Survey questions 5 and 6 allowed respondents to optionally provide additional open-ended feedback on issues they felt were contributing to a loss of faith in the Real Presence. Approximately 42% of respondents chose to respond to this question, resulting in 5,313 responses consisting of more that 220,000 words of feedback. Each response was subsequently assigned one or more of 61 topic tags, the frequency of which is illustrated in the graph below.
The following table presents all open-ended issue responses. You can filter the table by clicking on the TAG button on the top of the table. The selected tag will appear in red below the tag selection drop-down. You can clear the selected tag by simply clicking on it. You can also use the SEARCH box to find key words throughout the feedback.
Number | Response | Tags |
1 | Loss of veiling for women; major. Locking of churches outside of Mass; moderate. | Availability/Access, Attire |
2 | As stated in the survey, the liturgy itself plays the most significant role in the loss of belief in the Real Presence. But it’s not simply a matter of a reverent NO, the ancient Mass must be restored, as it resulted from an organic development inspired by the Holy Spirit. The restoration of the TLM is paramount!. | TLM |
3 | Priests do not act like they believe in the Real Presence. We don’t need a Eucharistic Revival: we need priests who speak and act as if Jesus is truly present and conform the entire Liturgy to this truth. | Public Witness, Lukewarmness |
4 | The survey cover a substantial amount of issues. However, the faithful have no idea the extent or grandeur of God Himself. Thus, it shows up in how they attend Mass. We have departed away from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and made it less about God and Jesus sacrifice and more about humans. We, humans are here to serve God and His will for Aeschylus of us. Adoration, reverence and humility need to be restored. | Devotions, Reverence, Catechesis |
5 | Poor/non-existent catechesis of children. | Catechesis |
6 | Society denies existence of God. Catholics need to be strong in their beliefs, educated to know about their faith & how to stand up for it boldly in public. | Catechesis |
7 | If lay Eucharistic ministers are, there is a lack of catechesis around reverence for Christ in the Eucharist. They should not be allowed to serve in this position unless they understand and demonstrate this reverence. | Extraordinary Ministers, Catechesis |
8 | Lack of personal devotions in the home (Bible reading, Rosary, etc.). | Devotions |
9 | There are priests who keep parish doors locked, outside of Mass times. They will not allow anyone to pray in Our Lord's Presence. The Catholic Church should be open and available at least for specific time, even more so when there is a priest living on Church grounds in the rectory. If the Priests believe Jesus was truly present in the Tabernacle, they should want all to have access to Him. | Availability/Access |
10 | Clergy and laity disregard the presence of our Lord in the sanctuary. | Reverence |
11 | Clergy who do not seem to believe in the Eucharist or genuine Catholicism. | Lack of Faith |
12 | Priests and the Catholic Church are directly responsible for the results. Priest's homilies are at an all time low. The world is spinning out of control and priests are afraid to address important, or controversial issues. Abortion is almost never mentioned. Divorce is never talked about. The fact that we will be judged by God for our sins which will determine eternity for our souls is never directly mentioned or focused on. Priest homilies are completely lackluster. The world offers entertainment, judgement free lifestyles where there is no wrong or sin, and the Church tries to compete with that. The Catholic Church will loose 100% of the time that it tries to compete with what the world offers. People are desperately looking for an alternative to the crazy, illogical secular world, and the one thing that the Catholic Church has and the world doesn't, The Truth, it is afraid to give/preach. This is why the attendance is dismal at mass. When priests and other clergy lack faith, why is it a surprise that the laity turn their back on them? Also, the Catholic Church protecting homosexual priests, predator priests, and sexual abusive priests is one of the biggest sins of the Church. Why would laity be expected to show up and participate fully in their faith when the leaders (clergy) of the faith are hypocritical and do not practice the Truth? These things should be obvious to the Catholic Church, the fact that they aren't shows how weak it has become. | Fear/Cowardness, LGBTQ+ Issues, Homilies, Scandals, Leadership, Abortion |
13 | Relativism all these issues might apply to you but not me. This is what they think and say, very closed mind about it. This is rampant among my generation(baby boomers) and any later generations. And earlier generations, maybe has always been, but seems worse. | Modernism |
14 | The overall casualness and lack of seriousness surrounding the Eucharist and the mass. People come in workout/beach attire. We should reinforce both must be treated with reverence. | Reverence, Attire |
15 | The has been a loss of decorum, of grandeur when interacting with the Most Holy Eucharist. | Loss Sense of the Sacred |
16 | I think talking about the Saints in mass more with their struggles and goodness would help people identify and understand how even the Saints were human. | Catechesis |
17 | There is also a lack of focus on Confession. It does not seem to be a priority to make that Sacrament widely available in order that people are in a state of Grace to receive the Holy Eucharist. Most parishes only have Confession available for 30 mins on Sat. prior to that Sat. (get it out of the way) "Sunday" Mass. | Confession, Availability/Access |
18 | Lack of knowledge on the Eucharist Lack of emphasis on miracles, signs and wonders in the Church. | Catechesis |
19 | The LM is the Mass of all those Catholics who heard "Unless you eat my body and drink my blood, you have no life in you" and instead of parting with Him "finding Him too much for them", i.e. the Protestants, went all the way to Jerusalem with Him. The Catholics ate at the table of the Last Supper, were present when the new covenant was made, were with Jesus during the agony in the garden, witnessed the scam trial, the scourging, the crowning, Jesus bearing the cross, being nailed to it and, further, witnessed Jesus give Mary as Mother to humanity, and pressed humanity in the person of John to take Mary as "Mother". All those protestants that parted ways with Him, that never entered Jerusalem and witnessed all the events unfold, abandoned Him before entering Jerusalem and picked up the story of His life again at the resurrection. That's why they don't have the Real Presence, the Eucharist, don't honor Mary, don't have a corpus on their crosses and don't understand our affection for Peter and the other apostles, scattered during their most trying time. God gave man the LM that re-creates all these events in the final moments of Jesus' life. Man gave God the NO modeled on the belief structure of the protestants who never went all the way to Jerusalem with Jesus. Every LM Catholic knows the difference and the tremendous difference it makes. I would encourage all NO Catholics to seek out their spiritual heritage embodied in the LM. There is nothing this side of Heaven as lovely, beautiful and edifying. look at the last document on the page - a reflection on how the LM embodies the whole life of Christ. Deo Gratias et Mariae!. | TLM |
20 | - too many churches have abandoned the organ and rely almost solely on piano. some churches have 3, 4, 5-piece bands. - congregations applauding after music, after mass. - congregation showing grave lack of respect by their attire - failure of clergy to catechize - lay Eucharistic ministers . | Music, Extraordinary Ministers, Attire, Catechesis |
21 | Preaching truth in relationship to the gospel and living out our lives today. Catechesis in the church is so bad!! With 3 church’s and approximately 800 families we have 10 families who attend faith formation on Wed nights. So sad!!! . | Living the Faith, Catechesis |
22 | The disposition of the priest while saying mass - i.e. the elimination of 'canonical figures' after the consecration and the careless manner in which the ablutions are now done. Additionally, many priests and faithful no longer genuflect, even where it is proscribed in the scant rubrics of the NOM. | Reverence |
23 | Historical catechesis Protection from the diabolic Catechesis on the supernatural. | Catechesis |
24 | Immodest dress of women (halter tops, pump heels, excessive makeup, showy hairstyles, tight clothing, plunging necklines, shorts and short skirts) and men (tight shirts and wearing shorts, long hair, excessive cologne) in the church. | Attire |
25 | Why does this survey not ask about faith formation at home and the individual's experience of holy matrimony? Why are the questions only pointed around logistics at the parish, liturgical reform, clergy, etc. and not in living faith at home, where TRUE disciples are formed? It's the parents responsibility to reveal the true presence of our Lord EVERYWHERE. This is where we lose Catholics. | Family, Catechesis |
26 | Poor homilies!!!! No catechesis from the pulpit. | Homilies, Catechesis |
27 | Clergy casual attitude toward holy objects Bishops who teach contrary to Tradition. | Lukewarmness, Leadership |
28 | (1) No talking about it, (2) being embarrassed by the teaching, (3) lack of joy, lack of wonder, at being a witness to a miracle each Sunday. A miracle every Sunday is, to use a secular phrase, a selling point. | Lukewarmness |
29 | Born in 1962 - I had a woeful catechesis which hardly addressed my questions or helped me fight the cultural influences of the times. The only thing that helped was a better understanding of my dignity made in the image and likeness of God - male and female - through learning JPII Theology is the Body, which in turn taught me the immense value and meaning of the Eucharist. Under Pope Francis, this teaching has all but been eliminated or at least majorly downplayed. | Leadership, Catechesis |
30 | The lack of real fatherhood in the priesthood. Scripture speaks of which father would give his son a stone when he asked for bread. I state with great sadness that I've never known a New Order priest to ever show interest in transmitting the true richness of our Faith. I came to the Faith as an orphan looking for family, true family. I thought, even Christ had a family (father and mother) and so I looked for one in the New Order Church because that was all I knew to look within. I finally left 'New Church' because it seemed fake and nothing I would die for, much less live for. By God's grace, I found the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass almost four years ago and for the first time, though my time to have my own family had gone, I did find my Father and Mother in the Holy of Holies. This is what I will die for and this is what I shall live for. This is the Mass, the Church, the Holy Family that formed great men like St. John Bosco. He was a true priest who lived the fatherhood of his priesthood. He still does. | Leadership |
31 | Cultural mockery and misrepresentation of Catholicism (films, TV, books) that is not addressed or corrected by laity or the hierarchy of the Church. Some of them are self-identified as "Catholic" in topic or nature, such as the St. Padre Pio film, but portray heretical, sacrilegious, or other problematic content. | Modernism, Leadership |
32 | Priests not responding appropriately when the Blessed Sacrament falls on the ground. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
33 | Confusing messages and questionable dialogue being released by Cardinals, Archbishops, and Even the Pope. | Confusion, Leadership |
34 | Bergoglio canceling in-person Liturgy for Easter 2020, effectively telling people they can get "COVID' from the shared chalice of Precious Blood makes it not-so-Precious after all. If it is/was the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, there is no way you can get "COVID"/ Further pulling the "Holy" Water from the entrance to churches implies you can get "COVID" from the water. apparently not so holy after all? On top of everything else, fear has been cultivated instead of faith by Bergoglio downward. | COVID |
35 | Homilies that do not just give us reflection of the gospel, but give us real life teachings of our daily lives in family, school, workplace, politics , social morals, etc. | Homilies |
36 | Teaching the evolutionary mindset that God only created the world billions of years ago and so His word is not trustworthy in Genesis therefore why should we believe Scripture when it says, "This is my body?". | Catechesis |
37 | Making His presence known and felt is God's part. God does not do miracles but rather is miraculous by nature. When His glory is present people heal, both physically and emotionally. I have seen Eucharist heal once, and mostly I've seem it be a communion ritual. | Other |
38 | At the Ascension in Luke’s Gospel Jesus sent them out to preach repentance. Does anyone preach repentance?. | Sin, Homilies |
39 | Many Priests seem to have lost their faith and don’t believe in the True Presence. This is obvious in how they pray the Mass and make changes, inserting commentary and making jokes. Mass has become so casual people don’t know what’s happening on the altar. There is no mention of Confession or that sin even exists. I have had my children told in confession that the sins they were confessing weren’t really sins. As their mother - I knew their sins and we would go over the Ten Commandments before going to confession. Also at weddings and baptisms no instructions to non Catholics about the True Presence and proper conduct and requirements for receiving the Eucharist. Homilies focus on community love and openness to others which is important but completely one sided and out of context. Always about how God loves us and is always there for everyone but never focusing or mentioning the we offend God when we break his commandments. In the end homilies have become democrat talking points and humanistic agenda. Not what Jesus thought and therefore the Holy Eucharist disappears against the confusing milieu of the woke lens. I could go on for hours. Apologies for the length and rambling. Thank you for asking and may God bless us and help us! Deus Semper Vincit . | Confession, Lack of Faith, Homilies, Worthy Reception, Confusion, Sin |
40 | Casual dress is the norm. We do not come dressed fit to meet the King. No one says anything about it anymore. | Attire |
41 | Communion in the hand. | Eucharist Reception |
42 | Catechesis methodology needs liturgical and scriptural emphasis after orthodoxy especially in sacramental preparation of children and youth. Catholic education institutions need a full reform. Bishops must be good shepherds according to traditional ecclesiastical standards as church fathers teach. | Catechesis, Leadership |
43 | I am now reading Eric Simmons book Deadly Indifference. I believe that the Vatican promoting ecumenism and interreligious dialogue (all religions are equal), that people don't really go to hell, downplaying sin -divorced and remarried can receive Holy Communion, no emphasis on Confession - has all contributed to a loss of belief in the Real Presence. This is in addition to the factors that you raised in the survey. | Confession, Ecumenism, Sin |
44 | The impact of what I would call "creeping Protestantism" into the liturgy. For example, the exchange of the sign of peace with one another has become an overly casual moment in what should be a holy, sacred and serious worship of the Lord. Another example, just yesterday I noticed that one of the extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist was dressed in a t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes. It's one thing to not require more appropriate dress, but to simply accept it as normal suggests to people that the liturgy is unserious. | Reverence, Attire |
45 | Less frequent kneeling and bowing heads. | Reverence |
46 | Being appropriately and modestly dressed at Mass. Keeping the Lord's day Holy by avoiding unnecessary work and missing Mass for other events. | Attire |
47 | Lack of catechesis in CCD programs and Catholic schools. | Catechesis |
48 | Politician priests more interested in what people think of them than teaching hard things. Pope Francis' egregious behavior causing great confusion. | Politics, Confusion |
49 | Removal of Beauty in our churches which lift our eyes to heaven. | Beauty |
50 | Failure of Bishops and Cardinals to profess the Catholic Faith as described by Jesus Christ. they fail to stand up to social ISSUES that require their testimony to their members of their diocese. | Leadership |
51 | Reception of the Eucharist kneeing. | Eucharist Reception |
52 | Emphasizing the importance of mass on Sunday. It is a serious sin that keeps us separated from God. | Catechesis |
53 | Most Catholics did not receive catechesis in elementary to high school, or in Religious Education classes Conversions are about numbers not education All religious education students of any type 8th grade+ required to read “ Jesus and Jewish Roots of Eucharist” All those in study to convert also read and discuss JJRE ALL PARISHES OFFER CLASSES ON JJRE LED BY A TRAINED KNOWLEDGEABLE LEADER ASCENSION publisher develop study/video program on JJRE conducted by a priest or deacon Need I go on? . | Catechesis |
54 | The cancellation of good priests is disturbing. The failure to punish McCarrick in a reasonable timeframe. The elevation of his cronies to Cardinals. The worldliness of some of the bishops and cardinals. Lack of consistent teaching of doctrine. All of this has led to my confusion and lack of trust within the clergy and has resulted in my failure to attend Mass and receive the sacraments. I have faith but question the teachings and behaviors of our leadership. | Persecuted Clergy, Confusion, Leadership, Catechesis, Lack of Discipline |
55 | The change to Novus Ordo Mass. I am in my 70’s so just barely remember the awe and reverence for Jesus in the Holy in the TLM. I am grateful to have that memory but looking back over my lifetime, I see the great damage that change has made. | TLM |
56 | Teaching that God is transcendent and that Jesus was 100% human and 100% divine in the time and space as an example of how the real presence is possible. | Catechesis |
57 | Not keeping the sanctuary of the church for only religious events. | Reverence |
58 | Teaching people how to pray and meditate and be silent to hear Our Lord speak during Eucharistic Adoration. | Devotions, Catechesis |
59 | Cowardly bishops that allow sacrilege and scandals to continue unabated. | Scandals, Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
60 | Laity coming to mass dressed casually. | Attire |
61 | How the priest prays the Eucharistic prayers and prayers of Consecration. He can miss the mark in other areas, but if he gets that right — slow, intentional, humble, reverent — it makes a tremendous difference. If he recites them like 9:00 am Catholic briefing…it will be hard for that to punch through the noise of the world. | Reverence |
62 | I am a woman & I firmly state that women & girls, have absolutely no place in the mass! They beautifully belong fulfilling roles in "Alter & Rosary Societies, Sodalities, & a myriad of other integral groups that are a needed heartbeat in the parish. This also means that they do not belong on parish counsels! Women must imitate Mary! Also, "Eucharistic Ministers" are the unconsecrated hands of Satan! We do not need to receive under both species, Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity is already complete in the host, this leads to confusion, people think that they didn't get the "Whole Jesus" if they don't have both!!! Why do we persist in fortifying this confusion? Being offered the Precious Blood should be ABSOLUTELY reserved for auspicious occasions such as the bride & groom at their nuptial mass! I have witnessed the Precious Blood being spilled & then walked through after an inadequate attempt to take care of the spill! I could go on for many pages but there is not enough space here. | Extraordinary Ministers, Eucharist Reception, Reverence, Role of Women |
63 | A lack of teaching on the proper way of dressing for Mass. I don't mean suits and ties and formal wear, but insistence on no shorts, mini-skirts, sleeveless, etc. | Attire |
64 | Clergy's emphasis on ecumenism, at the expense of pointing out the fundamental distinction between the Catholic Real Presence in the Eucharist, vs. what is found in all Protestant denominations (never mind every non- Christian faith.). | Ecumenism |
66 | The casual attitude and lack of respect during Holy Mass. I’ve witnessed people knitting, joking around and talking during the Consecration. And yet, these same people are all paying attention when it’s time to shake hands. | Sign of Peace, Lukewarmness |
67 | Lack of modesty and appropriate dress for Mass, sacraments & church events for both male and female . | Attire |
68 | The Novus Ordo Mass introduced through Vatican II as a Trojan horse in order to abolish the TLM. | Vatican II |
69 | Little to no catechesis on: Christ's death in order to leave us with the Eucharist, the precepts of the Church (Sunday obligation especially), modest dress, especially attending Mass and receiving other sacraments, the Ten Commandments, the reality of hell, why God demands adoration. | Attire, Catechesis |
70 | Teaching young children at an early age about Christ True Presence and encouraging family Adoration . | Devotions, Catechesis |
71 | No veils worn by women in the Church. | Attire |
72 | People need to be required to receive the Eucharist kneeling and on the tongue! When I did this it greatly increased my belief in the Real Presence in the Eucharist. | Eucharist Reception |
73 | Women on the altar as "deacons "as well as poor Catholic school catechesis. The major dioceses in the US are more culturally Catholic than actually formed Catholics who are faithful. | Role of Women |
74 | Strangulation of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. | TLM |
75 | Little to no reverence before and after mass. Loud talking, no use of inside voices while people congregate inside church rather than socializing outside, even choral directors talk loudly. Hard to pray before or after mass with all the noise. | Reverence |
76 | This isn't exactly additional, I just didn't know another way to get this in here. I don't think the music issue is fairly characterized as "sacred" (i.e., Latin or otherwise high-churchy) vs. "modernist" (English, down-to-earth) music. Many of the widely available English hymns are plenty conducive to belief in and appreciation of the Real Presence; the big problem is the many that make us rather than God the focal point of attention, or that give the impression that one need not repent of and eradicate any sins in order to be A-OK with God. | Music |
77 | Focus on Catechism Programs that do not fully teach the true teaching of the Catholic Faith and masses for youth which are more like attending a performance or concert. Once they move beyond entertainment, I find they are more prone to leave the Faith. | Catechesis |
78 | Homilies. | Homilies |
79 | The popes openly public acceptance of homosexuality and cult like religions, both in his attendance and his approval of allowing demonic and colt worshipers to come into the Vatican. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership |
80 | The clergy’s lack of reverence is a significant issue. A lack of personal piety and faith from the clergy is a significant issue. Priests appearing to be going through the motions is a significant issue. | Reverence |
81 | Lack of the church to adequately squash the falsehoods of relativism, accepting of sinnets rather than their sins, supporting the cultural myth that everyone goes to heaven. | Modernism |
82 | The eviscerated prayers formerly known as the “propers” and the old missal which emphasized the sacrificial nature of the Mass for a more Protestant liturgical form. | Liturgical Practice |
83 | Failure of poorly catechized parents to pass down the subject of the Real Presence. Generational ignorance plus lack of homily emphasis on it. Also, failure of teachers in the Catholic school system to understand and convey this is a huge issue. Lastly, failure of all (clergy, catechists, parents) to tie the importance of Confession with the Real Presence. | Confession, Family, Homilies, Catechesis |
84 | The Bishops response to the government mandates on lockdowns especially struck an ENORMOUS blow to Catholic reverence for the Christ in the Real Presence and the absolute necessity of receiving Him! Probably more than anything else, by so willingly acquiescing to the government’s will, the Bishops communicated that receiving Jesus was optional! Their cowardice in failing to stand up for the faithful was DEVASTATING to us! How disgraceful to communicate fear, to leave thousands of people to die alone without benefit of receiving spiritual food for the journey, to isolate the lonely and sick from the benefit of community and the Holy Eucharist ! The Bishops owe their people a profound apology and a vow to never deny the faithful to the Body, Soul and Divinity of Christ again. | Reverence, COVID, Leadership |
85 | Parish and family culture of reverence and faithfulness, strong community of believers . | Reverence, Community |
86 | The double-sidedness in the Church. A priest that touts the Eucharistic on the tongue but has no problem handing our Lord over to old women to bring communion to nursing homes and homebound. The Bishops shuttering the churches without blinking during COVID but whining now that their clear example of disregard has taken root with the faithful. | COVID, Eucharist Reception, Leadership |
87 | Bishops allowed churches to be closed during COVID denying sacraments to the faithful. | COVID, Leadership |
88 | I think it is very negative that, in general, the word Eucharist is used to mean 'Holy Communion / the Real Presence in the consecrated species.' In Church documents, in general, 'Eucharist' means the Mass (see Lumen Gentium 11, which was practically mis-quoted in CCC). I think the Eucharistic Revival should be focusing one the Eucharistic Sacrifice rather than the Real Presence. Without understanding Mass, there will not be heart belief. | Other |
89 | Have access to the sacrament of penance at times accessible to people who work or students. | Confession, Availability/Access |
90 | Bring back regular, not just once a week, Eucharistic Adoration, especially 24 and 40-hours. | Devotions |
91 | Removal of Asperges. The Sanctus being changed. The Alleluia sung to the proper melodies in the Graduale Romanum is likewise suppressed as this is supposed to be sung (in theory) by everyone but has not. These are more minor but still impactful. | Liturgical Practice |
92 | Communion kneeling on the tongue from a priest (no EMs) is the number one issue with the Real Presence. | Eucharist Reception |
93 | Missing Mass for no good reason - it is a mortal sin. | Sin |
94 | Failure of the church to properly teach the laity. If the church expects parents to teach their children, how is that possible if the parents haven't been catechized properly. The blind leading the blind. | Family, Catechesis |
95 | Removing the opportunity to receive Eucharist during times of sickness. No cup and no tongue during flu season - not to mention no Mass at all during COVID... Kneeler is a great way to better prepare to receive rather the 'drive up window' approach... | COVID |
96 | Offering both species of the Eucharist to congregants. | Eucharist Reception |
97 | Numerous changes to the liturgical calendar in terms of the seasons and removal of Holy Days of Obligation, vigils, and octaves. | Liturgical Calendar |
98 | Laity receiving from the chalice. | Eucharist Reception |
99 | Catechism of children, receiving in the hand, and lack of offering of reparation for sacrilege against the Real Presence. Corvid was a death knell to faith in the could it be vital to the eternal life of the soul when Churches closed and denied the Eucharist rather than risk infection and priests did not fight to bring the Eucharist to those dying in hospitals.?. | COVID, Eucharist Reception, Catechesis |
100 | Manner of dress for mass by laity, no head covering for women. | Attire |
101 | Proper modest attire to be worn in the Presence of God. | Attire |
102 | Speaking one on one with parishioners. A refresher course for adults on the Eucharist, failure to be involved in the Eucharistic revival. | Catechesis |
103 | The use of the term "Real Presence" in place of stressing "This IS no longer bread, but IS the Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ" has diminished the Reality of Transubstantiation to the level of a protestant sect. Also, the use of hymns at the Eucharist and Offertory that stress "bread and wine" shifts focus away from God and toward community. References to "meal" are likewise problematic. Even historically, in the first century, the meal was a separate event; communal, yes, but separate from the liturgy. | Meal vs Sacrifice |
104 | Casual dress, and inappropriate dress. Lack of benediction and the rosary priests not having first sat Mass and confessions. | Confession, Devotions, Availability/Access, Attire |
105 | Priests are too cavalier and lackadaisical in their attitude toward it all. They need to lead the way in our reverence. They have to enforce silence in church and reverence in His presence. If they don't have faith why would we???. | Reverence, Silence/Distractions, Lukewarmness |
106 | Silly stuff at mass that doesn't belong at mass (priest telling jokes, guitars etc.). | Modernism |
107 | reverence from Priests themselves. | Reverence |
108 | It's vitally important the home life (and by extension, the teaching life) of the family echoes the Mass, continuously engages in the Sacraments, and is faithful to the Catechism and Magisterium. Even if the family doesn't homeschool, the role of the parents as first and greatest teachers should come into play. | Catechesis |
109 | The lack of the clergy having personal holiness, having traded in for popularity and keeping the peace. The lack of clergy courage to live out and defend all teachings of the faith. | Fear/Cowardness, Holiness |
110 | Inadequate teaching of Scripture in seminaries and dependence in historical critical models that disconnected OT from NT and diminished typology. | Priestly Formation |
111 | Priests who refuse to give to someone kneeling or on their tongue and one of the greatest, closing the churches during the COVID Hoax. EM's have destroyed belief. | COVID |
112 | Lack of opportunities to encounter Jesus in the Real Presence. Lack of catechesis beginning at an early age. Lack of examples of the effect of dedication to adoration shown from Laity and from Clergy (how does this change your life, how does it effect me). Lack of presence in the public square. Concern toward not offending others that squelches the proper evangelization of the Real Presence. Lack of education and examples of how to be apologists and evangelizers. | Evangelization, Catechesis |
113 | Our casual clergy approach in the Most Holy Eucharist in they do not demonstrate their belief, they treat mass as though it is just a symbol not the true presence. Also total silence by bishops on what matters. They focus on political correctness and protection rather than on the truth. Our clergy have lost the faith and Love for God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, as well as our most Blessed Mother, Mary Most Virgin and our Mother. | Lack of Faith, Lukewarmness, Leadership, Reverence |
114 | The posture of the priest as well. For example, under the TLM, the priest holds Our Lord between his thumb and finger which he keeps pinched when not holding Our Lord for fear that there could be the smallest of particles lost. When a priest maintains this even under the Novus ordo I his reverence is not questioned and extends to all of his actions, which in turn influences the parish. | TLM, Reverence |
115 | Kneeling and receiving on the tongue should be encouraged, if not brought back everywhere - even if it is just putting a kneeler in the front of the church for optional use. I have seen this in a few churches. Churches that still have an altar rail should use it for communion - even if people stand for communion. There should be silence in the church - talk in the narthex or outside. There should a letter - or something similar - indicating the proper dress for church, specifically about modesty. This is not just a women and girls issue, I have seen some pretty disgusting displays on men and boys. | Eucharist Reception, Attire |
116 | Our Cardinals & Bishops were cowards who shut down Churches and took the Sacraments away from the people for TWO YEARS. It showed the laity that clergy did not regard their importance and far too many people left the Church. In addition, the way the Pope and Bishops are cracking down on the celebration of the Tridentine Mass is absurd. If those people are going to Holy Mass and believe in the Real Presence, why try to stop that? Seems counter-productive to trying to grow the faith by cutting off those who try to practice it faithfully. | TLM, Fear/Cowardness, COVID, Leadership |
117 | Only priests and deacons should handle the sacred vessels. | Liturgical Practice |
