.Confession
99These recommendations can't be separated from one another. They must go hand in hand in order to be successful.Multiple Recommendations
100Each one imperative to this issue!! its ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
101Talk about the real presence often.Catechesis
102Put the Tabernacle in the center of every Catholic Church in this country and have the priest say Mass facing Our Lord. Let our priests be shepherds leading their flock by example - not sitting high up in the center themselves. It's a travesty that in many churches you have to search for the Tabernacle. If the Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our faith, why is He pushed off to the side in so many churches?Tabernacle Location, Personal Witness
103Priests should not just be men- open to all qualified and educated. Church should not harbor and protect those who molest. No more forced group sleepovers Confirmation. CCD should families not kids only. Catechesis
104Catechize and withhold from public officials who reject true teachingCanon 915, Catechesis
105ALL OF THE ABOVE - all equal importance & crucial to this topicMultiple Recommendations
106All answers above should be allowed, as they are all completely true!!!Multiple Recommendations
107Only allow the practice of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling AND eliminate Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
108Improve the way the liturgy is practiced. The atmosphere of mysticism and transcendence is critical in indicating to a person that the Mass really is heaven on earth. More Latin, incense, Sanctus bells, theologically accurate music, etc. Return to Tradition
109I humbly request that the bishops promote and expand the use of the Extraordinary form of the Roman RiteReturn to Tradition
110I would ban communion in the handReturn to Tradition
111All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
112There’s quite a few church’s I’ve seen that don’t even have kneelers. People need to know the importance of kneeling for our Lord as a reminder that is God and He lives in and through the Eucharist. People need to kneel when taking the Eucharist and by tongue. Return to Tradition
113Expand Traditional Latin MassReturn to Tradition
114Offer one Mass on Sunday mornings where a kneeler is available, next to the priest, for parishioners to receive Holy Communion on their knees and on their tongue - with a paten - actions convey more than encouragementsReturn to Tradition
115Return to the ancient liturgy and let God work in usReturn to Tradition
116All of the above are needed!Multiple Recommendations
117All of the above I can’t choose only oneMultiple Recommendations
118Change nothing Other
119CATECHIZE THE FAITHFUL in ways that they can remember, are easy to digest, are free, and freely available - it should not cost money or be hard to discover the truth that has been freely given to us!!!!!Catechesis
120We need stronger leaders that preach the faith , not “cancel” holy priests trying to do that Leadership Reforms
121Embrace the faithful who love the Latin Mass instead of making them 3rd class citizens or nagging and hurting them, tempting them to leave for schismatic groups! Encourage more reverence from availability of more Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite Masses as Pope Benedict outlined in 2007; Bishops stop the unfair, heart-breaking and demoralizing treatment of faithful -esp. young Catholics who love the Old Rite. It seems anti-pastoral. Enough with the lame, cringy modern church music and decor! We need beauty in Church music and Churches. Apologize for locking the faithful out during covid. Return to Tradition, Reverence
122Talk about current events and how Catholics deal with it. Talk about spirituality Catechesis
123Promote a greater awareness of the supernaturalCatechesis
124Invite to have a relationship with JesusOther
125All of the above Multiple Recommendations
126Removing homosexuals and other heretics from the clergy. Leadership Reforms
127Get rid of extraordinary ministers and encourage receiving on the tongue and kneelingLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
128All of the above is neededMultiple Recommendations
129All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
130Fire bad bishops. That would be most of them.Leadership Reforms
131Combination of the second and third one above as part of the Catechesis. Third one should focus on prayer of thanksgiving after reception.Prayer, Catechesis
132Return the NO to a more TLM mass. More Latin bring back at least 1/2 of the prayers 1962 removed. Turn ad orientum retrain the irreverent priests. No lay people or woman on altar. Enforce modest dress Return to Tradition
133Show more events about the miracles of the Eucharist. Such as the fessed Carlo Arcturus poster displayCatechesis
134All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
135And eliminate communion in handReturn to Tradition
136Pray for an out pouring of the HOLY SPIRIT upon the laity...They need to be called back and encounter CHRIST THEMSELVESPrayer
137The priests and bishops must show deep reverence for our Lord during the Eucharistic Liturgy, the Presentation of the Holy Eucharist and post Communion. So many previous cut short the Liturgy, rush through it, do not raise the Host or the Communion up to Heaven; the Deacons don’t kneel; Deacon, Priest, Eucharistic Ministers don’t know where to bow when on the altar—each of them bowing in different directions (not towards the Tabernacle); the music is Protestant kumbaya sappy song. The priest no longer prays the Litany of Saints. When cleaning & purifying the Holy vessels it’s rushed & chaotic. Sometimes an announcement is made for an additional collection just before or immediately following Holy Communion. No prayers are ever said post Communion. It’s a circus. Clearly there’s a huge problem with lack of belief among the clergy! The Shepherds casual disrespect of our Lord transmits to the faithful. Recatechize Catechesis, Personal Witness, Reverence
138All of the above and education is the key. Multiple Recommendations
139Teaching congregation about the mass and how to use proper posture throughout the mass. Catechesis
140All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
141Get rid of the mass of Paul VI and all the sanctuaries built to accommodate it.Return to Tradition
142Encourage your flock to attend the Latin Mass. Return to Tradition
143Stop protecting child predators and encourage reverence for the Eucharist Leadership Reforms, Reverence
144Change the liturgy of the Eucharist back to Latin.Return to Tradition
145Celebrate Latin Mass without any noise on weekdays. Mary sat at Jesus' feet listening to him. The world is noisy and people have become bad listenersReturn to Tradition
146Traditional churches and format appeals to usReturn to Tradition
147Emphasis at the early age in catechism classes needs to be every year not just onceCatechesis
148Make the Traditional Latin Mass more widely available Return to Tradition
149I cannot pick one, All of the above!! Multiple Recommendations
150all of the above… Multiple Recommendations
151Restore Latin Mass and receive the Eucharist in Tongue while kneeling Return to Tradition
152Living it more deeply himself. Holiness is attractive and believable Personal Witness
153All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
154ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
155Ad OrientumReturn to Tradition
156All of the above + TLM Multiple Recommendations
157All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
158All of the above are necessary!!Multiple Recommendations
159Get rid of so-called Eucharistic, ministers, female altar, boys, and female lecturesLimit Extraordinary Ministers
160Teach them about Eucharistic miraclesCatechesis
161All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
162Return to the Vetus Ordo Mass. Take Summorum Pontificum seriously.Return to Tradition
163Prohibit reception in the hands. It is sacrilegious and always results in particles getting trampled. About 1 out of every 7 hand distributions leaves a macroscopic particle behind in the recipient's hands, which then falls when they lower their hands.Return to Tradition
164ALL of the above, but especially exposure to the Traditional Latin Mass! Multiple Recommendations
165All of the above are of great necessity!Multiple Recommendations
166ALL of the above!!!!!Multiple Recommendations
167All of the above ... but organize on -going private and public prayers of petition for this cause. Prayer is the answer to everything!Multiple Recommendations
168Include in homilies examples from lives of saints, ancient & new, examples of Eucharistic devotion and/or miracles.Catechesis
169Rid the Church of architecture and art that work against a sense of the sacred. De-emphasize social events and re-emphasize spiritual events. Teach priests in formation how to preach intelligently, cogently, and with emphasis on and explanation of dogma.Catechesis, Return to Tradition
170Promote the Traditional Latin Mass everywhere and offer it themselves publicly.Return to Tradition
171All of the above Multiple Recommendations
172Increase Catholic Social Teaching effortsCatechesis
173I choose #1, encouraging the practice of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling but I don't know if I can add anything extra in any of the other questions so I'm adding it here. I don't go to Mass etc. because of my health. If I could I would go as often as possible and the same for Eucharistic Adoration. Also to the question of how long have I been a Catholic - yes from birth but I left for many years only going occasionally. I only returned 2.5 years ago.Return to Tradition
174All are very important, but starting with catechizing.Multiple Recommendations
175Reception kneeling, Mass ad orientemReturn to Tradition
176Only priests should give Holy Communion and kneeling on the tongue.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
177All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
178All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
179Allow and promote the Tridentine MassReturn to Tradition
180Return to the Traditional Latin MassReturn to Tradition
181No one of these can do it. 1-4 are all important. My area is rich in 5. 6 alone would be misunderstood.Multiple Recommendations
182Ensure that the priests actually believe in the real presence and prove it in their homilies and behavior!Leadership Reforms, Personal Witness
183All of the above, with equal and unreserved attention.Multiple Recommendations
184Live out the change I specified earlier is the biggest. Professions and adoration also would help in my opinion.Adoration, Personal Witness
185All of the above are imperative to improve belief in the real presence!Multiple Recommendations
186Move tabernacle to center of celebration, replace altar crucifix, celebrate ad orientum, encourage reception on tongue, kneeling.Return to Tradition
187All of the above. Multiple Recommendations
188All of the AboveMultiple Recommendations
189All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
190Traditional Latin Mass accomplishes all the aboveReturn to Tradition
191All of the above are very important!!Multiple Recommendations
192All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
193All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
194I choose all of these ..but I know I can only pick oneMultiple Recommendations
195Return to the Roman Rite instead of the New RiteReturn to Tradition
196Catechize the faithful + Encourage greater reverenceCatechesis, Reverence
197I’m offended by the solutions you propose in this survey. They are short sided and would be a superficial response to a very complex problem. Other
198Priests modeling greater reverence for the Eucharist.Personal Witness, Reverence
199Abolish the New mass completely.Return to Tradition
200Live your full faith including all of the above where your people can see YOU. Stay out in your parishes and celebrate without Extraordinary Ministers, allow me to teach the First Communicants to receive kneeling rather than require them to ‘take Him’ standing in the hand, lead a proper Benediction rather than permit parishes to have an extraordinary minister plop Him in the monstrance and unceremoniously back into the tabernacle at the end of the obligatory hour of Adoration in the middle of the work day when most parishioners cannot attend, open your churches so at least one church within a 30 minute drive is open at least 24 hours a day, call on the people (and your pastors) to make it happen, call on them again until we do. Dying on Calvary for our sins was willed by the Father, neglecting/abusing Him now is not. Multiple Recommendations
201Terminate the so-called “Novus Ordo” with extreme prejudice Return to Tradition
202All of the above. But if pressed for 1, eliminate extraordinary ministers and the practice of communion in the handMultiple Recommendations
203Restore the Mass of the Ages and send the Novus Irdo to the dustbin of history.Return to Tradition
204Get rid of bishop Malley who is cancelling good holy priests for his own agendaLeadership Reforms
205All need to be done. Mostly importantly, holy Vatican officials need to be an example... when people leave, they always tell me it's because of clergy, and the Pope Multiple Recommendations
206The whole ethos of the N.O. must be abolished if there is any hope of saving the Church. The Anglican communion service must go. Return to Tradition
207All of the above are needed because it has gotten so far out of controlMultiple Recommendations
208I checked other because I could only check one. My #1 recommendation is both receiving on the tongue while kneeling, and eliminating Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
209I have to say both the first and last suggestion. Receive Communion on the tongue and kneeling and eliminate Eucharistic ministers. To me they are equally important. Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
210All the above equally Multiple Recommendations
211All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
212Get the Holy Eucharist OUT of the unconsecrated hands of the laity.Limit Extraordinary Ministers
213All the above Multiple Recommendations
214All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
215Numbers 2 and 3 together. Catechize people, but not in a way that just conveys information, but earnestly stressing the sacrifice made out of love, so that we show respect and love for Christ’s Body and Blood. Catechesis
216All of the above + promulgate the Latin MassMultiple Recommendations
217Homilies that actually relate to the lay Catholics' lives. Actually explaining the reasoning and meaning of the real presence. Catechesis
218Stop considering that the Eucharist is a prize for the pure.Other
219All of the above Multiple Recommendations
220All of these exist only in the Novus Ordo so abolishing that would be my #1 recommendationMultiple Recommendations, Return to Tradition
221Bishops should preach and teach this frequently, model reverence and demand it from priests, and show in their own behavior that they believe (no lockdowns, refusal of Communion to pro-abort politicians, etc.)Canon 915, Catechesis, Reverence, Leadership Reforms
222Behave before, during and after Mass as if you are in the presence of the King of the Universe. Reverence
223Add a public profession of Eucharist faith to the order of the Mass, like that said in the Byzantine church. Make the laity say that they know and understand what the Eucharist is every time they receive it.Other
224All of the above! Multiple Recommendations
225All are important, can't just pick one.Multiple Recommendations
226Ad orientum worship is a mustReturn to Tradition
227Eliminate Eucharistic ministers, communion kneeling and on tongue, confessions before Holy Mass, teach what a sacrilege is, the Eucharist received in Mortal sin / sacrilege is a major issue Confession, Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
228That our priests would ALWAYS reflect and be a witness to the Truth of what is happening at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. What taught me most deeply about the Real Presence was attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where a holy, devout, and orthodox priest who reflected by his manor and actions the reality of the Real Presence. May God bless and sanctify our priests.Personal Witness
229The clergy in general need to demonstrate reverence for the Eucharist in ALL things in which their influence if evident in order to set an example for others that THEY BELIEVE in the Real Presence THEMSELVES! All of the things listed are highly important, but none are as important as publicly leading by example Personal Witness, Reverence
230Increase the number of Traditional Latin MassesReturn to Tradition
231Teaching from the pulpit isn’t enough- peoples eyes glaze over. Shake up the people and start everyone talking by eliminating EMHC and telling people to receive in the tongue while kneeling. Both simultaneously will cause a shift in routine and start the conversation. Otherwise people’s will continue on as they are because it’s good enough. Catechesis, Limit Extraordinary Ministers
232I feel that it should be a combination of all beginning with education; however, as the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink! Going back to kneeling at the altar and receiving on the tongue might get to point across.Multiple Recommendations
233The GREATEST contagion to belief in the Real Presence, is a Holy Priest who so deeply believes in the Real Presence himself that he can’t help but show it! Period. Nuns and Priests who share their own genuine belief teach by example. My pastor shares home traditions with us that helps families practice the faith at home. We need that kind of exemplary example to foster our families. Personal Witness
234ALL of the above, I do not believe there's 1 quick answerMultiple Recommendations
235Reminding the faithful that the Mass is worshiping God, not ourselves. Celebrate ad orientem and sing the Mass itself instead of honey homocentric pop songs that make us feel good about ourselves. Emphasize the Mass as our participation in the work of Christ on our behalf instead of what we do. Stop trying to make people feel good about themselves and worry more about saving their souls. Catechesis, Return to Tradition
236I believe both option 2, catechize the faithful, option 3 greater reverence for Eucharist, and option 6 eliminate extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion as this is often abused and misused. I have witnessed there being 8 EM FOR A SMALL PARISH!!!! This is not acceptable. We need to be discouraging clapping during mass and limit all the announcements during NO mass. Catechesis, Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Reverence
237All choices would be good but the most important thing is to bring back a sense of MYSTERY around the altar. Our priests, deacons and servers must behave as if what's happening there is real. Lex credendi, lex orandi.Multiple Recommendations
238I want two of these as best - receive kneeling and ax the “extraordinary” (which have become FAR TOO ORDINARY) ministers Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
239More education on the Eucharist so that parishioners may have a deeper understanding of Christ’s presence Catechesis
240Really specify what harms and sins merit abstaining from the Eucharist Confession, Catechesis
241Catechize them in how the Old Testament foreshadows the Eucharist as well!Catechesis
242Allow other faiths to receive Other
243All of the above??Multiple Recommendations
244I’m military and I’ve seen time and again how what leadership treats as important (not just in word but in deed) sets the tone for everyone else. Leadership Reforms, Personal Witness
245Bringing back the TLM would take care of all those issues, because they’re all important and would make a difference.Return to Tradition
246All of the above , without exceptionMultiple Recommendations
247All of the above. Multiple Recommendations
248End the sexual revolution's influence on the Mass: the Novus Ordo as prescribed by Vatican II is a profound Mass.Return to Tradition
249Getti ng rid of a morally corrupt episcopate that are poisoning the faith.Leadership Reforms
250Encourage - or at least don't discourage - ad orientem in the Novus Ordo.Return to Tradition
251The restoration of the traditional Latin mass and please please bring back altar rails and receiving on the tongue while kneeling Return to Tradition
252Offer adoration, teach on its value, encourage frequent confession, teach the truth even when unpopular.Confession, Catechesis, Adoration
253every church should have an adoration chapel open 24/7Adoration
254Make the TLM mandatory and forbid the New OrderReturn to Tradition
255Build more and preserve glorious Catholic spaces. The Hollywood Monastery closed in the last year for no real reason. Beautiful Catholic spaces remind people how sacred our religion is and inspires the masses. Many churches look like conference rooms. Los Angeles is a very large city but has few if any Latin Mass offerings. I am interested in the Monastery of the Angels reopening and becoming a place that the public is invited to. Many tried to support it and it’s disheartening that it closed with no true explanation why Catholics would give up such a location.Return to Tradition
256End the Novus Ordo immediately, mandating all priests to exclusively offer the true Roman MassReturn to Tradition
257All of the above plus, I would recommend reaching out to the Society of St. Pius X and other Traditional communities to round out your Coalition. Though there are a great many leaders on your team, there is a Traditional 'hole' that really needs to be filled.Multiple Recommendations
258Eliminate the Novus OrdoReturn to Tradition
260All of the above are major in my opinion. Doesn’t our Lord merit everything we could possibly do and infinitely more? Yes.Multiple Recommendations
261I wanted to choose 2. I think reminding the faithful communion does not absolve mortal sins. There’s a stark contrast in reverent parishes to non reverent parishes. In reverent parishes it’s about a 70/30 split of those who receive and those who don’t. In non reverent parishes basically 99% of people receive. Reverence
262All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
263Sprinkles in more Latin, encourage partaking in the Blessed Sacrament while kneeling (and tongue), and encourage more revenant music (I attended a Novus ordo Mass where they used a kazoo and played a jazzy song, which was completely inappropriate)Return to Tradition
264All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
265Ad orientum mass towards the Tabernacle containing His Body Blood Soul and Divinity. It is assumed in the Novus Ordo Rubrics and taught by the saints and the Tradition of the Church. Face God. Turning away from God is the definition of Sin. Return to Tradition
266Hard to say, my girlfriend talked to me of attending mass(holy days obligation), my grandmother(104) told me to go to confession. We need to somehow get people to mass. I like lay people involvement.Confession
267Priests and deacons should act more reverently. All else will followPersonal Witness, Reverence
268Receiving kneeling and on tongue no Eucharistic ministersReturn to Tradition
269All of the above and more.Multiple Recommendations
270return to the Tridentine Mass and fire Bergoglio!!!Leadership Reforms, Return to Tradition
271Return exclusively to the Latin MassReturn to Tradition
272Combination of receiving from a priest only AND on the tongue while kneelingReturn to Tradition
273Force reception of kneeling on the tongue with a paten. Return to Tradition
274Publicize the lab tests that confirmed the Eucharist is made of living human heart cells. This is what convinced me completely.Catechesis
275I can’t suggest just one of these. It would create cognitive dissonance and incoherence to increase Eucharistic events but do nothing about communion rails /communion in the hand. The church must courageously identify and address the root causes of the decline in belief in the real presence. The church is in crisis, and the response should be comprehensive and robust, almost like that of doctors responding to a heart attack by addressing all aspects of the issue. Our souls are eternal and we depend on the Eucharist. We must approach the source and summit of our faith with a strong, bold, and holistic solution. Multiple Recommendations
276Restore the law of the Church to receive on the tongue and the stress the importance of receiving worthilyReturn to Tradition
277I would say without a doubt that reintroducing kneeling and receiving on tongue EXCLUSIVELY from the priest is #1. It completely changed my reverence when I started attending TLM. Sorry but it’s a fact! Never receiving from a lay person again. It’s wayyyy to casual and to be frank disrespectful, for lack of better terms, toward our Lord. People are so ignorant that it’s GOD because we act like a Protestant church in many ways. We’re not supposed to fit in, we’re supposed to stand out. Period. Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
278Promote the Latin mass as the only mass. Return to Tradition
279Actually, all of the above are most important.Multiple Recommendations
280Return to the TLM which will reduce if not resolve all of these problems. The Mass is a form of catechism. Lex Orandi, lex credendi.Return to Tradition
281MORE SILENCEReverence
282And receive kneeling on the tongue. Equally important Return to Tradition
283Encouraging reverence sets the tone, but it goes to formation-what is God's divine plan. We need to hear priests guide us about modesty, offering our little sacrifices, fasting and praying more often, and not approving things that outside of God's plan, like separation in marriage, watching inappropriate media, etc. We need to get back to basics or we will lose more generations of Catholics. Priests meeting with groups of women, men, youth-girls, youth-boys, and children to encourage them in their walk. Priests should support homeschooling groups and schools that do not compromise on the beliefs of the faith, including in hiring teachers that abide by the Creed. Reverence
284Most of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
285Ad orientem & reemphasis on sacrifice. Return to Tradition
286Focus the youth that no longer attend but are of Catholic families Other
287All of the above Multiple Recommendations
288Restoration and promotion of the Tridentine Mass which encompasses all of these things within itself.Return to Tradition
289All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
290Returning to Latin prayers in order to unify all Catholics across all languages and nationalities. As well as overt and official recognition of Eucharistic miracles.Return to Tradition
291Put the tabernacle back on the main altar.Tabernacle Location
292all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
293Both kneeling and on the tongue and eliminate extraordinary ministers. Equally damagingLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
294Require Real Presence/Catechesis sermons of all priests.Catechesis
295ALLMultiple Recommendations
296Allow the TLM. The Novus ordo is invalid. Return to Tradition
297All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
298Restore the Traditional Latin Mass.Return to Tradition
299laicize the priests who are practicing perversionsLeadership Reforms
300Prosecute the sexual deviantsLeadership Reforms
301All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
302Too many of these items need another to substantiate them. Multiple Recommendations
303TLM only. Ignore Bergoglio the heretic Return to Tradition
304All of the above Multiple Recommendations
305The environment of the church. Return of altar rails, traditional art and architecture, move the Eucharist into a place of prominence Return to Tradition
306Restore the Traditional Latin Mass and phase out the new MassReturn to Tradition
307Selecting one recommendation is a joke, when so many flaws since Vat II have caused he havoc that exists at Mass at present!Multiple Recommendations
308I SUPPORT RECOMMENDATIONS 1, 2, 3, 4, AND 5. Multiple Recommendations
309I seldom attend because of Churches being closed from COVID. Making appointments is ridiculous and a big turnoff. May as well shutdown ALL Churches for good. Leadership Reforms
310personal sanctification through the Mass/Holy EucharistOther
311All of the above. Jesus is worth it.Multiple Recommendations
312All of the above. Remove the homosexual predators from the seminaries and get back to the Priesthood as Jesus commissioned it to be! Multiple Recommendations
313The promulgation of the TLM and the end of the Novus Ordo liturgy Return to Tradition
314Educate us what sins are mortal, that they needed to be confessed before receiving Communion or you are committing sacrilege, and that you must confess all mortal sins or you are committing blasphemy. Especially those who have sex outside of marriage or are using contraception. Offer NFP classes or promote apps for it.Catechesis
315All of these immediately Multiple Recommendations
316Bringing back receiving Holy Communion at altar rails & using this change as an opportunity to educate on God's dignity & the dignity of the human person (i.e. The Eucharist is Jesus/God and in that sacred moment He is coming to unite with us Body, Blood, Soul, & Divinity) etc. Return to Tradition
317Connect Scripture, Tradition, and Worship to Evangelization, Charity, and JusticeReturn to Tradition
318All of the above but the combination of reverence and withholding from public officials are the top two in my opinionMultiple Recommendations
319Teach the congregation about Eucharistic miracles.Catechesis
320Clergy needs to act as if they believe.Personal Witness
321All of the above are necessary!!!!!! You can just pick one of them. They are ALL important.Multiple Recommendations
322Offer more confession. Confession
323All of the above Multiple Recommendations
324All of the above statements Multiple Recommendations
325All of the above Multiple Recommendations
326THESE ARE EQUALLY IMPORTANT!Multiple Recommendations
327Teach while increasing times for adoration, be an example of devotionCatechesis, Adoration, Personal Witness