118 | First COMMUNION expectations of families, catechesis, seminarian training, Catholic school teacher/admin training, Bishops leading well their diocese in holiness and being a witness themselves. | Family, Holiness, Leadership, Catechesis |
119 | Lack of a personal, intimate, trusting relationship with Jesus due to a lack of prayer life, lack of modeling, the breakdown of the family, bad Catholic education. and minimal cultural support. All of the externals in the survey are helpful, but without that personal encounter with the Lord, it can become slavish, scrupulous, and devoid of real meaning. | Relationship with Jesus, Catechesis |
120 | President Biden not being publicly excommunicated for his continual actions in support of abortion including making the sign of the cross at a pro abortion gathering. | Canon 915 |
121 | Failure to preach on the Real Presence in the homily. I felt strongly when the bishops announced the Eucharistic Revival that they could have better addressed the problem by requiring priests to preach on the Real Presence at least once a month for the three years, and then at least once quarterly every year thereafter. | Homilies, Leadership |
122 | The lack of the sacredness (set aside/ holiness) of the attitudes, language (verbal and nonverbal), and the suppression of orthodox laity that love the reverence of sacred traditions. People that don't dress as if they are attending a royal banquet is another one. | TLM, Loss Sense of the Sacred, Holiness, Attire |
123 | Neglect of the Role of the Holy Spirit in our Christian walk and imploring His help. | Other |
124 | Priests are Gods anointed! Catholics have lost this reverence. We’ve become slothful in our respect. Also priests don’t give many sermons on the truth of Hell. We are all sinners and not one of us is worthy of eternal life. Our life is a precious gift. We’ve lost our way. | Reverence |
125 | Lack of catechesis from the pulpit. | Homilies |
126 | Loss of good Religious Sisters teaching in the Catholic schools. Requiring a modest dress code at Mass. | Schools, Attire |
127 | There isn’t enough prayer within our families with kids, we allow the world from detaching us from what truly matters. Having a personal relationship with Jesus . | Family, Devotions |
128 | Gum chewing and lack of reverence in the reception of the Eucharist . | Reverence |
129 | Not emphasized by lots of priests in homilies. | Homilies |
130 | Loss of true Catholic teaching in schools, true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, no ringing of the bells when Eucharistic is consecrated. | Liturgical Practice |
131 | Having a modernist pope. | Modernism, Leadership |
132 | Remove the political pressures on Diocesan priests and permit them to teach the laity in conformity with the catechism even if it’s counterculture. Also, the holy sacrifice of the mass is not a theatre production, stop introducing lectors, door greeter, organist- is there any reason why there is no reverence for the Eucharist? Also, as a child of the 1970’s, I only experienced the NO mass. With all of the controversy surrounding the TLM, I became curious and looked it up on YouTube. I cried, I couldn’t believe the reverence for the Eucharist and said no wonder the devil wants this suppressed. Thanks for all you do and would suggest you open up your membership to all lay Catholics throughout the country. Cast the net wide and watch God do the miraculous.??. | TLM, Politics |
133 | Lack of Adoration and Adoration in disrespectful and casual ways. Poor quality music and heterodox lyrics. Reference to a meal. | Devotions, Music, Availability/Access, Meal vs Sacrifice |
134 | Laity lack of reverence+ respect in behavior + dress in Church. Immodest (short shorts / halter tops / mini dresses, gym clothes on girls + women. Men in gym shorts + flip flops, sloppy tee shirts) Behavior—laughing, talking, joking in Church before + after Mass. Parents not exhibiting holiness —hands crossed during Mass + returning to seat after communion. Parents allowing their children to run back to seat after communion or blessing. Parents bringing food + drink to Mass for their children: Goldfish, cookies, apple juice, etc. Leaving their area a mess: food on floor + on pews, songbooks / Mass brochures / bulletins wadded up + in complete disarray. Clapping should never happen at Mass. Priests remind the laity to say the Rosary every day + the importance of daily family Rosary + family prayer. Our once Holy Catholic Church has been degraded to an ordinary Protestant service. ??. | Devotions, Holiness, Attire, Applause, Reverence |
135 | Lack of understanding of the Mass. its structural and biblical format. | Catechesis |
136 | A decrease in the overall sense of reverence, lack of emphasis by clergy on the Eucharistic Revival. | Reverence |
137 | Encourage reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church to renew everyone in the Church. The proffered survey questions are inaccurately leading to answers the author of the survey desires. Not Applicable should have been an option. | Catechesis |
138 | Priests giving the ok for Catholics to attend weddings of fallen away Catholics outside the church. . | Catechesis |
139 | Pastors presence lacking and not involved in Eucharist events at the parish level. Too many laity taking the place of pastor. | Liturgical Practice |
140 | Lack of teaching. | Catechesis |
142 | Discussion of what’s going on in Rome and how it applies in the parish Priest Setting a good example for expectations of reverence Availability of confession and adoration. | Availability/Access, Leadership |
143 | Trying to rid of the TLM. | TLM |
144 | Stopped saying St Michael prayer after Mass, families/people’s failure to do daily mental prayer and also the rosary. | Devotions |
145 | The lack of courage by Bishops to confront secular authority and continue to offer the sacrifice of the Mass through the start of "COVID Pandemic." Our Bishops showed secular authority, fear, and submission to masking and distancing were superior to Christ's celebration of the Eucharist. | COVID, Leadership |
146 | No longer reaching that the Catholic Faith is the only true faith, in other words the narrow road. If all other religions are in communion with the Catholic Church, why become Catholic. Sacred silence is gone. Prayers being made up by clergy who no longer follow the scared prayers established by church for centuries. Lack of sermons that speak of sin or teach what the Fathers of the church taught. | Homilies, Silence/Distractions, Loss Sense of the Sacred |
147 | Quo Primmum... in perpetuity. | TLM |
148 | Omission of Scripture passages about not receiving Holy Communion unworthily in new lectionaries. | Worthy Reception |
149 | Francis does nothing to indicate that the Mass is a holy sacrifice. | Meal vs Sacrifice, Leadership |
150 | Attempted suppression of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the 1954 missal and the accompanying authentic Catholic life 24/7. | TLM |
151 | What Cardinal Ottaviani outlined in the Ottaviani Intervention about the Novus Ordo. | Liturgical Practice |
152 | You didn’t miss per se, but I’d like to comment on the architecture of modern churches that resembles a conference room or stage rather than a sacred space. When one can’t tell the different between a secular and holy place the ordinary will always overtake the extraordinary. | Modernism |
153 | ‘New age’ practice and heresies such as universalism that have infected the church, clerics and the laity. I think the spiritual corona virus of our time is the ‘new age’. Writers like Richard Rohr and practices like centering prayer have infected the minds and hearts of susceptible and unsuspecting Catholics sometimes making them immune to authentic, traditional Catholic teaching. The real danger of 'new age' ideas is that they subtly get close to authentic Catholic theology and this is one of the oldest tricks in Satan's book. There are many Catholics who have fallen victim to this ploy and when they do, it is hard to get them back… We should want only what is pure and true, from the teachings of Jesus, authenticated by His Church, His Word, Tradition, the Magisterium, to enter our hearts, minds and souls. I have actually witnessed friends and family (and sadly even some clergy) become blind and deaf to Jesus’ Truth because they have dabbled in the ‘new age’. I recommend ‘spiritual distancing’ from all new age beliefs, teachers and practices. This virus can be far more deadly... . | Modernism, Catechesis |
154 | There are two issues I see in parishes in my area: 1) laity raising of the hands during Our Father and doxology at mass in direct violation of 'Instruction on Collaboration' (Nov. 13, 1997), which is sacred rubrics reserved for only the priest; 2) laity applause at the conclusion of every mass, which only further degrades the sacredness of the Eucharist and mass, turning it into an hour of cosplay performance art. | Applause |
155 | 1) On going adult education should be offered and encouraged. 2) Finding a way to keep the kids interested. 3) Whether you agree or not, shows like The Chosen, help Jesus be more relatable. I think that moves people in the mind and heart. Showing Jesus as a man with human challenges. Showing the people of the Bible in everyday struggles with doubts and confusion and bad decisions and His endless love and compassion through all of that. Sadly, I think they don't realize His sacrifice for us, His efforts to teach us and gather us to the Father, then and now. They aren't moved by His sacrifice because they don't feel close to Him. | Relationship with Jesus, Catechesis |
156 | Replacing the traditional Latin Mass and clear sacrifice with the Novus Ordo and sense of a meal . | TLM |
157 | Poorly trained altar boys. Besides dying well, the most important thing a boy win every do is serve at the altar and they should be trained so. | Catechesis |
158 | Abandonment of the Traditional Latin Mass. | TLM |
159 | Modesty in dress in church and in general. | Attire |
160 | Abandoning of reverential postures, gestures, and formulas in regard to the Eucharistic species, such as the failure to maintain canonical digits after the consecration, and the often casual approach to the retrieval of the Eucharist should it fall to the ground including the lack of proper acts of reparation or proper purification of the area. | Reverence, Liturgical Practice |
161 | The lack of belief in the Real Presence by our priests is one of the biggest issues as well. If the priests don’t believe then there actions will show it and thus parishioners will develop the same mindset. | Lack of Faith |
162 | There needs to be more catechizing of those present at mass so they learn as an adult why they are doing what they are doing. | Catechesis |
163 | VERY poor catechesis!. | Catechesis |
164 | Belief that all religions are the same. That there is no hell, that it takes a village to raise children parents or two parents aren't really needed. | Ecumenism, Family |
165 | The use and enormous influence of social media. You see a lie often enough, you believe it to be the truth. | Modernism |
166 | The unprecedented massive reform of the liturgy, replacing the historic Roman Rite with an almost entirely new Rite, caused terrible upheaval resulting in massive loss of Faith -- especially loss of faith in the Real Presence. The Pauline Missal should be gradually phased out over the next generation or two, and the Latin Church's ancient liturgy should be re-embraced and restored. | TLM |
167 | The poor education of our children. | Catechesis |
168 | Casual attire of laity attending Mass. | Attire |
169 | Altar girls Pope talking about things other than faith PRIESTS Priests being "soft" in confession Spoiled priests, self-centered Priests, Priests not displaying holiness and/or obligation to their role or to the laity Clericalism-priests are "better" than laity. | Public Witness, Holiness, Role of Women |
170 | Receiving communion too often just because everyone else is. Maybe would feel self conscious not receiving. | Eucharist Reception |
171 | The emphasis of the need to be in a state of grace to receive Holy Communion, the importance of reconciliation. | Confession, Worthy Reception |
172 | Sacraments were taken away during the "pandemic" - like they didn't really matter. Shameful. The jab became the new sacrament. The Church loses credibility - Pachamama, Fiduccia Supplicans, traditiones custodes... contradicting previous popes. Keep tradition or we will find it underground. | Modernism, COVID, Leadership |
173 | Closing the churches and cancelling Mass due to COVID. Kind of hard to make the case that the Eucharist is necessary and vital when the bishops didn't even pretend to feel that way. | COVID, Leadership |
174 | Asking the faithful to sing some hymn during communion distribution. I was always taught it was a time for silent commune with Jesus. | Silence/Distractions |
175 | Lack of TLM. | TLM |
176 | Failure of bishops to shepherd their priests and Catholics in their dioceses by allowing all the mentioned discretions with their priests and within the diocese. | Leadership |
177 | The increased presence of women in authority positions in the church, especially on the alter. The loss of the rolls of men separate from women and the idea that the priest acts "in persona Christi.". | Role of Women |
178 | Modernism and the key doctrine as the belief in evolution. This is the key to the thinking that brought about these “new” liturgical” practices. | Modernism |
179 | The lack of speaking about the Saints and their love, devotion and confidence in the Eucharist. The importance of Eucharistic Adoration and its transforming of our lives together with reception of Jesus at Communion. | Devotions, Catechesis |
180 | Latin mass not being offered at all Catholic Churches. | TLM |
181 | Liturgical abuse. | Liturgical Practice |
182 | Modesty of dress. | Attire |
183 | Wearing shorts, tank tops, and flip flops at Mass. | Attire |
184 | Failure to teach that the whole substance of Christ is present equally in both Sacred Species. | Catechesis |
185 | Living liturgically-old calendar vs new, removal of holy days. | Liturgical Calendar |
186 | bishops' incessant commenting on every issue instead of saving their impact for most important; failure to teach laity how to pray well; practical materialism; failure to teach chastity and the virtue of poverty. | Leadership, Modernism, Catechesis |
187 | The Novus Ordo rite is in and of itself a major contributor to the loss of faith in the real presence. Certain confusing aspects of several Vatican II documents have also contributed to loss of Catholic faith. | Vatican II |
188 | I am an 84 year old cradle catholic. Recently I struggled with understanding transubstantiation until I was inspired to think of the word infused and that made the belief come clear to me. | Catechesis |
189 | Honestly I think that the barriers to the Church and desire for the Eucharist die in the church office. “Church employees "make obtaining the Sacraments a chore. I am not saying that we should not have requirements. But the goal should be to meet the needs of people with proper catechesis, not the institution. Diocesan employees are often lazy or also block enthusiasm and desire in the laity with bland one size fits all programs. | Catechesis |
190 | The whole is greater than the sum of its parts - the reformation of the liturgy from the TLM to the NO, which encompasses more or less all the factors you listed, says “we don’t actually believe this to be true.”. | TLM |
191 | Failure to offer much more frequent times for Confession. Failure to offer daily Mass. Failure to teach doctrine without fear in the homilies. | Confession, Fear/Cowardness, Homilies, Availability/Access |
192 | Veiling. Proper attire while in the presences of Christ. Lack of adoration. Lack of catechism taught from the pulpit. | Catechesis, Attire, Devotions |
193 | Adequate and substantial catechism teaching on the Eucharist. | Catechesis |
194 | The mass, which is a sacred, ethereal worship requested by God and culminating in the receipt of the body and blood of Christ, has been rebranded as a communal meal where all are welcome and community matters most. To an uncatechized lay person, and even a poorly catechized priest, belief in the real presence has and will continue to falter of man is placed at the center of worship instead of God. | Meal vs Sacrifice |
195 | I think a priest's reverence towards the Eucharist signals to the congregation his belief and exemplifies a reverence by the people. One way I have noticed reverence is by holding the Eucharist between thumb and index finger and keeping the fingers together throughout the Eucharistic prayer, signifying that every particle of the Eucharist is Jesus and that the priest is not careless in understanding that. | Reverence |
196 | Socializing during the Mass with the handshake of peace. Clapping during Mass often led by the priest to signify approval of something Failure of priests to speak the truths of the faith during the homily . | Sign of Peace, Applause |
197 | Catechesis for all ages has been woefully dumbed down. Also, we have our priests trying to administer multiple parishes, stuck in meetings ad nauseum, and absent from teaching across the ages. They aren't therefore allowed to be "fathers". I want my father to be present to the family, not absent like in society. | Catechesis |
198 | The omission of 1 Cor 11:29-32, regarding the dangers of unworthy communion, which is read several times each year in the traditional Mass, and never in the new lectionary. | Worthy Reception |
199 | Catholic Education is too expensive and often run by non-Catholics. Religious Ed (roughly only 30-36 hours a year) is NOT enough to catechize children whose home life has very little living Catholicism. Often, Religious Ed is merely seen as daycare, after school care… Mass should always begin it…maybe as a teaching Mass…I have seen how successful this process is at a parish I currently belong to. | Schools, Catechesis |
200 | Treating the Mass as a hindrance to "enjoying the weekend" resulting in jokes during homily, sloppy music, and rushing Mass so it's 60 minutes or less. | Reverence, Music |
201 | Influence of modern media. It really has an impact though you can't do much about it. | Modernism |
202 | The truth. Is the bishop of Rome really the Pope or is the mass being said in communion with a heretic/anti pope. | Leadership |
203 | Removal of many prayers, much including the Offertory. Also, lack of genuine emphasis on penance and God's justice. | Liturgical Practice |
204 | Corruption in the Church. Abuse of power by clerics, priests and bishops alike. Ostentatious wealth and comfort on the face of poverty, sickness, and other hardships. How are we to know Christ in the Eucharist if we are blind to Him in the poor. Lack of faith follows from our widespread lack of living charity and solidarity. | Social Justice, Leadership |
205 | Receiving Communion in the Hand, standing rather than on the tongue, kneeling. | Eucharist Reception |
206 | Failure of the clergy to instruct the faithful. | Catechesis |
207 | Proper attire when entering into the Church. | Attire |
208 | Chewing the Eucharist right after communion like it’s a huge piece of gum, saying hello to friends in way back to sit etc. | Eucharist Reception |
209 | The lack of disciplining Priests, by Bishops and Rome, that hold non-orthodox views and are very public about it. | Lack of Discipline, Leadership |
210 | The importance and reason for receiving the Eucharist on the tongue. | Eucharist Reception |
211 | The Eucharist as it pertains to Preparation for death, Extreme Unction. | Catechesis |
212 | 1- allowing the “spirit of Vatican 2” unlimited freedom. 2- thinking the church needed to become more like the world, instead of being a beacon of beauty and hope outside the world 3- loss of traditions: ember days, novenas, etc. 4- allowing priests who knowingly hold opinions in opposition to church teaching (contraception, homosexuality, mixed marriages, etc.) . | Liturgical Calendar, LGBTQ+ Issues, Vatican II, Modernism, Lack of Discipline |
213 | Overall traditional Catholic formation. | Catechesis |
214 | The heretical and schismatic Pope Frances and all his attacks on clergy and dogma since he has been Pope. The heretical and schismatic Cardinals and Bishops and Priests who are not teaching or supporting the traditional beliefs of the Catholic Church, as it was founded by Jesus Christ. They seem to be wanting to destroy the Catholic Church and start a Universal Church that is NOT Catholic. Denying transubstantiation is one of their most important weapons. | Leadership |
215 | PRIESTS NOT PREACHING ON & TEACHING THE ACTIONS THAT ARE SINFUL. PEOPLE MUST BE TOLD WHAT ARE THE SINS. They think because they don't murder someone on the street or rob a bank & they only are doing what EVERYONE else is doing that they are living a good life & without sin. Lay people teaching Lay people teaching catechism instead of holy & faithful religious Everyone gets to touch & distribute Holy Communion Institution of Novus Ordo Cancellation of Latin Mass . | TLM, Extraordinary Ministers, Catechesis, Sin |
216 | Loss of the TLM. | TLM |
217 | Most priests do not regularly emphasize the necessity, tremendous effects, or their personal devotion to the Eucharist. Every homily should end with a comment directing us to the Eucharistic table, where: 1- we will be present at Calvary and 2-we will receive supernatural life to empower us to do the things talked about in the homily. | Homilies |
218 | Indifferentism that is displayed by the Church’s attempt at ecumenism. The supernatural nature of the Eucharist cannot be compared to anything offered by other religions. Also, a greater emphasis needs to be on preparing to receive the Eucharist worthily through the sacrament of reconciliation. | Ecumenism |
219 | Failure to preach on the necessity of Confession. Failure to preach against the sins that destroy the family: sexual sins, divorce, etc. | Confession, Sin |
220 | It's not just the clergy's casual attitude, it's their casual PRACTICES. I've seen clergy start the announcements and do a second collection while the host is still on the altar. I've seen a deacon bagging the monetary collection under the left side of the altar while the consecration is taking place. I've even seen a priest drop the Host and unceremoniously pick it up off the floor. The Latin Mass community in our city is the only place where I am guaranteed not to see clergy practices that can only do violence to the laity's belief in the Real Presence. All of the other problems -- laity behavior in the pews, etc. -- seem to me to flow from weaknesses in the leadership's behavior with the Eucharist. If the leaders are handling the Eucharist like THEY don't believe in the Real Presence, how are new generations of the laity to form the belief properly?. | Lukewarmness, Leadership |
221 | It’s a difficult concept. Can’t expect everyone to understand. | Catechesis |
222 | Preventing Latin Mass. | TLM |
223 | The second Vatican council has destroyed the Catholic faith and it needs to be totally repealed and we need a pope that isn't a heretic......i.e. Francis is not a valid pope. | Vatican II, Leadership |
224 | The FACT that the so called pope is ok with all of these sins being committed, and condoning sinful behaviors and trying to squash the true faith of traditional Catholics! . | Leadership |
225 | Lack of care for the marginalized make it look like the Eucharist has no effect on Catholics . | Living the Faith |
226 | Failure in religious education of children - both in Catholic schools and in CCD programs. | Catechesis |
227 | Lukewarm liturgy is deadly to the faith. I fell away for over a decade as a lifelong altar server and devout Catholic due to terrible liturgy, horrible contemporary music, and Eucharistic abuses left and right that made me believe it wasn’t actually Jesus in the blessed sacrament. Treat the Eucharist like it’s the body of Christ or don’t expect us to believe it. The TLM convinced me to return. | TLM, Lukewarmness |
228 | Failure to educate adults about Catholic faith Failure of Bishops and Priests to speak out about problems and sin in the church leadership and church members Pope causing confusion and misdirection, poor leadership and selecting ideological Vatican managers. Idol worship in Vatican Attempts to discard traditional values and the Latin Mass Perhaps the parish is too large and we need smaller groups (at times) to relate to others, discuss and grow our faith Has the Catholic Church fully stood for the Truth, or attempted to ignore and cover up issues? Jesus caused division by standing for the Truth. If we stand for the Truth, we will suffer yet attract others to the Truth. As there are fewer priests, the faithful need to contribute their faith knowledge in small groups to help others grow their faith. We need to learn to pray better and learn to love Jesus more. We need to convince ALL to find the narrow gate! MT 7:13 . | TLM, Leadership, Catechesis, Confusion |
229 | Allowing reception of Communion in the hand & removing the altar rails & the requirement to kneel while receiving Holy Communion. | Eucharist Reception |
230 | Bring back kneeling to receive communion and encourage receiving by mouth (explain WHY). | Eucharist Reception |
231 | The Novus Ordo. | Liturgical Practice |
232 | Many churches have removed the sacredness of the Eucharist out of convenience. When I was a young Alter Boy, the chalice was veiled because something sacred is veiled. I ask the Priest why we don’t do that anymore. The answer was, “It’s not required” anymore. We allow/encourage applauding during the Mass in the Sanctuary. Saint Pio said the only ones applauding during Christ’s crucifixion were the Romans and the demons. | Loss Sense of the Sacred, Applause |
233 | Priests becoming administrators and not focusing on the salvation of the souls entrusted to them. | Priestly Duties |
234 | Not emphasizing need for confession and offering multiple times and days. | Confession, Availability/Access |
235 | Poor to no adult education. | Catechesis |
236 | The events between 1965 and 1969 had severely negative effects on Catholic belief, liturgy and practice. Until these are corrected, there is little hope for solving the grave consequences arising from "the law of what is prayed is the law of what is believed." This is seen in the scandal that 67% of Catholics deny the real presence in the Eucharist. Some issues that cry out for correction include: (1) the illicit replacement of the Sacred Traditional Latin Mass (Roman Rite) with the highly abridged "Rite of Paul VI" Mass that was an artificial liturgy, cobbled-together, man-made-by-committee, some members of whom demanded: the elimination of the Latin language, talk of the Mass as a “sacrifice,” and the Catholicity of the Mass in favor of a crippled shell of a rite to please our separated brethren; (2) Loss of a sense of the sacred in the liturgy; (3) Loss of a reverent liturgy that provides periods of silent reflection; (4) The stripping of the sanctuaries of altar rails for reverent reception of the holy Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling; (5) Replacement of all traditional hymns, chants, and music by post-modern music that is banal, man-centered, unsingable, and a penance to hear. (6) Inadequate efforts to catechize the Faithful using the reliable Catechism of the Council of Trent (1566); (7) Loss of a sense of sin and the Four Last Things; (8) De-emphasis on the primary ecclesial purpose of saving souls. (9) Embracing the spirit of the world over the Kingdom of God in moral questions; (10) Failure to openly condemn and deny Holy Communion to public figures who unapologetically support abortion, and finally (11) The inability of thousands of Catholics devoted to the immemorial TLM of the Ages to accept or attend the Novus Ordo Rite, knowing the pain and betrayal it represents to them and the entire Church. . | TLM, Music, Silence/Distractions, Eucharist Reception, Reverence, Canon 915 |
237 | I believe that the greatest thing on the entire three list was the presence of Eucharistic ministers especially if they women. Receiving from someone who is not in a state of Grace potentially is so harmful to Catholics. | Extraordinary Ministers, Role of Women |
238 | Lack of catechesis on the Eucharist. Priests should talk more about it in their sermons. | Homilies |
239 | Modesty in dress---both men and women. | Attire |
240 | It is not the absence of Latin only as you posted but rather the change in the theology, prayers, and purpose. The transcendent is diminished as is the sacrifice. It is community focused and God is left in the dust. The Mass ought to be a community gathering for WORSHIP of God Not each other. The Mass also is wide open for abuse and has been abused. Some Masses are more like theater with the priest as showman. Also many distractions are wrongly added. Standing in two lines to receive Christ is like standing in line for hot dogs. I would rather kneel at the altar as a sign of humility and respect!. | Community, Eucharist Reception |
241 | A Priest’s lack of reverence and/ or belief in the True Presence. | Reverence |
242 | The changes to ordination rites. | TLM |
243 | Weak bishops who do not lead. Confusion from Rome. | Confusion, Leadership |
244 | To see a woman wear pants without head covered go into the tabernacle during mass when a noN-handicapped priest is present and distributes Eucharist instead of the priest. When the priest elevates with one hand, one eye an inch above his nose and offers for less than 2 seconds. | Liturgical Practice, Attire |
245 | The restrictions on the Traditional Latin Mass and the embrace of the post conciliar teachings and the Novus Ordo Mass. | TLM |
246 | Too many people with clear personality disorders (mainly cluster B, i.e. borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, and antisocial) are in leadership positions at every church level. Their issues, by nature of their respective disorders, always supersedes real, genuine problems that laity try to bring to light. | Leadership |
247 | The loss or abrogation of the Traditional Latin Mass (this is #1 issue in my mind) and all it offered the faithful (e.g., reverential, pious, unhurried liturgies, Gregorian chant, holy, properly vested priests, etc.) coupled with the rejection of sacramental confession especially before receiving Holy Communion to till the soil of the soul. The theological change to Protestantize the Mass and focus not on the sacrifice for sin but on the “meal aspect” also severely weakened belief. If there’s no such thing as sin then why do we need sacrifice? The loss of properly formed priests. I have learned a lot about the true faith from listening to SSPX podcasts. These men are formed extremely well, are chaste, holy, and great teachers of the true faith. | TLM, Priestly Formation |
248 | The past 60 years has been disaster for the Catholic Church. However, thru all of this, I still believe in the real presence because I was taught in a Catholic School by the Franciscan Nuns and we learned from the Baltimore Catechism and the Bible. | Catechesis |
249 | Top down Protestantism in the Catholic Church; Ecumenism. | Ecumenism, Leadership |
250 | The COVID lock down by the bishops told the laity that the Mass and Eucharist aren’t important enough to risk physical health. | COVID, Leadership |
251 | Not offering confession regularly and preaching a need for frequent confession. | Confession, Availability/Access |
252 | receiving the Eucharist kneeling and on the tongue with a paten under the chin. The visual of this helps reinforce the belief. | Eucharist Reception |
253 | Additional issues in my opinion: holding hands during the Our Father, the shaking hands (and other weird gestures) at the peace offering. | Sign of Peace |
254 | Re-catechize everyone that calls himself or herself Catholic, including all clergy. Revive solemn Vespers, common devotions. Stricter scrutiny of seminarians, way to expel bishops from their See for heterodoxy or when they violate their ordination vows. | Leadership, Catechesis |
255 | The pope has equated other religions to Catholicism pretending Islam worships the same God. The Pope is scandalous and purposefully uses ambiguous language sowing confusion. He often meddles in social and political issues. We have yet to receive a full fledged apology for not standing up to keep our churches open during COVID. If the Eucharist is what distinguishes us from every other schismatic Christian faith, why did the USCCB not do anything to help people receive communion during COVID God did not ask us to be safe at all costs...patently unserious which has severely eroded Truth. | COVID |
256 | Lack of veiling among lay women. The lack of solemnity at each and every Sunday Mass. | Attire |
257 | Women veiling according to the admonition of Saint Paul and showing their subservience to Christ as our Head . | Attire |
258 | Until there is an official and public admission from the church leadership that it was a grave and mortally sinful error to “excommunicate” practically the entire Catholic population during the COVID lockdowns, then the enduring message to the world is that the clergy themselves do not believe in the Real Presence. The same holds true for placing the consecrated hosts in people’s hands, thus allowing the BS to be desecrated on a daily basis and millions of times a day. Why the fuss over purification meticulously the sacred vessels while at the same time allowing particles to be left behind on millions of hands daily and wiped off to fall on the floor and be trampled on? The only conclusion is that the purification is done only for show and not due to belief in the Real Presence. How can a believing clergy allow this, tell me?. | COVID |
259 | Poor catechesis since the 1970’s. | Catechesis |
260 | Loud conversation and laughter in the Sacristy before Mass (which is able to be heard in the church). | Silence/Distractions |
261 | The fact that after 11 years after BXVI’s resignation we still talk about its validity means that something is up. Bishops and Cardinals are afraid to talk about it. BXVI clearly never abdicated, he never complied with art 332-2. We have an anti-Pope in the Vatican and we look for the reasons for Jesus not being in the Eucharist that we do not celebrate assuming Orientem? Is there not something more important to discuss in the Church? The hierarchy’s lack of presence is unbelievable. The anti-Pope mocks the cardinals of the legitimate dubia with silence or tells them he is right and they don’t set the Vatican on fire? The truth is on their side. They just accept the mockery instead of effusing their blood for the sheep and for Jesus? There are Catholics that are willing to follow the true shepherd that openly denounces Bergoglio. Only a few priests do this publically, the ones of the Marian Sodality. Nobody in the “Church "talks about these priests who are doing the work of Cardinals and Bishops, sacrificing everything. They are today’s martyrs. We all can keep Ignoring them but their following grows, it is the Roman Catholic Church. Can Jesus come into the Eucharist when the priest knowingly offers the sacrifice in communion with the anti-Pope. If he does it is because he can do miracles. But if we receive knowing that Bergoglio is not the Pope, we know we are committing a grave offense to God. That is why Pope Benedict the XVI specified that without the communion with Peter, there is not communion with God. I implore his excellency Bishop Stickland to consider this situation. There are a few Catholics in North America that are willing to take Sacraments only from Priests that are not sedevacantist like Bishop Viganò, and that are not offering the sacrifice in communion with Bergoglio, who seems to clearly have been working for the competition. Ad Orientem! We do not have a Pope! Have mercy for the lost sheep that are not compromising with the absurdity of the false church. If you do not want to acknowledge this brave, in my opinion, flock, can you at least let us know discreetly if there are any priests that are respectful of the post Vatican Popes and that do not celebrate in communion with Bergoglio? Having said that we would love to be contacted by Bishop Strickland. Some of these can not go to Italy for confession and communion. Can you see the legitimacy of this logical stance? Please help us. Please help, underneath the surface, the brave priests that, like the refractory French priests, are willing to challenge the anti-Pope for the good of the souls. Praised be Jesus Christ and onward with Mary. | Liturgical Practice, Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
262 | General lack of Reverence . | Reverence |
263 | The Pope and much of the hierarchy are heretical and have lost the Faith. This scandalized everyone and therefore undermines dogmas. | Leadership |
264 | Not teaching importance of avoiding no Catholic services, charismatic movement in Catholic Church, not encouraging marrying another Catholic . | Catechesis |
265 | the priests coming out of most diocesan seminaries don't believe in Jesus, His Real presence, sin, hell, confession, the sacraments. Their irreverent behavior at the altar reveals they don't believe in the Truths of our Catholic Faith. Our many archbishops aren't much better. They vote democrat and have no problem with abortion. To me that is the crux. The quickest way to get people to believe is the behavior of the priest at the altar. His behavior sets the "tone" for how people will act in church. Have a holy priest and you have a holy parish. | Lack of Faith, Public Witness, Leadership, Abortion, Reverence |
266 | Education of Children, whether in school or on Sundays. Especially when they are made to leave for a "Children's liturgy" while the adults remain behind. It just destroys the Sacred atmosphere . | Catechesis |
267 | Most priests do not provide proper guidance and instruction. | Catechesis |
268 | Fundamentally malformation or lack of catechesis in general. | Catechesis |
269 | Well I send my daughter to learn catechesis with the Sisters of the Sacred Heard of Jesus, and I was surprise that they only teach my daughter how to receive Jesus on the hand, so I ask them why, they said that it was the only correct way to do so. I said no, I want my daughter to receive Jesus on her tongue and they got so mad, saying that I do not know anything on how to do things. I probably don't know anything, but I know Jesus is my King, and I only receive Jesus kneeling and on my tongue. | Catechesis |
270 | Offering the chalice as well as and separately from the Eucharist during Communion. | Eucharist Reception |
271 | I can't remember hearing our priest ever talking about the real presence. It needs to be spoken of often so that people find it in their hearts again. | Catechesis |
272 | Absolutely the Eucharistic extra ordinary ministers do t even receive the Eucharist on the tongue as well as Deacons. No reverence. | Extraordinary Ministers, Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
273 | Building schools unnecessarily- asking for money. Recorded Bishop’s appeal. | Schools |
274 | Why don’t the priests who have consecrated hands think it’s ok for lay people to distribute Jesus. It’s as though it’s no big deal. | Extraordinary Ministers |
275 | Locking the Churches outside of Mass times indicates to the laity that there is nothing special within the Church (i.e. Our Lord). Also, the laity storming the sanctuary before and/or after Mass takes away the sanctity of the sanctuary in our eyes, and the awesomeness of He Who dwells there. Removal of the tabernacle veil has also been harmful because the tabernacle is a throne, The throne of the Most High, and we don't see anything special about it anymore. Also the lack of discussion on modesty or the veiling of women. It seems almost nobody is willing to discuss modesty in life and more specifically in the Church, before God Himself. A lack of veiling goes hand in hand with lack of modesty, reverence, and belief. "Praise and worship" music at catholic events is confusing considering we believe that the sacrifice of the Eucharist at Mass is true worship of God. | Availability/Access, Attire, Confusion |
276 | Our parish is really reaching out to the young during the homily, children choir on one Sunday mass in the morning. The older children have Life teen mass at evening Mass. There are young family get together will dinners through the year. All catholic churches should be doing things to bring all peoples back to church. It's also the job of the laity to be well informed and inviting people to the church. Maybe a welcome back day 2 times a year to invite people back where you bring a friend or family member. Lots of prayers by the laity. | Homilies |
277 | Religion is no longer a necessary part of people’s lives. The church has lost its position of relevance. The clergy is diminished in importance and is seen as flawed. Most are not equipped to evangelize. Leadership within the church has proven ineffective in dealing with issues. Seems you are worried about belief in the Eucharist, yet our religious leaders allow prominent people to proclaim to be Catholic then mock our beliefs. | Leadership, Living the Faith, Evangelization |
278 | Allowing non-Catholics to receive the Eucharist. Withholding confirmation until after age 13. | Sacraments |
279 | Teach Hell exists Mortal sin. | Catechesis |
280 | People are selfish and worldly. They think more of sports, money, shopping, etc. and what they want. They think going to church on Sunday is all they need to go to heaven. They feel God is a loving God , he died for me so he will understand and he won’t let me go to hell! People today don’t think , nor read their Bible. We need to educate them by having classes on the Bible, our catholic faith in general. Priest need to preach the word more strongly, make them realize the end is near and hell is forever. Our religion classes for children have gone off course, they need the meat and potatoes of our faith! We need to go back to the old time way to worship. Give our all to God! Money, time, devotion, heart, soul and complete faith to our God the Father!. | Modernism, Catechesis |
281 | Lack of preaching on the truths of the faith especially sin in relation to ALL commandments including adultery and the call to lay to seek reconciliation for all sins. Also, allowing Pres Biden and others openly sinning against God to receive communion is causing people to lose trust in the basic tenants of our faith. | Confession, Homilies, Canon 915 |
282 | The importance of confession. | Confession |
283 | Clergy’s worldliness also, lack of vow of poverty . | Modernism |
284 | Families need to teach this at home, too. Also the secular influence of the world on children is strong. Families need help with this. Thank you. | Family, Catechesis |
285 | Homilies are mostly pure pablum. They do not teach Roman Catholic Truth and Doctrine. I can hear the same pablum in a Protestant church. Priests fail to teach that the Roman Catholic Church is the Church founded by Jesus Christ. | Homilies |
286 | Lack of unity between Catholic Cardinals and Bishops on social issues, especially abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, and immigration. Do all USCCB members vote pro-life? Want more priests, better politicians? Then stop supporting abortion! No more Eucharist in the hand, only on the tongue. Only Catholic priests should administer Holy Communion. Stop canceling holy, traditional priests, bishops, cardinals while patronizing those who are more concerned with social acceptance than true Catholic Doctrine. You could all learn much from Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Too bad he has not been canonized yet, we could beg for his intercession to help restore our great Nation. Also, no pride flags or emblems at Mass. Use God's original rainbow with 7 colors (ROYGBIV), otherwise you honor Satan. Respect God and His Ten Commandments, pray the Holy Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy often, and stop sinning. These should be preached at Mass, not jokes or sports updates. Please feed your flocks with the Eucharist, not social popcorn. | Devotions, Persecuted Clergy, Division, LGBTQ+ Issues, Eucharist Reception, Leadership |
287 | Catechism, reverence, traditions, Altar/Holy Mass performances, immodest attire, etc. | Liturgical Practice, Attire, Catechesis, Reverence |
288 | kneeling with reverence as soon as you enter the Church . | Reverence |
289 | Forgoing the use of patens in distributing the Eucharist. | Eucharist Reception |
290 | Allowing the priest to place the Holy Eucharist into unconsecrated hands as if it is just a piece of command bread. One of the ceremonies within the priest's ordination is the consecrating of his hands. But yet, during the Communion Rite, the priest places the Body, Blood Soul & Divinity into an unconsecrated hand. This is also after he, the priest offering the Mass, has just washed the four fingers that is going to transform bread into the Body of Christ! . | Eucharist Reception |
291 | The way people dress. I live in a beach town where you see short shorts, midriffs, even swimsuits at Mass. | Attire |
292 | The priest becoming a social worker vs leading the community in faith. The bishops not having a backbone. | Social Justice, Leadership |
293 | The closure of churches during COVID; we were encouraged to think they were "non-essential". In our parish, immediately after Mass, the congregation erupts into talking and laughter as if they were at a sporting event. There is no respect for the Miracle that just occurred. Overall poor catechesis for many years. | COVID |
294 | I want to comment on the question removing the altar rails. Some churches have them and still the priest and lay people distribute our Lord in aisles. So, having them is great but using them is key. This rejection of the altar rails by priests is even worse, as it shows a much more casual approach to receiving our Lord in the Eucharist, the greatest gift in the world!. | Eucharist Reception |
295 | Lack of reverence and due praise and honor at and around the tabernacle. | Reverence |
296 | The clergy's lukewarm approach themselves to the Real Presence! Look at what COVID did... If clergy believed in the Real Presence, churches would have stayed open like liquor stores and Walmart. If clergy believed, I would not have been SCREAMED AT because I wanted to receive Our Lord on my tongue. | COVID, Lukewarmness |
297 | Relating to the tabernacle & Jesus’s presence therein, I have not heard - since March 2024 by Jesse Romero - that the illuminated sanctuary lamp indicated the Blessed Sacrament & Christ’s presence in the tabernacle required reverence. Jesse called it “Jesus’s porch light”. I was gone for over 40 years and blessedly returned 12/24/21. I was dumbfounded at the casual behavior of the congregation as they gathered before Mass. | Reverence |
298 | Importance of the Devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary. | Devotions |
299 | Allowing immodest attire (both men and women) while attending Mass. | Attire |
300 | Lack of confession offerings and also offering it before mass so people would have the ability to come into grace prior to mass if needed. | Confession, Availability/Access |
301 | Failure in catechesis in generally, not just about transubstantiation. | Catechesis |
302 | Failure of the hierarchy to please God first rather than please the world. Failure to strive for Sainthood . Failure to love the one true holy apostolic Catholic Church. | Holiness, Leadership |
303 | Novus Ordo is a debased liturgy that undermines belief in the real presence. You should cancel all Novus Ordo masses and replace with Traditional Latin Mass if you want to restore belief in the Real Presence. | TLM |
304 | Many of the laity do not dress appropriately when attending Mass. This also contributes to a lack of reverence in the presence of the Eucharist although not on the top of my list. | Reverence, Attire |
305 | 1) Negative effect of parents not caring about the importance of the Eucharist and how it is the summit of our faith and the source of grace, thus not sharing that belief with their children. 2) Rushed Eucharistic prayers and done in a non-devoted way. 3) Not being adequately prepared by failing to wear nicer clothes as was more required in past years. | Family |
306 | Why should we have to rate in order of catastrophe communion on the hand AND lay “Eucharistic ministers” - it’s a chicken or the egg dilemma- they go together and both have to be expunged during the celebration of the Mass. | Eucharist Reception |
307 | Sign of peace should be before consecration not after we should be thinking of God then not greeting people. If you believe Jesus is truly present on the alter you don’t care about anything else. | Sign of Peace |
308 | The priority of worldly attractions in people's lives. | Modernism |
309 | A Eucharistic revival is not possible without revival and resurgence of confession. If one has no sorrow over sin, if they are not invited constantly to repentance, then how can they view the Eucharist as necessary (let alone central). | Confession |
310 | Failure to encourage laity to genuflect before the Blessed Sacrament. | Reverence |
311 | The shitty pope. | Leadership |
312 | Emphasis on John Chapter 6 in the New Testament. | Other |
313 | Poor catechesis for the last 50-60 years. | Catechesis |
314 | Churches locked up all day long. Priests lack of reverence and rushing in mass to “Be the fastest mass in the area”. | Reverence, Availability/Access |
315 | Priests rushing through the liturgy, as if it were some bothersome chore. | Reverence |
316 | Irreverence of body posture walking up to communion, receiving and walking away to pew those receiving communion. Lack of support of this country’s laws with regard to immigration laws, aiding and continuing to encourage folks not following laws. Too much emphasis on “social justice "agendas to the detriment of our core values- Eucharist. “Supporting homosexual lifestyle in churches- Basilica in Minneapolis, Chicago Archdiocese, gay sexual culture at North American College in Rome, Pope who trying to approve same sex couple “blessings “- leads to confusion and splitting of faithful Catholics from the church, in effort to dominate, not shepherd. Poor catechesis of faithful since 1960s, The Birth Control pill and other contraceptive-no need to rely in God/prayerful asking of His will for our lives. Lack of reverence within the sanctuary of church prior and after mass-“it’s like a movie theater-people talking, kids eating” not waiting for the King of the Universe. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Social Justice, Eucharist Reception, Leadership, Catechesis, Reverence |
317 | Prelates should inform laity what constitutes a mortal sin. Give examples of mortal sins. Must go to confession before receiving the Eucharist if you have committed any mortal sin or you endanger your soul and will condemn your soul to hell. | Confession, Sin |
318 | Genuflecting . | Reverence |
319 | *Attire of the parishioners attending mass. *Minimal emphasis on the Real Presence in Catechism of children of all ages. *Architectural design of churches away from crucifom plan (Air plane hanger, semi circular, and even completely circular styles. | Attire |
320 | Lack of spiritual leadership of the bishops and instead treating it more like a corporate position . | Leadership |
321 | A serious issue is the practical demonstration of the idea that one religion is as good as another, especially by the hierarchy's failure to evangelize in a way that insists Catholicism is true and that conversion is necessary. When the pope and the bishops tell non-Catholics they should continue being "good" non-Catholics or when they pontificate on the political issues of this passing world while ignoring man's primary need for salvation, they preach the anti-gospel that the Faith isn't really that important. The closing of churches during COVID sent a similar message that the Faith isn't essential. Another serious cause is the failure of seminaries to instruct priests in the sacrificial nature of their priesthood. | COVID, Leadership, Ecumenism, Evangelization |
322 | The total disregard of God at Mass with priests making up their own liturgies and laity dressing immodest. | Liturgical Practice, Attire |
323 | There should be FREE and freely available catechesis for all ages - small children, the Age of Reconciliation, middle grade, high school, college, young adult and adult - all ages. It should be FREE (not cost money;, it should be easily AVAILABLE (not hard to find for anyone, not obscurely in the internet, maybe even available by QR codes in every Catholic church; it should be EASY to understand/memorize for anyone with the slightest interest (lay language, decrease obstacles, easy to process (not a block of text, ideally visually appealing and graphics), easy to memorize and teach to someone else (because often times I’ve read things on the Eucharist, but haven’t been able to articulate all the amazing things to others.). | Catechesis |
324 | Teaching what "real presence" continuously through all age grow in that knowledge and how it is different from other Christians . | Catechesis |
325 | CCD teaching and textbooks. The blind leading the blind. | Catechesis |
326 | Allowing the laity to do what the Priest used to do. There is no longer a sense that he is the spiritual father of the parish. Christ is the King of kings, by definition the Church is a monarchy not a yacht club. When feelings are more sacred than grace, we have a problem. The truth is unchangeable, yet the average Catholic relies on the theory that “Jesus loves me” that is undeniable, the graver question is does He like what you are doing?. | Liturgical Practice |
327 | Speaking on the evils of abortion, remarriage w/o annulment, homosexuality. | Abortion, LGBTQ+ Issues, Homilies |
328 | Lack of reverence of EEM. | Extraordinary Ministers, Reverence |
329 | Lack of catechesis on the need for the Sacrament of Confession and to encourage daily examination of conscience, even for venial sins. | Confession, Catechesis |
330 | How people dress immodestly Need to restore communion on the tongue and kneeling Need to stop Extraordinary communion ministers—just attended Monday morning daily mass with “maybe” 50 people attending mass in a large rural US basilica. And they STILL had 3 women help the priest distribute Holy Communion!!! Outrageous!!! And TOTALLY unnecessary as that was not an extraordinary situation Extremely important to have lay people handle and touch the Holy Eucharist —- read about how people in purgatory had black hands because they handled/touched/distributed consecrated Holy Hosts and their hands are NOT consecrated!!! This is real!!! All Freemasons in the laity and especially in the Clergy MUST be excommunicated immediately! They are trying to destroy Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church Stop immediately the indults that “allow” for communion in the hand & standing and not requiring women to wear head coverings and anything else that “protestantized” and “secularized” the Catholic Church, especially the Holy Mass Stop the “new order” mass in the vernacular as this creates even more confusion going to masses around the world as we all don’t know the various languages, but Latin IS the Universal language of the Catholic Church. It was even above Jesus on the cross so it’s abundantly obvious that the Latin language is extremely important and even the devils know the power of Latin (talk to exorcists about this!!) I can go on and on… As a younger baby boomer, I’m sad and angry that I’ve been cheated out of our rich, wonderful beauty of our faith. I find it heartbreaking breaking that most of the modern churches built since the 1960’s are sanitary and devoid of anything of the good, the true and the beautiful. Even in the area I live in, whenever there are groups of people who travel to view various churches, they ALWAYS go to the older beautiful traditionally built and adorned with lots of statues, stained glass windows, angels everywhere, an amazing high altar & side altars, paintings on the ceiling. Everything that lifts up our senses to God. No one wants to tour and experience and take photos of a nondescript, sterile and protestant looking building. STOP closing the beautiful old churches!!! Figure out a way to evangelize and fill those churches again! Any Bishop who closes these churches without having a plan to bring the church to the people must be removed from his bishopric! He’s not a true shepherd, but a wolf in sheep’s clothing… Quit denying good faithful traditional Marian heterosexual young men entrance into the seminary and get rid of the clergy who are in places of “power” deciding who gets accepted and who doesn’t! I’ve heard horrific firsthand accounts of young men not willing to compromise their deep faith and are told—-no, not you… Disgusting and pathetic and extremely shameful…. | Liturgical Practice, Extraordinary Ministers, Beauty, Eucharist Reception, Leadership, Evangelization |
331 | Americanism, and wanting to advance economically and socially in a protestant ethos in America among Catholics, led to a "cafeteria Catholicism" mentality, along with dissenting or heterodox clergy and lay leaders undermining the magisterium, a failure to censure those in an effective or timely manner, and a failure to teach the supremacy of conscience correctly, plus Changes to the Mass to seem more protestant or modern, and a rejection of Church authority have also contributed to cracks in American Catholics' faith. This has resulted in subsequent generations being less connected to the Church and being uncatechized. | Modernism, Lack of Discipline, Catechesis |
332 | Church and schools closing making it difficult to attend mass. Church doesn’t talk about spirituality. | Closures |
333 | A personal relationship with Jesus Christ. | Relationship with Jesus |
334 | A Monsignor that seems frightened of placing Eucharist on tongue of the faithful and seems to pause and toss it into mouth. I was afraid it would bounce out of mouth onto ground. | Eucharist Reception |
335 | If the clergy does not show the reverence due to God in the Blessed Sacrament, why would the laity? Also, bishops publicly punishing priests for being orthodox. Evil in my opinion. | Reverence, Leadership |
336 | 4 generations of poor to no effective teaching of adults So children not being educated in the faith . | Catechesis |
337 | Use of lay ministers. Maybe I missed it. | Extraordinary Ministers |
338 | Catechism . | Catechesis |
339 | Children being catechized poorly by unqualified ‘Catholics’. Then church Pastor being so involved in administrative duties and committees, he has no time for faith formation outside mass. Confession not being consistently promoted or available. Nuns and priests used to teach in Catholic school - now regular joe teaches and they are poorly catechized and schools are more interested in keeping enrollment up than instilling strong faith. My sons high school had a transgender student who was allowed to pretend she was a boy and one of the school shows was A Chorus Line! So why don't people take the faith seriously? Because it isn't taught seriously. It’s disrespectful and irreverent and despicable!. | Confession, Availability/Access, Catechesis, Reverence |
340 | You closed the churches during COVID and by doing that, erased the supernatural from our faith. The church since the 1950’s has been a 501C3. This has tied the hands of the church and isn’t a place where real issues are discussed from the pulpit. Churchgoers have one hour a week to get inspiration, guidance a pep talk if you will, on how to cope with everyday issues affecting us…..instead we get a history lesson…from Jesus’ time where issues were not as complex as they are today. | Homilies, COVID |
341 | Total lack of reverence by those on the altar, Eucharistic ministers and lectors lack of showing respect bowing toward the altar, attire, lack of catechizing since Vatican II. | Vatican II, Reverence, Catechesis |
342 | Proper respectful attire for Mass. | Attire |
343 | Dismissing Children during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, instead of inculcating piety, at the earliest age. Nominally showing adoration by bowing, instead of genuflecting while passing in front of Blessed Tabernacle, upon entering the Church, as well as entering an exiting pews. | Reverence |
344 | Lack of a high alter for the tabernacle. | Liturgical Practice |
345 | Poor catechesis of more than a generation of Catholics. They get the basics and never look further or deeper to educate themselves. If they knew of good solid catholic sources to go deeper in their faith and reveal the enormous array of beauty and help within the faith, they would start to come around. The pulpit on the altar is where the faithful should be fed. We can’t count on them looking up the correct information in a world of non Catholics who constantly hurl insults and false accusations at the church in public internet places. The clergy needs to be reminded that their administration duties come second to the care of the faithful by relying on the Holy Spirit. This cannot be fixed by administration and meetings. If bishops and priests do not surrender to the Holy Spirit, there is nothing but further decay coming. | Priestly Duties, Catechesis, Leadership |
346 | We should be receiving the Eucharist on our knees and on the tongue by only a priest . | Eucharist Reception |
347 | Very poor catechesis taught to children in catechism class. Allowing the laity to bless people in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. | Catechesis |
348 | lack of education of minors and adults on the subject. | Catechesis |
349 | Not only are laymen and women allowed to hand out the Blessed Sacrament in the hand to those in a state of mortal sin, but these same laymen and women open the tabernacle which in most updated churches is stuffed in a niche in the corner which conveys its unimportance. | Worthy Reception, Sin, Eucharist Reception |
350 | The way women dress….reminding the faithful that we dress modestly. | Attire |
351 | Cover up, dishonesty, and loss of faith of the bishops and cardinals. Lack of fraternal correction. No accountability for their actions. | Lack of Discipline, Leadership |
352 | In some parishes the alter area is not respected . They have plays etc. on the “stage” if they don’t respect God how can they feel there is a real presence in the Eucharist? When you take away the importance of the Eucharist, the people will not respect or believe in the real presence. | Reverence |
353 | Total lack of respect and piety in church Gods house. Making of the sign of the cross and genuflecting to show respect to God. | Reverence |
354 | Lack of reverence in the Church before and after Mass, plus people touching, waving at, chit-chatting, etc. with others on way up to altar to receive the Holy Eucharist. | Reverence, Silence/Distractions |
355 | Failure to show reverence for Jesus in the tabernacle Using the altar / church for entertainment purposes. | Reverence |
356 | Not only communion in the hand but the downgrading of the mass to a meal and the priest as the mere president of an assembly. | Meal vs Sacrifice, Eucharist Reception |
357 | Catholic political leaders who still receive communion and are allowed to discuss their faith alongside views that go against Catholic teachings. The removal of clergy who’ve spoken out against political figures. | Persecuted Clergy, Canon 915 |
358 | Catechesis and reverence. | Catechesis |
359 | Parishes not posting appropriate dress code for mass. | Attire |
360 | Giving bad priests no incentive to stay in a state of grace . | Other |
361 | Divisiveness among Catholics creating factions against Vatican II. Lay people listening to YouTube personalities and their misinterpretation of teaching. | Vatican II |
362 | Failure to address the way people dress when attending Mass. | Attire |
363 | People need to encounter JESUS CHRIST in their lives in their own hearts. I think the Latin mass is ok and the nous order is ok( if they change the Eucharist back to kneeling and receiving on the tongue)More reverence...I love the nous ordo/but I always receive on the tongue ..I was a Eucharistic minister and now believe only sacred hands should handle JESUS. The church has lost the sense of the sacred because of the lack of reverence...But it's the loss of people losing touch with God /buried in the world/Plus showing reverence to the Eucharist...The abuse of Christ being given in the hand is extensive and needs to Stop. I think people need to encounter Christ in their own hearts/then reverence at Mass... | Relationship with Jesus, Eucharist Reception |
364 | “Schisms” between more traditional Catholics and those who celebrate vernacular Catholics. | Division |
365 | Heretic offshoots of Christianity, people don't believe we live in a fallen world. | Modernism |
366 | Lack of catechetical instruction in Catholic schools. | Schools |
367 | Just general decline in societal morals. Parents failure in Catholic upbringing of y. | Family, Catechesis |
368 | Poor education and educators in Catholic schools for years that neither taught the faith nor helped children to grow in their faith. Some were unhelpful at best and actively destructive at worst. | Schools, Catechesis |
369 | Not enough masses available. Not enough reconciliation times offered. | Confession, Availability/Access |
370 | General irreverence in the church: dress codes, etc. | Reverence, Attire |
371 | lac k of confession times. | Confession, Availability/Access |
372 | They call it a meal instead of sacrifice. There should be confess held before all masses on Sunday. While most churches hold confession during the most difficult time of the week. Saturdays at 4, really! The priests need to educate at the podium. We are hunger for the truth. They need to talk about our souls and that there is a heaven and hell. Talk about serious sin and the damage it does to our soul. | Confession, Availability/Access, Meal vs Sacrifice, Sin |
373 | Failure to teach the laity or congregation the proper ways to show respect and reverence during mass. For example, Oran or hand position through out mass is not proper. | Reverence, Catechesis |
374 | They call the mass a meal not a sacrifice. Confession should be held before mass on Sunday. In most churches confession is for 45 minute on Saturday before the 5pm mass. Saturday mass satisfying the Sunday obligation. | Confession, Meal vs Sacrifice, Availability/Access |
375 | Allowing Saturday evening Mass to fulfill Sunday obligation gives the impression that Sunday Mass is less important than my convenience in squeezing Mass into my busy weekend schedule. | Liturgical Practice |
376 | The casual or inappropriate attire worn by those attending The Holy Mass. | Attire |
377 | Ecumenism & ecumenical events. The annual meetings of the USCCB & all such “national bishops’ councils” which drag any good bishop down while elevating wretched ones. | Ecumenism, Leadership |
378 | Catechesis does not include apologetics. Lay Catholics aren't taught the reasons to believe. | Catechesis |
379 | Allowing lay persons too bring the Eucharist to the homebound, etc.. Sacredness regards handling the altar vessels. | Extraordinary Ministers |