328Catechize the faithful and withhold the Eucharist from public officials who obstinately reject Catholic teaching.Canon 915, Catechesis
329A generous time of Silence after reception of the Eucharist Reverence
330Sexual abuse by priests, terrible RCIA in most Catholic parishes, Rome corruption, a non-Catholic Pope. I could go on!!Leadership Reforms
331all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
332Invite people to respond to the Gospel and then catechize them in stagesCatechesis
333All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
334Better Catechesis and altar rails to receive kneeling and receiving on tongue go hand in hand you have to understand why you’re doing something or at the very least it helps Return to Tradition
335Bring back the traditions and the traditional Latin MassReturn to Tradition
336All the above Multiple Recommendations
337All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
338Make reconciliation more available - before mass like before.Confession
339how can you improve people's faith in the Real Presence without doing all of these and more.Multiple Recommendations
340Stop being self-righteous, arrogant and cruel. Other
341All of the above including exclusive of the Tridentine Latin Mass in a canonically regular status.Multiple Recommendations
342return to tradition, and work from there. Please, we need you. Many of us are willing to travel 4 hours for a Mass as we truly believe in our faith, and we know that our priests are true shepherds, but such priests are either over worked and cannot perform to their best, or they just aren't there. But we are being failed by the church.Return to Tradition
343Return to the Tridentine MassReturn to Tradition
344All of aboveMultiple Recommendations
345catechize about reverence in dress, genuflecting, worthy reception, including withholding communion from those who publicly reject Catholic teaching.Canon 915, Catechesis, Reverence
346All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
347Bring people to a close relationship to Christ which can illuminate everything in regards to catechizing. Catechesis
348All the above are #1. Nothing else matters.Multiple Recommendations
349Per Council of Trent, only a priest with consecrated fingers is supposed to ever touch the Eucharist. A Deacon only in an emergencyLimit Extraordinary Ministers
350All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
351All of the above!!!Multiple Recommendations
352They should have the humility to admit that after all these 50+ years, the fruits of Vatican 2 have contributed to the lack of belief in the presence of Our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist. Once and for all, eliminate Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion, whose hands are unconsecrated. Many NO Catholics attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass only on Sundays; and yet they do not even have the privilege of receiving Communion from their own priest. Why would they believe then, that any layperson should be given such an honor?Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
353Eliminate contemporary music that has a deadly secularizing effect on the Mass, replace it with genuine traditional Catholic chant in the vernacular or Latin or a mixture. Invest in educating music directors, pay they a reasonable salary, and treat them as respected members of parish lay ministry, no more ignorant incompetent volunteers who scratch and hammer at the piano. Sorry about the rant but earplugs would be a great worship aid.Return to Tradition
354all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
355Eliminate anyone with non consecrated hands to administer Holy CommunionLimit Extraordinary Ministers
356All of the above Multiple Recommendations
357All of these are critical Multiple Recommendations
358There should have a year highlighting the Sacrament of Confession prior to the Year of the Eucharist. If so many are ok with using Contraception or missing Mass on Sundays, etc., our lives must be right with God firstConfession
359Reverence, catechize, Eucharistic events, withhold the Eucharist from anyone who rejects the catholic teaching. Canon 915, Catechesis, Reverence
360Universally restore the TLMReturn to Tradition
361Exclusively Offer The Traditional Latin Mass Return to Tradition
362Greater (MUCH greater) availability of the TLM. Return to Tradition
363Bring back the Tridentine Rite.Return to Tradition
364Return to the Tridentine Mass exclusively Return to Tradition
365Quit being ‘milquetoast’ during the homily. Speak about the evil we are confronting in our culture. Catechesis
366Education on transubstantiation and kneeling while receiving the Holy Eucharist on the tongue by clergy onlyReturn to Tradition
367Go back to before V II - Better yet go back to The Council of Trent Return to Tradition
368All of them, in addition to allowing the Latin Masses to grow unrestricted. They should be granted when there is the first request.Multiple Recommendations
369Flood the news with the scientific evidence of Eucharistic Miracles. People just don't know about them!Catechesis
370Remove all restrictions on the Latin MassReturn to Tradition
371restore the Tridentine Latin Mass to every parishReturn to Tradition
372All of the above!!!Multiple Recommendations
373Second, and very close, is withholding the Eucharist from public officials who openly reject Church teachingCanon 915
374The way the priest handles and speaks of the Sacred Species.Personal Witness, Reverence
375Our Bishop is hurting good priest and lay people and is very leftistLeadership Reforms
376Live like YOU believe in the Real PresencePersonal Witness
377All of the above 🙂Multiple Recommendations
378Restore TLM & traditional calendar at every parish, retire NOMReturn to Tradition
379Repent of sin and wickedness and be shepherds as Jesus taught. Leadership Reforms
380Promote the Mass young families love: the traditional Latin Mass.Return to Tradition
381I feel that catechization and encouraging reverence would go hand in handCatechesis
382Teach the orthodox catholic faith instead of the modernism that you bishops have been teaching for yrs.Catechesis
383There isn’t one thing that needs to be prioritized over another. This is like looking at a quadruple amputee and asking which limb to re-attach first.Multiple Recommendations
384All of the above except the last (but only use them for major events or at gigantic parishes) and with the realization that diplomacy doesn’t always make withholding the Eucharist to certain public officials possibleMultiple Recommendations
385Do ALL of the above!Multiple Recommendations
386Return to Latin Traditional MassReturn to Tradition
387Making missionary disciples (book) build Catholic community, teach others about the faith, send them to build up their own disciples. Young people just aren’t interested in the Mass, unless they had an encounter. Many young people fall away. I’d honestly recommend having FOCUS at more parishes. I believe in it 100%, they do great work Catechesis
388Emphasis on Confession, plus Eucharistic reception on the tongue.Confession, Return to Tradition
389I'm a TradCat and all of the above are performed in my church. Multiple Recommendations
390Disbelief that one is worthy, that one is really loved by God and believing one has to choose between parents and God when most families are broken.Other
391All of the above!!Multiple Recommendations
392 Mandate how to receive Eucharist reverently while teaching why.Catechesis, Reverence
393All of the above! Multiple Recommendations
394All of the above! Plus, emphasize the need for confession and being in a state of grace before receiving the EucharistMultiple Recommendations
395All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
396All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
397All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
398Preserve and increase the Traditional Latin Mass. All of these recommendations are important, but are so interconnected that I cannot choose one of these to be the top priority. In the TLM, by virtue of the rubrics for the liturgy, there is already a sense of greater reverence for our Eucharistic Lord, much better catechesis, communion on the tongue while kneeling, no one but the priest handling the sacred species, and more silence that would allow for my prayer. In summary, restoring the ancient liturgy and normalizing it again will result in a greater (if not, full) belief in the Real Presence.Return to Tradition
399I am presently a member of a parish with 6 days of Confession before Holy Mass but I think priests should emphasize Confession and receiving Holy Communion in the state of grace and genuflecting or bowing in reverence before receiving. And Thanksgiving after Holy Communion.Confession
400All of the above. You cannot separate the issues. Multiple Recommendations
401Both increased catechizes and increased Eucharistic events they go Hand in handCatechesis
402All the above !!!! Especially receiving communion in the tongue, and not giving communion to public figures who are outspoken against Church teachings Multiple Recommendations
403All of the these are necessary! When I was raised in the Latin Mass AND I miss it! Multiple Recommendations
404All of the above!!Multiple Recommendations
405None of the above will bring people back to the church. Returning to Vatican 1 will absolutely not bring people back to the church. Encourage acceptance and forgiveness like Jesus taught. Prosecute abusers and pay the victims Other
406Catechesis on the existence, nature, qualities of God that can be known by simple philosophy that even children can comprehend and use of 21st century science to debunk the evolutionary origins belief they get from school and the culture.Catechesis
407Kneeling for Eucharist and Mass Ad Orientem. Return to Tradition
408Increase confession times. You assume too much. Confession
409I can’t choose—all are needed desperately!Multiple Recommendations
410All of the above are equally important to get back to sacred tradition.Multiple Recommendations
411provide opportunities to help lay people learn more about their faith and how to apply it personally. Catechesis
412All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
413All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
414ALL THE ABOVE!Multiple Recommendations
415all of the above, especially Catechize the faithful (e.g., transubstantiation, worthy reception, etc.)Multiple Recommendations
416All of the above Multiple Recommendations
417Catechize the faithful of its importanceCatechesis
418Even more than catechize the faithful. Teach reverence. Share real experiences in your homilies. Catechesis
419Increase the faith of the CelebrantsLeadership Reforms
420Teach about fragments of the Eucharist lost in most parishes due to reception in the hand. Teach about how to stop that desecration. Catechesis
421Ensure that they ordain only priests actually believe in the Catholic faith. Leadership Reforms
422Withhold the Eucharist from public officials who blatantly Reject the Catholic teaching, eliminate extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, more respect in church and during Mass; silence, no cleavage, modest dress, increase fasting time, parents of noisy/crying/distracting children to be respectful of the Sacrifice at which they are present - respectful of the priest and parishioners Canon 915, Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Reverence
423Promote and teach the Traditional Latin Mass, all other above topics will naturally followReturn to Tradition
424Offer traditional Latin mass exclusively in all parishes and abandon post conciliar sacraments. Return to Tradition
425All of the above, duh.Multiple Recommendations
426Act like Catholic bishops instead of corporate managers.Leadership Reforms
427Denounce LGBTQ and woke beliefs in front of Gen X. Educate Gen X that Jesus Christ is more important than inclusion. Catechesis
428Ordain many more priests; defeat clericalism; your questions are poorly, poorly worded, with a presumption that you assume and set the questions up from that presumptionCatechesis, Other
429Eliminate lay distributers, encourage kneeling and on the tongue. Catechize about the Real Presence. Limit Extraordinary Ministers
430Bring back the Communion rails and eliminate extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion Limit Extraordinary Ministers
431All the above need to be implemented because they all lead to this mess.Multiple Recommendations
432Evangelize people in this culture, especially cradle CatholicsCatechesis
433Bring back the mass as a reverent sacrifice; i.e. the priest should be facing the Eucharist not the faithful, only the priest can administer the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling, no female servers, modest dress, catechize the faithful, etc..Return to Tradition
434Only offer the Tridentine Mass exclusively.Return to Tradition
435Celebrate the traditional Latin Mass with beautiful music as much as possible.Return to Tradition
436Education from the womb to the tombCatechesis
437All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
438Eliminate extraordinary ministers, receiving Holy Communion kneeling on the tongue, modesty back in Mass, education on receiving in a state of graceCatechesis, Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
439I can’t choose only one option. All of these measures need to be taken to increase belief in the Real Presence. Reverence is greatly lacking. It won’t be until we show people how serious Holy Communion is, will people take it seriously. Multiple Recommendations
440All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
441Offering the Traditional Latin Mass Brings Reverence To The Eucharist, Offer The Traditional Mass More Frequently. Return to Tradition
442I would combine all of the above suggestions along with a belief in the foundation of our faith which is, by His Word (Logos) God created everything supernaturally as stated in the Creed we recite every Sunday and as clearly taught in the Catechism of the Council of Trent. Otherwise you have the absurdity of death being present in the world for billions of years before the Fall of our first parents. Among many more absurdities which are unreconcilable with a true and clear understanding of our Beautiful and Holy Catholic Faith.Multiple Recommendations
443Eliminate extraordinary ministers and ALSO encourage reception of the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
444All of thee aboveMultiple Recommendations
445All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
446Challenge schismatics undermining church authority.Leadership Reforms
447All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
448I have moved to parishes to find a priest that will administer the Eucharist to me on my tongue. Return to Tradition
449Encourage ad oriented celebration of the Mass to “open the circle” and orient the liturgy to the transcendentReturn to Tradition
450All of above is needed Multiple Recommendations
451All of the answersMultiple Recommendations
452People need to understand why we believe what we profess. This is the basis for joyful communion with all we hold dear. Even the gift of mystery in our faith is helpful in acceptance of The Catholic faith. Catechesis
453Again, make the Eucharist relevant to the people. Why does it matter? How does it help them personally move through probably the wildest and fastest moving period of history. Talk about Eucharistic miracles, and relate them to science. There’s stuff out there. It’s going to take different kinds of witness to different kinds of people. The methods that may have traditionally worked for 500 years no longer work now. Get used to it. Catechesis
454Receive host on tongue only, emphasize more reverence (i.e. returning some Latin to mass)Return to Tradition
455All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
456Priests - stop rushing through the words of consecration, but be more reverent and deliberate. If priests treat the Eucharist sloppily, so will the people. Reverence
457Be shepherds and not dicks.Other
458There is not just one thing that will improve people's belief. There has been a general stripping off everything promoting belief in the real presence. If they want to know how to restore belief in the Real Presence, they need to look at the parishes that are overflowing with young families. Sacred music, ad orientem, communion rails, Latin prayers, Eucharistic processions, 24/7 adoration.Adoration, Multiple Recommendations, Return to Tradition
459Education of the faithful on living a life Catholic discipleship that is joyful! Catechesis
460Preach the gospel by leading Holy lives.Personal Witness
461All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
462All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
463All the above Multiple Recommendations
464Live out the Church's teachings, stop being concerned with legal liability and love the poor & vulnerableLeadership Reforms
465All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
466None of the above is remotely helpfulOther
467Increase education on worthy reception of the Eucharist; focusing on confession, prayer outside of the Holy Mass, etc. Many are ignorant they live in a state of Mortal SinCatechesis
468Come up with something other than archaic "transubstantiation."Other
469All of the above!!!Multiple Recommendations
470This is where you survey goes terribly wrong you only let us pick one answer in truth I would answer the last question “all of the above “ . So I feel you survey is worthless.Multiple Recommendations
471One thing won’t work. It must be a combination of things encouraging reverence Multiple Recommendations, Reverence
472Catechizing the faithful and more Eucharistic events. Praise and worship adorationCatechesis
473All the above. Multiple Recommendations
474Bring back the Latin Mass. Return to Tradition
475Develop personal relationship with Jesus that makes it clear that He is really present. Be Christ to others and stop squabbling amongst ourselves.Other
476Receiving on tongue kneeling FROM A PRIEST OR DECON. Return to Tradition
477All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
478Receive on tongue, and absolutely no women on the altar at all. No Eucharistic ministers (this from a former female Eucharistic minister)Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
479All of the above. #1 Recommendation is to simply be unapologetically and integrally Catholic as our forbears were. This fundamental decision simply to serve and glorify God above all else is what’s required; no more and no less, and it’s all encompassing. No one measure above, in isolation, will “solve” the current Eucharistic Crisis. If I absolutely had to choose one it would be to restore reception of the Eucharist to kneeling and in the tongue EXCLUSIVELY and outlawing Communion in the hand.Multiple Recommendations
480Allow holy mass to be said at the high alters. Not allowed in the archdiocese of Cincinnati. Return to Tradition
481All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
482All of the above are necessary if we are going to be successful.Multiple Recommendations
483Sacred Music (Gregorian Chant) along with reception on the tongue/encouraging greater reverence toward the EucharistReturn to Tradition
484Continue to Pray to St Michael for soul of the churchPrayer
485Focus on the fact that there is no community within the Church and you're losing young families and young people who don't feel that the Church cares or notices themOther
486Reverence to the Eucharist but in how the priest hold it and celebrates Mass in addition piety in communion line (communion music) silence after, prayerfully coming & going from the sanctuary. Reverence
487All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
488All of the above!!!Multiple Recommendations
489Politicians who do not support the right to life should (Biden) not be allowed the Eucharist's Canon 915
490Eliminate extraordinarily ministers, communion kneeling and on the tongueLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
491Catechize the faithful & Withhold the Eucharist from Catholics who publicly reject Catholic teachings, (not limit it to public officials).Canon 915, Catechesis
492It starts with competent impactful catechesis but it must go hand in hand with actions during Mass that prove we really believe the teaching. This is a good opportunity for the bishops to use the 'positive deviance' methodology that fed so many starving children in Vietnam, to best identify what those actions are in existing parishes across all rites, including but not limited to trad Latin, standard, and the Eastern rites.Catechesis
493Restore the traditional Latin Mass to all altars.Return to Tradition
494maintain The Tridentine Mass where the faithful wish itReturn to Tradition
495Eucharistic Miracles must be talked about and published far and wide! Catechesis
496Greater Liturgical reverence and piety by the priest and serversReverence
497Eliminate Eucharistic ministers AND only receive while kneeling on the tongue unless medically/physically unable toLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
498Please help us survive the many scandals and dangers that are threatening the Church from within. Then please teach us about transubstantiation and worthy reception! Leadership Reforms, Catechesis
499I think they are all importantMultiple Recommendations
500Priests who passionately Believe in the Real Presence. And in times when these priests may have difficulty in believing, they know how to be deeply reverent toward the Eucharist anyway. With that, nearly everything else will fall In line. And the converse holds as well.Personal Witness, Reverence
501promotion of traditional liturgy Return to Tradition
502Stop asking for moneyOther
503Expanding the Latin Mass will solve all the issues listed. Return to Tradition
504All of the above Multiple Recommendations
505This is tough because all of these are good suggestions, but I think receiving Eucharist on the tongue kneeling is the best.Multiple Recommendations
506Live Joy filled lives that show impact of Eucharistic presence to all we encounter. Personal Witness
507Better catechesis, but also opportunities to encounter Christ. Catechesis
508Priests working to catechize the faithful and also praying for the conversion and personal holiness of the members of the parish. Having the priests more involved in ministries and activities with youth and having religious involved as well. Better Catechesis for families through some kind of ministry and outreach Catechesis
509Cici Lety, More reverence priest facing the east elected officials not receiving communion They believe in abortionReverence
510Encourage receiving the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling FROM THE PRIEST.Return to Tradition
511Stop abusing children, stop taking people's money, stop believing in fairy tales, get a real job.Other
512ALL OF THESENSHOULD BE DONEMultiple Recommendations
513Ad orientemReturn to Tradition
514All of these. #6 is least important. #5 would be good. But 1-4 are necessary Multiple Recommendations
515Put back altar rails and encourage communion kneeling and on tongue. That keeps altar as a holy place. Holy of holies. Receiving while kneeling and on the tongue. Altar rails help to keep the altar as a holy place. Loon. Return to Tradition
516Go back to the TLM and emphasize the Sacrifice taking place at the altarReturn to Tradition
517with the elimination of extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - I think both need to happen together.Limit Extraordinary Ministers
518I think it is equally important to catechize the faithful of all ages, and for priests and other clergy to set examples and encourage greater reverence. Catechesis, Personal Witness, Reverence
519Educate receiving Jesus WORTHILY, deny Holy Communion to known rejections of the faith, especially the Holy EucharistCatechesis
520Public repentance to how they have destroyed the faith Leadership Reforms
521The priest needs to walk among the people more and stop running a business. Be real ! Be at hospital beds and at real life events to help the faithful know they are loved. The lost sheep need shepherds that care !Personal Witness
522All of the above need serious attention if one is to believe in the Real Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.Multiple Recommendations
523Allowing the TLM everywhere would encompass all these great suggestions.Return to Tradition
524How about Holy silence Return to Tradition
525Bring back the mass codified by PIUS V with the rubrics and practices and standards with it. Return to Tradition
526Have the Traditional Latin Mass available EVERYWHERE. Everything else on the list above will follow and more. Return to Tradition
527A well catechized congregation, should bring all the others to fruition. Catechesis
528Everyone should be more reverent when receiving our Lord on their knees and on their tongue. More reverence for the sacrifice of the mass Return to Tradition, Reverence
529I could not answer Question #15 correctly because I have not attended a Novus Ordo Mass.Other
530Do not allow men with homosexual proclivities to become priests, and laicize the current ones who areLeadership Reforms
531I tried to choose just one, but I believe all those options are very important and need to be done simultaneously.Multiple Recommendations
532unification with Christ through Redemptive Suffering Other
533all of above !!Multiple Recommendations
534Abandonment of the Novus ordo entirely because it divides the faithful and undermines the essential nature and value of Tradition. Return to Tradition
535The clergy at all levels need to believe in the Real Presence and act and talk as if they do, and get back to supporting what the Church has taught, stop the confusion.Leadership Reforms
536All the above! Especially receive kneeling/on the tongueMultiple Recommendations
537All of the above are of the utmost importance. All of them need to be reinstated across the board. Multiple Recommendations
538Offer Mass facing liturgical eastReturn to Tradition
539ALL of the above!!!!Multiple Recommendations
540ALL OF THE ABOVE! Be Brave! Speak up for the Faith!Multiple Recommendations
541More Adoration!Adoration
542Bishops are too mundane and lack of sanctityLeadership Reforms
543Catechize the church community in the richness of or faith. Catechesis
544My #1 recommendation is catechize and all the above. On the previous question you asked how often I attend the TLM. The option wasn't given but I attend weekly but during the week there is no option to attend the TLM so I attend the Novus OrdoMultiple Recommendations, Catechesis
545All the above. I used to be Eucharistic minister until I realized my hands are not consecrated. This is where undermining the priests holy hands/priesthood and Real presence is undermined. The church has failed in many respects.Multiple Recommendations
546Receive kneeling on the tongue with patens, no0 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion,Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
547Release all restrictions on the Traditional Latin Mass. In the “free market” of grace, the Church will see the good fruits and leave the Novus Ordo Missae behind accomplishing all of the goals aboveReturn to Tradition
548Homily that regularly emphasizes the sanctity of life and the importance evil of abortion. Not heard enough!Catechesis
549Replace the CCD model of catechesis. It does not work!Catechesis
550None of the these matter if people don’t even know it’s Jesus - my cradle Catholic husband went to Catholic elementary, high school, college and medical school and still hadn’t understood it because as an entirety as a Church we don’t convey that even to children. Catechesis has to be continual in all we do, not just the occasional class our visual messaging is completely confused, we have an extremely casual attitude toward worship, so it’s no surprise that people don’t believe, why would they?Other
551All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
552All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
553All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
554All of the above Multiple Recommendations
555All of the above & CATECHIZE! There are generations that have failed to be properly catechized. If it wasn’t for my parents, I’m not sure where my siblings would be. The Church has failed to adequately teach the faith, instead seemingly giving in to popular culture in a number of issues(James Martin). Our youth are intelligent & thirsting for what is true, good & beautiful! Feed them instead of encouraging sinful behavior. I was educated in ‘Catholic’ institutions through college & unfortunately, I learned nothing about the Truth in these institutions. We need our shepherds to lead!Multiple Recommendations
556High Latin Mass at 9 AM in every parish Return to Tradition
557Reintroduce to the Faithful their acts of Sacrifice are required for a worthy offering and Communion.Catechesis
558Restore the Latin MassReturn to Tradition
559All above, if I have to choose only 1 then Eliminate Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion or give them gloves or something so they don't touch the Holy Eucharist. But all other above together would make a bigger impact on people. Multiple Recommendations, Limit Extraordinary Ministers
560All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
561Definitely all of the above!!!!Multiple Recommendations
562All the above should be applied. Also I want to attend Latin mass but it is not offer in the area where I live Multiple Recommendations
563Increase the fast to 3 hours or more Return to Tradition
564Bishops and priests have to walk the walk by leading by example with courage and humility. The rest will then fall in line. Personal Witness
565Focus on the miracles associated with the Eucharist please!!!Catechesis
566Remove Vatican II. Read the thesis.usReturn to Tradition
567Return to Catholic social teaching and stop right-wing rhetoric Other
568The importance of receiving on the tongueReturn to Tradition
569All off the above Multiple Recommendations
570All of the above are #1 !!!Multiple Recommendations
571Apologize for withholding the Real Presence during covid but not to rabidly pro-abort catholic politiciansLeadership Reforms, Canon 915
572I can’t choose among #1, 4 & 6; all 3 need to be done. But if they do #1 then maybe #4 & 6 will follow because who wants to receive on the tongue from a EMoHO and of them who wants to give the Eucharist that way? And obstinate sinners won’t want to kneel or kneeling will bring them to their senses.Multiple Recommendations
573Restoration of Rite and reverence by clergy, reverent reception by entire ChurchReverence
574All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
575I believe the TLM would fix everything that's wrong with the Catholic Church. I no longer attend Mass in the St. Cloud diocese because of its irrelevance. The NO leaves me cold. I have considered a move to the SSPX. The more I think about it, the more I justify it. What's happening to faithful Priests and Bishops because of our current Vicar's ideology is appalling.Return to Tradition
576All of the above! It is ignored in my parish.Multiple Recommendations
577I believe the Eucharist is JESUS because HE said it is in HIS HOLY WORD. JESUS also forgave the thief on the cross who knew nothing about HIM, except (apparently) what was said of JESUS on the street. Other
578I can you are traditional Catholic in schism with th church. You want to torture and burn heretics. Shame on you Other
579Our Diocese has great reverence and teaching. Catechesis
580All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
581All of these will have an impact but even stronger than encouraging #1 the USXC should make kneeling and receiving on the tongue the norm. People can stand if they cannot kneel and can revive in the hand if they are sick but otherwise the new norm is kneeling not standing and in the tongue Multiple Recommendations
582Reject New Mass and Vatican 2Return to Tradition
583All of these need to be done if anything is going to changeMultiple Recommendations
584Celebrating the TLM and teaching the faithful Catholic doctrine Catechesis, Return to Tradition
585Use Communion rails would be the hugest way to bring back reverence for the EucharistReturn to Tradition
586All of the above Multiple Recommendations
587I think encouraging reverence and events with catechesis as to why we should do these things as Catholics go hand in hand. If we don't teach the reasons and share how much our reverence pleases the Lord, Catholics will continue to treat the Eucharist without respect.Catechesis, Reverence
588Allow the Traditional Latin Mass to thrive in their diocese. Everyone benefits.Return to Tradition
589Our Church needs to accept that it (especially the pastors) are in a maintenance mode. The old people do everything (Lectors, EM, Parish leadership) and there are no young people in the pipeline. I would recommend that the Bishops take some bold action and create new parishes just for the young people. Provide a young priest and let the young people run the parish. If we don't do something different we are going to be closing a lot of parishes in the next 5 years. Thank you for listening.Leadership Reforms
590All the above. Multiple Recommendations
591All of the above. Catholics need it all. Multiple Recommendations
592You need to have an option for have attended the EF but no longer do so. We need living example of other Catholics, restored order of Sacraments, and, most importantly, catechesis that integrates instruction in authentic virtue (not jumping straight to heroic virtue, but e.g. cardinal virtues in daily life) with the “academic” teaching of the Truths of the Faith.Catechesis
593It is a combination of kneeling and receiving on the tongue along with proper understanding on our Faith and why we do what we do- The Sacramental life -Catechized with loveCatechesis, Return to Tradition
594actually all of the above certainly applyMultiple Recommendations
595All the above except the last Because of the times we are living in and the priest shortage, the only thing I suggest is to do everything in the churches Grace to eliminate abuse treat others the way you would want to be treated. In other words, treat our Lord with the purest of love amen.Multiple Recommendations
596While all are of some importance - catechesis and encouraging Eucharistic adoration are very very important Catechesis
597Support and encourage priests who are reverent and teach the truths of the faith instead of persecuting them and canceling themLeadership Reforms
598Honor and love Our Holy Father Pope Francis. Don’t talk bad about him, defend him as you would you own father.Other
599All of these choices are important. Each one is necessary. None of them alone would improve belief, but if all were instituted, belief would follow.Multiple Recommendations
600Stop talking politics during homilyLeadership Reforms
601Ban the Latin Mass and excommunicate Peter KwasniewskiOther
603Mandate at least one parish in every diocese to offer a daily traditional Roman rite Mass, by a trained priest.Return to Tradition
604Encourage and support faithful, solid Catholic schoolsCatechesis
605All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
606Number one, with proviso from the hands of a priestReturn to Tradition
607All of the above. Catechesis is probably primary because it all stems from there. The domestic church is only possible if young married couples know and love their faith. Multiple Recommendations
608Emphasize the fact that the Eucharist is not a " Substance" but a "Person"Catechesis
609Bring back the traditional mass as prescribed in Vatican II which is different than what was implemented - Kneelers, tongue, genuflecting, attire, head coverings, adoration,'s all in there and still the "norm", not the exception.Return to Tradition
610Make sure priests do the red and say the black, and not deviate from or add to the text provided; also, ad orientem; and follow proper rubrics for all activity regarding the Holy Eucharist (including adoration )Return to Tradition
611There is no 1 solution. A combination of all of the above would be best.Multiple Recommendations
612There are few role models for people - we need holy men as priests who love and adore their God. Start there the others will follow. The priests reverence for the Eucharistic celebration and his attitude and leadership will have the greatest impact. Altar rails or not make little difference in desiring to receive the Eucharist. It comes from modeling, teaching and silencePersonal Witness, Reverence
613Restore ad orientemReturn to Tradition
614I believe that all of the above are important!Multiple Recommendations
615Everything is connected and important Multiple Recommendations
616Seamless Garment: Bishops must believe, and act like they do.Leadership Reforms, Personal Witness
617All of them are important!Multiple Recommendations
618TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS. It teaches us all things necessary for profound belief in the Real Presence.Return to Tradition
619ALL of the above!Multiple Recommendations
620Eliminate homosexual clergyLeadership Reforms
621All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
622All of the above, seriously! All of them effect the others and are NECESSARY!Multiple Recommendations
623Remind/educate laypeople on the real presence. Catechism educates new Catholics, however older Catholics may not be aware, such as my 85 year old grandfather. Also, no longer ministering communion in the handCatechesis
624ALL of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
625Exclusive TLM, as beforeReturn to Tradition
626stop pretending that you know why the universe exists.Other
627Remove Jesuits, Fake Francis, Deep StateLeadership Reforms
628Remind people to be in the state of grace. Explain what that means.Confession
629All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
630All of the choices in the last question!Multiple Recommendations
631Use scripture to support Catholicism. Remove the current pope who doesn’t line up with Biblical teachings.Leadership Reforms
632All of the above. It's a package deal. You can't just focus on o e without all.Multiple Recommendations
633All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
634Get back to teaching the BALTIMORE CATECHISMCatechesis
635Introducing daily prayer in the life of the laity. Prayer
636All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
637Continue the old massReturn to Tradition
638I couldn’t choose one, they are all so important- I just want to at add that having the laity receive under both species with all the other pre conditions is just as importantMultiple Recommendations
639Reverence and truth of Catholic teachingReverence
640Eliminate girl altar servers. More frequent benedictions and holy hours. Return to Tradition
641All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
642set a better example. start with above recommendation 2 and 3Multiple Recommendations
643options #2 catechize, #3 Encourage reverence, #4 WithholdCanon 915, Catechesis, Reverence
644Better communication are needed, sermons a must, not 5 min. sermons..Catechesis
645Get to Know the Parishioner's, learn who your flock is, those practicing and those not.Leadership Reforms
646All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
647 All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
648All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
649All of the above except we need Extra ordinary ministers of the Eucharist to visit the sick and homebound, but must be properly trainedMultiple Recommendations
650I have no recommendations.Other
651Clean up the sexual and financial sins in the hierarchyLeadership Reforms
652Eliminate from the clergy all men with homosexual tendenciesLeadership Reforms
653Excommunicate public officials violating Canon 915Canon 915
654Tell the people about all the Eucharistic Miracles that have occurredCatechesis
655Better publicize scientific findings of Eucharistic miracles. There are so many of them. The scientifically minded public will then pay attention.Catechesis
656I want to say to catechize the faithful but the clergy needs to know how to do that.Catechesis
657All of the above exception people who cannot kneel should reverently receive our Lord standing and bow to Our Lord. This standing and bowing to the back of the person in front of you is NOT the Lord. Multiple Recommendations
658All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
659ALL OF THE ABOVE !Multiple Recommendations
660Have pastors, bishops and a pope that are holy men of prayer. Leadership Reforms
661ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
662Teach deacons, priests, bishops, etc. to exhibit great reverence to Christ in the EucharistReverence
663Bring back the communion rails that way the priest must give communion on the tongue while the person is kneeling, and no Eucharistic ministers are involved.Return to Tradition
664only one?????Multiple Recommendations
665Catechize and Increase Catechesis
666I would like confession to go back to confessionalsConfession
667all of above are validMultiple Recommendations
668Praying for this revival in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament!Adoration
669All of the above, plus grow some backbone and stand up for the AUTHENTIC Catholic Faith! Be courageous shepherds, not hired hands! Take your cues from Bishop Strickland and Archbishop Viganó, not the heretical men in the Vatican and in the Chicago Archdiocese. Stand up AGAINST these liars, brood of vipers, whitewashed tombs, etc.! Don't join them! Multiple Recommendations
670Ditch NO. Bring back Latin & Tradition. Explain how powerful & pleasing to God it is. Return to Tradition
671Greater biblical referenceCatechesis
672All of the above periodMultiple Recommendations
673Emphasis sacredness of hostCatechesis
674Bring the TLM back weekly. Turn priest to the EastReturn to Tradition
675Catechesis & Reverence are equally importantCatechesis, Reverence
676Give personal witness by a holy life, love and adoration of the Eucharist while catechizing the faithful during Mass about the real Presence.Catechesis, Personal Witness
677all of the above. Remind the Bishops they have a holy vocation and are responsible for souls. They are not CFO's of a business. I have quit financially supporting my diocese. I do support my church because my priests are very reverentMultiple Recommendations
678Items 2,3,4 aboveMultiple Recommendations
679Stop worrying about your tax free status and Preach like God is speaking through His prophets. The hour is late. Stop pandering to the sinful politicians stop blacklisting the good ones Strickland, etc. stand up against the chicoms and the liberation theologists. Get that fire in your belly. Preach it , live it, mean it!Leadership Reforms
680It must be made clear, public officials who reject Catholic teaching, withhold communion to public officials who reject catholic teaching. It's becoming the old dime store thinking, of way back. Encourage more young men or boys to be servers at mass. Women do not belong on the altar. I'm with the apostles, serving Jesus. Women have a place, and should not be forgotten. But I'm 87 yr. old, I did serve communion, I read the readings at mass. Now I look back, and wish our church would stand out more, in the Eucharist sacrament,. I believe in parish retreats, done by exemplary priests, who can deliver the message of faith and communion, and everyday hardships, to lead a Catholic life. Many of us, suffer internally because of needing guidance, from a priest. If necessary, to be encouraged to see a catholic counselor. We need more priests for sure, hopefully that will happen. We can study the saints, ordinary lives, leading us to heaven. Lets bring out these magnificent people more, times different from here, but just as human as us. Tell us more in the sermons, like Joan of Arc, and the politics of her death, besides the Angel who spoke to her, How did those apostles meet death, in they're old years, serving Jesus? How did St. Therese of Avila, do what she did, crossing miles, on a horse or burro, meeting officials of the church? How she changed the Order, on life in the Carmelites, ( I think). So much life we don't remember or hear of the apostles following Jesus after He left them, Human stories, of our early church. Where? why?, We need more on the sacraments, especially preparing for it, in our hearts. Preparing for the future, as a Catholic. Facing all the political about life. Not to scare our weak Catholics, they don't need fright presently. But the outlook of happiness of a heart, loving Jesus. Weak Catholics can be encouraged back by the right words and actions of our Clergy, and us in the pews! That is all I can contribute on line right now. Thank you, God speed, Happy to write this, Canon 915, Return to Tradition
681Keep the Latin Mass and stop dismissing good priests because they talk about all the above items. Multiple Recommendations
682All of the above. Multiple Recommendations
683Make sure priests and servers give the same reverence expected of us.Reverence
684restore and encourage TLMReturn to Tradition
685all of the above!!!Multiple Recommendations
686All of the above, but especially at Communion rail, as less invisible fragments of Consecrated Host fall to the floor and are stepped on….Multiple Recommendations
687ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
688Reject Vatican iiReturn to Tradition
689Catechize people on the Eucharist and encourage greater reverence, and, hopefully, the rest of the above will naturally follow.Catechesis, Reverence
690Permit and establish the Ancient Rite, Traditional Latin Mass, in Low, and Solemn High Worship Ceremonies, in every Parish Church throughout the U.S.A. and the world. Furthermore, the Bishops of U.S.A. should terminate the ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, including delivery of the Holy Eucharist by such ministers in other, non-church settings. Priests, and men who are ordained in the priestly orders, should carry the True Presence to the person in need of receiving it.Return to Tradition
691Return the kneelers, receive from a priest, on the tongueReturn to Tradition
692Do the first and others will follow Return to Tradition
693No females in sanctuary.Return to Tradition
694Has to be a combination of receiving kneeling on the tongue from a priest only.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
695Make the TLM widely available - it will do the rest!Return to Tradition
696I think we have to go back to the absolute basics and start teaching about the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith and then people must understand the entire Bible because it does an amazing job of telling the story and how people did not listen and continue not to listen. Do you have Cavins and father? Mike Schmidt have done an amazing job with this Bible in a year and with the catechism!Catechesis
697Returning the tabernacle to the altar and returning the priest to facing God!Tabernacle Location
698Less rigid mass liturgy, with extemporaneous encouragements to accept Grace and reminders of why we are at Mass and what is happening, speak the words that Jesus is WITH us and longs for us to come to Him to be healed and made one; longer homilies about foundational topics, God's undeserved grace, His mercy and forgiveness, His joy in our salvation, preach the Gospel of our Lord who gave His life for us and restores us to our Father! Other
699 Every one of those items I want to check. The most important is educating the faithful. I must comment on having EMs. Our parish only has the one priest. Each Sunday Mass (4) is overflowing. He needs the help the EMs give. So although reception from a priest is preferred it is not always practical.Catechesis, Multiple Recommendations
700Show us your own devotion to Jesus in the EucharistPersonal Witness
701all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
702#1 catechism; followed by kneeling to receive then work toward eliminating EMsCatechesis, Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
703More reverence from priests themselves when administering the Holy EucharistReverence
704Stop Communion in the hand & NO EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERSLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
705Put the Eucharist tabernacle back behind the altar where it belongs. The New Mass or Novus Ordo Mass is like the New Coke Formula of 1985. It's not working out. We know it, they know it. No amount of rhetoric they say will get anything done. Tabernacle Location
706This questions should be multiple answers, Tongue, withhold from public officials, Eliminate extraordinary ministersMultiple Recommendations, Canon 915, Limit Extraordinary Ministers
707They must lead by example and word and tell their priests to do the same.Leadership Reforms
708Restore the Traditional Latin Mass and eliminate Novus Ordo. The difference is clear and obvious. Noted when becoming fully Catholic in 1982. Not the Mass of my childhood when due to family circumstances, I was only irregularly able to attend. Return to Tradition
709Dump this evil, liar Pope and make Bishop Vigano or a true Christian Pope.Leadership Reforms
710If the priest was reverent, convinced, and convincing when handling the Eucharist, all of the issues above would be solvedPersonal Witness, Reverence
7111. It is the Holy sacrifice of the Mass. 2. Priest that don’t throw the Eucharist on the paten and hold it up with reverence same with the precious blood. 3. Communion on the tongueReturn to Tradition
712Return to the Traditions of TrentReturn to Tradition
713Do NOT take this survey or listen to the ‘results’ as reportedOther
714Seriously, why can't all of the above be done at once.Multiple Recommendations
715Only offer the Latin MassReturn to Tradition
716Mandate (don't encourage) communion on the tongue while kneeling, and treat it as sacred--holy relics are treated better than the Eucharist, and not giving to manifest public sinners.Return to Tradition
717all of these are so important.....get rid of non traditional bishopsMultiple Recommendations
718All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
719It can't be just one thing. First be welcoming and loving to each other. Then catechesis will have an effect.Multiple Recommendations
720All of the above Multiple Recommendations
721All the above are REQUIRED of all those who are Roman Apostolic CatholicsMultiple Recommendations
722Have the priests speak about the chaos in the church, honestly.Leadership Reforms
723All of the above is necessary and will make a profound impactMultiple Recommendations
724Catechize faithful and reverence are both very important along with Adoration/Benediction.Catechesis
725All of the above by returning to the Traditional Latin Mass!Multiple Recommendations
726The use of the communion rail to receive Communion on the tongue while kneeling while also eliminating Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
727They need to strengthen their own faith so that others will be strengthened through them. We need our bishops and priests to be saints, not secular people with a collar. When they become holy, blessings will flow from them and we will become holy!Personal Witness
728Teach what Jesus didCatechesis
729Withhold the Eucharistic from anyone that you know who publicly and obstinately rejects Catholic teachings, even if they aren't public officials, but give scandal publicly in your own church community. Canon 915
730Return to the TLM so that all of the above are included.Multiple Recommendations
731Do not encourageOther
732Family formation. Catechesis
733Return to tradition. Admit that Vatican II was a disaster and return to the Catholic faith. Return to Tradition
734All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
735all of the above and return to TLMMultiple Recommendations
736Not fair to only mark one. By the way, I’m Byzantine; at Easter we approach the shroud on our knees. I do completely believe in the Lord’s presence but it’s just hard to wrap my head around this.Multiple Recommendations
737Abolish the Novus Ordo Missae and restore the Tridentine Mass as the only form of the Roman RiteReturn to Tradition
738ALL OF THE ABOVE Multiple Recommendations
739Return to The Traditional Latin Mass is the solution.Return to Tradition
740Return to the Traditional Latin Mass.Return to Tradition
741All of the above Multiple Recommendations
742All except the first oneMultiple Recommendations
743Also the Pope and Bishops need to apologize to the failure during Covid as explained earlier.Leadership Reforms
744Dress and behavior must be addressed for any other recommendation to take root. Of our Lord in the Eucharist is treated as He should be, all the other things will follow.Reverence
745All of the above will happen with dropping the failed Novus Ordo and a return to the ‘43 Missal TLM, and virtue trainingMultiple Recommendations
746awesome chant or choral music of deep quiet reverence and #1 on tongue and kneeling and only priest !!Return to Tradition
747Stress to the faithful that they are consuming the Living Flesh of the same God; that they will stand before, to give an account of how they lived the life that He purposefully gave them.Catechesis
748Don't just encourage Eucharist to be taken on the tongue while kneeling, MANDATE IT.Return to Tradition
749Teach in homilies.Catechesis
750Prove you'd be willing to die for Jesus. Live it!Personal Witness
751All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
752Return to professing, teaching, and using the Catholic (pre-Vatican II) teachings and rites.Return to Tradition
753Train all priests to offer the Traditional Latin Mass and make it available at all parishesReturn to Tradition
754All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
755taking the Eucharist to others has been my salvation to share with othersOther
756Answers 2-4 Multiple Recommendations
757The Traditional Latin Mass culture covers all of the above. Increase, permit, encourage the TLMMultiple Recommendations
758All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
759Return to the Traditional Latin MassReturn to Tradition
760All of the above Multiple Recommendations
761All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
762I think it will take a combination of the things you have listed. Multiple Recommendations
763ALL of the above are crucial!Multiple Recommendations
764All of these externals work together to increase faith amongst the faithful. One can't just change one thing and expect a different outcome. The priests must be Well-formed, Holy and reverent and living Saintly lives. Multiple Recommendations
765Bring back Latin Mass. Use FSSP Priests to fulfill all Catholic issues, i.e. Mass, Confession, Communion, etc.Return to Tradition
766Receive Holy Communion on tongue, elderly cannot kneelReturn to Tradition
767Keep evangelizing from pulpitCatechesis
768Make the TLM beloved and regularly available including for Holy Days of Obligation in the new and 1962 calendarsReturn to Tradition
769Emphasize going to confession to worthily receive the EucharistConfession
770Explain why cannibalism endears me to God?Other
771All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
772Find a way to address the cognitive dissonance that the church is asking people to accept.Leadership Reforms
773Way too hard must be ALL especially nowMultiple Recommendations
774Bishops need to regain trustworthy credibility!! In all matters.Leadership Reforms
775So many of these are important but teaching the importance of what you are receiving and then teaching that receiving on the tongue and kneeling is the best way BECAUSE OF WHO you are receiving. It's hard to get that point across to people that IT IS JESUS but then tell them that it's okay to receive Him standing and in your hands. Catechesis, Return to Tradition
776#3, 4, 5 and good homilies addressing social issues of our time. Not condemning sharing how to let Jesus help people through with Gods Word as the way, truth and life. How to work through problems one day at a time.Multiple Recommendations
777More service projects for the poor, staying out of politicsOther
778ALL OF THE ABOVE are equally important. Reverence in the Eucharist requires all of these exercises for the soul. Multiple Recommendations
779Act like Jesus and not rely on these external excuses to judge people’s holiness!Other
780Help the laity grow in virtue and leave judgment up to God. Other
781All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
782Only God can call us to his son …read the scriptures!Other
783Equal tie between w/h from public officials and encourage greater reverence for the EucharistCanon 915, Reverence
784All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
785All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
786All suggestionsMultiple Recommendations
787Veils, decent clothingReturn to Tradition
788All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
789Allow the Latin mass!Return to Tradition
790All of the above! Let’s go big for Jesus!!Multiple Recommendations
791Latin Mass available Return to Tradition
792Encourage and provide opportunity to go to the Latin Mass.Return to Tradition
793All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
794All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
795All of aboveMultiple Recommendations
796All the above.Multiple Recommendations
797Recreate Catholic education and everyone at least use Holy before the word MASS. The word mass is usually a messCatechesis
798Actually all of the above would be considered #1. You can't separate any of them. Everyone of the above items are extremely important to implement.Multiple Recommendations
799I can't choose; why cant we do all of the above?Multiple Recommendations
800On the tongue. Kneeling would be ideal but many can not kneel because of physical restraints.Return to Tradition
801Example what you desire in your flock. A Saint will have a holy flock; a holy priest will have a good flock; a good priest will have a Luke warm flock; and a Luke warm priest will have a bad flock. Priest, know your dignity before God and men.Personal Witness
802All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
803ALL of the AboveMultiple Recommendations
804One hour of Eucharist Adoration every day. Adoration
805Since depravity of the clergy is the principal cause, clean it up!Leadership Reforms
806Receive kneeling and on the tongue only from a priest or deacon, and if there must be music during the Eucharist, limit it to time-honored sacred music or chant, ditch all music from the St. Louis Jesuits.Return to Tradition
807They all are of utmost importance to show Our Lord is REALLY with us in our churches~Multiple Recommendations
808All of the above. Not one thing alone can fix this major problem.Multiple Recommendations
809All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
810All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
811It’s not possible for some people to knee due to health issues Other
812Encourage reverenceReverence
813Act like the Blessed Lord is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. All of the above options would in my estimation help the faithful immensely, in addition to saying the Mass ad orientem as the normative form of the Mass as Vatican II and the Missal intends. This is far more important than merely life or death and I don’t get the feeling that people are shown they ought to treat it as such. Multiple Recommendations
814Consider Latin Mass and that rite in language Return to Tradition
815Completely eliminate extraordinary ministers, women at the altar and Holy Communion should ONLY be received in the tongue while kneeling Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
816Help them experience the love and mercy of GodOther
817By example holding Mass with reverence, respect for the Eucharist, Church. Hold those who make a mockery of the Eucharist accountable Personal Witness, Reverence
818All of the above, and more. We need Jesus desperately Multiple Recommendations
819Make a Latin Mass available near center of every diocese Return to Tradition
820Tongue/communion rails, no extraordinary ministers, no girl altar servers, and encourage veilsLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
821All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
822Only have Priest give communion on the tongue when kneelingReturn to Tradition
823Stop all the singing at communion time… can’t concentrate on prayersReturn to Tradition