380 | Lack of sacred music, art.. beauty. Lack of modesty and appropriate attire to attend mass (no casual or athletic cloths) lack of silence after mass and open socializing in the nave of the church. | Music, Beauty, Attire, Silence/Distractions |
381 | The cattle line to receive the Eucharist. The hurry, hurry, hurry to keep the line moving. Priests hardly waiting to hear the response before providing the Eucharist. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
382 | Lack of proper catechesis and dummying down the faith. | Catechesis |
383 | failure to offer sufficient logistically-feasible opportunities for the laity to receive the sacrament of penance . | Confession, Availability/Access |
384 | Teaching the church’s attitude toward gender confusion, sexual deviance, abortion, etc. and why it’s important that we hear this during homilies. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Homilies, Catechesis, Abortion |
385 | Outside influence, as in TV, movies, etc. | Modernism |
386 | Lack of education of our youth from early childhood to young adults on the importance of the Mass & receiving the Eucharist as our 2 most important ways to Heaven. 2ndly: By example 3rdly by having s deep & loving relationship with Mary, Our Blessed Mother and praying the Rosary everyday!. | Catechesis |
387 | My children were not properly catechized, they were told in Catholic high school by a Sister that Bible stories are myths, not real. The religion teachers didn’t believe so how could they pass the faith to them. I think Eucharistic Adoration instills the Real Presence and I encourage it but people don’t make time to go. | Devotions, Catechesis |
388 | Priests who don't care. Most focus on entertaining or making the mass as short as possible. Many priests simply do not care to prepare a homily. | Homilies, Lukewarmness |
389 | It always takes two, not only the laity. There are Priests and there are priests. Take it from there, and realize that they also have roles in the decline in the belief of the Real Presence. | Leadership |
390 | Immodesty with women’s clothing, reverence in mass, not attending. | Reverence, Attire |
391 | Too many laity involved in the Liturgy and the Mass, and not enough training for those that are. Also, there are current rules for correctly celebrating Mass, but no one enforces it. The music is no longer sacred. Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers have become standard. Some priests can’t wait to take their vestments off as soon as Mass is over. Instead of Worshipping and praising God, Mass has become a social activity while Jesus in the Tabernacle is ignored off to the side in the background. It’s alarming because you don’t know if the priests are “ok” with all of this, because I have hardly ever heard anyone SAY or DO anything about it. | Extraordinary Ministers, Music, Liturgical Practice |
392 | Women reading from the pulpit. Lack of modesty in the churches. | Role of Women, Attire |
393 | Failure to teach the faith from the pulpit. And allowing laity to teach the faith, of which they know little about. Teaching their views instead of Solid church teaching! Priest need to take their priestly duties back and start saving souls! Protestantism is rampant in our churches. Let’s get back to being Catholic!. | Catechesis |
394 | Lack of an encounter with Jesus. | Relationship with Jesus |
395 | Failure of clergy to encourage people to receive kneeling and on the tongue if they are able. | Eucharist Reception |
396 | DEFINITELY a HUGE issue is ignoring or sweeping the sexual abuse scandal under the rug. You cannot say you represent the Lord when you do that. That’s work of the devil. It’s disgusting and has made me lose faith in the church and mass. Also - how dare there be questioning of female servers. That’s sad. | Scandals |
397 | Deacons and choirs standing during the consecration. | Liturgical Practice |
398 | Poor catechesis for generations -- Fortunately for me and my siblings, our Dad left the seminary before taking his final vows, so he was able to teach us important things even though our CCD classes were ridiculous. | Catechesis |
399 | It’s a matter of faith, and the work you’re willing to put in every single day. | Lack of Faith |
400 | People are taught to receive the Eucharist at every mass and they do so just so as not to stick out. In other words, they aren't taught that it's okay not to receive the Eucharist if they haven't confessed a mortal sin or whatever other reason. | Confession |
401 | All Churches need to describe the appropriate dress code in the weekly bulletin and on the church’s website, so that it’s clear what is and is not appropriate. Trust that will help people realize to be more respectful of the Real Presence! Otherwise we will under dress because we take it so casually! Conservative clothing that doesn’t expose too much skin is a good start! I find it offensive seeing women wearing tank tops or dresses with spaghetti straps; females exposing a lot of upper body skin. Modest clothing needs emphasis. Christ is king, and with the Real presence, shouldn’t our attire be more respectful? Also, not everyone has the gift of faith, so that’s a big issue with understanding the Real presence. More education is needed. | Attire |
402 | Teaching reverence. | Reverence |
403 | The paucity of scheduled time each week when the priest is in the confessional. | Confession, Availability/Access |
404 | This might be negligible, but the way people dress ( not their Sunday best) sets the mood And reverence. | Reverence, Attire |
405 | Laity not praying enough for the Clergy and Religious. | Devotions |
406 | Most of the bishops prefer to love the world than to love Our Lord. | Modernism, Leadership |
407 | Poor catechesis of children prior to 1st Communion because classes are taught by volunteer parents who were also poorly catechized! . | Catechesis |
408 | The Catholic Culture Prior to the last (approximately) 60 years, there was discernible and measurable. Meaning there was a parish culture involved in such things as picking a Catholic spouse , employment opportunities and general fraternity and fellowship. The “Catholic Culture” is essential non existent. This obvious state of the Church is more indicative of the deeper issues outlined well in this survey. In my view, the lack of culture I am referring to is by far the greatest indicator of poor general health of the Church. I only point this out to say we must pay attention to this and understand the tremendous value and necessity of this goal. | Living the Faith |
409 | Just the lack of reverence in general. | Reverence |
410 | Sign of peace; Laity using orans position and holding hands during Our Father; Clapping and celebrating birthday and anniversaries of laity; Announcements before final blessing; Priest trying to be funny or entertaining. | Sign of Peace, Reverence, Applause |
411 | COVID - the change in pattern and ways in which we, as Catholics, attended church because of the pandemic has been the piece of the puzzle that has affected myself and my family the most. All of the previously mentioned questions/choices are honestly minor in comparison. It’s been hard to get back into a routine of going back to church regularly, which in turn, has skewed my faith and lessened the strength of it. This is no fault of The Church, but it is the truth of the matter. | COVID |
412 | Destructive and crushing parish consolidation and closure programs such as “All Things New”, “Beacons of Light” and “Real Presence, Real Future”. Issuing Extinctive Merger Decrees to financially sound, evangelical, well maintained, self-sustaining parishes. This is destroying faith communities, while clergy lies to laity, and calls laity names and accuses them from the pulpit of dastardly behavior. | Closures, Homilies, Community |
413 | Attending Mass without appropriate clothing, visiting with congregation during sign of peace. | Attire |
414 | That people it is not provided for people to kneel rather than stand . That preaching doesn't include reminding us that the spiritual world is all around us. That preaching often doesn't seem like the priest has supernatural faith. The petitions are too rooted in worldly things like social justice. Our Lady is more than a humble young girl . That hot button issues like contraception are avoided. | Social Justice, Eucharist Reception |
415 | Lack of offerings of formal Catechesis for practicing Catholics, such as the Marian Catechism Class, by Fr. John Hardin. Kind of like Continuing Education. We need a bit of evangelization even for devout Catholics. | Catechesis |
416 | The priests so not seem to have concern about the eternal destination of people's souls. There is little to no instruction about developing a prayer- life or attempting to remain in a state of grace. | Lukewarmness |
417 | In our diocese, all churches are locked; no possibility for visits to the Eucharistic Lord. Few churches have an adoration chapel. Even in our parish with an elementary school attached, the children are never taught about making those joyous little visits to Jesus that can make such a beautiful difference. Also the lack of teaching from the pulpit about sin is devastating. And of course, the scandalous removal of 1 Cor:27 from the Sacramentary makes no sense: Therefore, whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. I could go on, but I'll spare you the long list. | Worthy Reception, Availability/Access, Devotions |
418 | Priests need to also emphasize that sin is real and that we are not guaranteed a place a heaven. There will be a sorting of sheep and goats. We will each face our own judgement day. | Catechesis |
419 | Priests not believing in the real presence. | Lack of Faith |
420 | Laity should NOT be teaching the faith to children unless they have a degree in theology from a Catholic institution. | Catechesis |
421 | The Novus Ordo Mass is directly responsible for loss of reverence in the Eucharist, leading to the erosion of belief in the Real Presence. The Traditional Latin Mass, with its central emphasis on Jesus' sacrifice offered to the Father, mediated by the priest, and accompanied by the richness and the depth of the prayers, and accompanied by the respect, beauty, and reverence for the Eucharist emphasizes and expresses the belief of the faithful in the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. There are no girl Ulta servers. The Eucharist is received kneeling and on the tongue. No one snatches the host and carries it off for who knows what. . We lost the sense of the sacred, and therefore belief in the Real Presence in the Eucharist, with the Novus Ordo liturgical experiment. Lex Orendi, Lex Credendi. The Mass of the Ages Movie (in three parts) explains the history of the loss of belief in the Real Presence. Take note. The watered-down Novus Ordo Mass itself is directly responsible for the erosion of belief in the real presence, for all the reasons listed in the survey. | TLM, Lex Orandi/Lex Credendi |
422 | The Novus ordo Missae in itself. | Liturgical Practice |
423 | Lack of preaching in general, Bishops not defending the faith, liberal progressive “Catholics” are rarely admonished but conservatives are the ones disciplined and silenced. | Persecuted Clergy, Homilies, Leadership |
424 | We must teach young people about all these issues and do them for their sake and ours. We must have young people detoxed from the secular public school teachings, we must have our God and Savior Jesus present in our CCD classes. | Catechesis |
425 | Catholic schools focus too much on academic success and not the soul of the students. | Schools |
426 | The lack of faith in the hierarchy and some priests. Also the priests speaking untruths or not speaking a truth under a bishops order. It all comes off like a political game rather than a religious belief system. People can sense a con. Some stay in the Church because it makes them “belong” like a membership, but don’t have Faith and do not believe in the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus. The falsehoods of the ordained uncovered, but shrugged off by Church leaders despite their cleverly worded statements and money, true sorrow and repentance never quite expressed. It is so discouraging to have a Mega church response from His Bride. | Lack of Faith, Leadership |
427 | CATECHESIS! We have now raised 2 generations post Vatican II of Catholic Illiterates. | Vatican II |
428 | The clergy do not emphasize the need for confession and preparation. We never are given homilies on mortal sin and how it is ever present as a risk. Today many Catholics believe they can watch bad movies and TV, vote for candidates who support abortion, support abortion, contraception, homosexuality and think it is okay because the priests are afraid to give homilies on these matters. I believe they fear their bishops. I also believe that the bishops are complicit in not condemning homosexuality and may be involved in it somehow. This I believe is why the priests do not speak of these matters, which then weakens they laity's understanding of the need for confession and their belief in the True Presence in the Eucharist. | Abortion, Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
429 | Secular education in both public and Catholic schools that paint Catholics as "the bad guys" and fail to educate youth on the atrocities committed by the church's enemies, like the Freemasonic and communist revolutions in France, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, etc. | Modernism, Schools, Catechesis |
430 | The Offertory prayers have been obliterated. These prayers are essential and must return to the Mass. | Liturgical Practice |
431 | inculcating and enforcing attending Mass with proper modest attire for men and women. we are not attending church to attract the other people. by churches ignoring this are teaching people the Church and the Mass are not deserving of attire respect. | Attire |
432 | Not receiving the Blessed Sacrament on the tongue while kneeling. Not stressing that we are receiving Christ’s Body, Soul and Divinity when we receive Holy Communion; we receive Christ who hung upon the Cross for us. | Eucharist Reception |
433 | Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion chugging down the Sacred Wine (Jesus' blood) after communion is finished before handing off the Chalice to the priest. | Extraordinary Ministers |
434 | Abandonment of the Traditional Latin Mass Liturgy. | TLM |
435 | Some priests rushing through the prayers especially at the Consecration. | Reverence |
436 | Poor example of Pope Francis. | Leadership |
437 | Condescending attitude of clergy. | Judgmental |
438 | Lay people giving communion in churches and in hospitals . | Extraordinary Ministers |
439 | Anyone volunteering as a Homebound Minister, EME, Lector, Sacristan, Acolyte, should be required to sign a form stating their belief in the Real Presence before they are allowed to serve. | Extraordinary Ministers |
440 | Examination of conscience . | Confession |
441 | There is a distinct difference between the Novus Ordo and the TLM, The NO focuses on the mass as a meal, whereas the TLM focuses on the Holy sacrifice to Calvary. | Meal vs Sacrifice, TLM |
442 | Instruction of the faith. | Catechesis |
443 | Failure by the priests and bishops to instruct and insist that the laity dress modestly and properly to receive the Holy Eucharist. | Attire, Leadership |
444 | Inadequately catechizing our young people. The Church allowing abuses in the Liturgy. The Church leaders failing to stand up for traditional Catholic values in our secular world. | Leadership, Catechesis |
445 | Canceling Mass during the week frequently gives the impression that it isn't that important or at least not as important as the priest's day off/vacation etc. | Availability/Access |
446 | When the priest treats mass like it's some sort of entertainment instead of a sacrifice to God. Losing a sense of sacred when you walk into the church. Not taking proper care and precautions when handling the consecrated host. | Reverence |
447 | Disrespect and cancellations of holy and traditional priests. Bishops not speaking publicly clarifying and supporting Jesus’ teachings and Catholic traditions. | Persecuted Clergy, Leadership |
448 | Lack of evangelical zeal for souls. Lack of showing how religion is a virtue. Lack of teaching us moral theology (especially virtue ethics) and how it’s intimately connected to all of the faith. Lack of teaching us Theology of the Body and how not to objectify people … and how even God doesn’t objectify us but includes us as subjects in the works of Salvation of Individuals but also His reordering the created universe. All these things also lead to our disbelief in the believing the Eucharist is truly, really, and substantially Jesus and that we need Him in our lives every single day in the “daily Bread” offered in Holy Mass. | Lukewarmness, Evangelization, Catechesis |
449 | Abortions , no accountability, Illegal immigration, human trafficking, sex trafficking violence, wars - so much more - our world is in the control of demons!. | Confession, LGBTQ+ Issues, Politics |
450 | The introduction of the Novus Ordo Mass, which downplays the sacrificial aspect. The NO Mass was a disastrous idea. It protestantized the Catholic Faith. The TLM should be available everywhere. Were this the case, the NO Mass would die out. I believe it’s at best a corruption. And get rid of the miserable sign of peace. UGH. | TLM |
451 | To catechize people in RCIA better about how Jesus becomes the Eucharist. | Catechesis |
452 | Let's just model bowing our heads at the name of Jesus. | Reverence |
453 | Homiletics. It seems preachers are required to only preach on the scripture readings of the day. Much more time must be devoted to teach basic truths of the faith to adults. Start teaching with the Baltimore Catechism again. | Homilies, Catechesis |
454 | Pope Francis communist ideology. | Leadership |
455 | Outright hostility of priests toward laity who want to receive on the tongue, since COVID. | COVID |
456 | 1)Teaching and stressing on the grace one receives when spending time with Jesus in adoration. 2) Being able to enter Gods house to be in His presence before the Tabernacle. Not all Catholic churches have a chapel for Adoration. 3)More emphasis on conversing with God, our Mother Mary, our guardian angels, and the saints. 4)Teaching about mental prayer. We can always be speaking with heaven it doesn't always have to be verbal. 5) Explaining the sacrament of confession and communion to bring back those who have stayed away for years out of guilt and or fear. 6)Making confession more available. 7)Stressing the need to read and learn The true faith. How wonderful to have a library with books of the saints, church history, etc. . | Confession, Devotions, Availability/Access, Catechesis |
457 | Priests and bishops themselves do not believe. | Lack of Faith, Leadership |
458 | Increase of ecumenism resulting in a protestant female minister taking the pulpit and preaching at my parish. "Clown Masses" and Pride events. | Ecumenism, Modernism, LGBTQ+ Issues |
459 | Abysmal religious education classes with severely lacking knowledge on the part of the teachers in doctrine, Catholicism, church history, the bible. | Catechesis |
460 | …The water-down, Novus Ordo Mass has done great harm. If done reverently and with good music, it’s fine. I think the answer is lies in many factors, but proper catechesis is essential. This catechesis should include opportunities to experience the Traditional Latin Mass as well as Exposition / Adoration / Benediction. This would have a tremendous impact on belief in the True Presence of Jesus in the Bl. Sacraments and proper reverence which is due. | TLM |
461 | Because of much listed the faith has been watered down to a protestant/ non denominational stance that's says cone as you are flip flops and shorts. This sends the message that reverence is not important. We are before our king but you sure can’t tell it in our churches. In my Diocese there is much that is good but depending on the parish and the pastor. | Reverence, Attire |
462 | Lack of catechizing parents and children together by giving some responsibility for preparation to parents (presenting them with solid teaching material) and checking that they do teach this to their children. | Family, Catechesis |
463 | Closing of Catholic schools taught by Nuns. It’s not just one or two things where the church has totally made egregious mistakes but the whole failure of Everything that was once sacred. Vat 2 killed the church and she’s in her death throes now. | Closures |
464 | Reverence when receiving the Holy Eucharist. | Reverence |
465 | 1.Priests that let anyone(not just Extra ordinary Eucharistic Minister bring Holy Communion to people who can’t Or don’t even try to get to Mass. 2. Priests that allow non-Catholics to receive Holy Communion at funerals, weddings, etc. 3. Holding Mass outside for weddings or other occasions. 4. Allowing and encouraging clapping for the music ministry. 5. Allowing people to bring coffee or food into Mass/Sanctuary. 6. Allowing intimation of the Holy Eucharist. . | Eucharist Reception, Applause, Reverence, Worthy Reception |
466 | The need for liturgical reform to occur and that it must reflect the Mass as a representation of Christ’s Sacrifice to the Father. Novus Ordo as it exists fails miserably. | Liturgical Practice |
467 | Failure to bow before the alter by LEM’s and Altar Servers. Failure to genuflect before the Tabernacle. Priests not addressing talking in sanctuary before and after Mass! It is a social time. This is why I left the NO Mass and attend the TLM. As a frequent traveler and former military member the NO Mass is not consistent from parish to parish. | TLM, Reverence |
468 | 1. Failure to discipline/ provide consequences to clergy/laity who neglect to follow the truths, traditions, teachings etc. of the apostolic Catholic church 2. Inadequate training of seminarians 3. Influence of modernism in the Church 4. Inadequate Sacramental preparation. | Priestly Formation, Modernism, Catechesis, Lack of Discipline |
469 | Catholic Social Services being used as a political tool. Any "Catholic" entity used incorrectly. | Politics |
470 | The collapse of parish schools run by dedicated nuns who nurtured our Faith and a love for Jesus and the Holy Mass. The centuries long campaign of Masonry & secret societies to destroy the Church from within. Ignoring the messages of Fatima and Akita in which Our Lady emphasized the Rosary and Holy Eucharist as the only spiritual weapons left to us for protection and salvation. | Revelation, Schools |
471 | Overall casual attitude toward the Eucharist . | Lukewarmness |
472 | Existence of an overwhelmingly materialist and positivist culture throughout the country and the Western world. Strong emphasis in churches on social events and social justice concerns and de-emphasis of emphasis on the life of the spirit. | Modernism, Social Justice |
473 | The lack of public liturgical prayer outside of mass i.e. public chanting of vespers on Sunday with adoration, a decrease in confession, the new mass’s frequent casual greetings of priest to the people. | Confession, Devotions |
474 | overwhelmingly , the majority of the churches I’ve been in in the Seattle area, have no sense of church etiquette whatsoever. Especially the Altar Servers and sacristan in some instances. Churches are not museums, for social gatherings, or to fastidiously clean after the Mass and quickly lock its doors. The only place I can find with the reverence and quiet respect needed to facilitate prayers for my clergy each week is in the Latin Mass churches. I know some of the Latin Mass parishioners can be seen as very divisive, but to get rid of the Latin Mass would be the biggest mistake in the churches history, in my humble opinion. We pray daily for vocations, yet we are seeing Godly men cancelled and shoved out of the Church! And, we pray for our Pope daily, but I think we should be praying specifically for the Pope’s HOLY INTENTIONS, not just “ the holy popes intentions “. God will give us what we ask for, we should be more careful in our words to Him. Praise be to God for your survey. | Persecuted Clergy, TLM, Reverence |
475 | Failure to remind people of need for regular confession to maintain state of grace. | Confession |
476 | Casual and immodest attire of men, women, parents, children in church. | Attire |
477 | How modernism as crept into all catholic families allowing their children to have free unsupervised access to the internet or to. | Modernism |
478 | Family: It is essential that the father witness and pass on the faith to his family. We need REAL Men who really believe. | Family |
479 | It is all about purposefully failing to educate the youth and the people in RCIA that the Eucharist is the summit of our faith. It is all watered down . We should b constantly and enthusiastically heating it from the pulpit . | Catechesis |
480 | With COVID, the Church from the pope on down effectively said, the Mass/the Eucharist are non-essential. | COVID |
481 | The lack of solemnity in the Novus Ordo Mass. The lack of reverence in the same. The difficulty of going to confession, of not having it available before Mass. Many parishes having the priest say his words rather than sing them. | Confession, Reverence, Availability/Access |
482 | I don't believe, in the last 5 decades, seminarians were taught or given the true teachings of Christ. I don't believe they were taught to be guardians of the faith as it was handed down. Thus, the church changed with the culture. | Priestly Formation |
483 | The need for thanksgiving prayer after Mass and having the Church turn into a rush to the door. Also the removal of prayers to Our Blessed Mother at the end of Mass like in the TLM. | TLM |
484 | Lack of catechesis on the lives of the Saints and early Martyrs who died for their belief in the Holy Eucharist. | Catechesis |
485 | I would really like to see the Tabernacles returned inside the churches front and center, along with the altar rails put back into the churches. Kneeling to receive the Eucharist. | Eucharist Reception |
486 | Lack of reverence when receiving the Eucharist. | Reverence |
487 | greater emphasis on going to confession before receiving if any doubt of being in a stat of sanctifying grace. definite need for catechizing of the laity on the sacraments, transubstantiation, preparation and dispensation to receive. bring back Ad Orientem, kneeling (if able) to receive and on the tongue. . | Confession, Eucharist Reception, Catechesis |
488 | Contraception is a sin against the body of Christ since it is a sin that encourages non-sacramental union/marriage that of which has been endorsed by pope Francis. A contracepting individual should know this is a sin that affects their union with Jesus in the Eucharist. | Leadership |
489 | The priest not believing in His Real Presence by his not wearing a cassock, by his not genuflecting before Him, by his failure to treat the vessels as consecrated, by his lack of purity and holiness, and especially by his lack of prayer and Adoration showing he does not love Him or believe in Him. | Reverence, Holiness |
490 | Decline or lack of families praying together No role models in the family or in the media and entertainment business Removing prayer or bibles from schools Vatican 2 Pope conforming to the world and denying people the truth about our catholic faith Increase in sin and emphasis on self love Indifference and fear of being ridiculed by others for expressing our faith Diversion or not focusing on the cause or main reason of problems in the world. | Vatican II, Modernism, Leadership |
491 | Bishops show a lack of care and respect for the laity’s soul. Pope Francis’ behavior since becoming Pope. | Leadership |
492 | People are not educated. If they only knew what they have been given! Not enough emphasis is placed on the Eucharist both at Mass and outside of Mass. The Eucharist is everything. It’s not about the homily, the music, etc. It’s about the Eucharist. Instead of worshipping God, I feel people are at Mass to socialize, or to feel good due to the homily, music. They want to be entertained. | Catechesis |
493 | All the elements missing from the Novus Ordo are present in the TLM. I and my family are hopeful that the Bishops would see the incredible growth and reverence for the Eucharist in the TLM and do whatever they can to support it. | TLM, Leadership |
494 | The removal of many parts of the traditional Latin Mass that are not present in the Novus Ordo Mass. | TLM |
495 | Lack of modest dress. | Attire |
496 | Dress code not always appropriate before the King. People used to wear their Sunday best and mow, anything goes. Not good!. | Attire |
497 | The fact that the Catholic Church was one of the places that stayed shut down during COVID. Restaurants, bars, strip clubs abortion clinics reopened long before the church did. EASTER WAS CANCELED!! Not to mention there was barely a peep out of any of the bishops, only a handful. Even though the Holy Eucharist was deemed okay to be received on the tongue they made those recipients feel like lepers. There were priests who blatantly refused people to receive by tongue!! Lastly the Body and Blood of Jesus IS the source and summit of our faith. So explain why there is not one mention of when or if we will ever be allowed to receive the blood of Christ again. THEY SHOULD NOT BE AFRAID!! Sending a very confusing message to those who don’t believe. If the wine is truly the blood of Christ and part of the source and summit of our faith why is it still “cancelled” Doesn’t help that Pope Francis says some very confusing things. | Fear/Cowardness, COVID, Confusion, Leadership |
498 | Failure to preach on the Eucharist . | Homilies |
499 | The lack of the old standard of the appropriate architectural details in our modern church buildings, especially within the altar and chancel areas, using the "table" instead of the altar. | Modernism |
500 | Priest not preaching the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Priest are scared to preach the truth. The bishops need to support priest preaching real presence. | Homilies, Leadership |
501 | Novus ordo. | Liturgical Practice |
502 | "Clown" masses, informality in what can only be called modernist parishes, the notion that Catholicism is merely a "privileged" way to salvation as Bishop Barron called (especially when we should be humble not seeking privileges), an abandonment of our real history to focus on post V2 popes & writing of far lesser, even dubious, caliber. | Modernism, Liturgical Practice, Leadership |
503 | - Relativism, fiercely anti-religious attitudes, and materialism (philosophical and commercial) in general culture insinuate themselves into the minds and hearts of everyone, even Catholics, and especially the young. - Loss of Catholic education - Growth of centralized government and the attitude that it can solve all problems has contributed to the decline of the Church and its emphasis on individual souls/charity/salvation. | Modernism, Catechesis |
504 | Priests walking around the church in undershirts after Mass, talking loudly and socializing with laity, talking loudly while near altar, making jokes during mass. | Reverence |
505 | Lack of the Traditional Latin Mass. | TLM |
506 | The subversive truncation of the Holy Mass put forward in the execution of the Second Vatican Council. The bishops made the grave error of altering and diluting the Mass for the sake of "accessibility" when they could simply have put forth that the Tridentine Mass can be directly translated into local vernacular but otherwise celebrated exactly as it had been for centuries. In great foolishness they discarded our patrimony because, in essence, they thought they knew better than the Saints who laid down our ways long past. This is the central and principal cause of our present crisis. | Vatican II, TLM, Leadership |
507 | In the Novus Ordo churches, the priest and deacons reverence the altar when the tabernacle containing our Lord is behind them! How are lay people (and priests) supposed to have a sustaining belief that the Eucharist is truly Jesus, when they bow away from the Lord? . | Reverence |
508 | Emphasizing to cradle Catholics from cradle to adult that the consecration is not symbolic but Transubstantion into the actual body and blood of Jesus that we need for eternal life. | Catechesis |
509 | Decreased use of incense at mass is a contributing factor to the loss of a sense of the sacred. Many Catholics also think Benediction is a thing of the past! More benediction etc. | Loss Sense of the Sacred, Liturgical Practice |
510 | Catholic schools no longer teach the Faith. | Schools |
511 | We don't allow the Eucharist to fully change how we live our lives. We become so Judgmental of others, while preaching we have been changed. We as individuals don't take care of the sick, the poor, and the needy but we preach we have been changed by the Eucharist. We set social walls against people we view as different or outcasts yet Jesus himself ate with sinners. If we truly understand what the Eucharist is, we must truly understand the call to allow him to transform us through the Eucharist, and live it out daily. | Judgmental, Living the Faith |
512 | Reminding the faithful, especially at weddings or funerals, that they should not come to receive the Eucharist if (a) they are not Catholic (b) they haven't been to confession within the year, and (c) have not confessed a mortal sin (here a few examples would help, e.g. actively supporting abortion). | Worthy Reception, Sin |