824educate priests better so that their actions will leave no doubt in anyone's mind that Jesus is truly present.Personal Witness
825All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
826All of the above, with heavy emphasis on education and increased reverence.Multiple Recommendations
827All of the above are neededMultiple Recommendations
828All of the above but primarily bring back the Tom Multiple Recommendations
829We need to focus on the Catechism of the children. We need to have educated staff doing this training, not parents and others that just volunteer.Catechesis
830All of the above. It's the combination that has eroded the faith.Multiple Recommendations
831All of the above must be doneMultiple Recommendations
832All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
833More attention in Mass Homilies on Communion.Catechesis
834Coming from someone who grew up with social media. I think having a shared social media account to get to as many young adults. Answering the question most asked about Catholicism. Helping young people to believe will greatly enhance the reverence of Mass I think the reestablishment of the priest doing Mass facing the tabernacle and communion railsReturn to Tradition, Reverence
835Promote the traditional Latin Mass. Return to Tradition
836#1, #6,#4,#2, #3,#5Multiple Recommendations
837Bring back the TLM exclusively. the illusion of a reverent NO is just an illusion that doesn’t inspire much devotion to the Eucharist.Return to Tradition
838Ad orientemReturn to Tradition
839Get the pope, bishops, and priests who engage in or cover up abuse to be excommunicatedLeadership Reforms
840Wearing "Sunday best" for ChurchReverence
841Asking people to dress respectfully when coming to massReverence
842Lobby for the authoritative return if Summorum Pontificum and pray for a good pope.Leadership Reforms
843All the above in vital. They cannot be separated. The priests must be united working together in every parish.Multiple Recommendations
844Get rid of this pope. Leadership Reforms
845all of the above.Multiple Recommendations
846All of the above. They are all connected and needed for the Catholic Church. Please list all the recommendations. Multiple Recommendations
847educating the laity on all of the above - parish by parish; Latin MassMultiple Recommendations
848All of the above Multiple Recommendations
849Cannot receive the Eucharist in the state of mortal sin ever Confession
850Catechize catechize catechize by Baltimore CatechismCatechesis
851Return to classical education, eliminate all abuses from the Novus Ordo, and Celebrate an absolutely beautiful Novus Ordo with beautiful Sacred music , great homilies, and unmistakable reverenceReturn to Tradition
852Let us see that the church has cleaned up it's chaos. don't worry about how reverent we are as we approach receiving the host. There is no need to expect genuflection, kneeling or any other SHOW. How individuals receive is in TYHEIR heart. Stop priests from trying to make us look like a cult. Leadership Reforms
853Be Shepherds. Go into your parishes. Get to know your flock. If each of you became the leader and the servant he was called to be, you wouldn’t need a survey.Leadership Reforms
854Promote monthly confession and increase teaching on necessity of worthy Eucharistic reception in order to GO TO HEAVEN---- Jesus words" Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, you have NO life within you".Confession, Catechesis
855Laicize clergy who teach and emphasize the above 6 statements.Other
856Stop banning TLMReturn to Tradition
857Only a priest or deacon should distribute our Lord to the congregation Limit Extraordinary Ministers
858Our African priests are much more reverent and conservative. The African priests have higher expectations of the congregation. It makes a difference. Unfortunately, I cannot understand the accent. Also, the congregation needs to be taught what to do in the presence of God. And withhold communion from public officials who do not follow the Catechism. Leadership Reforms, Canon 915, Personal Witness
859More discussion during mass. Incorporate into homilies more regularly Catechesis
860All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
861All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
862Get rid of Novus Ordo and TLM bring back totally! Problems solved for priest and laity and worldReturn to Tradition
863Catechize regarding why the Eucharist is so important not just that it is. Show the Biblical old testament prefigurements, Church history, Jewish roots and how it is the foundation of our Faith. And why God designed it this way.Catechesis
864What Jesus said …go and make disciples of all nations …and make/encourage life-long learning of the faithOther
865Teach about how to grow in our relationship with Christ in addition to who and how the Holy Spirit works in us. The Holy Spirit is Christ.Catechesis
866We need to be better witnesses and practice our faith. Clergy and lay people alike. Personal Witness
867Eliminate communion on the handReturn to Tradition
868Reinforce the concept of real presence. Teach people Christ is in the Church. Crack down on talking and dress codes. More quiet time in church.Catechesis
869All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
870If you are part of the filth resignLeadership Reforms
871Eliminate the EMHCs, better catechesis, encouraging receiving the Eucharist on the tongue in the Latin Rite, and get rid of women "serving" in the Mass, and re-implementing Ad Orientem, and more priests should deny people Communion for those whom have committed scandal without repenting.Catechesis, Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
872Divine OfficePrayer
873Help people to learn Eucharistic prayers in preparation for mass and after communion...also to offer their communion for special intentionsPrayer
874Ad orientem and altar rails Return to Tradition
875Clean up the altar during mass. We need bells, train altar, boys, and patterns. No more extra ordinary ministers.Return to Tradition
876All of the above and we don’t have confession enough times in our parish I work a lot and adoration more often I work the one day a week we have itMultiple Recommendations
877Have TLM with kneelers. Return to Tradition
878All of the above!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Multiple Recommendations
879All of the above. Multiple Recommendations
880I think all of these are of almost equal importance so I cannot decide on just one. If I could be allowed to say at least two, it would be: Catechize the faithful, and Encourage greater reverence.Multiple Recommendations
881Return to Latin MassReturn to Tradition
882ALL OF THE ABOVE are intertwined to helping to improve belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed SacramentMultiple Recommendations
883Ad orientemReturn to Tradition
884Ditch the NABRE and bring back book burning. Frankly, burn the NABREs before we even consider burning Protestant bibles.Catechesis, Other
885Eliminate the Latin massOther
886Give challenging sermons. Don’t be afraid to upset people.Leadership Reforms, Catechesis, Personal Witness
887It all starts with getting people back in the pews and that can only happen if the Church REALLY apologize for and clean up the pedophilia mess. CLR has to include the people and the Cardinals, Archbishops, and, Bishops need to squash nuns and priest celebrating Pride and come down off their thrones to be among the people.Leadership Reforms
888Be consistent-leadership is needed from the topLeadership Reforms
889Be more tolerant of others. Really practice soci just in word and deed.Other
890Take communion kneeled and in the mouth. Return to Tradition
891All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
892 I feel numbers one through five would cause an amazing reverence. And Deacons and Devoted parishioners, distributing the most holy Eucharist in reverent attire would increase holiness and reverence and true belief in the real presence.Multiple Recommendations
893One must bathe in the 6th chapter of John's gospel.Other
894Bishops and priests must start believing in the REAL Presence to the point of risking their life for IT. Personal Witness
895All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
896Ban the Novus OrdoReturn to Tradition
897Actually, only one "choice" is not enough. All of the above would be a good start.Multiple Recommendations
898All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
899restore Latin Mass/use chantReturn to Tradition
900All most all of the above. No reverence or respect. Multiple Recommendations
901Start Latin Mass in every Catholic Church.Return to Tradition
902Return to the Traditional Mass and faith exclusivelyReturn to Tradition
903The leaders of the church do not seem to believe in the catholic church. I have more respect and trust for archbishop Vigano. Leadership Reforms, Personal Witness
904All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
905Return to the traditional Latin Mass *and* sacraments (which includes all of the above), as God had guided the Church was for centuries.Multiple Recommendations
906Traditional faith prior to Vatican IIReturn to Tradition
907That the clergy boldly state their Kerygma and act as Christ’s representative of and in the Kingdom. Personal Witness
908All of the above. Primarily (in my opinion) receiving Our Lord, kneeling, on the tongue, at the Communion rail would go a long way. However, reinstating the entire 1962 Missal (or earlier) would have the maximum impact.Multiple Recommendations
909All of the above, reallyMultiple Recommendations
910Make the process more grand and engaging to laymen and also explaining the symbolism behind it to eliminate the question of science and the like Catechesis
911Not only encourage, but require the reception of the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling. A mere suggestion does not take the Eucharist seriously enough. Return to Tradition
912All of the AboveMultiple Recommendations
913Openly state that priests are no higher in any hierarchy than other believers Catechesis
914Return Ad Orientem to regular useReturn to Tradition
915Please encourage our spiritual shepherds (priests) to lead us in showing reverence for the Holy Eucharist and Mass— I attend Mass at different parishes and noticed the boys and men seem bored or indifferent when the music sounds like a cocktail lounge. Just an observation. When I attend a Mass when reverent sacred music (using organ) is played, the men are more attentive. My sons (and daughter) prefer a more reverent liturgy where the altar boys are actively worshiping during the Mass. Personal Witness, Reverence
916Eliminate EMHCs except where there is grave needLimit Extraordinary Ministers
917All of the above, and to remove their political agenda. Multiple Recommendations
918I could check all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
919TRUTH Catechesis
920End Communion in the hand (and the use of Extraordinary Minister who also touch HIM without due necessity)Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
921All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
922Receive the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling and ONLY from a priest! Return to Tradition
923Be themselves authentically Catholic-which would include all of the above. and fearlessMultiple Recommendations
924All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
925Its not a matter of 1 solution its all of the above ...or return to traditionMultiple Recommendations
926All of the above are necessary, vital.Multiple Recommendations
927Speaking TRUTHCatechesis
928All of the options should be checked. Multiple Recommendations
929It must be a combination: eliminate EMHCs, install altar rails, only administer on the tongue and while kneeling if physically able, TEACH the people about receiving in a state of grace vs mortal sin, and then actually ACT like it is Our Lord with reverence, devotion, adoration, procession, protection, etc. Multiple Recommendations, Catechesis, Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
930All of the above, unprofanize the liturgyMultiple Recommendations
931Increasing Eucharistic events is my answer, but genuflecting/kneeling for the Eucharist can be very difficult for those with knee/hip/back problems- especially in the elderly which if required to receive could cause people to be excluded - I love the reverence, but many elderly could fall or not be able to get up. Adoration
932All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
933Catechize the laity on the real presence and eliminate Extraordinary Ministers.Catechesis, Limit Extraordinary Ministers
934All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
935Catechizing is foremost but I don’t think this alone is enough. We need to also encourage reverence with how we receive Jesus, our attire, humility in front of Jesus such as kneeling, bowing, genuflecting. Our outward body language must match our love for God. We also do need to withhold the Eucharist from those public officials who reject Catholic teachings and are not repentant. Not only is the sinner responsible for his actions but the priest or person giving the most Holy Body and Blood of Christ to an unrepentant person is so sad. It gives permission to others to act against the Church and Holy Eucharist. Catechesis, Reverence
936All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
937All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
938All the above Multiple Recommendations
939All masses worldwide traditional Latin mass the same everywhere Return to Tradition
940Use exclusively “Save us Savior of the world for by Thy Cross and Resurrection You have set us free”Other
941All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
942You can do all of the above not just one of them.Multiple Recommendations
943All of these issues are already addressed at the Traditional Latin Mass.Return to Tradition
944The entire Church, starting with the Pope, must live by the beliefs of the Church. Without clarity in leadership, there is no credibility in the messages.Personal Witness
945ALL of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
946Teach teach teach especially the teachers! Catechesis
947all of the above without exceptionMultiple Recommendations
948All of the above. Plus, saying it out loud at every Mass.Multiple Recommendations
949Stop Novus Ordo -- Celebrate TLM exclusivelyReturn to Tradition
950All of the above must happen.Multiple Recommendations
951Bring back the Latin Mass or at least the common prayers the Creed, the Gloria, the Our Father… and bring back SACRED MUSIC such as Gregorian Chant !!Return to Tradition
952Stop communion in the hand, as it is a liturgical abuse.Return to Tradition
953Share personal stories about the Eucharist in our lives. TALK ABOUT IT. Second choice would be above, number 2. Catechize and share love of Jesus in the Eucharist Catechesis
954+Teach priests how to explain the faith and not waste every homily doing middle school theme identification for the readings : )Catechesis
955All of these choices are high priority!!!Multiple Recommendations
956Two things of equal importance: adoration needs to be readily available for people working and with young children. If you have adoration at 2 pm on Thursday, don’t be shocked when only the retirees show up. Some of us may never be able to retire. Consider perpetual adoration chapels with security measures for registered parishioners. Second - lift the restrictions on the Latin mass and put the back the rails for kneeling in all churches. Thanks! Adoration, Return to Tradition
957Be true Princes of the Church and do all of these things.Multiple Recommendations
958Stop acting as if you're above everyone, you are not GodLeadership Reforms
959All of the above Multiple Recommendations
960I believe only priests should give communion, people should receive kneeling and in the tongue and all parishes should promote Eucharistic Adoration as well as the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession, Adoration, Return to Tradition
961Act like human beings and teach people how the Eucharist can transform them simply because they are receiving it. When you present the results of this survey, please indicate that you are a conservative right wing lobbies group. This is a fraction of what Catholics find important. Definitely not the majority. Who cares how or who receives Jesus. Isn’t our role as evangelists to make sure as many people as possible receive him? Catechesis
962Boldly proclaim the Eucharistic Miracles and scientific facts then use all of the above tools to help people realize the truth and Who the Eucharist is.Multiple Recommendations
963All. Of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
964All of the above!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Multiple Recommendations
965Stop using the church as an all purpose room for socializing Reverence
966Widely promote the Traditional Latin MassReturn to Tradition
967Pray for softening of hearts as our church needs unity more than disunity and division, also pray for respect for the chair of Peter.Prayer
968All masses being offered ad OrientemReturn to Tradition
969All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
970Eliminate all non-clergy from touching the Eucharist with their hands.Limit Extraordinary Ministers
971Require the custom of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling.Return to Tradition
972The only way the percent measured by the Pew study could possibly improve very much is if we re-evangelized many fallen away Catholics. That said, our young who do attend Mass regularly are more likely to doubt the real presence so giving talks to them would help somewhat.Catechesis
973All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
974Teach the truth in all matters of faith at mass. Catechesis
975Catechize the priests Catechesis
976Reinstate Archbishop ViganoLeadership Reforms
977All of the above. Multiple Recommendations
978Bring back TLM in all ParishesReturn to Tradition
979Teach against Relativism by teaching the Truth, and that the Catholic Church is the fullness of Truth. Essentially this is Catechesis, but focused on combating Relativism not just teaching the basics of our faith.Catechesis
980All of the above plus ad orientem follow GIRM on music, i.e. Gregorian chant Multiple Recommendations
981Priests need help. I hesitate to object to lay ministers. But the awe and reverence that I remember from childhood has vanished.Reverence
982Go back to the Latin Mass, Gregorian chant and male acolytesReturn to Tradition
983Witness of a Eucharistic lifePersonal Witness
984Be virtuous Personal Witness
986All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
987Practice our Roman Catholic Faith. Not what has happened since Vatican II.Return to Tradition
988Put back alter rails, and use themReturn to Tradition
989school! EducationCatechesis
990I don't believe Vatican II sect to be legitimate. How can I reconcile this ? I need to worship as our Church Fathers have done so for centuries and I am denied this rite because of Novus Ordo. Return to Tradition
991Teach us in words(homily) and action(reverence; actions (central location of tabernacle, altar railCatechesis
992Teach the MIRACLES that prove Jesus cardiac tissue and AB blood!!!Catechesis
993Eliminate EEM while reintroducing Communion rail or any other way to reverently receive Jesus from the ordained minister.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
994Total restoration of the TLM.Return to Tradition
995Reinstruct priests to have more reverence for the tabernacle and the sanctuary! Instruct them to genuflect in front of the Tabernacle, every time they pass it. If an If a Christian sees a priest to it, Christian Catholic, Also to teach Priest how to place the Holy Eucharist on someone’s tongue without touching their tongue.Personal Witness, Reverence
996More small faith group opportunities and retreat opportunities and more emphasis on the mystical nature of our faith including all of the many Eucharistic miracles in the worldCatechesis
997We are not catechizedCatechesis
998Make the Mass about God and emphasizing God's rightsOther
999Encourage Eucharistic reverence and catechize the faithful as to why the Holy Eucharist is revered and the source and summit of our faith.Reverence
1000All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1001All of the above, but especially receiving the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling.Multiple Recommendations
1002Lift up the lay people and actually listen to them, respect the Holy Spirit's guidance within them, allow them to fully enter into their own ministry and apostolate and the priesthood of all believers and stop treating the Eucharist like something that the clergy can use as a weapon or control tactic to force people into dependency on the hierarchy. Other
1003Eliminate extraordinarily ministers and receive communion on the tongue kneeling. Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1004Stop the ambiguous and confusing half-truths that many times our Pope and Bishops communicate in the media and in their documents. Our children need to be taught the authentic teachings and the real presence of the Eucharist of Christ in a clear and succinct manner, so that they are prepared to face a secular world that is openly hostile and opposed to many fundamentals of our faith. As a Catholic Mom, one of the hardest things is when I have to finish the “rest of Christ’s teachings” that the Pope and our Bishops leave out (such as in Fiducia Supplicans, which was broadcast at my children’s college as a new teaching of the Catholic Church of now approving of same sex couples.) Leadership Reforms
1005ALLMultiple Recommendations
1006Communion RailReturn to Tradition
1007All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1008All of the above while the priest gives a homily every Sunday explaining more and more about the Eucharist Multiple Recommendations
1009Please do all the above mentioned Multiple Recommendations
1010Make the Latin mass accessible in every church at least once a week. Preach on the true presence. Defend and protect the Eucharist from Fiducia Suplicans and public figures that support the culture of death. Bishops must be courageously defend and protect the Eucharist; teach by example.Return to Tradition
1011I think eliminating extraordinary, Eucharist ministers and receiving on the tongue, kneeling Are both equal to me of importanceLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1012all the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1013Withhold from people who reject catholic views publically also offer programs to invite non Catholics to learn the reasons we are not open to sharing communion to people who's views don't coincide with our beliefs. Not an angry view but rather the real reason of lack of reverence can't be equal because respect comes only with proper knowledge. We are not equal. If Jesus is with us at Mass then it is not the same as having a ceremony to remember his former presence. He is simply not present for them and their respect of bread and wine shows that. o Canon 915, Catechesis
1014Lead by example, encourage holiness rather than penalizing faithful priestsPersonal Witness
1015Although I am tempted to say receiving on the tongue while kneeling, I have to say I think it is letting the Mass of the ages flourish. Nearly every problem we now have is fixed by going back to our roots.Return to Tradition
1016Emphasize that the Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but nourishment to aid us in living the Christian lifeCatechesis
1017Eliminate not only extraordinary ministers of holy communion, also eliminate deacons. Their hands are not consecrated!! At many masses, I attend deacons are doing more than the actual priest. It is ridiculous.Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1018Vetus Ordo - The Traditional Latin Mass of the Ages codified by Pope Pius VReturn to Tradition
1019Priest and kneeler at center, ministers to the sidesReturn to Tradition
1020ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
1022All have the same value. Multiple Recommendations
1023All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1024Endlessly harp on worthy reception! Which means Increase confession timesConfession
1025Evangelization; personal saving faith in Jesus.Other
1026Every one of the above points would do a lot of good for belief according to Church teaching.Multiple Recommendations, Catechesis
1027Stay out of politicsOther
1028All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1029Eliminate Extraordinary minsters, increase Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Public Processions, Benediction, encourage reception of Holy Communion on the tongue, kneeling and inform the faithful to offer Thanksgiving after reception. Also, withhold Communion from public officials who blatantly live contrary and encourage others to live outside of the Teachings of the Holy Gospel (Canon 915). Shepherd us, lest we all fall into the fiery pit, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.Canon 915, Adoration, Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1030Follow the word - always, not the Vatican.Other
1031Imbue every action of the Mass with due reverence by making every action point to right relationship with God on His terms.Reverence
1032All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1033Proper Catechesis re Eucharist,, greater reverence, encourage receiving Jesus on the tongue kneeling, eliminate LEM, and have Eucharistic events. First three are easy to implement together. I teach 2nd grade religious ed and sacramental prep. The parents are in the room with us next to their child in sacramental prep. We are able to catechize both simultaneously. It works! Parents have thanked me many times because they learned something. One recently actually thanked me for my enthusiasm about receiving our Lord. Not tooting my horn. Just having parents present in classes makes a difference for whole parish because you are doing double instruction without more time commitment. Homilies about the Eucharist, miracles, transubstantiation, reverence, all of the ideas you presented. Many years ago we had a visiting priest give a retreat in the main church. Afterwards people began to mill around and talk sone rather loudly with laughter. The priest walked back in after changing and basically shouted (to be heard above the noise), “People! Jesus is right here in the tabernacle and you act as if He doesn’t exist. This is a place of worship, not a social hall! Want to visit? Get out!” Instant silence and people left. Those of us praying were grateful. Point is, he made a strong impression on the parish. I could go on and on but I will end this. Thank you for this survey. Catechesis, Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Reverence
1034Reassess which traditions the church is committed to preserving. There is a beauty to doing the same rituals that people have been doing for thousands of years, but culture evolves and we cannot pretend like religion doesn’t evolve with it. Non-men should be able to enter the priesthood and other positions within the hierarchy of the church. Other
1035I wish I could select all these! But we should start with the need to be in a state of grace, through Confession Multiple Recommendations
1036Put the communion rails back in the church and the tabernacle on the altar, and teach people why mass is celebrated ad orientem. Return to Tradition
1037Allow the Traditional Latin Mass freely with no restrictionsReturn to Tradition
1038Catechize, but stop pushing women/youth away from altarCatechesis
1039One?! I have a few: kneel and receive on the tongue, DRESS APPROPRIATELY (and give the laity specific examples!), women wear a veil, ONLY reverent music (NO bands and secular/Protestant songs), MORE Eucharistic adoration times (24/7 would be preferable), NO girl altar servers, NO Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. I am the wife of a deacon. I try my best to model what SHOULD be done in our parish, but I am a sinner and continually strive to improve.Multiple Recommendations, Adoration, Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1040All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1041can't choose a #1. There are multiple steps to take I feelMultiple Recommendations
1042Only consecrated hands offer the Eucharist to people who are not in public sin, and only while kneeling, and only on the tongueReturn to Tradition
1043Put aside your social media and all your bodyguards and bureaucrats and live a holy life and let the people see it.Personal Witness
1044All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1045Everything else stated; EDUCATIONCatechesis
1046There is no silver bullet. There are a lot of moving parts and the bishops must work on them all — but I doubt that they will. They have neither the courage nor the imagination. They do the same things that don't work over and over again. I pray that future generations of priests and bishops will be different. This generation is toast.Leadership Reforms
1047All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
1048Welcome change and opennessOther
1049Solve the abuse scandals- I have many friends who have left the faith because of itLeadership Reforms
1050All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1051ad orientem postureReturn to Tradition
1052Make a greater effort to bring Jesus in the Holy Eucharist to the homebound. Other
1053I believe the great problem lies in both a lack of education and reverence, one must believe intellectually and emotionally in the real presence, as such, catechesis will help the intellect, and reverence will help the emotional, thus catechesis and reverence are both needed to solve this issue Catechesis, Reverence
1054Bishops and priests need to be able to identify with their congregatios.Leadership Reforms
1055Of course Christ is there, but wafers don’t turn into flesh, and wine & water is not blood. It’s a false teaching.Other
1056Increase the TLMReturn to Tradition
1057All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1058My #1 recommendation is, Catechize the faithful (e.g., transubstantiation, worthy reception, etc.), Extremely/Greatly Encourage greater reverence for the Eucharist (e.g., genuflecting, kneeling, prayer of thanksgiving after Mass, etc.), and Increase Eucharistic events (e.g., Adoration, Processions, Benedictions, etc.)Catechesis, Adoration, Return to Tradition