513 | Language. Referring to the Eucharist as bread and wine or something a cup, both in song and on conversation and discussion. | Reverence |
514 | Bible studies, resources, church missions and more conferences. Door to door missions to Catholics . | Catechesis |
515 | Lack of reverence of some priests during the elevations of the Precious Body and Blood. Appears they don’t believe what they are professing. | Reverence |
516 | Inappropriately washing of altar linens after very casual cleaning of holy vessels during Mass . No understanding of the use of sacrarium. | Liturgical Practice |
517 | 1. Women lectors 2. Women sacristans 3. Sign of peace in the liturgy of the Eucharist . | Sign of Peace, Role of Women |
518 | The continuous re-assignment of clergy to new parishes is another problem. Stable parish communities foster stronger bonds with the pastor as spiritual father & teacher, therefore increasing catechesis & faith. Also, seminarians need to be properly trained & catechized in the real presence so the laity can be properly catechized. | Catechesis, Community, Priestly Formation |
519 | Silence is not observed in the churches. It is difficult to pray when people are talking out loud. It is a lack of respect for the Blessed Sacrament. Also, offering each other the “sign of peace” is disruptive of the solemnity of the Mass. | Sign of Peace, Silence/Distractions |
520 | The confusion the Pope creates by honoring false gods at the Vatican. | Leadership |
521 | Vatican putting attention on useless issues for sanctity and holiness. | Holiness, Leadership |
522 | Casual dress of laity Casual postures of laity Lack of use of Patton . | Attire, Eucharist Reception |
523 | Concern that clergy may not intend for Christ to become present on the altar because they don't believe. Poor catechesis of children, even misleading catechesis regarding the Presence of Christ in the Mass. Emphasis placed on the Mass as simply the Lord's Supper without mention of Christ's Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity there for us as we participate. Absence of Ad Orientem emphasizes that the mass is about the priest and not Christ. All kinds of personal ideas and information entered into Eucharistic Prayers. Idol worship at the Vatican and various dioceses via pagan worship prayers and actions. Statements or actions from the Vatican that promote the idea that one religion or belief is just as good as any other. No moral authority left in the church. The church appears to be prolife at the surface and in words but not in it's heart and promotes vaccination with substances developed with parts of children killed for experimentation. How can they believe they can do these things in the Presence of the author of life, or during the Eucharistic sacrifice, etc., etc., etc. | COVID, Scandals, Leadership, Catechesis, Ecumenism |
524 | Receiving kneeling and on the tongue. Greatest influence. | Eucharist Reception |
525 | highlight early church understanding and practice of Eucharist. | Catechesis |
526 | Catechesis on the Real Presence and the importance for Reconciliation . | Confession, Catechesis |
527 | Lay faithful serving functions in the Sanctuary e.g. readers...for it is the Holy of Holies! . | Liturgical Practice |
528 | 1. Lack of Clergy acknowledgment of and education of the reality of hell and sin and the teaching and practice of virtue. 2. Fostering First Friday and First Saturday Devotion in every Parish. 3. The dire need for Reparation for sins committed against His Most Holy Face devotion of Tours. . | Devotions, Catechesis, Penance, Sin |
529 | Closure of churches during the pandemic . | COVID |
530 | The lack of participation by the clergy in activities of reverence Like adoration, rosary liturgy of the hours. Lack of discussion for the need to repent. Or the need to sacrifice for our souls. | Leadership, Worthy Reception, Devotions |
531 | The leaders of the church deciding to shut down our churches during COVID and denying Catholics the Eucharist. | COVID, Leadership |
532 | Institutionalizing the Church Trivializing prayer to prayer cards and relying on the saints rather than developing one’s own relationship with God through meditation and Scripture. Even Social Justice comes down to money rather than the expression of charity. | Social Justice, Devotions |
533 | Influence of government money on actions of clerical leadership at USCCB, chanceries, and Catholic educational institutions. | Leadership, Schools, Catechesis |
534 | The removal of all but a nodding acquaintance with Christ from Catholic Schools; occasioned to a large extent by the replacement of teaching religious brothers, nuns, priests with laity. | Schools |
535 | Kneeling to receive the Eucharist. Failure of bishops to be shepherds. | Eucharist Reception, Leadership |
536 | Use of EMOHC. Homebound ministers untrained. Lack of reverence in the nave. | Extraordinary Ministers, Reverence |
537 | Weak schools with inadequate preparation for Sacrament, Weak seminaries with inadequate or even erroneous formation. | Schools |
538 | Inappropriate clothing worn during mass . | Attire |
539 | Classical Catechesis and lack of classical education . | Catechesis |
540 | Overall failure to teach the truths of the faith. | Catechesis |
541 | Why change the mass that was the most beautiful thing this side of heaven and replace it with a service which was inspired by Protestants and prayers which are not biblical. Prayers i.e.: “ For the kingdom the power and the glory.” After the Pater. There is a lack of beauty and mystery in this new so called mass. It is no wonder 80% of American Catholics don’t believe in the real presence. | TLM, Beauty |
542 | 1. Bishops & priests more concerned about status & about worldly recognition than about addressing the lack of spiritual & catechetical formation for the last 60 years. & 2. Catholic schools hiring dissident or non Catholic teachers & compromising catechetical orthodoxy- watering down the faith undermines the mission & purpose resulting in loss of faith. | Leadership, Schools, Catechesis |
543 | Lack of homilies on sin. No one seems to think they sin anymore. Sin IS black and white. There is no gray area. We need to hear more on confession and the sacrament of confession should be more available. | Confession, Homilies, Sacraments, Sin |
544 | Sermons on the scientific evidence and what it shows about the Real Presence, and the Old and New Testament connections. | Homilies |
545 | Weak material in religious education programs. Catholic schools using secular materials, and allowing non Catholics to teach; Confirming children in 11th or 12th grade. Suppression of TLM; minimal confession times; priest so busy they can’t lead rosary or stations of the cross; . | Confession, Priestly Duties, TLM, Catechesis |
546 | Focus on how many people don’t believe. It just normalizes that tragedy. We need to focus on the fact the it IS the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. We need to be on the Offense not the Defense. We have something that God gave to us, not a bad priest or man protesting God’s church. The living God of all things gave Himself to us. We need to start acting like it instead of a people trying to make friends with people who hate us for being special!. | Other |
547 | Educate! Laity are not taught enough, especially the young. Education and understanding about the Mass and the Holy Eucharist are and have been lacking for many many years. | Catechesis |
548 | Communion in the hand. | Eucharist Reception |
549 | The failure by the clergy to remind the laity to dress properly. The failure to remind the laity to not clap in the temple at human achievement. . | Attire, Applause |
550 | Casual attire at Mass. | Attire |
551 | Treating Mass like a commodity, reducing it to whatever pleases those who complain or shop around. | Reverence |
552 | When crossing the sanctuary, both priests and laypeople no longer genuflect in front of the tabernacle. Some priests will bow towards the altar table with their backs to the tabernacle. Laypeople occasionally perform a slight head bow when entering the sanctuary. | Reverence |
553 | Education and scrutiny in seminaries of the men desiring to be priests. We need to be sure our priests love Jesus, the Blessed Mother,,,,,,,God, the Holy Spirit first above all including themselves. | Priestly Formation |
554 | Propers in the Novus Ordo Mass are very mundane and not as Christocentric or as beautiful as those in the TLM. | TLM |
555 | Failure in Catholic education, parishes becoming too social and political, less devotion to Mary, less emphasis on feast days. | Catechesis |
556 | Catholics bickering within over provocative issues that don’t apply to most Catholics. This disposition has become a distraction to many. Many are unwilling to enter into the mystery of our faith. Instead they want to understand something that cannot be “solved” . Which is why most of the questions posed in this survey will not accurately identify the challenges. | Division |
557 | Parents failure in teaching children discipline and respect for the Eucharist (and life). | Family, Catechesis |
558 | The elimination of specifically Catholic prayers in the new mass. The loss of Catholic identity. | Liturgical Practice |
559 | Americans in general and most ‘nice,’ ‘good’ Catholics are unwilling to suffer for Christ in thanksgiving for His sacrifice for us whether by fasting or other reparations. We don’t understand our part in His redemptive work so we throw in the towel when the going gets tough - in our marriages, in speaking truth, in self sacrifice, in being excellent. | Living the Faith, Fasting |
560 | Apparent loss of faith of the clergy. | Lack of Faith |
561 | Priest bishops not preaching on 4 last things, what it really takes to get to heaven . | Homilies, Leadership |
562 | 1. The Protestant so-called “Novus Ordo” Mass 2. The “spirit of Vatican II” 3. The Pope and Curia being members of a heretical gay sex cult. | Vatican II, LGBTQ+ Issues |
563 | Failure to teach that Catholics should attend Mass on Sundays or Saturday Vigil Mass. Watching streamed Mass at home is not a substitute for attending Sunday Mass. | Catechesis |
564 | I would like to say Lack of Understanding Catholicism, and pairing the Scriptures to the early fathers writings it’s historical significance of evidence of faith that this is what was always believed on the true presence. | Catechesis |
565 | Subversion and loss of the old Mass is by far the #1 reason for declining belief in the Real Presence. You mention all aspects of the TLM, but it is the TLM as a whole that has the greatest impact on how we pray, how we believe, how we live. | TLM |
566 | Priests afraid to speak truth in their homilies due to so many being silenced and removed. Our Pope trying to "modernize" the church. We are becoming to protestant! We are moving further away from Christ's teachings!. | Modernism, Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
567 | The hierarchy acquiescing to the world and protestants. The clergy don’t take the faith seriously. To be in communion with the whole of the Church means Triumphant as well, the clergy shouldn’t make the Triumphant their enemy and constantly attack those who love the whole Church. Don’t cleave Triumphant and Militant. I feel greater attacks from the hierarchy than I do the secular world. As Saint John Fisher said, “the fort is betrayed by those who would defend it.” . | Modernism |
568 | Failure to catechize the lay member of the Church. | Catechesis |
569 | Putting a patent under the chin or hands of those receiving Holy Communion, Communion only on the tongue, discussing and explaining the importance of parts of the Mass during Homilies(allowed pursuant to the Roman Missal) . | Homilies, Eucharist Reception |
570 | Lack of availability of the Latin Mass per the books from 1962 and prior and the Novus ordo Mass are the biggest reason for the decline. Mass is now a “Protestant Service” in a meeting hall. People are more reverent in the public library than they are in church. | TLM, Reverence |
571 | Catholics need to be reminded that when they enter church Jesus is present in the tabernacle and should conduct themselves as such. | Reverence |
572 | The traditional prayer life that Catholics have maintained over centuries such as praying the angelus. The gift of the Eucharistic presence of the Lord should permeate every moment of our daily lives. If we REALLY believe Christ is present in the Eucharist then how can our lives not be centered on that gift. The erosion of daily prayer and Catholic culture in the life of the laity has taken Christ from being ever present in our minds, on our lips and in our heart. If we can't see Him working in our daily life, it takes away our ability to believe in Him in the Eucharist. If we do not know the Good Shepherd, we cannot hear him call our name or recognize he has laid his life down for us. | Devotions, Living the Faith |
573 | The use of music during the ENTIRE time the faithful are receiving Holy Communion. It’s hard to really pray and talk to Our Lord with music blasting the entire time you are praying. I wish we could just have one to two verses sung and then just play SOFTLY so people can listen to the Lord speaking to their hearts. | Silence/Distractions, Music |
574 | Explain the importance of Apostolic succession empowering the Clergy to consecrate the host and thus enable true transubstantiation . | Catechesis |
575 | The lack of educating the young about the real presence . | Catechesis |
576 | Lack of access to the blood of Christ. In many parishes it was removed due to COVID and has not yet returned. | COVID |
577 | People believe in the Real Presence of Jesus, but not Jesus as He has revealed Himself, but rather a Jesus made up in our own image. We profess to love a God we do not know. | Relationship with Jesus |
578 | Failure to remind Mass attendees at each Mass that 1) they should not receive if they are Protestant or from another faith tradition or religion 2) that if you are cohabitating or in an irregular marriage or having had extramarital sexual relations or willingly viewed pornography or procured an abortion and haven't been to confession in a year or have voluntary missed mass without confession, that you should not present yourself for confession, 3) Remind faithful that they must be in a state of Grace to receive (but I almost never hear this at Mass). ALSO understand that just saying "be in a state of Grace" does not suffice for the present level of catechesis of many. So priests should mention those common inhibitors to being in a state of grace (aforementioned). Maybe not say it every time, but at least from time to time. [And I note: My parish had no problem making a 5-minute "COVID" speech every single mass in 2020-2021 when it opened up again, with Jesus on the altar -AFTER CONSECRATION- saying a long list of things you must or mustn't do, such as "don't remove your mask until you are directly before the priest or Eucharistic minister, and spray your hands with the antiseptic lotion they had on little tables around the church, and if you're feeling sick don't come up, and you must receive in the hand" and many more. I kid you not, it took 3-5 minutes (depending on the priest and certain elaborations) to get through the COVID admonitions each time. So they certainly can warn the faithful about spiritual dangers as much as physical ones, during this time, and using as much time, right?. | Confession, COVID, Worthy Reception |
579 | Poor education of our youth. This began years ago even in Catholic schools. You can’t pass on your beliefs if you have no knowledge of True Catholic teachings. Parents/individuals fail to attend mass on Sundays, and fail to keep Sunday a day of rest. | Catechesis |
580 | The lackadaisical attitude towards non Catholics receiving Eucharist at Mass, wedding and funeral . | Worthy Reception, Lukewarmness |
581 | Emphasizing women veiling, being moderately dressed, and dressing more formally for both men and women. Emphasis on catechesis on the mass and rubrics. | Attire, Catechesis |
582 | Use of the paten to preserve particles of the Eucharist that may fall and canonical fingers . | Eucharist Reception |
583 | Necessity of Confession and the reality of Hell. Christ came to fight the devil, and there’s not enough emphasis of the reality of spiritual warfare and why we really NEED the Eucharist. I also wish there was more attention to the Scriptural roots of the Eucharist. | Confession |
584 | Culture gravely engrossed in new age/yoga/“nature practices” that have a deceptive underpinning of paganism - this includes middle aged and youth who attend regular Sunday Mass and even attempt to recite the Holy Rosary while holding a yoga pose! Or worse, they learn pseudo yoga practices during Catholic school gym class or Spanish class like our child did. No help whatsoever from the Archdiocese in education. They endorse standardized testing that offers outrageous support for LBGT+ in their testing. Priests are afraid to speak up, particularly those in more liberal parish/school settings. You also have a huge problem with Catholic schools aligning their curriculum (this isn’t just Pearson, but Ignatius Press & others) to Satanic cult roots known as “Social Emotional Learning.” Blessing same-sex relations is a major downfall in the church, say nothing about confusion. Additionally, those who have despaired following a divorce I see are most uneducated AND affected regarding the churches teachings. | Fear/Cowardness, LGBTQ+ Issues, Confusion, Leadership, Catechesis, Modernism |
585 | Placing of tables in front of the altar, which has the priest celebrating Mass with his back to the tabernacle, implying (as one priest put it) that Mass is a "meal," not a "sacrifice.". | Meal vs Sacrifice |
586 | Children’s catechism is weak . | Catechesis |
587 | The belief that one form of CATHOLIC worship is better than another approved form. Reverence is an internal disposition emulating outward. Reverence is charity towards your neighbor because of God. One seriously questions one’s love of God when one is so vehement towards one’s neighbors and claims their way of worship is supreme. That lack of internal and external continuity affects belief in the real presence. | Reverence |
588 | Rome is negatively impacting the church and muddying the waters by confusing the faithful. | Confusion, Leadership |
589 | Stressing the sacrileges that are occurring by people stealing consecrated hosts and insults to God that we must make reparations for as His people. | Eucharist Reception |
590 | Emphasis on ecumenical dialogue that waters down Catholic teachings and encourages unity of thought and practice. Leaning into Protestantism. | Ecumenism |
591 | Lack of priests and unclear knowledge of their essential role in the liturgy and the Eucharist !!! Lack of respect for the vocation itself and poor education of the laity in the home and the diocese. | Catechesis |
592 | Dress code. | Attire |
593 | The way we present the catechism to the lay tee. | Catechesis |
594 | Communion in the hand. Divine Mercy devotion because it gives the teaching that if you say the D.M. Chaplet just once, you will be saved-no need for confession or holy communion. It also takes away from Easter joy as everyone is focused on Divine Mercy right from Good Friday. The poor example of popes since John XXIII with their idolatry and covert heretical statements. Failure to get Medgugorie under control. People will say, “If they don’t approve ‘such & such’ I will still believe. Divine Mercy was condemned but then approved, so they will eventually approve it….this is disobedience. | Confession, Eucharist Reception |
595 | Removal of communion rails No paten when receiving . | Eucharist Reception |
596 | The dismissal of the Traditional Latin Mass has greatly impacted Catholic's belief in the true presence. Those brought up in the new Mass continually show less regard for the dignity of the Eucharistic because the Mass they were raised with has not had as high a standard of reverence for Our Lord. The removal of alter rails, for example, demonstrates that we shouldn't show as much reverence, which in turn has caused many to believe less dignity and reverence should be given to God. This belief that we shouldn't show Our Lord as much reverence leads to a lack of true belief in the Presence, because why would one worship a piece of bread that isn't even close to as revered as God should be. This is of course the sad truth many Catholics face and dismiss altogether because of prejudice against the TLM. I could go on and on of how the TLM shows greater respect and revere of the true presence, but then thus survey would turn into a 20 page essay. | TLM |
597 | JMJ. No teaching of the Eucharist in Homilies when there clearly should have been. | Homilies |
598 | How could our bishops agree to close churches and deprive us of sacraments, especially of Holy Eucharist for so long under the pandemic? Liquor stores were open. To teach us that viewing Mass online without receiving the Eucharist was somehow acceptable is a scandal that has never been addressed. I think it convinced many Catholics that the Eucharist and our spiritual life is subordinate to our physical well being and that we need to obey government before God. | COVID, Leadership |
599 | Suppressing the Latin Mass. | TLM |
600 | Putting our priests in the position to be administrators rather than priests. They are stretched so thin that you can see and hear the exhaustion in their homilies. | Priestly Duties, Homilies |
601 | The church may need to "teach" that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. Relying on people's childhood religious education or the Liturgy of the Eucharist may leave room for misunderstanding. It might be beneficial to provide direct instruction through the homily or other methods. | Homilies, Catechesis |
602 | spread the stories of Eucharistic miracles. | Catechesis |
603 | After 12 years of Catholic education my granddaughter asked me, " So, what did Mary do besides having Jesus?" In order to modernize, our Faith has been diluted to the point that it looks exactly like the Protestants. The only thing left that separates us is The Transubstantiation and the honor due to The Blessed Mother. All 7 of my adult children have fallen away and none believe in any part of it. All levels of Catholic leadership have failed us. We are lost sheep. Satan is so happy and The Blessed Mother is in tears. | Modernism |
604 | Bishops putting avoiding physical sickness as a concern about access to the sacraments and the salvation of souls during the COVID-19 pandemic . | COVID, Leadership |
605 | We mistake charity for tolerance in the church. My parish is St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC and the sacrilege is off the charts. The main culprit is a weak pastor who is afraid to stop sacrilege for fear of offending tourists and losing money. There are no instructions at communion emphasizing it’s for Catholics only. This leads to many people taking communion and walking away without consuming. Priests are forced to chase people down on a daily basis. The pastor does nothing. We also have issues where lay ministers are not vetted and that results in gays, lesbians, and pro choice liberals being allowed to lector and be Eucharistic ministers. If good Catholics raise concern they are told not to judge and we must be charitable. This is how the church declines. Too much charity and not enough truth. This also comes from fear of giving proper catechesis. No one wants to offend anyone. If you offend you lose collection money. This is how the trans mass ended up taking place at the Cathedral. We let little infarctions happen and that leads to major breaches of the faith. | Extraordinary Ministers, Fear/Cowardness, Catechesis |
606 | 1) Receiving communion in the hand. 2) Just anyone being able to take the consecrated Host, stick the pix in purse or pocket to take to someone homebound, maybe stopping for breakfast at a restaurant first. Once we held the Eucharist in such profound esteem that communion was taken to people in the hospital by a priest, accompanied by two others carrying lighted candles as they processed to the patient's room. 3) Communion songs being sung during communion time, and sometimes a meditation song after that, allowing no time to pray to the Lord present within them or even to realize that He is within them. That singing adds hugely, I think, to the perception that communion was just a symbolic gesture we perform while we're singing. All that singing is followed by no silent time to pray, either. | Eucharist Reception |
607 | Removing the Tabernacle from the center of the church. Removing the Altar Rails. Telling parishioners not to genuflect before receiving Holy Communion, that it is drawing attention to oneself. Having whole homilies based on such notions. Lack of having the Traditional Catholic Faith taught to seminarians. Etc... etc... too many examples to mention here. | Homilies, Reverence, Priestly Formation |
608 | The Novus Ordo needs to go . | Liturgical Practice |
609 | Inferior catechesis, CCD material is gibberish, there should be tours given of the church that share the symbolism of each element in the altar, and all priests/deacons/leaders should know the massive body of evidence for the Real Presence in the Bible. | Catechesis |
610 | Priests are bestowing sacraments to everyone without educating them on what is required to receive them. | Catechesis |
611 | Overall poor, watered down Catholic education. | Catechesis |
612 | Reminded that the laity should be physically, spiritually and mentally be prepared to receive the Holy Eucharist. | Catechesis |
613 | Catechesis that the Eucharist should not be received by those who are not practicing Catholics and those who do not believe in the real presence. The necessity to regularly participate in the sacrament of penance, in order to keep oneself in a state of grace. Regular examination or conscience prior to receiving the Eucharist. Clear insistence that receiving the Eucharist while not in a state of grace is a grave sin against the first commandment and is really a serious act of blasphemy. | Confession, Worthy Reception, Catechesis |
614 | Laxity in preciousness of materials used for sacred vessels. Timidity in using correct terms by lay ministers and clergy; wine=Precious Blood, bread=Blessed Sacrament, cup=chalice, . | Reverence |
615 | Our youth programs need to be way more active even in smaller parishes. | Catechesis |
616 | Priests that give communion to all people attending weddings and other ceremonies without any instruction about being Catholic and in a state of grace . | Worthy Reception |
617 | Priests being led by modernist or poorly catechized lay leaders of the parishes. | Modernism, Catechesis |
618 | Failure to insist on importance of confession and reconciliation to a state of grace. | Confession |
619 | Reception of Holy Communion kneeling and on the tongue only from the consecrated hands of a priest. Re- Establishing Eucharistic Adoration and Holy Hours. Praying the Confiteor at every Mass instead of ‘short cutting’ to the Kyrie. Appropriate attire and no conversation in church. | Devotions, Attire, Eucharist Reception |
620 | Failure to properly use Corporal, (large Corporals left on altar for days or weeks) servers not using Communion plate. | Eucharist Reception |
621 | 1) Robotic and mechanical distribution of the Eucharist by priests saying "BodyAChrist" like an auctioneer who is dealing cards. 2) Absence of an acolyte holding a paten beneath the chin of the communicant to catch the Sacred Host lest it be desecrated. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
622 | Lack of expressing at Mass, especially at Weddings and Funerals, that only Catholics in the state of Grace can receive the Eucharist. I think that most of the changes that have take place since the late 60's have all contributed to the loss of reverence and belief. Thank you for doing this survey. | Reverence, Worthy Reception |
623 | Bishop must take a more active role I. Leading their priests and Dioceses. Laity had too much influence in many parishes today and it needs to be regulated by the bishops. The Universal call to holiness and the importance of Confession as a sacrament need to be addressed and taught routinely. You cannot LOVE what you do not know! St Thomas Aquinas. | Confession, Holiness, Leadership |
624 | Lay ministers in and outside the liturgy confuses the priesthood. A confusing priesthood decreases their effectiveness. Their primary function is to offer the Holy Sacrifice, which they don't do well and the laity don't understand because no one seems to know what priests are. Lay ministers in and out of the liturgy cause this. Also, the clergy aren't teaching enough about Christ. Without knowing Him, we don't have much reason to love Him. Then the Holy Eucharist becomes less important. | Extraordinary Ministers, Leadership, Catechesis, Confusion |
625 | When priests do not express/model/convey/teach by their words and actions the Real Presence within and without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass . | Public Witness |
626 | Failure of the church to consistently remain steadfast in defending the faith against modernism and modern culture. This implies, whether intentional or not, that Truth and the Doctrine of the Faith are "evolving", "changing with the times" or are relative to individuals and their personal situations. The Church should promote and educate people of the fact that we are meant to conform to God's True Religion, rather than conforming our religion to ourselves. The Magisterium, instead, transmits the exact opposite message. The Church needs to do a better job of demonstrating love for the sinner without communicating tolerance for and acceptance of the sin. | Modernism, Sin |
627 | Going to mass just for communion without regular confession . | Confession |
628 | Women lectors and female "spiritual directors" who form the majority of laity running Novus Order parishes. | Role of Women |
629 | Immodest and casual dress, leaving mass before it ends, general poor catechesis, homilies that do not instruct. | Homilies, Attire, Catechesis, Reverence |
630 | Clergy entanglement with issues of culture and politics and maintaining a business rather than faith and spirituality. | Politics, Leadership |
631 | Parents not educating their children on the miracle of the Eucharist. Parents not continuing their own adult education in our faith. Lack of prayer in our home. Lack of prayer in schools. Not talking about and showing actual evident of the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist like pictures of the miracles. Lack in appropriate Church attire. It is not looked down on the horrible way, especially teens, come to church. Some people look like they just got up and didn't have time to put on good clothes. . | Family, Catechesis |
632 | Lack of silence - before Mass, during Mass, as people are exiting the church after Mass, even during Adoration people are still whispering their prayers (our parish is blessed to have 40 hours weekly Adoration). And the clergy is silent on this! Lack of reverence by those who bring Jesus to the sick - they talk to people after receiving the hosts in the Pyx, they don’t understand Who they have in their presence it seems. Lack of training maybe? Even priests who hand them the Pyx don’t kneel to Jesus. Priests rushing through the Eucharistic Prayers - sometimes their homilies are longer than the Eucharistic Prayer. They don’t hold up the Eucharistic Host and the Chalice for enough time, and almost no one talks about using that time to offer thanksgiving or petitions to God. We have heard almost nothing in the past 3 years about the National Eucharistic Revival in our parish or diocese. The only thing that occurred was one presentation on Eucharistic Miracles. So much could have been done. | Reverence, Silence/Distractions |
633 | Irreverent Masses convey a casualness to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. | Reverence |
634 | The massive closings of parishes and shrines, destroying the faithful as a result. Blaming the closings on lack of vocations but at the same time forcing retirements, cancelling orthodox clergy, and doing nothing to address increasing vocations. Shutting down Latin Mass parishes and communities. Not recognizing that those communities are attracting young faithful families and many vocations!!!. | Closures, Persecuted Clergy, TLM, Vocations |
635 | Modernist ideas removed the notion of satisfaction for sin at Mass, which distorts our relationship and understanding of Christ's work on the cross and the Eucharist. | Modernism |
636 | Failure of priests in setting the example in front of their respective flocks in showing reverence to the Divine Prisoner in the Tabernacle. | Leadership |
637 | The terrible scandals by the current Pope. God can't be in a church or church head where evil is being conducted!. | Leadership |
638 | Hypocrisy and a lack of credibility in church. Judgementalism that drives away seekers and potential converts. | Judgmental, Leadership |
639 | This may have been covered. But the lack of reverence as a whole, from the time people walk into church to the time they walk out. The reverence is just not there. The Vatican 2, changes taking away the tradition of the Mass with the priest facing the Tabernacle praying for the people to the people taking a seemingly equal part as the priest, has led (in my belief) to lack of reverence not only to the Holy Eucharist but respect for the cleric responsible in the Mass. Receiving in hand, makes no sense to me. Why are priest's hands anointed if anyone can touch the Eucharist? And that applies to Eucharistic ministers also. | Extraordinary Ministers, Vatican II, Eucharist Reception, Reverence |
640 | Not enough reminders on the 10 Commandments, particularly Keep Holy the Sabbath. It’s a constant internal struggle whether missing mass is a mortal sin. Everyone says it’s okay with a good excuse (like my PTSD). But in one’s heart, in my heart, the Holy Spirit is telling me participating at Mass is exactly where this child of God needs to be. God’s Laws are Purposeful. There’s a lot to God’s Word, that we, as mere humans, ought not to question so easily. | Sin, Catechesis |
641 | Reminding laity as the priest goes to the altar he IS going to Calvary and the Mass IS Christ sacrifice again. Homilies that do not teach the TRUE teachings of Mother Church such as the 4 last things ,sin and the need for confession, the importance of First Friday and First Saturday (which many have never heard of) . | Confession, Devotions, Homilies |
642 | Lack of emphasis in Catholic Schools and CCD on the Grace that flows from the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. | Schools |
643 | Sacramental preparation is lacking and should include parents. | Family, Catechesis |
644 | Priests not taking about the Eucharist at the homily. Every homily should point to Jesus in the Eucharist. | Homilies |
645 | As a child, I do not remember being taught about the real presence very much- both at home and at church. I’m 40 now. | Catechesis |
646 | The drastic changes made to the liturgy post Vatican 2 and then the concerted effort to abolish the Tridintine rite. Modern Catholics have been betrayed by the pope, cardinals and bishops who have participated in the cover-up of the destruction of the catholic faith in the name of being “welcoming” and “accepting” of those who disagree with Catholicism. Modernism is a plague that needs to be viciously addressed in greater proportion than how the modernists swept in the transformation of the catholic church post Vatican 2. | TLM, Vatican II, Leadership, Modernism |
647 | Confession: To receive an indulgence we should go back to 7 days before. | Confession |
648 | Dress code for Mass. Women dress very provocative and men are too casual. This is our Lord and we should dress up to meet him at his sacrifice for us. | Attire |
649 | Altar boys must behave as though He is present in the Blessed Sacrament. We used to wear white gloves in order to touch any of the sacred vessels. We had to have reverent posture at all times. Walk smartly. Square corners. Genuflect with back straight and head up. Hands folded at all times. We used to assist the priest in vesting and understood the symbolism of each piece of clothing. It was an honor and we took it seriously. We used to respect our priests: "Father McMann" not "Father Tommy", not because he was anything special, he's a sinner like the rest of us. It was because of what he did. He gave his life so that we could receive God. | Reverence |
650 | General lack of continuing catechesis. | Catechesis |
651 | Lack of emphasizing the sacrament of reconciliation. Lack of emphasis on sin. Becoming a Church of Nice, where all are welcome and there are no consequences of action. Lack of teaching sin and redemption in Catechism. Lack of emphasis on the lives of the Saints. | Confession |
652 | Use of patens not being used. | Eucharist Reception |
653 | Traditional Latin Mass has numerous positive impacts on the belief of the real presence of the Eucharist. | TLM |
654 | Lack of perpetual adoration. Not enough confession opportunities or short confession lines & long communion lines, lacking knowledge on effects of sin. The idea that the devil does not exist & people thinking that if they are a good person, that is enough. Too many people spiritual but not religious. Rejecting organized religion doctrines, dogmas & rituals. The power of the Holy Spirit’s presence & gifts missing. How to actually live the Beatitudes? . | Confession, Availability/Access, Devotions |
655 | Pope’s failure to directly address and expound on the matter. | Leadership |
656 | overall decorum expected in church: silence before Mass, how priest carries himself throughout Mass, especially not greeting people at beginning of prayer of mass, ( should go right into the prayer of the Mass with the sign of the cross, not good morning, or talk about football game etc. set the tone of reverence as soon as he processes)wearing tennis shoes, etc. The people should be encouraged to dress modestly and respectfully. No big screens for anything, especially bulletin messages before final blessing. youth faith formation teachers shall bring children into church with same reverence, not this loud yelling and cheering them on . Get rid of so many ministries and focus on a reverent mass and sacraments. | Reverence, Attire |
657 | Reverence is shown by our actions, not by our words. It shows where our hearts are and shows the children that it is Jesus. | Reverence |
658 | Immodestly dressed laity Lack of veiling for women and why it should be done . | Attire |
659 | Orthodox catechesis. | Catechesis |
660 | Forbidding of the Traditional Rites. | TLM |
661 | I believe we should receive the Body of Christ, Eucharist, while kneeling, and only on the tongue. I personally will not take the Eucharist from anyone other than an Ordained Priest. | Eucharist Reception |
662 | The confusion caused by Pope Francis with the obvious disregard for traditional Catholic beliefs and the overall lack of respect for nearly everything in today's world. The government and media's influence in forcing us with unwanted mandates and socialist ideologies, as though the government is the answer to everything. | Leadership, Modernism, Confusion |
663 | Laxity/vagueness in official Church documents and from the hierarchy in general. In particular, the synod on synodality not receiving strong condemnation has effected an overall disbelief in the seriousness of Catholic dogma. | Leadership, Modernism, Confusion |
664 | Dressing in shorts and revealing or tight clothing. | Attire |
665 | The bigotry and lack of charity towards the LGBTQ+ community and woman, particularly among traditionalists, makes wonder if it’s all just smoke and mirrors. Meanwhile we have children being abused by clergy and it all getting covered up. I just feel like we have gotten so deep in the culture wars that we have forgotten to love others as God would have wanted. | LGBTQ+ Issues |
666 | Not knowing how to defend the Eucharist with scripture especially in Protestant circles . | Catechesis |
667 | My fallen away Catholic brother said when he watched the priest give Communion, he was lax and if it was God he would be in awe. | Reverence |
668 | Rosaries should be said before every Mass. The pastor of the parish should participate in the rosaries, but ours doesn't. If you have Priests who only do Mass but no effort to pray with their parishioners, that is not good. We need more confession time.. Not about three to five minutes each visit... | Confession, Devotions, Availability/Access |
669 | Lack of catechesis and true understanding of the Catholic faith. Also the lack of modest and respectful dress of the laity especially at Mass. priests should educate the members of the congregation without fear of offending people or making them mad. There is no consistency. People don’t know what they don’t know so priests should educate people even if at the risk of hurting feelings. | Attire, Catechesis |
670 | Poor Catholic School education . | Schools, Catechesis |
671 | Failure to teach that Catholics cannot just opt out of certain Catholic beliefs and still fully participate in Sacramental life, and the accompanying failure to teach everything as an integrated whole . | Catechesis |
672 | Bishops more concerned about being nice( the church of nice) vs The Church that Christ established. They prefer to be CEO’s with crosier vs a Shepherd. | Leadership |
673 | Too many people causally dress for Mass. | Attire |
674 | Changing the liturgy from the way the Church always worshipped God. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. We know the traditional Latin mass worked and is working where it’s available today. | Liturgical Practice, TLM |
675 | The Introduction of the Novus Ordo Mass . While valid, there has been a 75 % reduction in the liturgy when compared to the TLM. Instead of attracting Protestants in numbers , it has served to see the loss of faith in many Catholics . Along with this is a verbal prohibition not to evangelize and a false ecumenism which involves other so-called "religions" , but makes minimal effort to plead with them to join The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith . | TLM, Ecumenism, Evangelization |
676 | The “feast days” during lent, the extra “meat Fridays” and lack of fasting during the week. I know you touched on fasting properly before Mass, however it should be practiced from Saturday night until you receive the Eucharist. Unless the person has a medical issue that requires them to eat when they wake. | Fasting |
677 | 1) Priests are often discouraged from using traditional practices. One of the most reverent, profound, and beautiful masses I've ever attended was NOT a TLM, but the Novus Ordo done to Vatican II's prescriptions: Ad Orientem, Latin pride of place (sung Credo, Gloria, Sanctus, etc.), priests assisting with distinguishable roles, and pre-1900s hymns with organ and other reverent instruments (violin, trumpet, etc.). No extraordinary ministers, all male altar servers. If priests were enabled and encouraged to follow Vatican II's actual prescriptions instead of the botched execution and abuse of Vatican II's emergency allowances (female altar servers, EMHCs, etc.) that has unfortunately dominated the west since it coincided with the western revolution of the 1960s, I don't think we'd need the TLM to have our Tradition and Faith returned to the Church. The Novus Ordo is an incredible Mass if done the way Vatican II said to do it! 2) "PSR"! PSR has been so profoundly diluted that it's no wonder the next generation of Catholics don't understand the faith. The books given are contemporary and treat the children's intellect as if it's 10 years decayed. Bring back CCD, teach the Baltimore Catechism (it's built for the US!). People don't understand the Eucharist because they simply aren't taught it growing up. People don't understand that faith and science do not conflict because they are not presented with the theological approach of the Catechism. RCIA has the same issue. Very few of them teach the Faith at a theological level. The Church comes across as weak and desperate, letting anyone roll in. That might bring them in, but it won't keep them! 3) Women orating the 1st and 2nd readings. The Word does not sound appropriate coming from them. It emasculates the sanctuary. Thus also, women in the sanctuary whatsoever, including to cantor (though they are amazing cantors and I'm happy to hear them from elsewhere in the Church!). 4) I have seen priests punished by their bishops for taking a stand against modernity - against the Pride movement, against COVID lockdowns, etc. These priests should be praised, not punished. 5) I have never seen a priest wield the authority he has over his flock to correct them when they are in error. There seems to be a fear over offending the flock, lest they lose the $$ that the flock provides. This choice of mammon over the Lord has consequences. My job was threatened by fellow parishioners for holding conservative values and agreeing with what Popes of the past have said. The pastor did nothing to the parishioners. By God's grace my family was not robbed of its sole income, but they did try. But this also extends to cases such as parishioners who unabashedly support abortion, birth control, etc. They are never corrected. 6) Catholic schools have compromised the Faith for the sake of government funding and are often cited as the cause for many Catholics to fall away from the Faith. Further, independent Catholic schools that do not bow to the government tend to get poor treatment from the Church. 7) Bishops should exhort the faithful when it comes to politics instead of shying away from making statements. The Catholic Faith should be incredibly clear. . | Persecuted Clergy, Fear/Cowardness, COVID, Vatican II, Leadership |
678 | The books we use in preparing children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion! They are so watered down. Sin and Hell are no longer being taught in our classrooms. Parents want their children to receive these Sacraments but do not take their children to Mass on Sundays. They are too busy with sports and Disneyland and parties. | Family, Catechesis |
679 | *failure to emphasize daily mass . *failure to emphasize frequent confession. * failure to have enough confession opportunities. * FAILURE of having good religious education curriculum at all levels. *failure of the catholic school system to produce good Catholics. * failure of catholic parents to produce good Catholics. * failure if parents to choose their kids sports and other activities over Mass each week. * it goes back to the break down of the family because of weak parenting. God bless your efforts! . | Confession, Family, Availability/Access, Catechesis |
680 | The emphasis that missing mass when one is able to attend is a mortal sin. | Sin |
681 | Flawed Eucharistic theology (and heresy) in the lyrics of modern post-Vatican II hymnody used widely in many Catholic Churches. (Paired with abandonment of the propers which often emphasize the Eucharistic). Also the widespread discarding of the LOTH and other forms of devotional prayer in lieu of having a Mass for everything--downplays the Mass' role as the source and summit of our Christian lives but also has become the "only thing we do" in many NO communities. Not sending Deacons and Priests in clerical attire and with servers with candles and appropriate solemnity to hospitals and nursing homes to give Holy Communion, but rather an army of lay people traipsing about in pantsuits with pyxs in their pockets and purses doling out the Sacred Species as if they were giving out candies. | Vatican II, Music |
682 | Mass as a performance rather than true worship. | Liturgical Practice |
683 | Catholics today are very poorly catechized. They don't understand their faith because they have been poorly taught by the priests and bishops. | Leadership, Catechesis |
684 | Failure to teach the importance of early baptism. | Catechesis |
685 | Making announcements right after Communion and before final prayer!. | Liturgical Practice |
686 | Priests and bishops refusing to give Holy Communion to communicants kneeling and desiring to receive on the tongue. | Eucharist Reception, Leadership |
687 | The Pope's embrace of hostility to the Latin Mass. His attacks on faithful priests and bishops. | TLM, Leadership |
688 | Lack of knowledge in both priests and lay people on the presence of Christ in the Eucharist . | Catechesis |
689 | Polls show that 95% of Catholics use birth control in disobedience to Church teaching. This rejection of God’s authority over our sexuality is a grave matter and is objectively evil. It is the leak that began the crack in the dam and is the root cause of the decades of sliding down the slippery slope. It is NEVER preached about. Until it is, faith in the Real Presence will continue to decline because God’s authority will continue to questioned on every issue that society raises. It is hard to believe what the Church teaches on something as mysterious as the Eucharist if you reject everything she teaches in the moral order, the consequences of which are clearly visible. | Modernism, Homilies |
690 | The novel, protestantized Novus Ordo Mass is the greatest reason why belief in the Real Presence is vanishing. A return to the 2000 year-old Vetus Ordo or TLM would go a long way toward restoring belief in the Real Presence. | TLM |
691 | Having the laity “bring up the gifts” . | Liturgical Practice |
692 | I think you covered them all: need: Communion on the tongue, kneeling; altar boys with patens; No EMHC; tabernacle should be front and center; sacred music-no guitar, no contemporary or songs from the 70’s. Thank you. | Extraordinary Ministers, Eucharist Reception |
693 | Protestant propaganda and not properly catechized enough to be secure in one's faith. | Catechesis |
694 | Going back to the TLM will solve all of this. | TLM |
695 | The very existence of the Novus Ordo Missae. | Liturgical Practice |
696 | 1. Failure to use patens under the chins of those receiving Communion to prevent the Host from dropping to the floor. 2. Also, when a Host DOES drop on the floor, often no purificator is used to mark the spot for cleaning. Instead, the Host is picked up, consumed or put back in the Ciborium, and people walk over the spot where the Host was dropped. 3. Lack of altar rail or a kneeler for people who would like to kneel to receive. In general, the Novus Ordo Mass does not communicate the Real Presence of our Lord in the same way as the Traditional Latin Mass. I believe the elimination of many of the prayers during Mass, and the elimination of some of the gestures and genuflections of the priest during Mass, combined with Communion in the Hand and using lay people as EMHCs have caused greatest damage to faith in the Real Presence. | TLM, Eucharist Reception, Extraordinary Ministers |
697 | Laity doing the readings and entering the sanctuary thereby diluting the distinction between the priest and the laity. | Liturgical Practice |
698 | Big mistake when they stopped ringing bells at consecration. | Liturgical Practice |
699 | The Novus Ordo Mass. Period. | Liturgical Practice |
700 | Adequate explanation and preaching on the existence of evil and the devil in our daily lives. | Catechesis |
701 | Top down teaching from the Pope... | Leadership |
702 | General lack of religion/faith in society. Government pushing religion/faith out of society, schools, public property, public discourses, etc. | Modernism |
703 | Misunderstanding of the purpose of Mass (the point of Mass is not “to receive communion”) Attempting to make the Mass and the Eucharist so accessible has resulting in making it seem trivial Overemphasis on priesthood of the people, presence of Christ in the people and in the Word, vs in the Eucharist . | Catechesis |
704 | The Role of the Mother of God in the Church and devotion to Our Lady is not taught/encouraged enough. She is the key to teaching us how to love Jesus more perfectly. She also dispenses all of the graces that we need from God in order to have that change of heart as a Church, and can help us to increase our faith in His true presence in the most blessed sacrament. | Catechesis |
705 | Children should be taught the truth about issues like homosexuality and other sins , along with the true presence of the Eucharist, not only in catechism but from the pulpit. Parents don't even know the truth. Many are walking away from the faith because they have never been taught the truth. Even if the parents know and teach the truth, the church has not supported them for many years because the priests are afraid or told not to stand up for the truth . | Fear/Cowardness, Catechesis |
706 | I heard that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles won't allow the construction of Altar Rails in churches that currently don't have them. IS THIS TRUE?. | Eucharist Reception |
707 | If Catholics do not participate in the life of the church by at least attending Holy Mass once a week, they do not even think about their Faith or the Real Presence. The faithful Catholics must tirelessly evangelize to make the Real Presence Real to everyone especially those who forgot about their Faith. | Living the Faith, Evangelization |
708 | Dress code . | Attire |
709 | Lack of catechesis for younger children - not taken seriously, emphasis on the Real Presence and general respect for The Real Presence. We moved churches for our 8 year old to receive (in addition to our instruction) thorough catechesis. A protestantization of our faith (as a convert from a Protestant denomination, some Novus Ordo masses are almost akin to a Protestant church service) . | Liturgical Practice, Catechesis |
710 | Lack of family catechesis— parent who are uncatechized not feeling responsible to learn and teach the faith to kids— treat catechism class like public school when there should be classes for parents or adoration at the same time. | Family, Catechesis |
711 | Minimizing holy days by moving them to Sunday. | Liturgical Calendar |
712 | Poor catechism, especially in Catholic Schools and CCD. Catholic Children growing up in the 60s and 70s (including me) were never taught the real presence. It wasn't until my later adulthood that I was aware of it. Oh, and to distinguish between Protestant communion and Catholic Real Presence. Also, get rid of "Do this in remembrance of me" I know it's in the Bible, but a Protestant friend misconstrued it as simply a "memorial" not a sacrifice. Sorry to be so long winded but the need to educate, especially from a young age, is important to me. | Catechesis |
713 | Major difference in catechisms with NO and TLM. NO is giving watered down version. | TLM |
714 | More opportunities for adoration and more opportunities for the Rite of Reconciliation. | Devotions, Confession, Availability/Access |
715 | Problems with Pope Francis. I know a number of people leaving the Catholic Church because of his heresies. | Leadership |
716 | (De facto) Open Communion. Over-emphasis of "community meal" understanding of the Mass. | Meal vs Sacrifice |
717 | Modesty of dress- veils for women - Sunday -best dress. | Attire |
718 | We need to take back our Saturday afternoons and all day Sundays to focus on Christ and our families. Also taking time for quiet self reflection and prayer. While I prefer to attend Mass on Sunday morning, I am a registered nurse and several times per month, it is necessary for me to attend a Saturday vigil Mass or a Sunday afternoon Mass. The most reverent N.O. Masses I routinely attend is held on Sunday at 5:00PM. | Devotions |
719 | The lack of the use of the paten during Communion. Offering and expecting participation in the sign of peace during the Consecration. The use of unadorned, unlined chasubles by priests. The "wreckovation" of many historic churches by removing elaborate reredos, statuary and stone altars and replacing them with wooden altar "tables." Church volunteers passing by the occupied Tabernacle without bowing or genuflecting in acknowledgement. | Sign of Peace, Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
720 | Failure to adequately prepare to receive communion by omitting the Confiteor at the beginning of mass or right before receiving. Failure to adequately prepare to approach the Altar of God and the Tabernacle of His presence by omitting the entrance psalms "Judica me..." or intoit. Separation of the Tabernacle from the altar, His continual presence from His sacrifice. | Liturgical Practice |
721 | - Eucharistic Ministers attire which don't show respect when ministering Holy Communion (suggestion: albs for EM just as altar servers are covered) - Readers who don't dress appropriately when reading the Holy Word of God. - Musicians lack of reverence (eating/drinking/attire). | Attire |
722 | My parents married in the early 1960's. She was Lutheran. He was a Roman Catholic. In the beginning, they attended both each Sunday together. After Vatican II they continued, until they noticed that there was essentially no difference. So, they decided since it was "easier" to be Lutherans, and the service was seemingly the same, they began only attending Lutheran Missouri Synod services only. I, as an adult, converted from Lutheranism to Catholicism as I realized it was the only true Church founded by Christ. I believe Vatican II has harmed this true church more than anything else, because all the other questions asked in this survey stem from this cataclysmic change. The over simplification of the Mass has caused the faithful to feel a casualness that should never exist in the true presence. It has not grown the Church. It has muddied the waters that divide The Church and Protestantism. | Vatican II |
723 | I think several issues re this crisis. I am born 1970(53 years), I notice boomer generation came from larger families, typically went church, catholic school. Many of these were active in their church community, may have found spouse through social events, etc. Many of boomers had large families, and followed similar blueprint. It's this generation where we experienced our greatest downfall, many of there children followed similar routine of church, possibly catholic education, etc. Most of these kids went to college, married from various social communities, or referral bases(college, work, Jane's friend), them scattered, headed for suburbs, kids in travel sports, etc. The churches they grew up, empty, the boomers are gone, or convalescing, unable to attend. Many churches have exhausted their useful life. This generation is constantly on run, and are part time church goers(I don't want to bunch all as part timers, but large percent is). The generation x and others, similar story. I don't know it all, but this is what I noticed, so it is not one thing the church does, or things bad, it is lack of attendance. Oh yeah, we didn't put up child bearing numbers like boomers, previous generation, they were quite prolific. Now I don't want to get started about all the external issues, distractions, that messed up Gen x, and others. I have a good deal of friends(I'm a dude), who didn't get married, or have kids. This didn't happen much w boomers. There was a better referral network, family networks, friends. The formula was get married, have kids. | Catechesis |
724 | Opportunity and encouragement for adoration and dress code. Silent (not in community) adoration gives the lay persons the chance to encounter Jesus PERSONALLY in an intimate way, such that they can form an individual relationship. Without that relationship, people can more easily forget that He exists, that He’s present there. Dress code gives us an awareness that we ought to present ourselves with dignity and respect before a real presence of God. Doesn’t need to be a dictatorship… The simple signs they use for tourists in Europe are very effective In my opinion, and offer even non-Catholics the opportunity to reflect on this being a sacred space. The REASON it’s holy is because Jesus is present there!. | Devotions, Relationship with Jesus, Attire, Silence/Distractions |
725 | Lack of a dress code. Lack of respect for themselves and particularly the Holy Eucharist. | Attire |
726 | It seems our leadership can't unite. The hierarchy is the cause of confusion . | Confusion, Leadership |
727 | Priests and laity should genuflect, not bow, when passing the tabernacle. Laity should kneel whenever the tabernacle doors are open. Canonical digits should be employed. Ablutions should be done with care, not pro forma. NOBODY should touch the sacred vessels except priests or deacons. If the priests do not act as if Christ is present, neither will the laity. | Liturgical Practice, Reverence |
728 | Novelties introduced into the Mass i.e. birthday blessings, clapping, announcements right after Communion, quinceneras, gifts giving or awards, etc. Rubrics having so many options and priests not following the bare minimum: adding words or subtracting. No patens used, careless with the Blessed Sacrament, and not genuflecting, idle and loud conversation before and after mass. Sign of peace is an obnoxious interruption of the flow of mass. It should be in the beginning. I believe it lessons the solemnness of the Lamb of God prayer since people are now chattering and flipping the peace sign to each other. Some priests make it seem like Mass is not an important event, that it's a time for fellowship and being goofy. I think this really has damaged the impact of how serious the Holy Sacrifice of the mass is. From cringe worthy jokes to singing Abba, Father with a tambourine, to wishing a happy birthday to Sue, why would a teenager think mass is special?. | Silence/Distractions, Sign of Peace, Eucharist Reception, Applause, Reverence |
729 | Lack in reverence by priest/deacon in distributing the hosts (moving between ciboriums) and not washing fingers are distributing the Eucharist . | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
730 | Lack of teaching the importance of why the Eucharist helps us and why we must go to church to receive it every Sunday. | Catechesis |
731 | Bad Catechesis. | Catechesis |
732 | Lack of modesty in clothes worn to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Loss of the need to dress your best for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Loss of feminine attire vs masculine attire. Highlighting the beauty of the difference between male and female and the complimentary of the sexes. | Attire |
733 | Clothing that is not reverent to be wearing during Mass. Taking away the Church's traditions and reverence used in the original Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form. | TLM, Reverence, Attire |
734 | We are not Protestants! Stop making the Catholic Church Protestant! Homilies that last for more than 10 mins. Watered down homilies, not talking about the horrendous times we are living thru and how to fight the spiritual war we are in! Talking about the mortal sins! And explaining confession and how to do it! . | Confession, Homilies, Sin |
735 | Promotion of the idea that protestants have no need to convert and their souls are safe without the Eucharist. | Ecumenism |
736 | Please let us return to kneeling at the Communion rail, receive on the tongue with use of the paten to protect the host from falling. Bring back First Holy Communion Mass with the group of children. Their class. Seeing one child receive with their family is far less impressive to the faithful. May our priests encourage Eucharistic Adoration from the pulpit. We have a Eucharistic Adoration Chapel for 40 years with little encouragement from our priests. We never see our priests in the chapel. | Devotions, Eucharist Reception |
737 | Failure of bishops to lead Eucharistic Processions, and speak with authority, and teach the truths of our Faith concerning the Eucharist. | Leadership, Catechesis |
738 | Modesty in dress Discussion of Catholic issues like abortion, transgender, pornography and all forms of sin and its evil from the pulpit, at the same time the importance of the nuclear family, courtship, not following cultural standards like living together, etc. | Family, LGBTQ+ Issues, Attire, Abortion |
739 | Singing texts that are banal and/or not in line with Catholic teaching. Singing texts like ”Come to the Table” when all we do is stand in line and meet Betty from Pew 3 half way down the nave. | Music |
740 | Having the sign on peace and holding hands and being distracted from our Lord while he is present on the altar. | Sign of Peace |
741 | too much distraction from singing at a time when we should be concentrating on the miracle of the Transubstantion-. | Silence/Distractions |
742 | Little to no access to confession and lack of oversight and control of how Eucharistic reverence and belief is taught by instructors in RCIA & CCD & Catholic schools. | Confession, Availability/Access, Catechesis |
743 | If not a communion rail altogether, an individual kneeler in front of priest has resulted in knelt posture by many when given the option; also need a sense of proper attire at the liturgy; Cardinals like Cupich who use dishonest straw men in public like "the Eucharist isn't a reward for the perfect" are an obstacle to true Eucharistic teaching; also related to Communion on the hand are priests not attentive to recipients consuming the Eucharist, leading to potential for diabolical sacrilege. | Eucharist Reception |
744 | NA. | Other |
745 | Lay ministers distributing the Eucharist and reading. | Extraordinary Ministers |
746 | Keeping churches closed in response to a pandemic. Limited confession times and windows. Little to no mention of vocation discernment according to one’s state of life. Little to no exposure to religious and monastic life. Priests not emphasizing the importance of praying the rosary. Priests with no devotion to pray the rosary with the lay people. A feminine pastoral team of ministers running the church liturgy. | Confession, Devotions, COVID, Availability/Access |
747 | Not teaching young boys in catholic schools it is an honor to be Altar Servers and not supplying the right clothing when they are serving. For example tennis shoes and white unisex robes. | Attire |
748 | The entire Novus Ordo should be abandoned, and the traditional Tridentine Liturgy should be re-established as the norm. | TLM |
749 | Church announcements displayed on wall next to alter via slideshow, failure to explain at each mass that non-Catholics should receive a blessing rather than the Eucharist/ general enforcement of rules, showing deference to legal authorities during COVID. | COVID |
750 | Teaching it in Catechism class to children. | Catechesis |
751 | Poor formation of priests in seminary, so they are not preaching well as a whole. | Priestly Formation |
752 | I think you missed the most important issue, but the survey to address this has to be conducted among Catholics who don't believe in the Real Presence. The objective is to find out how many of them don't believe that certain acts are MORTAL SIN, such as contraception, pre-marital see, taking the Lord's name in vain and missing mass on Sunday. I suspect that the problem is deeper than the issues addressed by the survey. | Sin |