1059Eliminate receiving in the handReturn to Tradition
1060Hold meaningful and powerful retreats. Catechesis
1061Don’t try to do this with Band-Aids. Learn how to say the traditional Latin mass; ignore the abuse of authority that says that you may not say it or that your priests may not say it. Again, this is a clear-cut abusive authority and may be safely disregarded. Canonist and the Saints will tell you the same thing and I am nobody.Return to Tradition
1062All dioceses offer the Blood of Christ in the Chalice, and have a kneeler by the priest so Catholics can kneel if they prefer. Bad knees for some require a kneeler.Return to Tradition
1063Return to Ad Orientem and make the mass about offering worship to God, not going to get something out of it.Return to Tradition
1064All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1065All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1066Instill love - for many Catholics they know or may think they believe Jesus is present in the Eucharist, but they lack love of Him, or have become apathetic. This is Jesus!! The Jesus Who walked on water - rose from the dead - the Author of Life!!! We need energy, and passion! And increased devotion to the Blessed Mother, talk about her at Mass, say more Hail Mary’s - Her Hand and Her Intercession is critical. No one loves the Eucharist more than Her!! Other
1067Respect personal truth and embrace diversity.Other
1068AllMultiple Recommendations
1069I believe all of the above need to be done and then some.Multiple Recommendations
1070Expand use of the Traditional Mass of the AgesReturn to Tradition
1071Aren’t we all God’s children. No one can judge, but God the FatherOther
1072Warn people that unworthy reception of the Sacrament will send them to hellConfession
1073Offer more Traditional Latin Masses in ParishesReturn to Tradition
1074Force our pope to resign and install a new leader. He is driving people away from our beloved Church!Leadership Reforms
1075All of the above apply, but the top 2 are requiring reception of Holy Communion on the tongue while kneeling and eliminating lay Eucharistic ministers. I do not mind waiting a few extra minutes to receive The Eucharist from the priest who has consecrated hands to touch to Body of Christ.Multiple Recommendations
1076Open more Catholic schools.Catechesis
1077Longer silent prayer after receiving Prayer
1078Tabernacle front and center, holy communion kneeling down, receive on the tongue. Every church needs to follow the same rules. No options for priests, no options for laity.Tabernacle Location, Return to Tradition
1079All of the above. Education is important, but what we do every Mass in terms of respect is also very important Multiple Recommendations
1080Eliminate communion in the hand.Return to Tradition
1081Ad Orientem and receiving on the tongue kneelingReturn to Tradition
1082Both catechize the faithful and withhold communion according to canon 915Canon 915, Catechesis
1083All the above! one failure feeds the othersMultiple Recommendations
1084All thee above to start to be honest. Catholic boot camp is in order I believe so ALL THE ABOVE RECOMMENDATIONS TO START ESPECIALLY ALL MENMultiple Recommendations
1085All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1086Purge the church of scandalous entertaining clergyLeadership Reforms
1087All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
1088Communion from the consecrated hands of a priest or deacon while kneeling at a communion rail, on the tongue. Return to Tradition
1089ALL OF THE ABOVE!Multiple Recommendations
1090Allow and encourage the TLM! This accomplishes many of the points listed.Return to Tradition
1091Follow Canon 915. Eliminate Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1092all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1093Restore the use of the Traditional LiturgyReturn to Tradition
1094All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1095Intinction the very best way to receive our Lord to Tradition
1096Teaching in the catholic schools and catechism the real presence Catechesis
1097Sorry, but I believe they are ALL Equally important. I also wish I had TLM available in my community. Multiple Recommendations, Return to Tradition
1098All aboveMultiple Recommendations
1099All of the above. Treat/teach us the faith as adults. Bring back the Dhouy .Multiple Recommendations
1100Education, Priest, Deacon giving communion, kneeling , receive on tongue, I knew in my heart by this it is the Lord.Return to Tradition
1101RESTORE THE TLM!! ABOLISH THE NOVUS ORDO!! That would take care of all of the above and more! Multiple Recommendations
1102Sop assaulting us with toxic incenseOther
1103All of the above are good ideas, but silence in the Nave of the church might be more effective.Multiple Recommendations
1104All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1105All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1106People have no faith in priest right now. Correct that first. Their sins are worse than what I commit. Nothing is done to themLeadership Reforms
1107Pray more, pray publicly, teach people how to pray, teach them how to be silent Prayer
1108Live the life of a true Catholic Personal Witness
1109Eliminate extraordinary ministers AND require communion on the tongue. These things cannot be separated, as they are the same issue—in consecrated hands touching the consecrated host and potentially losing particles of Our Lord. Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1110Begin making reparation and fasting, intensely, for your people. Then do all of the above.Multiple Recommendations
1111Remind Catholics that you must be in a state of Grace to receive communion Confession
1112Confession lines are scanty, Communion lines are full, confession should be emphasizedConfession
1113Promote the Latin MassReturn to Tradition
1114All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1115All of those Multiple Recommendations
1116All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1117All these!!!!Multiple Recommendations
1118Eliminate EMoHolyCommunion AND receive on tongue while kneeling and catechizing more... All three Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1119All of the above mentioned items. It is not just one.Multiple Recommendations
1120It should not be the lay faithful's job to tell the bishops to deny communion to someone; they should already know and do it. yes bring back communion rails and eliminate lay ministers of the Eucharist nowCanon 915, Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1121Ad Orientem (with Catechesis on reason for changing to this orientation.)Catechesis, Return to Tradition
1122Set the example, including all of the other recommendations. Let people see YOU ALWAYS treating the host the host as it IS: TRULY BODY & BLOOD. SOUL AND DIVINITY of OUR LORD!! ????????Personal Witness
1123All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1124All of above. Simply one item will not solve this problemMultiple Recommendations
1125Actually all of the above Multiple Recommendations
1126All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1127Eliminate EM's AND bring back altar rails.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1128Receiving Holy Communion on the tongue and only from a priest or ordained Deacon. Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1129All of the above. And get rid of these openly gay priests and priests that are 9 -4 paid professionals Multiple Recommendations
1130All of the above. Plus - Stop trying to change the True Faith!Multiple Recommendations
1131I believe all of above need to be done.Multiple Recommendations
1132All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1133#1 must be combined with #6. On the tongue while kneeling and no Extraordinary MinistersLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1134Encourage the practice of receiving keeling and on the tongue as well as eliminating extraordinary ministers of holy communion, needs to be both/andLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1135I would like to check All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1136All of the above, but definitely kneeling/ receipt on the tongue and denying Communion to the publicly defiant on Catholic teaching and morals. Multiple Recommendations
1137Can’t reduce to just one reply. This need requires all of these recommendations to be enacted. Multiple Recommendations
1138All of the above. There is no one simple solution. We let true belief slip away due to neglecting our teachings, and installing bad practices.Multiple Recommendations
1139Bing back the TLMReturn to Tradition
1140Better education of Eucharistic Miracles, seen is believing! The priests, and deacons need to lead by example.Catechesis
1141Restore Communion rails and Communion on the tongue and kneeling at those rails.Return to Tradition
1142All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1143All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1144All of the above, most certainly!Multiple Recommendations
1145There are many people who to mass and do not receive because they are in irregular marriages or they are baptized but never made Holy Communion. Parish priests and those who work closely with him in ministry should be encouraged to offer guidance to these people to how they parish can assist them in receiving their sacraments. Many times, people are just not gently approached and they are already attending mass. People will not attend a Holy Hour or workshop on the Eucharist if they never have a personal encounter with Jesus and local parishes must be better equipped to accompany long term the people they have right in the pew so they in turn can give witness to the transformative power of Jesus in the Eucharist.Other
1146All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1147Model supernatural faith in the Eucharist and everything else CatholicPersonal Witness
1148A combination of several of these choices. The only reason I don't go to TLM is it is not available nearby Multiple Recommendations, Return to Tradition
1149ALL OF THE ABOVE. Multiple Recommendations
1150Explicitly and personally speak of the Eucharist as an encounter with Jesus Christ HimselfCatechesis
1151Reinstate the railsReturn to Tradition
1152Addressing abuse crisis and engaging with community Leadership Reforms
1153Love and appreciate Christ more and stop focusing on the speck in your brother’s eyeOther
1154Stop hyper-fixating on all these external things and start listening to the people who have left the faith. Most are very willing to tell you why they left and it has nothing to do with any of this. As far as those who don't believe in the Real Presence, none of these things is going to truly help because these suggestions are not even remotely close to addressing why a person stops believing or doesn't believe. Other
1155Encourage a real prayer life among the faithful that will foster relationship with God through meditating on the Bible, personal prayer, and silence.Prayer
1156Read Pope Francis’s works, learn from him, follow the Holy Spirit, love those who are on the peripheries, stop blaming othersOther
1157Lead by example showing charity and true humility, in obedience to the PopePersonal Witness
1158Actually address the ongoing sex abuse scandal in the churchLeadership Reforms
1159Cultivate an understanding of Christ and a relationship with him that is deeply tied to liturgical and Eucharistic acts of charity Catechesis
1160Live a life that radiates the total self-giving love of ChristPersonal Witness
1161Address the sexual abuse scandal head on, instead of making excuses like saying that abuse is a problem in other churches, or downplaying the impact. Include women in all areas of decision making in the church.Leadership Reforms
1162Address the abuse scandals in the church - deny Eucharist and defrock those accused. Leadership Reforms
1163Foster people from all walks of life in and out of the parish walls. Encourage serving the community without bounds Other
1164Teach the faithful to love as Christ loves - belief will follow love Catechesis
1165Stop sexually abusing children. Leadership Reforms
1166All of thisMultiple Recommendations
1167Protect our children!Leadership Reforms
1168All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1169Make real and substantial changes to ensure the safety of children and the support of victims of clergy abuse. Stop focusing on these external things and start focusing on truly showing Christ's love. Stop supporting Trump.Leadership Reforms
1170Address the disgusting sexual abuse committed by the clergy. Address it, admonish it, HANDLE IT! NOW!Leadership Reforms
1171Both eliminate extraordinary ministers and only reception on the tongue kneelingLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1172Stop defending abusers.Leadership Reforms
1173Be welcoming to all people Other
1174Pray the Rosary daily, in Latin, learn Latin prayers, the litanies, the prayers of the mass. Do it in secret. What God sees in secret He will repay in secret.Prayer
1175Bring back AWE. (The first three above are all critical)Reverence
1176Some of these are symptoms, not the illness. You should create a new, unbiased survey if you want to get to the REAL source of this issue in the church.Other
1177The Latin Mass and receiving on the tongue don't guarantee anything. Please don't make people think they do.Other
1178Encourage people to use the gifts of the Holy SpiritCatechesis
1179Design the churches themselves to point towards the importance of the Eucharist and everything else will follow. Return to Tradition
1180There is no one answer all of the above are highly recommended except for the last recommendation. While I'm not an extraordinary minister, I see this as the one negative suggestion within the above list of fixes. I believe there should be a restriction but not an elimination. Multiple Recommendations
1181All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1182Create an environment of holiness in church, and treat the Eucharist as God. Everything else will fall out naturally.Reverence
1183Be MORE VISIBLE & TRANSPARENT role models of possessing the JOY that only the Holy Trinity brings us: 1) Daily Eucharistic Adoration for at least one hour to RECEIVE God's love (His great charity, His great peace & His great joy. 2) Strive to be saints by focusing on growing in humility & meekness "starting with the man in the mirror", growing in passionate love, and growing in joyful obedience to promptings of the HS. 3) Make reparation for the past/present church scandals to regain & retain the trust of their past & current flock (and add new flock) through MORE VISIBLE demonstration of the Religious attending Confession and doing acts of Penance in pews for all (both lay & walk-away Catholics and the public). For example, I've seen local priests standing in Confession lines. And I've heard of priests sitting outside on a park bench offering to chat or to provide Confession. 🙂Confession, Adoration, Personal Witness
1184Bring back the Traditional Latin Mass. Pray for the conversion of the Jews and the end of the NO massReturn to Tradition
1185Enforce canon915 vigorously Canon 915
1186More Tridentine massesReturn to Tradition
1187Open accountability & apologies Leadership Reforms
1188All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1189They are all so important, I can't choose. Multiple Recommendations
1190Without becoming too much like Protestant denominations, we must evangelize like them. We must learn from our Protestant brothers and sisters and bring people to the point of making a decision. Catholicism too often dies from someone’s heart when they become confirmed, meanwhile Protestants often stay at that decision of whether Jesus saved them or not. Evangelizing is a necessity in the Catholic Church right now.Other
1191Get rid of the existing socialist Pope.Leadership Reforms
1192Catechize the faithful but it must be from the PULPIT...Catechesis
1193Restore the old Mass. The new one degrades faith.Return to Tradition
1194Build a sense of community in the parish and embrace the different cultural ways of celebrating the Eucharistic, in-order to teach the faith and appreciate the Real Presence - together. Catechesis
1195All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1196Spend time teaching people the love available to them by believing in the true presence and the grace available. Getting caught up in all the rules only alienates people and doesn’t make them want to seek Jesus. This survey is disturbing to me as it is so far off base as to shy people are leaving and why they aren’t engaging. If they aren’t in the pews and don’t fell Gods love in our community they will never take the time to learn. Yes, there are commandments and rules and we should all strive to become more like Jesus. Catechesis
1197Eliminate the Novus OrdoReturn to Tradition
1198Convert all of your fellow Bishops to Catholicism.Leadership Reforms
1199Create a less judgmental and hateful space, fire pedophilic priests instead of relocating them, etc. Leadership Reforms
1200Encourage them to be loving. There's a saying that "There's no hate like Christian love." I've been subject to the hate while a part of the church and separated. My parents' priest told them not to go to my wedding since it was outside of the church, which has only caused further issues and separation. Other
1201Encourage receiving the Eucharist in the tongue while kneeling and greater reverence in towards the Eucharist in everyway as well as Catechizing better Catechesis, Return to Tradition, Reverence
1202I don’t think any of these are truly important Other
1203All aboveMultiple Recommendations
1204All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1205Increasing Catholics' appreciation for sacred music and sacred art (an appreciation for the beautiful usually results in an appreciation, and belief in, the truth). Return to Tradition
1206All of the above questions, they are all need to be done and encouraged because they are all important and what’s going to improve the belief of our Lords presence in Eucharist. Multiple Recommendations
1207Allow for the widespread celebration of the TLM.Return to Tradition
1208All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1209Restore the Latin Mass and suppress the boomer rite of Vatican Two. Return to Tradition
1210all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1211Have the parents educate their children on this Catechesis
1212To believe in the true presence themselves. Pray the mass like it is your first mass and your only mass! Lead us the flock to heaven by example through prayer and love of God.Personal Witness, Reverence
1213At every Mass remind the faithful it is a Sin to receive the Eucharist unworthily or while in a State of Mortal sinCatechesis
1214 I believe it is a combination of better catechesis of the laity to further teach and encourage the reverence needed for our Eucharistic Lord. We cannot realistically eliminate EMHC because of our lack of priests. We must set people on fire for the Lord and teach them the truth more zealously. Those who are not worthy to receive our Lord in the Eucharist should not even be presenting themselves to receive Him. It is the individual who must make a spiritual Communion, receive Confession and change their ways. It is not an easy answer and I personally believe it is a lack of good, solid catechesis and the faithful having poor personal relationships with Christ. It is going to take a lot of work to revitalize the Church but with Christ, nothing is impossible. Catechesis, Reverence
1215Catechism the faithful in more ways, on more topics, with more logic and reason, not just the catechism but the why and origins of the teachingsCatechesis
1216teach mental prayer Catechesis
1217All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1218I would say encourage more reverence is #1, but eliminating EMHC's would be included under that, along with using patent, kneeling to reforge on tongue, and others. Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition, Reverence
1219All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1220If you acted like Christ, laypeople would feel Christ. Leadership Reforms
1221I’m unable to select one. Formation is the foundation but also the active demonstration of how to be in the presence of our Lord through our actions, receiving on our knees from a priest with complete reverence during mass. Multiple Recommendations
1222Kneel down at communion railsReturn to Tradition
1223Also to catechize the priests who have seemed to have lost their identity and that the salvation of souls be the impetus for their “programs”.Catechesis
1224get rid of queer priestsLeadership Reforms
1225Instruct the seminarians in total reverence for the EucharistReverence
1226become true Christians, followers of Jesus, not denominational. Read the last chapter of Benedict xvi, introduction to ChristianityOther
1227All of the above. Why not!!!!Multiple Recommendations
1228All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1229I really don’t know because I know there is a real presence in me & the universe Other
1230ALL OF THE ABOVE......Multiple Recommendations
1231Stop laicizing our holy priests and harboring those who are in the state of mortal sin.Leadership Reforms
1232Have one of petitions be that we grow in our appreciation of Christ’s True Presence in the Eucharist so people are always reminded when they go.Prayer
1233all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1234Be living examples to the true Roman Catholic Church, not Satan's toolLeadership Reforms
1236Credibility, sexual abuse scandals are a deterrent to society as a whole. How can criminal clergy speak about faith, the Real Presence, and the Eucharist, when they have been accused and convicted for crimes committed against their communities? Hypocrisy!!????????Leadership Reforms
1237all of the above!!!!Multiple Recommendations
1238Be converted. Love one another. Other
1239ALL OF THE ABOVE - FULL STOP!Multiple Recommendations
1240While all these are important, both receiving on the tongue while kneeling and eliminating Ext. ministers of Holy Communion are equally important. Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1241Indecent dress code, we are in the Church not on the ??? beachReverence
1242It’s two-fold; receiving the Eucharist on the tongue, on bended knee/Altar Rail by the hands of a Priest only, Not Eucharistic MinistersReturn to Tradition
1243All’ the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1244All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1245Priests need to be seen going into the Adoration Chapel, they need to be more reverent when giving communion what happened to the Corpus Domine etc. said every time they gave communion. Unfortunately priests will not give up the lay people giving communion which is a huge shame. We need holier priests and more of them.Personal Witness, Reverence
1246Having priests be respectful and reverent when handling the Eucharist speaks volumes to the lay people. I.e. only using the pointer finger and thumb when touching the Eucharist and keeping those fingers together after touching the Eucharist, washing their fingers after giving out Communion.Reverence
1247I can’t specify my number one recommendation since I believe they are all of the greatest importance. Catechizing the faithful, encouraging greater reverence, increasing Eucharistic events, eliminating Extraordinary Ministers, encouraging the proper practice of receiving Communion all go hand in hand on how to improve people’s belief in the Real Presence. It starts with those in authority and with proper guidance to the shepherds of parishes, the people can truly learn why Catholicism is so different - so special - since we do have this extraordinary gift of the Holy Eucharist. They cannot say one thing and do another - they must lead by reverent examples to show how Catholicism is the one true Faith and Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist at every Holy Mass.Multiple Recommendations
1248All the above Multiple Recommendations
1249Then order the above from next important....Multiple Recommendations
1250Shut down the Gay Mafia and their agenda Leadership Reforms
1251All with more reverence Multiple Recommendations
1252All Bishops & priests need to believe!Leadership Reforms
1253Increase the availability to attend the Traditional Latin Mass for all people!Return to Tradition
1254Cast out the perverts as consciously as you've cast out WE, the DIVORCED!Leadership Reforms
1255Stop acting like your better then the laity. Leadership Reforms
1256Treat the Blessed Sacrament as it is treated in the Traditional Latin Mass, its the best example and teaching aid there is.Reverence
1257All of them!!Multiple Recommendations
1258All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1259All of the above. I'm not as worried about using emoc if it is not abusive. With shortage of clergy it is needed Multiple Recommendations
1260The first thing children my learn is God's awesomeness and grandeur, and the need for one on one with Him to be enthralled. Connect spiritual journey with developmental theory, that is, in adolescence one who tends to be rebellious will rebel; against God, too, and Catechesis
1261The following are equally significant examples to follow: ALL OF THE ABOVE Multiple Recommendations
1262Bring back the Latin Mass which incorporates many of the above optionsReturn to Tradition
1263There is more then one of the above answersMultiple Recommendations
1264all of the above--Multiple Recommendations
1265We should have been able to check everyone of the above points. I am unable to attend Mass due to physical disabilities, but Eucharist Minister does bring me communion a home. If our bishops and priest lead a life of wickedness, how can the lay people expect to do the right thing? For a time in my life, I was a daily communicant, then when that wasn’t possible, I always went on Sunday and all Holy Days, Eucharist Adoration, etc. I am happy to say that we brought 7 children up in the faith. My husband always fortune the church and then looked for a house nearby in the years we moved around in the Army. Lay people need to look up to our bishops and priests and not be ashamed of them. If they set a better example, the people would follow. I am the only Catholic from a protestant family and I am ashamed for them to know the things that are in the news about Catholics. The way I see it, the sin is mostly coming from the hierarchy of the church. Totally DISGUSTING AND SO SAD!Multiple Recommendations, Leadership Reforms
1266Stop disobeying the Pope in small mattersOther
1267TLM ALL MASSESReturn to Tradition
1268Live holy lives.Personal Witness
1269The priests should act like they believe; with more reverence before, during and after Mass, and concern for the laity through their sermons. If all priests/bishops would read 30 Days to Eucharistic Revival by Fr Don Calloway, and follow the recommendations he suggests, and teach those recommendations to their parishioners, I believe we would see some changes among we the laity Personal Witness
1270Receive the Eucharist in a very Sacred WayReverence
1271All the above Multiple Recommendations
1272Reinstate No Social Talking before/during/after Mass so people can pray! DO tell us theology about the Eucharist & show from scripture why it must be that Jesus is Really Present, how Catholics have it right because transubstantiation is the only explanation that makes sense. One can't have faith in miracles, in prayer, in the HS, in personal relationship and then just stop, right there at the Eucharist and declare "faith has no place here. Jesus is everywhere doing everything except here, in the Mass, right at the point of receiving communion with Him. Oh no. That's just memory. A symbol. Jesus can't be this substance. That's too small, too material, too unworthy. But yes, I believe Jesus in incarnate God/Man." Thinking that doesn't make logical sense. So Catholics HAVE to be right. They are the only ones who are logical. IMO.Catechesis, Reverence
1273The use of Altar Rails… so a combination of kneeing and on tongue with the elimination of EMHC.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1274Increase overall Reverence of the Eucharist by receiving on the tongue while kneeling by the hands of a priest and at the same time withholding the Eucharist from those who don’t recognize Jesus’ Presence through their public acts of blasphemy. Return to Tradition, Reverence
1275All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1276Stay out of politics and come down hard on sexual scandals. Stop hiding and moving predators around so that they can continue to cause harm.Leadership Reforms
1277Education regarding the dangers of communism and how this impacts the Catholic Church, and the role the Catholic Church plays in countering communism within and without the Church. Then Encourage practice of receiving Eucharist on tongue while kneeling. Catechesis, Return to Tradition
1278Public Announcement of Excommunication of nonrepentant "Catholic" leaders holding state and Church office who obstinately reject Catholic Pro-Life Pro-Family Pro-Christ teachings.. Canon 915
1279Return to a liturgy that in all ways makes evident that Our Lord is truly present. Return to Tradition
1280Everything you spoke of matters. Allowing and promoting a liturgy that encompasses all these reverences is the only way to bring back belief of the True Presence. Multiple Recommendations
1281More religious education, explanation, reminders, etc..Catechesis
1282All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1283Create and install bishops who actually believe in the Real Presence and who defend the faith without exception. Leadership Reforms
1284Use kindness and love over judgement. Stop emphasizing personal sim over community support Other
1285All of the AboveMultiple Recommendations
1286Bring warm, reverent, holy, traditional churches filled with saints, rather than modernistic, void spaces.Return to Tradition
1287All of the above AND return Tabernacles to the center of the Church & emphasize genuflections.Multiple Recommendations