753 | Distinguishing the Eucharist by frequently referring to communion instead of the Eucharist. Uncatechized adults associate it on the same level as Protestant communion when we don’t explain the difference well enough and end up calling it the same thing. | Catechesis |
754 | Lay ministers or lectors in the sanctuary diminishing the importance of the priesthood, lack of use of the paten during communion, the priest able to use more than 2 fingers per hand to handle the hosts, no ablution of fingers after communion, delaying purifying sacred vessels until after Mass or by the laity, not caring for host if falling to the ground, communion under both species, Eucharistic prayers as a narrative towards the people, no bells to highlight consecration, reduced offertory language of the Mass as sacrifice, sign of peace by the congregation. | Sign of Peace, Eucharist Reception |
755 | Priests who rush the consecration. | Reverence |
756 | Modern Catholics have no idea about the TLM. They don’t even know it exists. | TLM |
757 | All of what you’ve said is important, but also all the problem go away if we return exclusively to the Latin Mass. these problems by and large do not exist in exclusive Latin Mass parishes. | TLM |
758 | Odd as it may sound, sports. Of course there's nothing wrong with sports, but many Catholics make it the focus of their day rather than Holy Mass. A greater awareness of the Sacrament over secular pursuits could help to highlight the significance of the Eucharist. | Modernism |
759 | The lack of universal use of patens. The Church used to revere the Eucharist so highly, they would hold a gold plate under it to prevent the smallest particle from possibly hitting the floor. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
760 | Lack of catechesis on sin and confession. That, e.g., missing Mass on Sunday for no good reason is mortal sin. | Sin, Catechesis |
761 | Division within the church. Lack of proper theological and historical education among clergy. | Division, Catechesis |
762 | Giving Communion to politicians that are Pro-Abortion and Pro LGBTQ. | Abortion, LGBTQ+ Issues, Canon 915 |
763 | No homilies about the existence of Hell and the mortal sin. All we hear is that we should try harder but no clarification about why and how it affects our daily lives. | Homilies |
764 | Post-V2 laxity in doctrine and discipline on the part of clergy and prominent laity, occasioned by the ambiguity of the documents and the exploitation of that by clergy and prominent laity, which has led to the impression that doctrine and discipline are either negotiable or unimportant. The shock of the Latin liturgical tradition being replaced with a new and obviously inorganically concocted liturgy, which has led to a massive loss of confidence in the theological, liturgical, and ecclesiological consistency and authority within the Latin Church and in the hierarchy in general. The near complete failure of the hierarchy to discipline and remove openly heterodox and even heretical clergy and prominent laity has given the impression that doctrine and discipline are unimportant. Too much emphasis on ecumenism, accepting schismatics'/heretics'/unbelievers' explanation of their own doctrines and discipline on their own terms, and seeming willingness to give up the patrimony of the Latin Church (and indeed the whole Catholic Church) in order to cultivate a pleasing image in the eyes of false religions and a hostile secular regime, has undermined confidence within the Church of the veracity and defendability of specifically Latin and generally Catholic doctrine, discipline, history, liturgy, and overall patrimony. | Lack of Discipline, Vatican II, Leadership, Ecumenism |
765 | Bishops silencing and reassigning (penalizing) clergy providing solid homilies and reverence for the faithful attending Mass. | Persecuted Clergy, Reverence, Leadership |
766 | Catechesis - by properly trained teachers, especially for the young people. They especially need to be taught reverent behavior before the Eucharist, genuflecting, folded hands, etc.; by proper physical behavior we teach ourselves the awesomeness of the Lord. | Catechesis |
767 | I just want to stress the importance of assuming everyone is poorly catechized. I was raised Catholic and was in a state of sin when I was married in the Catholic Church because I did not know. This applies to every aspect of the Eucharist-please advise the bishops we need to be taught. That is why the Faith is not being passed down, we cannot teach what we do not know. That is also why Protestant churches are filling up with fallen away Catholics-you cannot appreciate what you never knew you had. Thank you for your efforts!. | Catechesis, Leadership |
768 | The laity were abandoned during COVID. Masses were cancelled. People were denied Penance and the Holy Eucharist. Many Catholics died without being able to receive Extreme Unction. | COVID |
769 | The lack of reverence of the priest during the Eucharistic celebration. | Reverence |
770 | Education on Real Presence and where it fits in the Bible. | Catechesis |
771 | The change from the TLM to the new Mass. a side by side comparison shows how much was lost. | TLM |
772 | Having confession available before every mass. Use the paten so people see how seriously every particle of the host is reverently handled. | Confession, Availability/Access |
773 | Lack of promotion of the Traditional Latin Mass and education on history of creation of the Novus Ordo. | TLM |
774 | Communion in mouth while kneeling should be only option. With an altar boy holding a communion plate while the priest administers communion. | Eucharist Reception |
775 | Decrease in women veiling while in the presence of Jesus . | Attire |
776 | Acceptance of a lack of modesty in dress by both women and men. Lack of instruction by priests regarding how and when to genuflect and how to prepare for communion. Acceptance of congregation chattering, waving, rushing out after mass and leaving before priest leaves, the horrible sign of peace that erupts into general chaos in some NO masses. Biggest of course is the lack of acceptance and promotion of the Latin mass and the education of laity about why this mass is different from the NO. | TLM, Attire, Catechesis, Reverence |
777 | Failure to catechize in the home, in CCD, among teenagers and from the lecturn in the homily. | Family, Catechesis |
778 | Let's face it, the continued persecution of the TLM is not really about liturgy at all. It’s about theology. This is a war on doctrine, not a squabble over the use of Latin, altar rails and Ad Orientem worship. And this doctrinal warfare includes attacking the belief in the Real Presence, no matter how many times you use the N.O. Eucharistic Prayer #1. | TLM |
779 | lack of care and reverence during the consecration by personal example on the part of the priest no sense of mystery or transcendence . | Reverence |
780 | The Holy Father not taking up this issue directly with a formal Papal instruction that reinforces this belief as an immutable and dogmatic truth of the Catholic faith. | Leadership |
781 | All talk, never any positive action by the church. Totally divorced from real circumstances outside of the church building. We are REAL people, not cutouts in the pews. | Leadership |
782 | A divided Church affects all, and we need to include all Latin religious orders including the FSSP, SSPX, etc. Bishops and priests are calling some groups schismatics, and it is not true. Rather than uniting, some traditional Catholics in dioceses are accusing other traditional Catholics of having invalid sacraments. More unity at the top is needed. I love how our Bishop in St. Augustine invites the SSPX to be part of its processions and pilgrimages. Beautiful!. | TLM, Division, Leadership |
783 | Priests acting like evangelistic individuals, shouting Alleluia's from the altar & people lifting their arms & shouting in return. Reminds one of tent revivals. | Reverence |
784 | Prevalence of utilitarianism in secular culture infiltrating the church. | Modernism |
785 | Liturgical music that trivializes and secularizes the Holy Eucharist, referring to the altar as a table, and which seems to be written for the sole purpose of entertaining the Faithful, reassuring them in their sins, and Protestantizing the Holy Mass. | Music |
786 | Lack of emphasis on necessity to be in a state of grace to receive and ample scheduled confession times (6 to 7 times/week). | Confession |
787 | Receiving on the tongue while kneeling needs to be reinforced . | Eucharist Reception |
788 | The failure to adhere to the teachings of Christ on sexuality by the Vatican. | Catechesis |
789 | what upsets me is that people walk up with hands stretched like they are going to get money. They are so care free without giving our Lord the most Holy Respect of kneeling or bowing with Love for what we will receive His Body and Blood. Also, I really believe that women should cover their heads with a chapel veil or some covering. The Second Vatican Council I honestly believe did a lot of damage to modernize our religion. We should stick to the ways Jesus instructed us to do. | Modernism, Eucharist Reception |
790 | Turning away from the ancient and traditional liturgy and catechesis of the Church and focusing instead on something new and "with the times" though the Church should be timeless. Laxity of rigorous preaching of the full truth of doctrine. | Homilies, Catechesis |
791 | 1. Lack of catechism taught either through the homily or outside of mass. Many Catholics don't know why we genuflect or, more appropriately, to Whom we genuflect. 2. Lack of transparency regarding matters of the church. There appears to be no honest answers and a venomous response toward any who are willing to ask questions- even those who merely want to understand why a decision was made can be shut down as if they are being gagged by a tyrant. 3. The Catholic church is ever in a state of politics and not willing to take courage and follow Christ's commands. 4. A loss of importance and fostering of virtues- modesty and reverence being a particularly important, especially in extra-ordinary ministers. | Homilies, Catechesis |
792 | Racism, social justice and climate change are fake issues. Focus on the real issues, the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Also, make sure Priests actually believe in God, not video games and Harry Potter . | Modernism, Catechesis |
793 | Homilies including the education/speaking on/ topic of transubstantiation. | Homilies, Catechesis |
794 | The Pope lack of resolve to promote moral issues such as the sin of abortion. | Abortion, Leadership |
795 | The closing of churches during COVID and all the masking, distancing and “extras” they provided (separate chapel) during this time. There should be no fear in the house of the Lord. | COVID |
796 | Society as a full. Taking God out of schools and treating religion like it’s nothing but “comfort”. Very sinful world. Lack of continually faith education in adult education!!! Most adults have a flawed elementary school understanding of faith. | Catechesis |
797 | Clergy not reminding congregation that appropriate clothing shows respect for Our Lord and His sacrifice in the Mass. | Attire |
798 | The immodesty accepted in the church without addressing issues of faith and tradition. | Attire |
799 | Girl altar boys. Women lectors. Eucharistic ministers -- especially casual dress and conduct by them. | Role of Women, Attire |
800 | Homilies that do not address real needs of the laity and are too long in that they are repetitive. | Homilies |
801 | Lack of adequate opportunity for confession. If confession is not deemed important, then many people will surmise being in a state of grace is not important. People need sheperding to make correct conclusions, not just by word, but by actions. | Confession, Availability/Access |
802 | Confusion caused by Pope Francis regarding his personal views and the teachings of the Church. | Leadership, Confusion |
803 | Promotion of the Catholic Catechism by JPII. Most people do not know it exists. It exists to pick up where the Baltimore Cat. left off and is critical for both adults and children. | Catechesis |
804 | It is time to re-consider the real presence, given the state of the world and the church. It seems there is no hope for the church to ever re-claim the metaphysical properties it once preserved. | Other |
805 | Not reminding laity to dress respectfully for Mass. Shortening the time between receiving the Eucharist and leaving Mass. (I.E. not having the last gospel) In regards to catechesis, not maturing the way it is taught along with the maturity of its students. Teenagers and adults can have a deeper understanding of the Eucharist than children and this should be respected. | Attire |
806 | Boring irrelevant homily Saying the same thing every week. Reading a sermon Really bad choir music Unfriendly Pastors. | Homilies, Music |
807 | Priests who prefer to let the laity repose the Blessed Sacrament at the end of Adoration, who also prefer the laity teach RCIA, marriage prep, etc. along with a lack of instruction when people continually leave Mass right after Communion. | Catechesis |
808 | The sacrament of Reconciliation is Huge. This must be stressed weekly . Most Catholics need greater spoken emphasis on receiving Holy communion reverently as well as knowing to be free from mortal sin when receiving the body and blood of Christ. I truly believe if every priest conveyed emphatically the most important truths in our faith often, we would see a resurgence of holy Catholics return. | Confession, Reverence |
809 | Absence of Holy Priests and Bishops. Lack of knowledge of what is taking place at Mass. why we believe in real presence. Why we must be in the state of Grace. Why the priest’s hands are consecrated at ordination, complete lack of reverence. Absolutely no Eucharistic Ministers, or altar girls. Priests sitting down while the EM’s distribute the Eucharist, etc. | Extraordinary Ministers, Holiness, Leadership, Catechesis, Reverence, Role of Women |
810 | Not making enough emphasis on the importance of the catechism!!!! Every religion has the Bible, we need to better explain that the Catholic Church is the TRUE translation, and so the catechism is SO important. If everyone read the catechism they would know Jesus meant it literally when he said it’s his body and blood in John 6. We need to implement the use of the catechism, make it so that every church must teach it in classes for children, adults, or something of the sort. Overall, it is ignorance of the catechism and scripture that is causing people to not believe in the true presence. We need to catechize more. So many people went uncatechized, and now they are raising children and their children aren’t catechized. We learn to start a new generation of making sure every Catholic is taught the Catholic teachings. We need to speak to the generation that wasn’t catechized and somehow get them to start believing so that they can pass it on. | Catechesis |
811 | The liturgy of the Mass of the Ages perfects everything wrong with the Novus Ordo liturgy which has to many options and lacks what is truly pleasing to God. Ex: Abel’s sacrifice vs Cain’s sacrifice. They are both sacrifices but they are not equal. | Liturgical Practice, TLM |
812 | Replacement of the ancient form of Mass with the Novus Ordo was probably the largest contributing factor. But just about every change or "reform" in the Church since 1962 resulted in a loss of faith. | Liturgical Practice, TLM |
813 | Eucharist ministers. | Extraordinary Ministers |
814 | Failure to educate the faithful to bow at the Holy Name of Jesus & the Triune God during all prayers at Mass & in other settings/private prayer – the lack of knowledge to be reverent at His Name... it's a whole lifestyle, a way of being that has been lost and disregarded... so why would His very Flesh & Blood be any different? We need to restore this reverence for our Lord! God bless you all for doing this!. | Reverence, Catechesis |
815 | Homosexual blessings and restrictions on the Latin mass. | TLM, LGBTQ+ Issues |
816 | Lack of effort into keeping young people in the church . | Other |
817 | Casual attire and socializing before Mass. . | Attire |
818 | Thorough, honest and meaningful catechesis of our children. We're already creating another generation of lukewarm cafeteria Catholics by not stopping the problem in the generation just starting to learn and receive Communion. | Lukewarmness, Catechesis |
819 | 1. Row by row entrance into the Communion line. Those not in the state of grace are under pressure to "get in line." 2. Failure of clergy to remind the Faithful of requirements to receive, i.e., fasting, Church laws regarding Confession. 3. Failure of clergy to insist upon dressing at Mass as though one is meeting the King of the Universe. 4. Infrequent offering of Confession in many Churches. Confession ideally would be made available on a daily basis. Churches that offer confession only "by appointment," should be banned. | Confession, Availability/Access, Attire, Fasting, Worthy Reception |
820 | Anecdotal - There is little emphasis on wearing your "Sunday's best". If members of the Church are wearing crocs and shorts to receive the holy sacrament, then it doesn't help the perception that they're essentially "waiting in line for some popcorn" as one of my old teachers used to call it. Everyone should have the capacity to at least go to some thrift/discount store and buy a decent-looking suit and tie and/or dress. It's the effort and perception that the holy sacrifice of the mass is important to you, not what expensive name brand you wear. | Attire |
821 | Suppression of Traditional Latin Masses and not enough of them. | TLM |
822 | Not enough education to youth and youth ministries a lot of the time are very lackluster and whenever there’s any adolescent ministry it’s simply focused on dating. They imply marriage is the only suitable vocation and there’s no focus on priestly vocations. | Catechesis |
823 | Ladies on the alter cleaning etc. talking to each other and ignoring Jesus. Ushers constantly talking, giving directions in church while others are praying and ignoring Jesus in the tabernacle. | Reverence |
824 | TLM is the true Latin Rite AND INFALLIBLY TAUGHT. NOVUS ORDO is illicit. TLM communities grow and believe. | TLM |
825 | The repression of the Latin mass, the lack of traditional oriental rites, . | TLM |
826 | Lack of obedience to the canon of the liturgy, adding prayers that are not in the liturgy, giving side notes at inappropriate times during Mass, a general sense of prioritizing welcoming and friendly atmosphere over teaching truths of the church during homilies, not encouraging appropriate dress in the sanctuary. | Homilies, Liturgical Practice, Attire |
827 | The pope deriding people who love the traditions associated with the Eucharist. | Leadership |
828 | Abandonment of the Traditional Latin Mass. | TLM |
829 | Lack of kneeling to receive Holy Communion . | Eucharist Reception |
830 | Mass being offered by priests who try to entertain. Making priests the focus of Mass rather than Our Lord. The old rite of Mass being neglected and replaced by the new post Vatican II rite. Lack of piety in clergy, confusing roles of laity and clergy. | Vatican II, Liturgical Practice |
831 | Priests and Bishops failure to garner the courage to reject the present apostates in the Priesthood, the Bishops, and the present Papacy. | Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
832 | Loss of a sense that the Church is meaningfully different from any other religion. | Ecumenism |
833 | Only teaching children to receive on the hand during formation. | Catechesis |
834 | Francis Bergoglio aka Pope Francis is a notorious heretic. You can not bless what is sinful, and you can not pretend you are blessing homosexual individuals as they obviously present themselves as a couple. Fiducia Supplicans blesses a reality that is contrary to creation which is impossible and blasphemy. Saint Robert Bellarmine (1610) -"A Pope who is a manifest heretic automatically ceases to be a Pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church. The fact that Vigano is o trial for speaking the truth and criminals like Rupnik remains a priest in good standing with full priestly faculties could only come from an antipope . | LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership |
835 | No standard dress code! Lack of reverence during the Consecration! Piano and guitar are not suitable for worship! If an organ or organ player is not available, the choir is adequate! Proper dress and humility should be stressed in homilies! The “REAL PRESENCE” should also be emphasized more! . | Attire |
836 | Proactiveness and emphasis on reaching out to the youth and teaching them about Jesus. Having more opportunities for the youth in each congregation in addition to confirmation classes and catechism classes, on a level they can comprehend. | Catechesis |
837 | Formation of the young . | Catechesis |
839 | Priests and Bishops treating the Eucharist as a "prize" for coming to Church. Priests and Bishops handing out the Eucharist in baggies during COVID. Priests and Bishops shutting down Mass during COVID. | COVID, Leadership |
840 | Since the Churches were closed during COVID, many people refuse to return to Church. Many believe God is everywhere and we can talk to him anywhere. We couldn’t receive Holy Communion or go to Confession when the Churches were closed so what difference does it make now? We can’t force people to come to Church and many said they watch Mass on to, YouTube and other social media platforms and we were denied Holy Communion for three years because of Church closures and many of us survived without receiving the Body of Christ. Having Eucharistic Ministers is another problem. We see many not living a holy life in the community and when we see them serving the Body of Christ and the person hasn’t gone to Confession makes many of us practicing Catholics not want to receive Holy Communion plus the man made laws of Catholics who have been divorced by their spouse is another issue. This business of getting an annulment is another confusing issue especially with children that came out of that failed marriage. In God’s eyes we are supposedly still married but the divorcing spouse doesn’t believe in it because they became worldly. The other spouse who got divorced from believes they can’t be involved in anyone else because it is considered adultery. The world looks at that spouse who believes in that covenant made to God in marriage is left dealing with the mockery and is called crazy. | Extraordinary Ministers, COVID |
841 | The need for Reconciliation; Proper method to receive Holy Communion the reinforces WHO we are receiving at Mass; . | Confession |
842 | lack of on-going program of education integrating doctrine-worship-sacramental life-adoration-transformation. | Catechesis |
843 | The failure of the Church to communicate and teach the consequences of sin. | Catechesis |
844 | The lack of reverence by both the priest and the parishioners during Mass; too much clapping, too many distractions with unruly children, no adherence to a dress code. The Mass and the Eucharist are not looked on as being worthy of our utmost reverence and respect as they were years ago. Lack of a strong religious education program and the parents lack of participation. | Family, Attire, Catechesis, Reverence |
845 | The general trend of "kowtowing" to certain social trends and beliefs which, whilst not "technically" contradicting Catholic teaching, absolutely confuse people and give them a false impression of Catholic teaching. Most obvious examples include the LGBTQ movement, abortion, and ambiguous relationships and support for certain communistic social movements like Antifa, BLM, and some environmentalist groups. Attempts to "modernize" church worship, architecture, and appearance also fall into this category. | Modernism, LGBTQ+ Issues |
846 | Attire of the laity. They do my respect themselves. How or why would they believe in the body and blood. Parents in general do not teach at home the basic religious premises of the faith. They do not teach respect in the home. They do not attend church with their children. The parents in general are where the bad example starts. There are too many things for me to mention. Mass media is the next enemy on my list. | Family, Attire |
847 | Cancellation and limiting of the immemorial liturgy. | TLM |
848 | Use of the Bugnini concept of the Mass. | Liturgical Practice |
849 | The loss of The Baltimore Catechism for instruction of our youth. | Catechesis |
850 | It is my view that many good and faithful Catholics believe in the Real Presence. It is with charity that I say the real problem is with the scandalous church leadership and that in my opinion is why there is also a decline in Mass attendance. The comprised church leadership have strayed extremely far from the teachings of Christ. They have chosen to teach something morally incompatible with the true words of Christ. The good and holy priests, bishops and cardinals are cancelled and removed because they have spoken out against this. The morally corrupt priests, bishops, archbishops along with some cardinals are praised and promoted for their worldly stance which goes against the teachings of Christ. Their atrocities are always covered up. The U.S. bishop’s allegiance to pro-abortion politicians and they refer to these same politicians as Catholics in good standing and allow them to receive the Eucharist. It would appear they do not believe in the Real Presence in the Eucharist. Also, the decline in vocations may be the result of the seminarians and priests who experience retaliation by their bishops because they were sexually abused or spoke out against the sexual abuse. This must stop!. | Persecuted Clergy, Scandals, Leadership, Vocations |
851 | An apostate "Pope" who denies Catholic dogma, has contempt for Americans, and persecutes faithful, traditional Catholics. He is the biggest scandal in the Church today and the silence of most Cardinals and Bishops makes them complicit in his heresy and apostasy. | TLM, Leadership |
852 | 1) You mentioned this but Communion in the hand is a grave offense to our Lord. Catholics must know they are TRAMPLING on our dear Lord when they go to a Mass that allows Communion in the hand. It MUST STOP! 2) The Mass is NOT about us, it's to give glory to our Father in Heaven so turn the altar back to God!!! Too many priests offer the Mass like their individual personality is what matters (it's not about them!) and too many only try to 'please' the people (in their sermon and weekly bulletin) so they can collect more money. Harsh, yes, but true. 3) Also, there is no reverence any more when people are not told the proper dress code, allowed to talk during Mass and allowed to eat & drink in church. That must stop! 4) The Sign of Peace right after the Consecration - REALLY????? DO AWAY WITH IT and bring reverence and respect back to our Lord. 5) Why does everyone rush our after Mass? Have they not been told to thank our Lord for our most intimate moments with Him in the Eucharist? Same reason some come late and leave early? NO REVERENCE, NO RESPECT for OUR LORD. 6) ONLY PRIESTS AND ALTAR BOYS ON THE ALTAR - no women, period! No women lectors our Eucharistic Ministers, only priests!. | Extraordinary Ministers, Sign of Peace, Eucharist Reception, Attire, Reverence, Role of Women |
853 | The failure properly to teach actual dogma in catechism classes, coupled with the failure of preachers to emphasize dogma in their homilies. This is nearly always neglected in favor of vague social uplift or, at best, the moral strictures of the Church. I do not recall a single lesson in my life, either in religious classes or in church, on *how* transubstantiation, purgatory, the Trinity, the soul, the Incarnation, etc., etc., WORK. I myself have heard young Catholics deny that Christ is God (by which I presume they mean that He is not the Father, but one really doesn't know). This is enormously a failure on the part of bishops to oversee both religious education and preaching in their dioceses, probably in favor of "social programs," which look good to the general public, but don't foster Catholic Christianity. | Leadership, Catechesis |
854 | Pope Francis, or whoever is speaking for him these days is very inconsistent. | Leadership |
855 | Failure to stress the need for frequent confession. | Confession |
856 | Educating the youth on the biblical history of the church and the traditional feast days and actually celebrating them as a community. | Catechesis |
857 | Catechesis of the faith by priests themselves and not a lay person. | Catechesis |
858 | Failure of clergy to emphasize modest dress by all attending the Holy Liturgy. | Attire |
859 | Confusion re synods. | Confusion, Leadership |
860 | Lack of Faith, Cowardice or inability to demonstrate moral courage, and permissive attitude by vast Major of Bishops! Lead us! Where is our St Augustine? Feed the lambs! Protect the sheep!. | Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
861 | The establishment of the Novus Ordo Mass taking the place of superiority over the Traditional Latin Mass. The suppression of the TLM that we have seen over the last 3 years is a huge mistake coming from the Vatican. We need a reestablishment of the TLM as the mass of objective superiority and we need to get rid of the Novus Ordo mass. We can judge a tree by its fruits, and the fruits of Vatican II and the NO mass have been very bad (like this poll is talking about, significantly fewer Catholics believe in the true presence as a result of Vatican II reforms). | Vatican II, TLM |
862 | Ad Orientem Mass Priests homilies including clear instruction of church teaching on many subjects, including the Real Presence. | Homilies |
863 | Loss of credibility of church leaders. | Leadership |
864 | Catholic schools do not do a good job of catechizing students. | Schools, Catechesis |
865 | Allowing anyone to touch the sacred host when it is only the priest that have consecrated hands. | Extraordinary Ministers |
866 | Total lack of catechesis for everyone born after 1970. "Word salad" homilies. No standards for RCIA teaching. Bad music. Liturgical abuse in general. | Music, Liturgical Practice, Catechesis |
867 | Disregard for the tabernacle / refusing to genuflect . | Reverence |
868 | Poor catechesis. Many people who even attended Catholic school or faith formation were simply not taught these things well. Catechesis has been pretty bad for a few generations now. | Catechesis |
869 | Sloppy attire at Mass; soft homilies and soft catechism . | Attire |
870 | Excessive use of media and social media can lead to a denial of the Real Presence. | Modernism |
871 | I will use this as an opportunity to mention this. Perhaps there could be a statement some day from the Church mentioning how in the future, there would be a different response. 🙂 The painful response during COVID when the laity were excluded from being at Mass and not allowed to receive the Eucharist (or even pray in His Presence depending on the diocese or parish) was an issue. Also, wording used during this time (i.e. it's for our spiritual good, it's for the common good, there may be COVID on the Eucharist, we don't kill for the Eucharist). It unfortunately seemed to send a message to people that they are to stay away from the Eucharist/Jesus in a time of difficulty & that He is "dangerous" & that the spiritual is not as important as the physical. It encouraged fear & turning people's attention to things other than God vs. having it be an opportunity for faith in God's Presence & love & desire for people to come to Him in time of difficulty, that He is the Risen Lord, that He is the Bread of Life, that the Church & His Presence is there for people. In a way, it was the opposite message of the Gospel & Church teaching. It also treated the Eucharist & people as a threat of contagion rather than treating the Eucharist as God and people as our brothers & sisters. Following the resumption of public Masses, I witnessed decreased reverence initially and also many Catholics were sadly discouraged from receiving Holy Communion on the tongue. I know of a faithful Catholic woman who is now homebound who had shared with me how she had felt pushed away from the Church during COVID. | COVID |
872 | It is the whole atmosphere of the modern Church - laid back, casual, constant busyness. Not enough preaching about Confession and why we need it. | Modernism |
873 | Need for more Catholic Bible study Scandal of How Practicing Catholics Treat People Lack of Connection between Eucharist and Evangelization/Social Justice. | Social Justice, Evangelization, Catechesis |
874 | Casualness towards the Eucharist by parents and lack of education from parents to children in the household. | Family, Catechesis |
875 | Lex orandi lex credendi lex vivendi. | Lex Orandi/Lex Credendi |
876 | Altar Table. | Liturgical Practice |
877 | The removal of the priest keeping his fingers together after touching the Eucharist and before the purification of his fingers. Concelebration of masses greatly reduces the idea that the Real Presence is there and offered by one priest alone. | Liturgical Practice |
878 | music that is not reverent and/or is distracting lack of clear Catholic catechesis on the Eucharist (and everything else) since the 60s when the focus changed to "live the faith" and "just Love everyone". | Music, Catechesis |