1288Only the priest administers Holy Communion. Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1289Return altar rails and only priests administered communion on the tongue. What is the purpose of the washing of hands if anyone is allowed to touch the host. It doesn’t feel like the church even takes this seriously so of course the laity wouldn’t either. That is only a start. Return to Tradition
1290All of the above are important. Perhaps these should be ranked. Multiple Recommendations
1291Be more inclusive and connect God’s word more practically to our daily lives. Other
1292Catechize at every age will bring knowledge of Real Presence requiring silence, reverence, acceptance of punishment as God Justice, Only Priest and ordained ministers Holy enough to touch Eucharist. Church is Holy ground requiring proper reverence. Having attended Catholic school grades K through 12 but my lack of knowledge of the faith led to my failure as a parent to make our home a truly Holy home. Only 1 of 3 daughters practices the faith. How do I get the other 2, at ages 30 and 34, to go back to the faith of their youth? If only I had a proper understanding of the Bible, scripture and tradition that I could have taught my children the way to go!Catechesis
1293All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1294Preach the WORD, be diligent to teach the truth. Be bold and courageous. Is Vigano the only brave preacher?Catechesis
1295I think all actions/changes should be oriented toward eventually returning to receiving Holy Eucharist kneeling and on the tongue ideally - this demonstrates the most respectful and humble reception. That said, any actions which would return respectful actions such as central tabernacle, genuflection, processions, etc. - ALL would promote the Eucharist as something extraordinary and something special. I would also rank elimination of EM's except to the unusual circumstances they were intended for as an important step.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1296Shelve Vatican II as a failed attempt to undermine the faithful.Return to Tradition
1297We need to get girls and women more involved in the Mass. We honor the Virgin Mary, but when it comes down to it females can only be Sacristans and Readers. Also, show respect to the Elders in the Parish; they are being neglected .Other
1298I would link your suggestions: 1,2,3 & 5 together for ongoing instruction during homilies & ministries. Multiple Recommendations
1299Talk about our Blessed Mother and the power of her intercession.Catechesis
1300Encourage the TLM and eliminate the NO liturgy.Return to Tradition
1301All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1302Prosecute Homosexual and Pedophilic Deacons, Priests, Bishop's and Cardinals.Leadership Reforms
1303All of the above. In my diocese Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO we only perform two on a realistic level, i.e., Adoration and some, yet inconsistent, attempt at promoting reverence. Multiple Recommendations
1304All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1305 Reinstall the faith of our fathers through the mass of the ages, the traditional Latin mass. Return to Tradition
1306These are all so good though! Multiple Recommendations
1307All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1308All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1309Encourage them to receive on the tongue with out rail it would be hard for people to get up. Return to Tradition
1310Teach our priests to love the mass again. Bring them encouragement to really know the presence of our Lord. He is there in that host. They get to be so close to Him in every mass. Be on fire for Christ! So your parishioners may be on fire as well! Leadership Reforms, Catechesis
1311Make the church less about appearances and more about substance Other
1312Also receive kneeling and on the tongue.Return to Tradition
1313All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1314I think encouraging reverence towards the Eucharist through the example of the clergy and through better catechesis will result in better understanding of the reality of the Eucharist. Ultimately, the more reverence is witnessed, either through example or instruction, the more seriously people will take the Eucharist. We must treat the Body and Blood of Christ with the utmost care and reverence, otherwise why would someone believe that God is really present and in front of them? Witnessing irreverence encourages more irreverence. Reverence
1315again allowing Eucharist ministers including women to give Holy Communion.Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1316Teach the Scripture that Jesus said this is my body this is my blood. He never told a lie. Catechesis
1317ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!!!! BRING THE KNEELERS BACKMultiple Recommendations
1318No socializing in church outsideReverence
1319I think that we have to go back to only priests giving out communion. They are the only ones with consecrated hands. I also feel we should kneel when receiving and the communion rails should come back. We should all fall on our knees.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1320Restore the Latin Mass as the "preferred form" in the Roman Rite.Return to Tradition
1321I think all of the above is needed I could not pick one because it's bad. More people go to communion then confession so it's beyond just 1 sort of "fix" it's all of the above.Multiple Recommendations
1322Make a commitment to follow Jesus call to feed the poor and welcome the stranger, etc. Other
1323Return to the Tridentine RiteReturn to Tradition
1324Sharing knowledge of Eucharistic MiraclesCatechesis
1325All of the above are important. But most important, catechize the Catholic priests and deacons first! It's difficult for the laity to even consider the possibility of the Real Presence when the ordained priests and deacons themselves do not show proper respect, reverence, humility, adoration of the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. When the ordained priests and deacons consistently model appropriate behavior, belief, humility (via words and actions) toward Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, then the laity will start to notice and learn. Multiple Recommendations
1326Restore ad orientem liturgy and install altar railsReturn to Tradition
1327Get to know and love the people in your diocese so you can understand what is for their good. Take abuse seriously. Seek authentic holiness and encourage priests in your diocese to preach it. Do not seek notoriety (ESPECIALLY on social media - if you use it, use it for preaching and building up ALL the people in your diocese) outside of your diocese. PRAY. Do not view the success of your diocese primarily in terms of Mass attendance or money. Leadership Reforms
1328Bring back the traditional Latin MassReturn to Tradition
1329ALL OF THE ABOVE !!!Multiple Recommendations
1330Emphasis on the Miraculous/Supernatural Nature of the Eucharist Catechesis
1331Reestablish the faith in the laity by teaching the catechism and the reality of sin and eternal damnationCatechesis
1332Priest to say the prayers slowly, meaningfully and with reverence. Fr Fog & Fr Borkenhagen especially mean it when they consecrate the host & wine. Reverence
1333Eliminate Marxist/homosexualist bishopsLeadership Reforms
1334All of the above and encourage the TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS RETURN ASAP.Multiple Recommendations
1335Encourage those receiving communion to say 'AMEN' from the heart, whether that means being louder, deeper or softer, or even saying 'I believe' ... whatever is needed so the Lord hears us.Catechesis
1336all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1337Education education education!!!! Educate on reverence in the Church proper, during Mass, receiving communion, educate on John 6 the Eucharistic discourse, educate on transubstantiation. I really believe if people really knew their faith there would be a revival all on our own. Can’t live what you don’t know or understand. Fr Heilman has educated piece by piece on the Mass and now has a very reverent Novus Ordo Mass. Would be interesting to know if belief in true presence escalated after thatCatechesis
13381-4 above, especially receiving Our Lord in a state of mortal sin and its offensiveness to GodMultiple Recommendations
1339Due to no Latin Mass offered here and no transportation I cannot attend Mass. Was going to NO Mass until I could stand no more abuseReturn to Tradition
1340All of the Above!Multiple Recommendations
1341Teach the faith from the pulpit. Teach what mortal sin is. Why missing Sunday mass is mortal sin and will damage faith, relationships, moral judgment, families if left unconfessed. Why are priests afraid/ashamed/ignorant of Catholic teaching?Catechesis
1342All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1343ALL OF THE ABOVE ??Multiple Recommendations
1344Make the Traditional Latin Mass the normative form of the MassReturn to Tradition
1345all of the above Multiple Recommendations
1346Teach tradition and what Vatican II actually promotedCatechesis
1347Jesus’s presence in the Eucharist is not political! No one should receive Him who openly supports abortion! These bishops and priests are weak. It’s time to stand up for God and not allow it! Biden et Al should never have gotten communion from that pope. Also catechize Catholics properly! Bring back traditional values, get rid of Novus ordo, communion should only be given on the tongue while kneeling! 12 years in Catholic school/college (Loyola New Orleans)and I didn’t know anything, catechize!Leadership Reforms, Canon 915, Return to Tradition
1348No more ENCOURAGEMENT. CHANGE the practices to receiving on the tongue while kneeling. Treat the Eucharist like it IS the Body of Our Lord! Don't allow public heretics and sinners to receive. Tell people that they won't be allowed to receive if they aren't dressed REVERENTLY. No one but the priest can touch the Sacred Species or vessels. No women on the Altar (like its been for 5000 years). Start ACTING like its the TRUE Body of Christ and the Faithful will start to BELIEVE IT!Return to Tradition
1349Clean up the conduct of bishops and then the priests under them, it is disgusting, no one will listen to hypocrites and sinnersLeadership Reforms
1350All these options are facets of the second one - catechesis.Multiple Recommendations
1351All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1352Strong religious ed classes on the EucharistCatechesis
1353Teach the faith. I was poorly catechized thanks to the watering down of tradition since Vatican II. I know I am not alone. I have had to learn much in recent years, things that if educated properly I would not need to seek. I would know them. Catechesis
1354Eliminate Vatican 2 Return to Tradition
1355Be extremists, roll back everything since VII and start over because this isn't working.Return to Tradition
1356Emphasis Christ in creation, abandon true presence dogma.Catechesis
1357Have chair kneelers at communion areaReturn to Tradition
1358Make the church a safe place by having strong consequences for clergy who are disobedient and reparation to victims. Making the complaints prices easier, then I will come back to churchLeadership Reforms
1359all of the above/any of the above, the Eucharist is so disrespectedMultiple Recommendations
1360I can’t pick just one from above list. I think they are all needed to be put into practice.Multiple Recommendations
1361All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1362All of the above. Seriously!Multiple Recommendations
1363Encourage each one to commit to growing in holiness and a personal relationship with JESUS by participating in the Holy Mass more than just on Sunday, Adoration, praying the Rosary daily and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, while calling daily on the Holy Spirit and thanking one's Guardian Angel.Adoration
1364And all the others above Multiple Recommendations
1365Eliminate stupid contemporary music. It’s amazing how that musical pablum sucks the reverence and holiness out of the Mass.Return to Tradition
1366All of the above except the Eucharist ministers. Multiple Recommendations
1367ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
1368Rid the Church of pedophiles, homosexuals. Bring justice to those that break both the law and Catholic Canon. Rid the Church of debauchery and priests associated with it. We are hypocrites when we don’t. Leadership Reforms
1369Eliminate the Novus OrdoReturn to Tradition
1370All of the above except EMofHC but I will say that our priest is very reverent and does most of the above. We love him. Encourage school Mass kids to walk, not run out of church after Mass.Multiple Recommendations
1371Educate people that when receiving communion in the hand, they are responsible for looking for “visible ”Eucharistic particles remaining in their hand, and if there are, they must be consumed. Or if people do not want to take on this responsibility, while cautioning against scrupulosity, they should be encouraged to receive communion on the tongue.Return to Tradition
1372Allow the Traditional Latin Mass for all who wish to worship according to the age old tradition of the church and the saints. Return to Tradition
1373Celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass where all these above recommendations are already in place.Return to Tradition
1374The Bishops who have become complacent and more like diplomats need to repent and lead the priests in their diocese to true worship of Jesus in the Eucharist. Until the leadership changes, nothing will change. Our Bishops need to repent or leave their positions and outlawing the Latin Mass as recently suggested by our Pope brings division not unity. In addition, our Catholic Church should not fall victim to the ways of Fr James Martin or other priests who preach that homosexuality is accepted behavior. I folk Fr James Kirby, Fr Chris Alar, Fr Mike Schmitz, and Fr Ripperger and Fr Mark Goring as well as EWTN to fill in the gaps not provided within our archdiocese Leadership Reforms
1375Return to celebration of the mass Ad OrientumReturn to Tradition
1376Both receiving on the tongue and eliminate Extraordinary ministersLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1377Needing to appreciate and encourage the teachings of Vatican IICatechesis
1378Deal with homosexuality in local priests.Leadership Reforms
1379On the tongue, kneeling, and FROM a PRIEST (how it should read), Confession before Masses.Return to Tradition
1380Focus on teachings and validity rather than magical thinking and unrealistic supernatural stories very hard to believe in this day and age. Focus on making religion a balanced mix of faith, logic and science friendly for example, use biology to clarify weird sexual notions prevalent in the west are not exactly healthy nor scientific without demonizing the individual suffering from sexual perversions, confusions and disorders. Also try to explain the personal and social merits of the new testament in personal send social life etc. Catechesis
1381TLM onlyReturn to Tradition
1382All of the above applyMultiple Recommendations
1383Greater reverence for the species at the consecrationReverence
1384All the Above!Multiple Recommendations
1385Return to the traditional Latin mass Return to Tradition
1386Use Ad Orientem and altar railsReturn to Tradition
1387Latin Mass Return to Tradition
1388Please, please, please KEEP THE LATIN MASS!.Return to Tradition
1389All the above. Every single one of these options listed above should be implemented. Keep lay people off the altar and form seminarians to become holy priests. If the priest is sanctified then the people will be sanctified. Make the liturgy beautiful and holy and then people will believe. I started attending the TLM 3 years ago and once I saw the reverence for the Eucharist and the liturgy that is when I started taking my faith more seriously. You can make the Novus Ordo holier too and you must if you want to bring the faithful to God.Multiple Recommendations, Return to Tradition
1390All of the ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
1391Actually step up and take responsibility for the continued abuse happening in the Church and end the politicization of the faith Leadership Reforms
1392All of the above and free the Roman Rite for the faithful.Multiple Recommendations
1393If people must receive Jesus kneeling and on the tongue, it forces them to stop and ask why. It forces them to choose in either believing wholeheartedly or leaving. People are ok with accepting difficult truths, they want something to believe in, so give them a reason to believe. Challenge people! Couple it with eliminating ministers of Holy Communion and they'll really be forced to stop and think, "why are we treating that Host so sacred?" I think it is important that these two are done in conjunction with each other.Return to Tradition
1394Eliminate homosexuals from priesthoodLeadership Reforms
1395Return to Pre-Vatican II norms and practice in regards to liturgy, discipline, and catechism. Return to Tradition
1396encourage Roman Catholics to come to the Eastern Catholic liturgies, or to go to Tridentine or Anglican rite masses. The whole form of the Novus Ordo undermines the Real Presence.Return to Tradition
1397ALL of the above are #1Multiple Recommendations
1398I agree with all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1399Bring parishioners together more to prayPrayer
1400Blast ALL media sources with the TRUTH as we learned in the 1950s. Put REAL messages on radio. regular TV about Catholicism, Pro-life, Death, Satan, hell, evil, Mass. Bombard ears with THE REAL TRUTH as on EWTN Catholic TV. Other
1401 Make the Traditional Latin Mass freely available and more catechizing the faithful.Return to Tradition
1402Speak to it and remind people of its uniquenessCatechesis
1403Shut down the Gay Mafia and their agenda Leadership Reforms
1404Greater access to the Latin MassReturn to Tradition
1405See notes above. Multiple Recommendations
1406All the above are wonderful options and should All be implemented.Multiple Recommendations
1407We need a third Vatican Council to modernize the church. Stagnation is killing it. A return to orthodoxy is killing it Other
1408Figure out how to bring hollowness back to the church.Return to Tradition
1409All the options are needed. I believe the bishops failed hugely and most of them did it purposefully.Multiple Recommendations
1410all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1411Resign and allow clerics who are dedicated entirely to ministry to lead the Church back to its own teachingsLeadership Reforms
1412Do what Our Lord commanded you to do. " Humbly "Reverence
1413All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
1414Everything. Especially catechizing and encouraging reverence. Multiple Recommendations, Catechesis, Reverence
1415Restore altar railsReturn to Tradition
1416When transubstantiation is taking place, the priest needs to slow down. It should be reverenced by all. It needs to be holy minutes not seconds. Reverence
1417all the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1418Receive Holy Eucharist on the tongue, stress Gods sacrament of Mercy, confession. Have priests deacons Only give Holy Communion. More time for thanksgiving after receiving. Return to Tradition
1419Attend the Latin Mass. I did not recognize the real presence while attending the Novus Ordo. It wasn’t until I attended the Latin Mass that I recognized the real presence.Return to Tradition
1420Have altar rails, making it easier to kneel and receive on tongueReturn to Tradition
1421all of the above.Multiple Recommendations
1422all of the above!!!Multiple Recommendations
1423Having a saving faith in Christ that comes through Biblical literacyCatechesis
1424Get back to true theology. Theology should better explain what already exists instead of twisting the truth to remain popular.Catechesis
1425Return to the Traditional MassReturn to Tradition
1426Help child understand and know how to defend their faith in school, in the world, and after they leave home.Catechesis
1427Actions, not words. Eliminate ENHCs and administer communion kneeling on the tongue with a properly vested MALE altar server holding a paten comes first, then words (Catechism and decrees withholding communion from obstinate public sinners) will not be hypocritical. Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1428All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1429It must be all that promote true belief in the Real Presence. On the tongue while kneeling, catechize, only those recognized by the church fathers handling our lord in the Eucharist. Salt on the tongue at baptism and being taught why. Catechism and outward reverence, kneeling and nodding of the head at the Name of Jesus Multiple Recommendations, Return to Tradition
1430Catechism properly taught all through life would result in all of the above Multiple Recommendations
1431All of the above can be obtained through exclusively offering the TLM.Multiple Recommendations
1432All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1433I feel as though receiving while kneeling is just as important as only receiving from the priest's consecrated hands. The two should not be divorced from each other. Return to Tradition
1434Increase Eucharistic events like Adoration and also deny Holy Communion from public figured who reject traditional Catholic teachingCanon 915, Adoration
1435Emphasize the importance of the sacrament of confession Confession
1436All of the above!!!!!Multiple Recommendations
1437Tough one because I see the need to receive Communion kneeling & on the tongue AND the elimination of extraordinary ministers of holy Communion as the greatest way to recapture the sacred nature of the Eucharist. Multiple Recommendations, Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1438All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1439All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1440See Archbishop Salvatore Calderon-back him up!Other
1441ALL of the above is necessary. It's not just 1 thing to do, but ALL as each aspect sends a message that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist, and by carrying out all of these duties along with much needed education solidify that laity and priests have a responsibility to do the will of God and not our own or society's, and it is imperative to receive the Eucharist worthily. If receiving the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin, we heap condemnation upon our own heads. Priests rarely speak of this and should. Bishops tell priests to make all homilies light and short and in essence offer nothing for the salvation of souls, which is their primary duty. To save souls by doing God's will and not their own or a bishop's that just wants the bank account filled. Multiple Recommendations
1442All of the above. You cannot just do one thing. People cannot receive in the hand or it makes no sense to eliminate Ordinary ministers. The priest should explain WHY their hands were ANNOINTED. The Eucharist also needs to be withheld from people who reject Catholic teaching. The impact won't be there if you don't enforce ALL of these things. Multiple Recommendations
1443Restore reverence and proper ceremony in the mass. Priests are leaders praying to God on our behalf and not overseers.Leadership Reforms, Return to Tradition
1444If receiving on the tongue, kneeling, was encouraged it would then lead to catechesis on why we show that reverence, which would hopefully lead us all to the truth.Return to Tradition
1445All of these Multiple Recommendations
1446Both encourage receiving on the tongue while kneeling and refuse to administer the Eucharist to public figures who hold positions that promote or encourage mortal sin, until they repent and take a public position consistent with Church teachings. Canon 915, Return to Tradition
1447All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1448Include in homily.. for those of you receiving Jesus in the Eucharist today, remember to tell Him (lesson from homily)Catechesis
1449All. The Eucharist is the source and summit. We should do everything we can to improve people's belief in the Real Presence.Catechesis
1450Also, Eucharistic Ministers are not only unnecessary, but completely undermine the Sacred Priesthood which only a Priest's Consecrated hands should be touching the Holy Eucharist. Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1451All of the above needs to be addressed ASAP!Multiple Recommendations
1452There are 2: Catechize the faithful and without from public officials who reject Catholic teachingCanon 915, Catechesis
1453All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1454Eliminate deacons preaching.Other
1455Witness to being in the real Presence as to how it transforming and graced filledPersonal Witness
1456All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1457Show us your devotionPersonal Witness
1458Drain the Catholic swamp of homos and pedo in USCCB Leadership Reforms
1459All of them are equally important, but receiving the Holy Eucharist by mouth and kneeling (for those who are physically able to) is so very important, with withholding Holy Communion, as well as excommunication (for people such as President Biden and Nancy Pelosi) for their continued support of abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, and refusal to change their views.Multiple Recommendations, Return to Tradition
1460Too hard to decide….they are all valid…..but I know that probably half of the people going up for communion have not been to confession for years….nobody ever mentions that as a big reason people no longer believe in the real presenceConfession, Multiple Recommendations
1461ALL are important; cannot single out only one.Multiple Recommendations
1462visits to homebound by deacons or priests. bringing holy communion and confession.Confession
1463receive kneeling and on the tongue from a priest or deacon with a paten held by a male alter server under the chinReturn to Tradition
1464All of the above are extremely important. I recommend all.Multiple Recommendations
1465Educate us on the damage we do by receiving while in mortal sin, educate us on mortal sinCatechesis
1466Convert yourselvesLeadership Reforms
1467end receiving in the handReturn to Tradition
1468I don't think there can be just 1. I think there needs to be a combination of withholding the Eucharist from public officials who reject Catholic teaching as well as encouraging all of us to greater reverence for the Eucharist.Multiple Recommendations, Catechesis
1469All of the above are equally necessary.Multiple Recommendations
1470Bring Him out, churches are closed and adoration or the sacramentas are hard to find near meAdoration
1471Other 5 would sure helpMultiple Recommendations
1472FROM THE PULPIT EVERY WEEK - Catechize!Catechesis
1473Every one of these is very important in helping the Faithful understand that they are truly receiving God in the Holy Eucharist.Multiple Recommendations
1474Return to fasting and receiving kneelingReturn to Tradition
1475All of the above!!Multiple Recommendations
1476Get rid of extraordinary ministersLimit Extraordinary Ministers
1477Communion on the tongue while kneelingReturn to Tradition
1478Restore the Latin Mass at all parishesReturn to Tradition
1479All of the above. We have little time before the anniversary of TuyMultiple Recommendations
1480Encourage receiving holy communion kneeling and on the tongue Return to Tradition
1481Our bishops need to be more in line with each other to defend the deposit of faith and the Eucharist. They are willy-nilly.Leadership Reforms
1482He host should be given only by the priest or deacon.Return to Tradition
1483Place Tabernacles on Altar as before!!Tabernacle Location
1484Live the faith hold self to higher standard don't fall prey to lures of contemporary culture rot Other
1485All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1486Number 1and4Multiple Recommendations
1487Believe there is not just one issue all the ones you listed are important and should be consideredMultiple Recommendations
1488Eucharist in the tongue kneeling if capable, thanksgiving after Mass, not leaving like Judas did as soon as Jesus is received at the Novus Ordo Mass, more Eucharist Public processions , and withholding the Eucharist on who publicly reject church teachings Return to Tradition
1489Eliminate Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Too superstitious, beyond it's rightful time.Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1490Stop the church and clerical abuses as the abuse crisis is worse than ever and destroys faith Leadership Reforms
1491Teach more about the EucharistCatechesis
1492The bishops must first show that they believe in the Real Presence by living that belief. Leadership Reforms
1493Eliminating Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and encouraging greater reverence for the Eucharist are both part of increasing reverence for the Eucharist - also encouraging the practice of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue while kneelingMultiple Recommendations, Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1494Catechize the faithful answer…in clear cut terms, no mincing words.Catechesis
1495Move tabernacle to center of the altar and genuflect often…Tabernacle Location
1496All of the above AND bishops priests set the example others can & will(?) imitate. Multiple Recommendations
1497All of aboveMultiple Recommendations
1498It has to be both kneeling & on the tongue AND eliminate EMHCs!Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1499Use Extraordinary Ministers according to how they were intended to be used, in real necessity, not just to shorten the reception time by a few minutesLimit Extraordinary Ministers
1500The Bishops need to act like they believe it completely, at all times! Instead of trying to get along with the world, as when Cardinal Dolan hid his pectoral cross when praying before the US Congress! LIVE the Faith!Leadership Reforms, Personal Witness
1501Start with the young starting confirmations at age 5 or 6. Teaching them that the real presence and what the mass is about. Over and over so they understand. Catechesis
1502All of the above.. more modest dress at Mass/Church. Tired of impure dress revealing too much skin, cleavage etc.Multiple Recommendations
1503Need more Catholic teachers. Encourage women to become nunsOther
1504All of the above. It really is a disasterMultiple Recommendations
1505Increase confession and adoration and teach contemplative prayerPrayer, Catechesis
1506All answers should be selectedMultiple Recommendations
1507Teach and encourage daily prayerPrayer, Catechesis
1508Encourage personal testimony, for instance, I am totally gluten-free but God told me I could receive you Chris because it is his body and blood and I have been doing so for 40 years with no allergic reactionCatechesis
1509Lex orandi, lex credendi. There needs to be a return to the perennial Mass and doctrine, as the two are inseparable. Return to Tradition
1510All of the above are important Multiple Recommendations
1511Courageously RESIST Modernist Rome's infernal efforts to eliminate the Mass of the Ages!Return to Tradition
1512Become sedevacantistOther
1513The Bishops must Both Catechize the laity on Transubstantiation/Worthy reception AND get rid of taking communion in the hand AND get rid of the ever Ubiquitous "Extraordinary" Eucharistic ministers. Words mean things. Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1514Encourage the TLM. It fixes everything.Return to Tradition
1515Bring Latin Mass and Music backReturn to Tradition
1516All the above.Multiple Recommendations
1517All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1518All of the above. Refresher catechism for adults before the MassMultiple Recommendations
1519All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1520All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
1521Mass must be offered ad orientem. Otherwise the posture of the priest during Mass must be offensive to God (whoever speaks to someone about something important while his back is turned to Him!) and it's misleading to the people in the pews by making it appear that the priest is speaking to them!Return to Tradition
1522All the above, and return the Tridentine without reservationsMultiple Recommendations, Return to Tradition
1523Does everyone (the entire participants at mass) at mass really gone to confession. I say this because I see people go just to receive because they don’t know what to do when with a friend go to confession? I don’t receive when I know I am not worthy and need to go to confession. Confession
1524ALL of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1525Embrace the TLMReturn to Tradition
1526Teach the people to NOT talk (fellowship) in the church before and after Mass. Silence and reverence before the tabernacle are imperative!Catechesis
1527All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1528Restore the traditional Latin Mass, the ONLY Roman Rite.Return to Tradition
1529All the above. You can’t pick just one. It’s the body, blood, soul, and divinity or our God. He deserves our best and highest reverence. It’s a matter of justice. It’s owed. Multiple Recommendations
1530All of the above; greater use of TLMMultiple Recommendations
1531All the above is needed Multiple Recommendations
1532Eliminate extraordinary ministers of holy communion, Priest face the tabernacle Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1533Ad Orientem worship Return to Tradition
1534Stop persecuting the Extraordinary Form of the Holy MassReturn to Tradition
1535restoring the 1962/pre-1955 missals at every parishReturn to Tradition
1536All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1537As orientem worship + greater reverenceReturn to Tradition
1538Ad Orientem Return to Tradition
1539It’s not one, and I don’t exclusively go to the Latin mass, options didn’t fit me but it is primary. It’s an all around constellation. Primarily treatment, which altar rails, communion on the tongue, and many of the other things support. EMHC are not helpful, we treat the most sacred thing like a flyer, people will think of it similarly. Liturgy, architecture, discipline (915 etc.) support and point to the meaning. It’s really a crisis of leadership so that all these things support the teaching ( has to be lived and sheep need to be lead). Excuse typos, on my phone Multiple Recommendations
1540Restore the Mass to the Tridentine rite exclusively, abolish the Novus Ordo Return to Tradition
1541Say the traditional Latin Mass exclusivelyReturn to Tradition
1542Ad Orientum. How can they believe if the priest spends the whole Mass with his back to Christ?Return to Tradition
1543Phase out the Novus Ordo, return to pre-1962 liturgyReturn to Tradition
1544Go back to Traditional (2 These 2:15) Mass preferably all Latin one hour reverent worship; otherwise I guess vernacular fine but at least one Latin weeklyReturn to Tradition
1545Put the Tabernacle directly behind the altar and consecration done ad orientem.Tabernacle Location
1546All of these are important. Multiple Recommendations
1547Teach and receive kneeling on the tongue Return to Tradition
1548Promote TLM attendance Return to Tradition
1549Increase access to the Extraordinary Form of the MassReturn to Tradition
1550This is a case of all of the above. Bishops priests AND laity need to work together to do all of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1551All of the above and encourage the Latin massMultiple Recommendations
1552All of these. Which, upon an honest inspection, would be accomplished with TLM emphasis (if not solely required).Multiple Recommendations, Return to Tradition
1553offer the traditional MassReturn to Tradition
1554Expand the access to the TLM in every city or the very least in every deanery. Return to Tradition
1555Focus outward not inward. Show Jesus to others, we will find him in the Eucharist. As St John Christin said—if we do not find Jesus in the beggar at the door, we will not find him in the Chalice. Other
1556All of the above, but with catechizing, hopefully error would topple!Multiple Recommendations
1557All of the above!!!!Multiple Recommendations
1558Can't choose 1. Numbering 1-6: 1,2,6,3,4,5Multiple Recommendations
1559Bring back the Latin mass. They changed it to NO before they could change it back to. All answers will be solved Return to Tradition
1560All of the above plus abolish the Novus Ordo. Multiple Recommendations
1561Allow full access to traditional Latin Mass everywhere Return to Tradition
1562With respect: end female altar servers, female lectors, ELMHC'sLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1563Ad Orientem posture.Return to Tradition
1564truly, each of these listed are equally #1 to meMultiple Recommendations
1565Educate Catholics with the miracles of Jesus. We have a new Eucharist miracle video each month and it has been eye opening to see the I. All cases the Hot is still bleeding. Spiritual development of kids, in 8th grade to 12th grade is also needed. Like Christian awakening, topics of Mary, apostles, and a focus on not only believing but feeling Jesus in their lives. and never ever ever fail a high school kid In religion. This happened to my son and as soon as he graduated from a catholic school of 13 years, he left the church. He is now 41 and still has not returned. Catechesis
1566Demonstrate real commitment and live ascetical livesLeadership Reforms
1567Eliminate the Novus Ordo mass forever which harbors all of the above. No amount of catechesis will counter the constant public witness of people desecrating the probably validly consecrated Eucharist at a NO mass. Multiple Recommendations
1568To focus more on Jesus/God than on the rituals of the church. We also need better speaking Priest that we can understanding and who can hold hour attention. Other
1569All of the Above. Or just #2.Multiple Recommendations
1570All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
1571Include comments on transubstantiation and Eucharistic miracles in every homily. Catechesis
1572Encourage: the Eucharist the way to develop our personal relationship with ChristOther
1573All need to be doneMultiple Recommendations
1574Kill the Novus OrdoReturn to Tradition
1575Eliminate lay Eucharistic ministers, and ONLY allow priests to distribute(?) Communion—noting that even deacons don’t have consecrated hands will/should/might reestablish the importance and significance of the vocation of the priest in our lives. Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1576Most of these actions will help.Multiple Recommendations
1577Accept that the Protestant Novus Ordo religion is not the true Catholic faith. Resign your position if you do not renounce the Novus Ordo religion. Without fear of loosing your nonprofit status publicly excommunicate all Catholic politicians in your diocese who support abortion.Return to Tradition
1578Altar, priest & all parishioners FACE Jesus - Ad Orientem & receive kneeling on tongueReturn to Tradition
1579Move the tabernacle to the center, and let us receive on our tongues while kneelingTabernacle Location, Return to Tradition
1580Expand the TLM everywhere. Believe and act like you believe the Catholic Faith.Return to Tradition
1581Ban, rather than discourage, receiving Communion in the handReturn to Tradition
1583I would like to select ever single one of these answers with one edit. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are needed for extraordinary circumstances. Although the Mass is extraordinary, it is not the circumstance in which this ministry should be used. If regular Sunday mass takes more time because only ones with the sacrament of Holy Orders distribute Holy Communion, then so be it. Enough with rushing through our liturgy and prayer time with Christ present in the Eucharist and at that point, literally in our body. God bless you and thank you for creating this survey. Multiple Recommendations
1584Use the Roman Canon, enforce Canon 915, move tabernacles back to the front and center in Parish Churches, no versus populum MassTabernacle Location, Canon 915
1585Get rid of the Latin at St Mar’s Charlevoix Other
1586All of the above-and show that YOU believe by never allowing any disrespect towards the Real Presence regardless of who is doing it. God demands adoration. He is Lord and King and we should respond as such. Multiple Recommendations
1587All of the above. The Pastor is key. If he believes, his parishioners will believe.Multiple Recommendations
1588Eliminate Communion in the hand AND Extraordinary MinistersLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1589Offering the Mass ad orientem, at the very least during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. THEN encourage the practice of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling. Those two things alone would make an enormous impact... lex orandi, lex credendi.Return to Tradition
1590Bring back altar rails, this way you will receive on the tongue while kneeling, and it will eliminate extraordinary ministers of holy communion.Return to Tradition
1591Eliminate extraordinary ministers, Catechize the faithful, and encourage the practice of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling.Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1592TLM!!Return to Tradition
1593Receiving while kneeling on tongue along with receiving from priest is mutually important. They should not be separated. Return to Tradition
1594Received by the priest on your kneeling and on the tongue only Return to Tradition
1595Calling the Mass a sacrifice not a celebration. Kneeling and genuflecting when proper. Receiving Eucharist on the tongue at an alter rail. Enforcement of cell phones during mass. Teaching us when to stand, sit, kneel during the services. Extending hands when only the priest should. Kneeling before the tabernacle when crossing in front of the Presence. Only male lectors. Veils for women Holy music not modern tunes.Return to Tradition
1596Reverent mass especially ad orientemReturn to Tradition
1597Undo Vatican 2Return to Tradition
1598Must give 3, 1) withhold Eucharist from guilty public officials 2) Encourage receiving on the tongue while kneeling 3) Eliminate extraordinary ministers. Why doesn’t the church already know these things? Ans. The upper levels of our church are conspiring with the devil.Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1599It has been said that in order to fill the pews a priest must fill the confessional.Confession
1600Demonstrate their belief in the True Presence by installing altar rails in all their Churches and offering only communion on the tongue while kneelingReturn to Tradition
1601Liberate the TLM Return to Tradition
1602Latin Mass Return to Tradition
1603Move the sign of peace to the start of mass, so we're not turning our backs on the Eucharist, sitting on the altar. Then sit back up once he is in repose, to make absolutely clear why we kneel.Return to Tradition
1604Say the Saint Michael prayer after mass. Banned in my province.Prayer
1605Don’t do surveys like thisOther
1606Catholics do not emphasize the Bible anywhere near enough; relying much more on tradition and magisterium. Nowhere in God's Word does it say a priest or anyone else can turn a host and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus also never said we should pray to dead people. I was brought up Catholic, & never knew they had removed the 2nd commandment of God. Thou shall have NO idols. What a nerve. Catholic Church has done so much corruption of God's Word. And despite what they say now, I know how I was taught to pray TO the SAINT, not asking the saint to go to God with my request. Jesus Christ is the ONE mediator between God and man. I pray regularly for God to send His Holy Spirit of revival upon the Catholic Church and have it go back to the Bible for Truth. Return to Tradition
1607Bishops and priests need to come to faith. Laypeople don’t believe because the clergy don’t believe. Sorry to be harsh, but that’s my consistent observation. Leadership Reforms
1608Return to the Traditional Latin Mass period, sack the Seminaries, execute the perverts in public. But of course, I know they will not, which is why any one of the recommendations above performed by itself while the rest of the abuse and sin continues as is will not mean anything, in my opinion, simply because the Bishops are not serious about this Eucharistic tragedy, sacrilege or the salvation of souls in the least. Return to Tradition
1609Communion on the tongue at communion rail given by Priest and altar boy assisting using paten to pick particles, those who can kneel should kneel, those who can't kneel should stand Return to Tradition
1610Inform those attending of Peter's chair occupants' abandonment of the Catholic faith beginning with Roncalli, and including Montini, Luciani, Wotyla. Ratzinger, and Bergolio.Leadership Reforms
1611ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
1612All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1613All of the above AND stop all the socializing in the church!Multiple Recommendations
1614All of these. Please get rid of the constant reminders that there are perverts lurking in your ranks, it's horrible and traumatizing. In every church, something is posted about unchecked clergy sexual problems, where to report, reminder that these people are allowed to remain as shepherds, until the problem exposes and bankrupts the diocese. Can't feel comfortable. Ever. Get rid of the sick and depraved pamphlets, wall postings, reminders in the Bishop's corner of bulletins that you, or your kid will be molested by someone, at church, or at school, abused or trafficked. Maybe the person was at church to heal from these things, not have the issue reinforced, out of context. What if the same effort went into teaching people why we need to be there. Encourage traditional catechism, no more environmental worship. (Keep the indoor environment comfortable, use proper heating and air conditioning, because to turn it off, is a reminder that the "environment" is now a priority, instead of helping people be in a peaceful setting for church or adoration. If you have a Latin parish, visit. Very orderly, reverent, military precision, excellence. Petition Rome to allow the pre-55 Holy Week, very educational, designed to explain and convert. No more feminization of church, poor, Protestant or inappropriate music, drives people away. Females at the altar drive away men, boys and vocations, and put all involved into unnecessary situations of temptation. Reminder to all, especially dads with girls, and ladies, on dress, cover up, Vatican standards. More public processions. Restore your Latin parishes, create more, because they are the most fecund. More visibility from bishops to make our positions clear. Strong, forward leadership needed, not just reactionary. Public acts/opportunities for reparation. Masses at abortion clinics/van Mass. Make an impact on your communities, the bishops are mostly invisible, little impression or impact on the church or larger public. Reestablish public Catholic identityLeadership Reforms, Multiple Recommendations
1615Make confession available before MassConfession
1616Return Alter Rails Return to Tradition
1617Eliminate the Novus ordo mass completely, offer the Tridentine Mass exclusively and return to the Holy Catholic Faith completely without reservations of any kind. Return to Tradition
1618I come from an extremely vibrant parish. Our parish was one of the parishes visited by the Eucharistic Congress on their way to Indiana. We celebrate the Novus Ordo Mass. Our parish holds 1500 parishioners and most Masses are packed on Sunday. Our daily masses are extremely well attended. I attribute that to our 24/7 Adoration Chapel. I feel this survey is conveying that only those who participate in the Latin Mass have a true love of Our Lord in the Eucharist. That is NOT true. Our vibrant Novus Ordo parish is proof of that!Adoration
1619All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1620really, all the above is the recommendation to the BishopsMultiple Recommendations
1621Observe TLM and live the massReturn to Tradition
1622That they act and live showing that He really comes first.Leadership Reforms
1623Allow the TLM in every parish. Invite people to come and they will see the love lavished on Our Lord because He is on the Altar!Return to Tradition
1624All of the above please.Multiple Recommendations
1625We find our commonality in the sacrifice of Christ made present in the MassOther
1626Two of the above catechize, encourage reverence. Latin and TLM is not the answer as it does not guarantee the precedingMultiple Recommendations
1627All of the above. Lack of belief in both priests and people makes me weep. My former parish changed pastor and it went down hill. I was at Mass daily until it got so bad I refused to dishonor My Love Our Lord with attendance. Both bishops and priests are the major blame for lack of belief. Thank you for trying. Sister MarieMultiple Recommendations
1628All of thee above as Listed to improve the understanding of what it means to be part of the Roman (Latin) Rite just like the Eastern Rite. Multiple Recommendations
1629Facilitate more Traditional Latin Masses in our diocese!Return to Tradition
1630None of these actually describe why beliefs have changed, this is putting clothes on a pig. When the church confronts the actual issues that have killed belief, then belief in church doctrine will return. Anything else is advancing personal political agenda and aesthetics. This survey does not want to examine actual issues and instead clearly wants the issue to be the NO vs TLM. This leaves the survey flawed and meaningless. The questions are leading and not actually curious about why belief has changed. Other
1631All of the above! Father Donald Galloway gives a great talk on the EucharisMultiple Recommendations
1632Parish priests need to be less afraid of proclaiming the truth in the face of the lies of the world. When priests show reverence and that Jesus’ Real Presence is there in the Eucharist, they won’t be giving it to public sinners or in people’s hands, or to those who do not show respect. Then will the congregation recognize the Truth. Leadership Reforms
1633Withhold from public officials and eliminate extraordinary ministersCanon 915, Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1634Teach the people that Christ is God not someone to trifle with Catechesis
1635Teach people to ask God for the gift of faith. Catechesis
1636All of these in combination, as none are being done today.Multiple Recommendations
1637all of the above.Multiple Recommendations
1638A thorough catechesis of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Without the Mass, there is no Eucharist.Catechesis
1639I don’t believe you can pick one of the above choices only. I believe all are important.Multiple Recommendations
1640All the above are necessary. Without understanding what you are receiving what is the point.Multiple Recommendations
1641Encourage every single Catholic to preach and proclaim this as part of the Gospel. While the other things are important (particularly kneeling and ad orientem in my opinion), it will only be met with resentment if it is not driven home that this belief is ESSENTIAL and is GOOD NEWS, and is what God wants you to know about.Return to Tradition
1642Return to the Traditional Latin MassReturn to Tradition
1643I didn’t want to choose only one answer. I think answers # 2,3,4, and 5 are good answers too Multiple Recommendations
1644It is so hard to pick just one, but if the Bishops don’t take a stand and let public officials take communion although they reject the teachings makes it hard to believe in the real presence. The weakness of our Bishops and Pope is truly unbearable and unbelievable. Multiple Recommendations, Leadership Reforms
1645All the above!Multiple Recommendations
1646Enforce liturgical reverence and orthodoxy and strict adherence to Sacrosanctum Concilium unilaterally across the country. In a phrase: make liturgy beautiful againReturn to Tradition
1647All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1648All of the above are too critically important and all of these MUST be done!Multiple Recommendations
1649Catholic education is sadly lacking. Just frequently remind people that they are receiving the body and blood of Jesus Christ.Catechesis
1650Ban the Novus Ordo Mass and reinstate the Latin Mass. Return to Tradition
1651Have priest and everyone else by altar set holy example.Leadership Reforms
1652Total reverence always while in the presence of the tabernacleReturn to Tradition
1653Stop the Novus ordo mass and return to tradition Return to Tradition
1654Silence the tongues that wag, particularly clergy, for this is where the fires begin, encouraged by social media admins who are looking to sensationalize and judge by gossip childish peeves. Forgotten is the glory that we are members of a kingdom and not some socialistic construct. Jesus Christ is Lord and King.Other
1655I think catechizing may be the best thing that can be done right now, as long as it is done well and in accord with the church’s teaching. However, I do want to say that in my personal experience (and attested to by a more recent survey), there is not as much of a crisis of belief, but rather I think the way the questions were worded in the Pew Survey caused confusion and a lower number than should’ve been. That being said, increased devotion to the Eucharist is still something that should be strived for, but the worry is more those that don’t come to mass as often (as those who come often by and large believe in the Real Presence.Catechesis
1656All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1657I think all the above are critical.Multiple Recommendations
1658Elimination of the Novus Ordo MissaeReturn to Tradition
1659Not in the hand from priests only.Return to Tradition
1660Definitely kneeling and receiving on the tongue but also not giving to people who openly reject the teachings of the Catholic faith on such topics as abortion and the sanctity of marriage for example. Our shepherds cannot give mixed messaging. The sheep will fail to follow the mixed messaging and be disenfranchised and leave the church because of feeling betrayed. Leadership Reforms, Return to Tradition
1661Catechize the faithful is my first recommendation. However, I feel that some of the listed practices should be included and not separated from catechization, such as encourage greater reverence and adoration.Catechesis
1662Properly catechize PRIESTS. It starts with THEM and goes to the people. Most Clergy in the Novus Ordo are New Age Modernists. (including most Bishops) Reform the clergy and the people will be reformed back to Tradition. Leadership Reforms
1663All of above. Bring back rails & kneelers. Elderly have difficulty getting down & back up on concrete floors. Multiple Recommendations
1664ai think the validity of priestly orders is doubtful after VC II and refrain from the sacraments as a doubtful sacrament is to be seen as NO sacrament that is why my answers may seen confusing!Other
1665All of the AboveMultiple Recommendations
1666Receive only on tongue.Return to Tradition
1667Eliminate extraordinary ministers, put back the altar rail and kneel for Holy Communion and speak about it in the homily, not failing to occasionally mention Eucharistic Miracles. Have beautiful, traditional or old masters music at Communion time. Thank you for asking, Jesus seems to receive so little reverence. Also teach who God is and who we are, so many seem to see God as Almighty, so so Holy etc. time such as Ave Verigum Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1668All the above is really important..Multiple Recommendations
1669Effective and on-going catechizing per above but stories of the MANY miracles should be added in as well. Teaching how to develop a fruitful relationship with Jesus...prayer, reading the Scriptures regularly and learning to listen to God speaking with them....etc...etc.Catechesis
1670Remind them Other
1671I believe the bishops are modeling cowardice when they do not denounce well k own Catholics who support abortion and other scandals.Leadership Reforms
1672Help parishioners develop a personal relationship with Christ based on his love for usOther
1673Abandon Vatican II completely and entirely.Return to Tradition
1674Withholding communion from people not worthy. Also explain explaining why communion is not just spiritual or in memory but not in actuality from a Biblical perspective Leadership Reforms
1675Please allow for a kneeler at communion. My knees make receiving communion difficult without it. Also, the Bishop never should have told people NOT to receive on the tongue during covid. I heard him refuse people!Return to Tradition
1676Catechesis on what is truly happening during the consecration ( epiclesis, Christ made present/1st elevation Christ on cross/ 2nd elevation Christ has died/ pall on Chalice-Christ in the tomb/ fraction rite-mingling of the precious body w/precious blood- moment of resurrection/final elevation-behold the lamb of God… Glorified resurrected body of Christ … teach this to the faithful and then the meaning behind the authentic ritual /armed with this knowledge the faithful will flock to MassCatechesis
1677All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1678Never close Churches or withhold the Eucharist as was done during Covid. That was THE test of our lifetime and we failed. Everything else means nothing when the Real Presence can be withhold for any reason. Martyrdom was completely negated, desecrated, ignored, by withholding the Eucharist, all other considerations are empty if clergy and laity fear public reception of the real presence. Leadership Reforms
1679Personal example by clergyLeadership Reforms
1680All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1681All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1682All of the above! Multiple Recommendations
1684The above hit all of the high points, felt to be in need of reverting this problem. Multiple Recommendations
1685All of the above (catechize and refuse communion to those who reject Catholic teachings - scandalous) but all. Multiple Recommendations
1686All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1687All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1688Education, I will Answer two things Catechesis
1689Calling for a revision of certain rubrics (or even prayers) in the Missal to show greater attention to the sacred or/and have a greater emphasis on Eucharistic theology through the prayers of the MissalReturn to Tradition
1690All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1691All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1692Make it unequivocally acceptable to do mass ad orienting, the tabernacle to be place center again to keep focus on Him, put kneelers out so the elderly can receive while kneeling and get rid of extraordinary ministers unless absolutely needed... and quit allowing public figures reception of the Eucharist while they promote sin publiclyMultiple Recommendations
1693All are important; cannot single out just one. FYI, we attend a parish where Latin Masses are primary but it also offers a weekly Mass in the German language as well as in English. My husband and I attend the German Mass, as he's a native of that country; otherwise, we'd attend the Latin.Multiple Recommendations
1694I agree with all of the above. It was too difficult to choose just 1Multiple Recommendations
1695All of these suggestions come together when there is a return to Tradition. The celebration of the TLM brings about reverence and people will respond with wanting to know more and participate in Eucharistic events.Return to Tradition
1696All of the above - they all need to happen!! Multiple Recommendations
1697Allow woman priests, marriageOther
1698Well, reading church history, the lives of the saints, also (may sound silly) but having community (church) gatherings whether it a big dinner or just a social gathering where people can feel a sense of "comm-unity"Other
1699Repeal Traditiones Custodes and Restore the TLMReturn to Tradition
1700All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1701Help your flockLeadership Reforms
1702All of the above by reinstating the TLM and doing away with the NOMultiple Recommendations
1703Abrogate the Novus Ordo. Return to Tradition
1704All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1705All of the above. Also, make the TLM the mainstream Mass, get rid of the Novus OrdoMultiple Recommendations
1706Eliminate the Novus Ordo MassReturn to Tradition
1707All of the above apply Multiple Recommendations
1708All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1709This is not a single pronged solution as the attack was not from a single direction. If even #1, 2, and 6 occurred it would still be a huge battle. Just #2 assumes the priests and bishops hold the belief themselves when in all probability many do not. Multiple Recommendations, Leadership Reforms
1710Teach traditional Catholic doctrine & offer Tridentine Latin Mass only.Return to Tradition
1711Fall in love anew with Jesus ChristOther
1712All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
17131-4 aboveMultiple Recommendations
1714Bring back the communion rails.Return to Tradition
1715Revitalize the Latin MassReturn to Tradition
1716Dress appropriately for MassReverence
1717Tradition and reverence - Catholic used to mean something Return to Tradition
1718All of the above. Only the priest who has received Holy Orders should be handling the host. Latin Masses are almost impossible to find.Multiple Recommendations
1719All of the above. And also restore the Traditional Latin MassMultiple Recommendations
1720Repent and sin NO MORE!!!!!Other
1721All the above!!!!!!!Multiple Recommendations
1722All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1723All of the above. There’s no one issue to fix the issueMultiple Recommendations
1724All of the above!!!Multiple Recommendations
1725All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1726All of the above should be done actually.Multiple Recommendations
1727Eliminate extraordinary ministersLimit Extraordinary Ministers
1728Hold friendly events that aim to educate on catholic teachings and practices. Provide literature for everyone that enters a Catholic Church on catholic teachings and mass practices. State those intentions publicly, and before mass, (so people will make an effort to learn or re-educate), before attending mass. If you try to educate/redirect during mass, you will drive people away.Catechesis
1729Return to traditional Mass and restore the ChurchReturn to Tradition
1730I think many of the above selections are tied together and therefor are easily accomplished together and not individually. This is particularly pertinent for selections 1, 2, and 3.Multiple Recommendations
1731Return to TraditionReturn to Tradition
1732Return to the True Mass, reject the Protestant one. Everything else is a band aid on a bullet hole.Return to Tradition
1733Do not shut us off from Christ in the Eucharist (example; Covid)Leadership Reforms
1734The bishops must repent of their heresies, apostasy and above all their cowardly silence in the face of the enemies of the Holy Catholic Church. Leadership Reforms
1735All of the above are crucial.Multiple Recommendations
1736Return to the Original Traditional Roman Catholic Latin MassReturn to Tradition
1737All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1738All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1739Bring back the altar rails.Return to Tradition
1740All of aboveMultiple Recommendations
1741All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1742Return to Traditional Latin Rite and all of these will be accomplishedReturn to Tradition
1743ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
1744All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1745Increase Extraordinary MinistersOther
1746ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
1747If we did the 2nd one (catechize) there would not be a need for all the other options...Catechesis
1748Receiving on the tongue while kneeling and thanksgiving, and also to ALL children in CCD classes or schools, along with promoting Eucharistic miraclesReturn to Tradition
1749Eucharistic miracles are absolute proof of the real presenceCatechesis
1750All the above are critically important Multiple Recommendations
1751Inspire in your clergy and laity devotion. Be witness of unity for your priests...stop giving priests such freedom and little your priests, be an active and empathetic listener to priest and laity. Create (and this may need to be visited with Canon lawyers) accountability for priests. It is not healthy for anyone to live a life not accountable to anyone. Priests need to be encouraged, supported ...and support is not just bravo, support is also gentle correction, guidance, etc. I live praying for vocations and supporting both laity and priests and deacons. I have educated all in greater and lesser degree. My heart really goes out to is not healthy never to be requir3d to go to things, allowing "lone rangers" and no sort of follow up regarding what priest do and do not do in their parishes. It has always been said a priest (and now permeant deacons) can work as hard as they want and live as selflessly as they want or converser sly as little as they want and as selfishly as they desire. That is not a healthy way of life. That is not assisting people to develop and grow in any of the 4 areas necessary in human formation. This os not a problem in only the Diocese of Fall River, I have seen it in several places. I have a brother and many many men who are priests and I have worked with and for many priests, we are not serving them well by giving them so little support, guidance, ongoing formation, constructive criticism, evaluations. None of this is in place for priests. It is detrimental to their priestly life. We owe them more than our current support. I believe in our priests very much. I do not believe in the current structure of how they can l8ve their priesthood and pastoral duties. I am indebt3d to the priests and Bishops who have helped my own spiritual growth and formation. I have jad the formation of then Bishop Sean O'Malley who trusted me but also respected me enough to mentor and guide me. I would say this of several other priest with whom I have had the privilege of working with. Our priests donalso need the respect of guidance, ongoing formation, and some accountability. Accountability is not a bad word. Thank you for this survey. And thank you for all that you will do to follow the Holy Spirit alive and well in our Church. Sincerely Lisa M. Gulino Leadership Reforms
1752All of aboveMultiple Recommendations
1753Receiving the Eucharist on the tongue (standing or kneeling) with a paten held under the chin to make sure no particles are dropped/ emphasizing the true presence in every crumb.Return to Tradition
1754too many choices because more than one is affecting choices, as all selections are not equal. poor survey. is not balancedOther
1755Really all of the above except the last, they are a packageMultiple Recommendations
1756Reduce the Novus ordo and increase the Latin mass in areas where there is none. Return to Tradition
1757Encourage the Traditional Latin Mass instead of trying to eliminate it! All aspects of the TLM encourage belief in the Real Presence!Return to Tradition
1758there needs to be quite time after receiving Holy communion. People who openly reject Catholic teaching should not receive Holy Communion I go to confession several times a year but not monthlyReverence
1759Atone for the sin of worshiping the fake virus.Other
1760communion only on tongue, only from the priest. need both Not just oneReturn to Tradition
1761Exclusive Traditional Latin Mass and all it's glory!Return to Tradition
1762all of them mentioned should be a strong recommendation.Multiple Recommendations
1764All of the choices are most important from the Bishops.Multiple Recommendations
1765Each one of these is extremely important Multiple Recommendations
1766All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1767Eliminate the use of Extraordinary ministers of the holy Eucharist during ordinary circumstances (i.e. Mass). Limit Extraordinary Ministers
1768They are all important. They each would increase our reverence Multiple Recommendations
1769Offer the Holy Mass Ad OrientemReturn to Tradition
1770Eliminate clericalism. Leadership Reforms
1771Fully employ the Traditional Liturgy/Rite (TLM). Protect the Deposit Of Faith. Return to Tradition
1772Each parish should be holding classes outside of mass explaining how the mass explicitly lives Jesus’ words. Where did he state “take this bread and eat of it…why did he say this, why has it carried on throughout the ages, how shall we live once the Precious Body and Blood is in our bodies.Catechesis
1773Catechize the faithful on how sin damages our relationship with God and the need to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance when one is in the state of serious sin. Catechize people about sacrilege.Catechesis
1774Stop teaching the "permitted" way to receive and teach the "right" way that has never been changed!Return to Tradition
1775All of the above recommendationsMultiple Recommendations
1776Go back to the Roman RiteReturn to Tradition
1777All of the above, please!!!Multiple Recommendations
1778Reverence starts with the priests. Too many adlibbing. Treating the mass like a communal gathering like the Protestants. Ugly churches. Closing down churches instead of addressing the cause of low attendance. Bring back altar rails. We need sermons that catechize. Too many are peace and justice pablumLeadership Reforms, Return to Tradition
1779Pray the rosary with the faithful!Prayer
1780All of the above - proper teaching should be followed by the rest of these actions, though the priests need to lead these actions by exampleMultiple Recommendations
1781All of the above.Multiple Recommendations
1782I agree w all these choices but only one #1Multiple Recommendations
1783Give ongoing formation to current priests, helping them to understand their own special purpose in the Economy of Grace. Teach them to develop a profound love for Christ in the Eucharist and how all of these other things (liturgy, communion on the tongue, Eucharistic processions, etc.) all flow from that. We need holy priests, an army of them! Return to Tradition
1784So many of these are crucial. Communion rails are needed, receive on the tongue, teach Transubstantion to the congregation, encourage REVERENCE. Events not so important.Multiple Recommendations, Return to Tradition
1785Encourage receiving Eucharist on the tongue, keeling or standingReturn to Tradition
1786All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1787Please lead us and show us the reverence that is due to Our Lord by your example Leadership Reforms
1788All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1789Keep and promote the TLM Mass above all, and ALL of the ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
1790All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1791all of the above - doing these might lead to less protestantization and return to the Catholic Faith Multiple Recommendations
1792all of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1793All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1794All of the above, PLEASE! Multiple Recommendations
1795Chant and sacred music, and ad orientemReturn to Tradition
1796Go back to tradition where this has not been an issue. Return to Tradition
1797Put back the altar railsReturn to Tradition
1798Make the Altar sacred again. Quit allowing people dressed like bums to be Eucharistic ministers and lectorsReturn to Tradition
1799All the above!Multiple Recommendations
1800All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1801Better catechism, follow Canon (why is N Pelosi and J Biden receiving communion when they support abortion), reflect Reverence better Multiple Recommendations
1802All of these are GREAT suggestions & many are happening at my parish already, but not at parishes I visit. I would say that receiving on the tongue while kneeling at the communion rail & eliminating EMEs would be a great place to start!Multiple Recommendations
1803Again, we are too worried about keeping older traditions alive than trying to PIVOT of how to best connect with our community for higher engagement.Other
1804Re: Question 11. Pre-COVID, I attended Mass/Communion/Eucharistic Adoration at least weekly. But then guidelines changed to NO guidelines during COVID, it seemed everything was arbitrary and left to the sole discretion of the Episcopacy (and no two seemed to agree). Leadership Reforms
1805Act on ALL abuses to the Mass. Use your authority to properly govern the Church. Stop placating and making deals with the culture. Reject modernism.Leadership Reforms
1806All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1807All of these. I don’t know which is to be first. We need courage in the leadership of the church to just change one of these at a time. And keep moving forward to greater reverence. Multiple Recommendations
1808All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1809Simply return to the use of the Latin Mass and the traditions that surround it. That pretty much covers your list!Return to Tradition
1810Increase Traditional Latin Mass time offerings Return to Tradition
1811All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1812Encourage the practice of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling from a priest or deacon.Return to Tradition
1813I would give all if these number 1 besides increase Eucharistic eventsMultiple Recommendations
1814For the bishops to improve their OWN belief in the Real Presence. They, themselves, with ALL their, "staff" SHOULD do a DAILY Eucharistic Adoration; wish I could!!!Adoration
1815restore the Traditional Latin Mass as the only form of worship Return to Tradition
1816Clergy set example on all of aboveMultiple Recommendations
1817Make the MASS holy againReturn to Tradition
1818ALL of these need to be done simultaneously. You are asking the wrong question. It's like saying what makes your house the most clean? 1. dish 2. laundry or 3. bathrooms? And the answer is all of them make the house clean. Stop looking for a quick fix one thing solution. Do them all because it's the right thing to do. Multiple Recommendations
1819#1, except completely ban communion on the hand under pain of excommunicationReturn to Tradition
1820However, there is not one answer in my opinionMultiple Recommendations
1821No ideaOther
1822Bring back communion rails or at the very least kneelers for reception of communion, limit reception to on the tongue and kneeling if one is able to kneel, and eliminate Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Making all of these necessary changes with much catechesis at the parish level to explain why these changes more adequately reflect the reverence and honor that is due to Jesus Who is Present in the Most Blessed Sacrament.Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1823Be welcoming. Other
1824Share by example their personal love and reverence for the Eucharistic Lord.Personal Witness
1825Improved guidance from the clergy, i.e. development of your prayer life, functions of clergy - educate, govern and sanctify the laity, & development of your conscienceLeadership Reforms
1826Abandon all Vatican II teachings and precepts. Return to the Faith.Return to Tradition
1827Return fully to tradition and offer the Latin Mass onlyReturn to Tradition
1828In order to effect change the bishops must mitigate the necessity of laity acceptance. All of these recommendations require a change of heart in order to improve people's belief in the real presence with the exception of withholding Holy Communion from obstinate public officials and eliminating extraordinary ministers. Those two actions on the part of the bishops would publicly, definitively and in the strongest terms demonstrate to the laity Her belief in the Real Presence. Multiple Recommendations
1829All the above Multiple Recommendations
1830Encourage a personal relationship with Christ Other
1831All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1832All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1833Emphasize the traditional view of Holy Communion as such an important moment that it should be done only rarely, not just because we happen to be attending Mass that day. Return to Tradition
1834Catechesis of adults and proper disposition for reception of the Eucharist including what constitutes mortal sin and reception in the state of mortal sinCatechesis
1835All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1836there is no one. education, reverence, Adoration have to go together with the priest being holy himself.Multiple Recommendations
1837Learn the Traditional Mass.Return to Tradition
1838Bring back the TLM... It is a complete expression of our Faith and has all the elements necessary for belief in the True Presence. Return to Tradition
1839All options are included in the second option, proper catechesis. It therefore seems a false choice to me, except that I would choose the second choice, understanding that it includes all the others. That said, if the CLERGY are not first and simultaneously catechized, the efforts expended on instructing the laity will be partially, if not largely, undone by clergy saying , “Oh no, we’ve stopped believing that way / doing things that way / etc.,” as continues to occur daily when properly catechized laity suggest more reverent behaviors in their parishes. Multiple Recommendations, Catechesis
1840become true Christians, followers of Jesus, not denominational. Read the last chapter of Benedict xvi, introduction to ChristianityOther
1841Stop lying to the laity. The Eucharistic Conference had a nun doing hypnosis. And she was crying in her selfish ecstasy. It was creepy. Everyone loves the celebrity priest from Hallow and the hired celebrities that have played Jesus. These are people and not saints. I was so shocked and saddened by the “revival” that ended the conference. I couldn’t look at it. The presenters are smug. There was no reverence. Nuns were dancing. How could people believe in the Real Presence from the show? It was like a mental health conference. Help us God.Leadership Reforms
1842All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1843All of the above!!!Multiple Recommendations
1844Teach the sanctity of the Eucharist and how parishioners can prepare themselves to receive Catechesis
1845All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1846Read more from the Bible and discuss it in the homily’s. I don’t identify as a Catholic and have been struggling with this for the last several years, ow identify as a Christian. Am currently looking for a non- denomination church in my area. Since COVID my eyes have been opened not only to the corruption in our church as well as our m, and Inam sick and tired of them asking for money for all of these funds which go to pay off all of these legal bills for these dang gay priests. I have stopped my contributions and am now giving to other charitable organizations. The Catholic Church has been lying to us for CENTURIES and people are WAKING UPCatechesis
1847All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1848All of the above. Thank youMultiple Recommendations
1849ALL of these answers ARE Important!!!Multiple Recommendations
1850Quit driving people nuts with stupid questions. A real Catholic can’t be fooledOther
1851Procedure when Holy Eucharist is droppedOther
1852Educate the laity on Eucharistic Miracles Catechesis
1853definitely returning altar railsReturn to Tradition
1854Return to the traditional sacraments and correct responses from the laity Return to Tradition
1855Actually, all of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1856From the list above, there is NO #1 recommendation, all choices above are imperative to improving the belief in the Real Presence!!!Multiple Recommendations
1857All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1858Emphasize Christ presence but drop the turning to flesh and blood.Catechesis
1859Educate and encourage the faithful to developed their relationship with Jesus, Father God and the Virgin Mother.Catechesis
1860ALL THE ABOVE !!! Please !!! Education very important.Multiple Recommendations
1861More traditional Latin masses Return to Tradition
1862All The AboveMultiple Recommendations
1863Most of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1864Eliminate lay ministers, ensure kneeling and on the tongue Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1865Eliminate Novus Ordo Mass and return to the Traditional Catholic Pre Vatican ChurchReturn to Tradition
1866All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1867ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
1868Replace the Novus ordo with the Traditional Latin MassReturn to Tradition
1869All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1870put altar rails back up; receive on tongue and on knees; refuse Eucharist to pro-abortion politiciansReturn to Tradition
1871Discontinue Novus Ordo, catechize and return to Tridentine Latin Mass for allReturn to Tradition
1872Lift all restrictions on the traditional Latin Mass. Make it available and easy to access throughout the diocese. Returning to tradition is the solutionReturn to Tradition
1873All of the above are needed, the one item not listed is, eliminating priests from preaching and proselytizing Marxism. I've gone toe to toe with multiple priests that believe the Marxism in the "goal of every good Catholic."Multiple Recommendations
1874All of the above-with the Latin Mass to be offered and made available at more and more Catholic parishes throughout the country. The Latin Mass is our history, our inheritance, our birthright, and our treasure and it must not be hidden from us or denied to us. Thank you.Multiple Recommendations
1875Too many don’t even know the Covenant story, and so, they don’t know why the Eucharist is important.Catechesis
1876All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1877Remove Bergoglio and all unfaithful or cowardly bishopsLeadership Reforms
1878We already have eliminated EOEMLimit Extraordinary Ministers
1879I would like to kneel for Holy Communion, but at my age, I need to push off on something to stand up. Need a "kneeler" like used for the wedding couple.Return to Tradition
1880politics should not interfere with religion Abortion Issue is a legal matter and communion should not be withheld with leaders that are catholic Other
1881All the above are important. In my parish all of the above are done. Only priests give Holy communion. We have no deacons - no deacon wants to serve at my Atlanta Archdiocesan parish. Atlanta is VERY liberal but, miraculously we have TLM every Sunday and Holy Day of obligation and both of our priests do the TLM.Multiple Recommendations
1882All of the above !!!Multiple Recommendations
1883Go back to the traditional Catholic Church.Return to Tradition
1884All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1885All of the above. Multiple Recommendations
1886All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1887all of the above except elimination of EM HC. A refresher of Catholic Catechism from the pulpit from time to time. So many have not a clue! Why do most people go to communion and only a few don't because absence of state of grace and need for confessionMultiple Recommendations
1888Teach and give out small booklets on the Eucharistic miracles no one knows about. Also, you didn't allow me to explain, I cannot go to mass as I am disabled, housebound with no car, money or any living family or friends left. I do attend mass and Eucharistic devotions all the time thru YouTube tv. I love my Lord and Savior. Catechesis
1889Every single one of the above! If I can be a lay person and distribute HC then why be a priest? Eliminate lay EM, SHOW THE DEFERWNCE TO THE BS forbid those who don't follow church teaching be properly admonished. EVERY ONE.Multiple Recommendations
1890Catechize on Eucharistic miracles and prefigurements of the Eucharist in scripture, as well as the Bread of Life discourseCatechesis
1891Teaching will tell them the truth, showing respect for the Eucharist will make them believe it. All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1892Restore the full total complete canonical blessing on the SSPX Priestly Fraternity and restore the full blessing on the Traditional Sacred Original Latin Rite Mass. abolish the horrific music currently popular in Mass. Devote dedicated parishes in every diocese and archdiocese to Traditional Latin Sacraments and observance. Return to Tradition
1893ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
1894Make the Traditional Latin Mass more accessible Return to Tradition
1895Ignore Traditionis Custodes. For starters.Return to Tradition
1896No real opinion. Other
1897Openly hold and defend the Truths of our Faith! Faith comes first.Leadership Reforms
1898Education. Help them by showing them the stories of how priests have seen Jesus's face in the host at adoration; blood on the host, many wonderful stories to show and talk about from the pulpit. Seeing is believing. Catechesis
1899I believe all of these are necessary but receiving communion on the tongue while kneeling is most importantMultiple Recommendations
1900All of the above. Multiple Recommendations
1901ALL OF THE ABOVEMultiple Recommendations
1902All the above! Multiple Recommendations
1903All of the above!!!!!Multiple Recommendations
1904Being back the altar rails for Holy Communion on the tongue given by the priest.Return to Tradition
1905Use byzantine style of divine liturgyReturn to Tradition
1906All of the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1907More traditional liturgyReturn to Tradition
1908Eucharistic adoration for all bishops priests laity. Let Jesus fix this mess by convicting hearts put in front of him in silence. Twenty years of Eucharistic adoration is a good way to transform any person, Diocese or entire church. Adoration
1909If possible, all of the choices here.Multiple Recommendations
1910All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1911Using hope, education to lay people, more children education and activities, youth and adult retreats, more activities to grow close to Jesus as the Protestants do, explanation on our faith and the importance of the Eucharist to keep our young people engaged. Catechesis
1912All the above AND return to the True Mass of all time. The Roman Rite. The Novus Ordo is not Catholic. Multiple Recommendations
1913I wish that the altar and communion rails were still there. These changes have, in my opinion have brought about less respect and loss of Catholics. Return to Tradition
1914Receive on the tongue and eliminate extraordinary ministers of holy communionLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1915Remove indult for receiving Communion in the hand, install altar rails, and EMHCs only for homebound in areas where a priest can’t get to all homes realistically Limit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1916All the above and especially #1,3 and all the above. Multiple Recommendations
1917All of the above, after Consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart exclusively by the pope in union with all the bishops AS OUR LADY ASKED. JUST DO IT. Multiple Recommendations
1918Actually All of them Apply, We've all been Poorly CatechizedMultiple Recommendations
1919All the above.Multiple Recommendations
1920All of the above Multiple Recommendations
1921All important, but the 3rd, 4th, and 5th option are the mostMultiple Recommendations
1922More adoration and no extraordinary ministers of communionLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Adoration
1923Recommend Cursillo, CRHP, or other encounters that make God a 'real presence.'.Catechesis
1924It's hard to pick just one. I broke it down to top 3 in this order, First one, Last one, then forth one.Multiple Recommendations
1925Make the mass shorter. Focus on the important elements, do not elongate the mass for the sake of just spending more time there. Seems like the time is more important than the form or the substance. And I would think that prevents people from going to mass more often...impossible to go to mass on a day-to-day basis. Make mass more reachable, more accessible. Other
1926Establish perpetual adoration at EVERY parish - If every priest made this their #1 priority we would probably have a lot more priests. Priests just need to tell people to go spend time with Jesus Adoration
1929All you listed are important but public people e.g.. Biden s/b excommunicated not just banned from receiving. The offense and scandal of their being no public consequences to their behavior cannot be measured. Multiple Recommendations
1931We believe in GOD, do they act like we have the best religion in the world.. No. Bishops should mandate priests teach RCIA, Bishops should FIX church parking, never any... I left one church because they were having mass in a gymnasium.. while the last 5 years they were fundraising.. I left there.. Catechesis, Personal Witness
1932Catechize the faithful at all agesCatechesis
1933Cannot decideMultiple Recommendations
1934Teach people using scripture and modern-day miracles. Then, hold events like adoration or movies that explain the reasons to believe. Arm the faithful. Teach apologetics.Catechesis
1935ALL of the above! but to name just one - insisting on Reverence and restoring a sense of the Sacred at Mass & in the presence of Jesus in the tabernacle. To follow up on a previous question - we are only recently TLM exclusively so the 'trauma' of bad liturgies is still fresh on our minds, and a major reason for our transition.Multiple Recommendations
1936Receive the Eucharist from a priest while kneeling at a communion rail. Sadly, many churches no longer have them.Return to Tradition
1937get rid of Vatican II and all modernist clergyReturn to Tradition
1938Get rid of lay ministers. Forbid contemporary music. Use Latin as is intended. No English. Reference douay-rheims bibleLimit Extraordinary Ministers, Return to Tradition
1939All the aboveMultiple Recommendations
1940I believe it starts with Catechizing the faithful, so they know why, but it goes hand in hand with encouraging reverence and receiving on the tongue/kneeling and eliminating Eucharist ministers. Catechesis, Return to Tradition
1941Develop a deep prayer lifePrayer
1942if priests don't believe-how can we expect people to believePersonal Witness
1943All of the above!Multiple Recommendations
1944Return to the 1962 Missale Romanum, or perish!Return to Tradition

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