879 | Bishops being weak about refusing communion, publicly chastising and excommunicating public officials who reject church teachings yet continue to claim they are faithful Catholics. Also during COVID, the Church essentially told everyone they didn’t have to come and the sacraments weren’t important and one could receive Jesus in their heart via a spiritual communion. How can the Church claim this really is our Lord and the Eucharist is necessary for salvation and we must go to Mass on Sunday…unless the government says we can’t and/or there’s a cold going around? It implies the Eucharist is a symbol. The early Christians died for their beliefs, specifically the belief in the real presence yet our bishops told us we had to comply and stay away for our physical safety. | COVID, Canon 915, Leadership |
880 | Sacramental preparation in Catholic schools. While important to use second grade language the teaching of the Eucharist rarely extends past second grade and I think there should be a continued teaching about the Eucharist that increases in complexity as students age so their understanding doesn’t stop at a second grade level. | Catechesis |
881 | Proper attire for the laity, especially Sundays and Holidays. Encouraging prayers before and after Mass. More men in the sanctuary. | Attire |
882 | Lack of a dress code for the laity and allowing scandalous attire at Holy Mass. Allowing bringing in food for children. "Greet your neighbor" and "shake hands.". | Attire |
883 | Failure to insist on frequent confession to maintain our souls in a state of grace. | Confession |
884 | The Catholic Church’s involvement in politics. Church and state must be separate. If it stands as it is now it will continue to shrink. The waste of resources to control women could have been used to help those already here. Like Jesus did. DO BETTER . | Politics |
885 | I just want to expand on the clergy sex abuse crisis. If the priests obviously don’t believe, going by their actions, not their words, then why would the laity?. | Lack of Faith |
886 | Catechism classes for children of all ages should emphasize the importance of the truths of the Catholic faith and the importance of attendance at mass . | Catechesis |
887 | The Pope not being Faithful to dogma. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, along with many other clergy. | Leadership |
888 | Not offering pre-Vatican 2 Latin Mass at every parish. | Vatican II, TLM |
889 | Homilies focused on platitudes and modern sensibilities rather than teaching the faith . | Modernism |
890 | Lack of any catechesis on virtually any subject. I.e. on modesty of dress at mass. Catholic customs and traditions and why we have them. Also a general sense of Catholic unity too much of an emphasis on ecumenism repeatedly drummed into the laity making nothing special or unique about the Catholic Church. | Ecumenism, Attire, Catechesis |
891 | Confession has been minimized for laity— only offered once/twice per week. This is crux of the problem!! Fix this and Eucharist will gain more significance!!. | Confession, Availability/Access |
892 | A heretical pope who does not treat bishops as collegial couples with cowardly and often effeminate bishops. | Leadership |
893 | The building is a holy place. attire, eating and drinking Socializing before and after Mass Priest chatting —in thanks to people bulletin announcements Social announcements No veils on women Disrespectful youth and children. | Silence/Distractions, Attire |
894 | Lack of education of the Laity about the Real Presence and the fact that Transubstantiation occurs with the Consecration. The people need to LOOK AT WHAT IS HAPPENING—Jesus Christ comes down into the bread and wine and He has made them into His Body and Blood. | Catechesis |
895 | The experience of liturgical “pendulum swinging” shakes more people’s experience than different orders of the mass themselves. | Liturgical Practice |
896 | Failure to pray mass with reverence - rushing through consecration. Not giving homilies on the subject Not openly stating belief in real presence is required to receive . | Reverence |
897 | Proper theological and catechetical formation is a must. But. The personal Love Relationship with Jesus and the Trinity is More important. The saints were on Fire with Love. As lay Catholics we can have that Love which then goes to our families our jobs and our communities. A solid Catholic life and Spirituality is needed. | Catechesis |
898 | Inadequate or poor catechesis over the last several decades, and failure by clergy to regularly educate and preach about the Real Presence. Also, standards for proper attire and decorum should be introduced to reinforce a more sacred environment during Mass. | Catechesis |
899 | the way we dress in church. | Attire |
900 | The incorrect order of sacraments of initiation. Confirmation should be done early and before first communion. If you want to move first communion to an older grade that’s fine but confirmation needs to happen before. | Sacraments |
901 | Influence of Liberation Theology and bad catechesis made Catholics believe that Church main goal is feeding the poor and not saving the souls. | Modernism, Catechesis |
902 | Education about transubstantiation and that they should look up and see the miracle that is occurring right there. Jesus has changed the bread and wine into HIMSELF—His Body and His Blood. The laity should be encouraged to receive the Blood of Christ and be changed. His Blood cannot and will not give anyone an illness. | Catechesis |
903 | Do the bishops really need this survey to know the right answers? Come on, bishops. You KNOW all these reasons have sabotaged Catholic belief in the Real Presence. The laity is waiting for YOU, BISHOPS, to stand up and actually BE leaders and stop all these abuses and poor catechesis that you KNOW have damaged the Church. Why are you wasting time with a dumb survey? If our bishops need the laity to inform them, they shouldn't be bishops. Got that way backwards like about everything else most bishops do nowadays. Grow a pair and a spine, bishops, and start actually doing your job and lead. We, the laity, are sick to death of weak, effeminate do-nothing bishops, and it won't bode well for you when God finally arises and answers our prayers to rid us of all the worthless weeds and send us genuinely holy Catholic leaders!!!!!!!!!!. | Holiness, Leadership |
904 | There's been a change in the way people think about religion in the last 60 years. Religion is no longer viewed as an important part of our culture. The decrease in Catholic educated persons has also affected people's understanding of the Blessed Sacrament. | Catechesis |
905 | Laity's distribution of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. . | Extraordinary Ministers |
906 | Giving Communion to obstinate public sinners. | Canon 915 |
907 | Failure to preach substantively in the Homily on sensitive issues. | Homilies |
908 | Failure to catechize both children and adults of the teachings of the Church, what they mean, where they came from, and why we need them. | Catechesis |
909 | Lack of connecting the importance of regular confessions to being properly disposed to receive our Lord. Also lack of awareness/accommodation for those who cannot receive the host due to Celiac disease - would like to see some consistent communication and arrangement for Celiac sufferers to receive the Precious Blood before others who have already consumed the Precious Body due to significant health complications associated with particles containing gluten being present in the cup. Otherwise, it's just another piece of bread they can't eat. | Confession |
910 | Suppressing the traditional Latin mass and making it less available . | TLM |
911 | I believe that if the real presence were emphasized and the importance known, everything else would fall into place. It is because of this failing that everything else has declined. | Catechesis |
912 | I think a main issue has to do with people’s thirst for Jesus and their personal prayer - if people struggle to know Jesus personally, how can they really encounter him in the sacrament?. | Relationship with Jesus |
913 | Casual attire of the laity, performances in the middle of/instead of masses, and spreading false teachings of our Catholic faith (especially on basic teachings). | Attire |
914 | Lack of coherence in the episcopate. | Confusion, Leadership |
915 | Liturgical abuses at Mass, for example, priests who . | Liturgical Practice |
916 | Priests and the people that work at the parish do not acknowledge The Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle when they come to the church and begin talking with the parishioners as if because the Tabernacle doors are closed Jesus Christ is not in the room. | Public Witness, Reverence |
917 | Use of extraordinary ministers of holy communion, especially at every mass, and on the hand, causes particles of Eucharist to be on the floor and everyone tramples Christ under foot. Adults can numb themselves to it, but children and converts and prospective converts see it clearly. | Extraordinary Ministers, Eucharist Reception |
918 | No worries about the Eucharistic particles and Precious Blood falling on the floor. | Eucharist Reception |
919 | We need more of Bishop Strickland persons!!!. | Leadership |
920 | Failure to include Eucharistic Miracles and Marian apparitions in the Mass to help people understand and remember the importance of Eucharist and Holy apparitions. | Catechesis |
921 | Absence of females within the Catholic Church, specifically female priests. | Role of Women |
922 | Inviting non-communicants up "for a blessing", apparently for inclusion's sake. Hosting events with a lot of chatter, applause, or lay presentations of whatever kind inside the church (with the Sacrament reserved, but even if not... still impious). | Reverence, Applause |
923 | Teaching of the catechism throughout the year for those of us who grew up in the 70s with CCD classes stating that “as long as you’re good, you’ll go to heaven”. | Catechesis |
924 | 1. Receiving Communion in the hand instead of on the tongue. 2. Use of extraordinary ministers of Communion in parishes where priests & permanent deacons are available. | Extraordinary Ministers, Eucharist Reception |
925 | The instruction of our children about our faith. Your one question was about fasting before receiving the Eucharist. My cousin is 62 years old and learned a watered down version of catechesis. She is trying to learn more about the faith even though she has been going to church regularly and tells me she just learned that she has to go to confession if she missed Mass. How does this happen? Our children, whether in a catholic school or Rel. Ed. don't know their faith. Some might think this is technical, but it is especially more important that fasting an hour or three hours to a certain extent. Yes we want to promote sacrifice by fasting, but what about the sins on your soul and having a clean heart before receiving our Lord. I believe it is the fault of the "fathers" (Cardinals, bishops, etc.) that have dropped the ball thinking we would get more faithful if we loosened up teaching the tenants of our faith. How can you love something you know nothing about? . | Leadership, Catechesis, Fasting, Worthy Reception |
926 | Failure of parents to catechize their children. | Family, Catechesis |
927 | Eucharistic Ministers Communion in the hand. Clapping at Mass The sign of peace. | Extraordinary Ministers, Sign of Peace, Eucharist Reception, Applause |
928 | Universal cessation of Masses during the pandemic communicated to us that worship and the Eucharist are not “essential services”. | COVID |
929 | Horrific apostasy of the Pope who is creating mass confusion among Catholics. | Confusion, Leadership |
930 | Our Leaders letting the government dictate how and when we worship. Not remembering their duty is to Christ's teachings and church's mission. | COVID, Leadership |
931 | The veracity of the Pew poll claiming Catholics have lost faith. | Other |
932 | The first thing I noticed when growing up was the non-use of the Paten when anyone received the Holy Eucharist. (I did confront my Priest on this). Therefore my assumption was that the Priests were not concerned if the Holy Eucharist fell to the floor. As if they themselves did not care. If they don't revere the Holy Eucharist enough to use it, then why would a lay person think they should revere the Holy Eucharist? . | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
933 | The implementation of Traditiones Custodes. | TLM |
934 | I think what it comes down to is that matters of Faith are seen through a socio-political lens, so for those whose faith is weak, every semblance of hypocrisy further weakens their faith. When Church hierarchy is deaf to the laity's pleas of "I believe, help my unbelief", The Church has a hard time moving forward. Because, while there are catechized laity who try to evangelize and catechize, there are very public Clergy/Prelates who undermine with false witness. | Modernism, Evangelization, Leadership |
935 | My core belief is that as a Catholic it starts in the home. I don’t think children fully understand the teachings and we need to come up with different ways to help children learn and understand what the sacraments are and understand what the Bible and our church is teaching. Having Faith is the core foundation for belief and understanding. If we want to continue growing in Faith and following Catholicism we need to start with the children. Parents have lost faith in all the Priest scandals so they are trying to protect their children from the priests. When in reality they are teaching them to not have faith in our Savior. | Family, Catechesis |
936 | Preaching the Eucharist as an essential dimension of a personal encounter with Jesus. Past survey data showed that Gen X down are more likely to attend Mass if they believe a personal relationship with Jesus is possible. | Relationship with Jesus, Catechesis |
937 | Black and white thinking within the faith— no gray areas and don’t consider individual situations . | Other |
938 | People have become sloppy receiving Holy Communion, they shouldn’t be touching the Host and communicating themselves. It is called RECEIVING Holy Communion. They should be kneeling and receiving on the tongue. This avoids particles falling from the sacred Host and people trampling on them. | Eucharist Reception |
939 | This goes hand-in-hand with both the decrease in physical beauty in churches and contemporary music, but putting musicians at the front of the church instead of in a choir loft, shifting the focus away from the source and summit. Very Protestant. I also think the general lack of strong community in Catholic parishes is an epidemic. Less sharing of beliefs/theology and fraternal correction. The number of times I've had conversations with older, parishioners and have been shocked by admissions they've made (illicitly bringing the Blessed Sacrament home to a loved one, taking half and pocketing the rest to consume during night prayer, and other crazy non-Eucharist-related things). | Music, Beauty, Eucharist Reception, Community |
940 | Catechism in general . | Catechesis |
941 | Use of the Novus Ordo Missae over the TLM. | TLM |
942 | Religious Education teachers, especially those raised post Vatican ll, are often lacking in proper catechesis themselves. I am a certified Catechist but if it weren’t for my family and authentic instruction by the Catholic nuns who used the Baltimore Catechism, I might have been misinformed. Priests must instruct the laity from the pulpit as well…too many fall short on substance regarding their homilies and seem fearful of offending or sounding judgmental. Courage to speak and defend the true faith is sorely lacking in clergy and laity alike. Of course, first they must know the truth! Also, for years there was a decrease in the importance of Eucharistic Adoration which I do see on the rise lately, notably in my parish and those surrounding it. Similarly, the Sacrament of Penance…one might say there’s been a revival, at least where I am. Pet peeves: (With Novus Ordo) Choir (or just congregation) singing (even sacred music) right after reception of Holy Communion. Much too distracting! Improper usage of Sign of Peace (big smiles, shaking everyone’s hand and hippie peace signs ???. It’s not a meet and greet social! People holding hands and using the orens position during the Lord’s Prayer…applauding the choir as if for a great performance!! Finally, much reverence for the Eucharist was lost with the removal of altar rail and reception in the hand. Note: I do believe Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (men and women) have a place in bringing the Eucharist to the homebound and in hospitals/nursing homes. There just aren’t enough ordained ministers to accomplish this!. | Catechesis |
943 | Catechism classes (CCD) teachers should be very cognizant of their bias when teaching. I was unfortunately influenced by one's stated beliefs at impressionable age. | Catechesis |
944 | Dressing appropriately for the King. | Attire |
945 | Lack of passing down our own Catholic history and the “why” of the form of the liturgy. We are cut off from 2000 years of history and tradition! . | Catechesis |
946 | Failure to maintain the community of believers. Too many only come to mass and exit with no connection with others. Too many do not know the teachings of the Catholic faith. They fall away and are influenced by the culture. Not sure how to solve this other than starting early with youth. | Catechesis |
947 | Vocalized hymns during communion are distracting the faithful from the reverence and sanctity required of the Eucharistic moment, of those receiving communion, and from the need for silent prayers of thanksgiving by those who have just received the Holy Eucharist. Traditional instrumental music alone should accompany the reception of the Holy Eucharist. Examples include instrumental versions of O Sanctissima, Ave Maria, Pange Lingua Gloriosi, etc. | Reverence, Silence/Distractions |
948 | The overall lack of reverence for and/or fear of God. | Reverence |
949 | Lack of education to Catholics, from the pulpit, in catholic schools, and church events. | Homilies, Schools, Catechesis |
950 | lack of education of or encouragement in ceremonial behaviors towards the Eucharist such as genuflecting before entering pews, kneeling during the Consecration, etc. | Catechesis |
951 | Lack of educating Catholics by the priest from the pulpit at weekend Masses. Lack of religious education at the elementary & high school levels. | Catechesis |
952 | The focus on things of no consequence when serious issues like the abuse scandals are rampant. I grew up very devote, learned Latin, went to adoration multiple times a week, read countless books on church history and teaching from orthodox sources. I lost my faith because of the cruelty and hypocrisy of orthodox Catholics. I know you want this to be an issue of reverence or improper catechesis, but it’s not. By their fruits you shall know them and the fruit is rotten. | Modernism, Scandals |
953 | Less of an importance put on confession, less opportunities to go. Lack of Catholic education among the adults and lack of Catholic education being taught to the children. | Confession, Availability/Access, Catechesis |
954 | Many Catholics do not understand what the Mass is as worship and sacrifice and how it is God's due for our life and all our blessings and in honor of the 1st Commandment. I know Catholics who think that the Great Commandment is love your neighbor as yourself. They do not realize that it is love your God with all your heart, mind, and body and love your neighbor as yourself is second. In this case, Mass and adoration and reverence to the Blessed Sacrament comes a distant last to social works (feeding the poor, shelter for the homeless, etc.). I had a Catholic friend tell me that God didn't really mean to put himself first and that God does not expect us to put him first in our lives. He was sincere and firmly believed that this is what the Church teaches. . | Catechesis |
955 | Failure to educate the laity on the Mass in general-The importance of every part of the Mass and it's history. | Catechesis |
956 | The repeated and continued attempts to stamp out the Mass of Pius V has been the opposite of a pastoral approach and it has caused tremendous heartache and frustration in the hearts of traditionalists. Circumstances properly permitting, I would rather never again attend the New Mass for the rest of my life and as far as the liturgy is concerned, I would choose to exclusively attend the Old Mass. | TLM |
957 | Division in the Church post Vatican 2. | Vatican II |
958 | Sharing in homilies why what is done in the Mass is done and where it comes from in the Bible. As our priest says, "You can't love what you don't know.". | Homilies |
959 | Receiving the Most Precious Host on the hand instead of on the tongue, opened Our Lord up to abuse and loss of respect . | Eucharist Reception |
960 | The feel of some clergy seems to be more Protestant than Catholic-I can only surmise as an erroneous way to attract more parishioners. Heavy involvement in ecumenical organizations which are cover for socialist organizations does not help. Catholic NGOs at the center of human trafficking especially at US southern border. Pope Francis not adhering to historic Catholic teachings and traditions. | Ecumenism |
961 | Failure to use a paten when offering Communion Stripping the altars of decoration/putting potted plants around the altar Liturgical dancing Using largely unadorned vestments Using wood plates/bowls to distribute the Eucharist (anything that isn't gold, really). | Eucharist Reception |
962 | Lack of confession times in parishes. Parishioners will have more respect for the Eucharist if they are in a state of Grace! Sadly, I don't think people know what it means to be in a state of grace. Priests need to address how sloppily people handle communion. It is hard to watch!. | Confession, Availability/Access, Eucharist Reception, Worthy Reception |
963 | It’s a failure wholesale, priests come from the laity, who are now poorly catechized in large numbers, lax, and only think about God when something goes wrong or they need something. The hierarchy of the church is a reflection of heaven. We need more, well catechized, well-formed priests. The seminaries need to be cleaned up of all the filth, there needs to be structure, directed by the priest, for each diocese, Mass should be about the sacrifice of Our Lord, the importance of community cannot be understated, but we aren't protestants, we need Mass to be focused on the awe inspiring miracle that takes place every time it is said. These community activities need to be focused on faith, catechesis needs to be done from concrete foundations, like the Catechism of Trent, which is clear, precise, and final on moral issues. We need to stamp out certain ideas such as marriage being a vocation, which it is not, because that places marriage on par with vocations, we need to encourage vocations, this will mean diocesan priests aren't tending to three different parishes at a time and we can foster what is needed. Confession needs to be available every day, and it needs to be extolled for its necessity. Now is the time to be John the Baptist. But unlike some of the fellow traditionalists that we see online, we cannot lose compassion because it is lax wherever we see it. But God's law is ours to spread, not to alter, compassion that compromises on divine law is not compassion at all, it's poison. Young people are craving structure and laws that don't falter under scrutiny, which is why so many are attracted to traditional parishes and SSPX masses, the Latin Mass provides two things: the mystery that draws people in, it makes people take time to understand what's going on, it requires contemplation in order to participate, which then emboldens the spirit and one's faith, and it places primacy on the sacrifice and not the laity, the Mass can be said privately without the faithful present, it would continue if nobody showed up. I could go on for hours about this. What we need is a return to tradition, so that we can slowly build up from there, because there are many circumstances of the modern world that tradition doesn't have a concrete answer on, we need a strong hierarchy that is willing to suffer, to show us how to suffer in Persona Christi, and we need to collate and strengthen our communities in making the faith an everyday occurrence, consecrations of the family to sacred heart, blessings of everyday items, book lists that are approved for the faithful to read (your average joe shouldn't necessarily read the summa without a guide) we need structure, and we need to be told no, we need father figures that are steeped in God's law, and are unwilling to falter, and we need it yesterday. | TLM, Family, Priestly Formation, Catechesis, Community |
964 | Failure to remind both males & females that modesty in dress is important and is necessary out of respect for the Blessed Sacrament. Allowing children to put on plays during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. | Reverence, Attire |
965 | Lack of respect and community. | Community |
966 | The diminution of the importance of Confession - e.g.: - linking confession to being in a state of grace; and therefore worthy to receive the Blessed Sacrament - confessions by appointment (to suit the priest), rather than being frequently available, such as before and after Mass - hidden or missing confessionals - failure to provide pertinent catechesis after the sinner has confessed - you know you're in a good church, when you walk in and see the tabernacle in the center of the altar, the red lamp indicating the Real Presence, and visible confessionals with line-ups. | Confession, Catechesis |
967 | Some priests "act" as though they are handling everyday articles instead of the Body and Blood of Jesus. They show little reverence. Priests who invite "everyone" to the Eucharist. At some parishes there is very little time for confession, and it is not encouraged as a monthly practice - penance services make a mockery of the Sacrament - "Just state one sin....". | Confession, Reverence, Availability/Access |
968 | More Catholics are reading the Bible for themselves. They have realized that so much that they have been brought up to revere has nothing to do with Jesus or the apostles. It's man made traditions just added on through the centuries. This, homosexual abuse of children and allowing pro abortion politicians to receive communion (and punishing priests who speak out about it) is totally hypocritical. I know I have stepped back and wondered why I should listen to the Church about anything. | Abortion, Persecuted Clergy, Canon 915 |
969 | People need to understand the importance of God's Supernatural World. (End of Times) It's real and exists with us like the air we breath. We need to remove the preoccupation with the material and spend more time building our faith on the loving and righteous dimension of the supernatural. We need to prepare ourselves, in God's Way, to battle with 'the end of times'. We need to worry more about what God wants and not what people who act like gods want. I'm thinking the end of mercy will come sooner than later, and then God's Righteousness will reign. We need help to be ready for that. I'm very disgusted with the United States no longer requiring the men in seminary to learn Latin, and forcing out Latin Masses. I'm upset with priests taking the lazy route. Fast Sunday Masses and less than 20 minute daily Masses. I'm upset with priests who tell me the 'Archbishop of America' says we are not suppose to be on our knees to receive Communion. | Loss Sense of the Sacred, Living the Faith |
970 | singing texts that are banal, trite and/or conflict with Catholic belief. Also, singing about coming to the "table" when you only get halfway down the nave when EMHC Betty from Pew Three meets you for Communion. | Modernism, Music, Eucharist Reception |
971 | readiness to depart the Church as quickly as possible at close of Mass. | Reverence |
972 | Proper catechizing of the faith. A true understanding of having a relationship with Jesus Christ. We hear so much about Christ, but so often Catholics lack a true love and relationship to Jesus as our Lord and Savior. | Catechesis |
973 | Removal of altar rails, kneelers, Gregorian Chant, infrequent and shortened Confession availability, which is most necessary of all. | Confession, Availability/Access, Eucharist Reception |
974 | Communion Service in place of the Holy Mass. Poorly trained deacons and altar servers. | Catechesis |
975 | The statements in the GIRM: mistranslation of the free-standing altar description, and forbidding any "adoration" hymns for Communion. | Liturgical Practice |
976 | I think the overall unwillingness of the clergy and hierarchy all the way to the pope to stand up for and profess Catholic moral teaching has caused the church to become irrelevant in the eyes of many. Also closing the churches for COVID told people that mass was not priority or “essential “ to quote a word spewed by government authorities . | COVID |
977 | Preaching from the pulpit about the real presence. | Homilies |
978 | Availability of confession Education of Catholic young is inadequate. | Confession, Availability/Access, Catechesis |
979 | Allowing the faithful to kneel to receive Holy Communion is a radical departure from the tradition of Latin Rite Catholics. It also deprives us of a moment to prepare for the coming of the Lord and to properly recollect. | Eucharist Reception |
980 | The TLM is the best liturgy to believe in the Eucharist . Many of the clergy act like they do not believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, especially the Modernists, the homosexual, and heterodox ones. | TLM |
981 | The Pope, Cardinals, Priest do not counter the popular culture. | Leadership |
982 | Priests do not catechize! They leave others to ”teach” the faith. And when the clergy do “teach” it is not always along orthodox teachings, but feel good, non-offensive suggestions. | Catechesis |
983 | Cessation of the Traditional Latin Mass. | TLM |
984 | Internal battle between novice ordo and Tom. Outward Disrespect of the Pope. | TLM |
985 | Post COVID folks thinking that they can 'attend' Mass online. Failure to catechize the children and teens seriously. We lose a lot of teens to the more popular Protestant Youth Groups... do they even know that they are walking away from the Real Presence?!. | COVID |
986 | All of the reasons presented in this survey have been part of the lack of belief in the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus in the Eucharist. Modernism and the false implementation of Vatican II in the US and the horrible interventions of Annabale Bugnini in the liturgy to "simplify and Protestantize" the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass have resulted in the lack of belief of the Real Presence along with decline in vocations and people fleeing the Church in the last 50 years. The smoke of Satan has filled the Church. | Vatican II |
987 | Failure to remind Catholics that, "Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus." . | Catechesis |
988 | In general lack of catechesis in all aspects of Catholic faith-recent converts in a good instruction class know more than most cradle "educated" in the last 56 years!. | Catechesis |
989 | Sacramental wine is not offered in any of the Northeastern Churches I attend. However, in many of the Southern Churches, both wealthy and humble; in states like TN, MS, AL ,LA ; where I have attended mass; they are offered to those who want. A few years ago; I asked the priest of a church I go to if I could make a donation so he could buy a case of Sacramental wine; I told him I would be last so there would not be a concern amongst the nuns who take. (people were scared of COVID; lots of people and Priests wore Masks) He told me he could not do it because then he would have to offer the Sacramental wine to others who may want to have it. At Holy Communion we hear about receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. "Do this in Memory of me, The blood of the new Covenant for the forgiveness of Sins... I am not a Theologian. But I always ask WHY? This Sunday; I explained myself to a mother and young adult son after mass. The 3 of us prayed that our churches begin to offer the sacramental wine. I feel blessed that I found your site. . | COVID |
990 | The importance of genuflecting. Teaching the laity how we clean and care for chalice and cloths. And care for altar after communion. | Reverence |
991 | Them seeing church only as a place to go on Sunday only. there needs to be education on days of obligation that are more than just Easter and Christmas. lack of involvement is big problem. | Catechesis |
992 | People wear yoga pants and shorts to church. ALSO- the church SHUT DOWN and told us we can NOT receive the body of Christ and that's fine because of fear of a virus. | COVID, Attire |
993 | Lack of confession times (it can’t be serious to receive the Eucharist in sin when there isn't opportunities for confession). | Confession, Availability/Access |
994 | Allowing priests and bishops to interpret for themselves creates too much individuality in the church. Catholic schools are way too liberal in teaching theology and actual Catholic faith to students and we as parents have failed to teach our children this as well. | Leadership, Family, Catechesis |
995 | The “come as you are” attitude that was encouraged in the 1980’s. Jesus is our King and we should honor that by dressing modest and dressy clothes. | Attire |
996 | Failure to educate music directors about appropriate music for the liturgy, especially the great heritage of chant. Failure to educate lay liturgy committees, the blind are leading the blind. Failure to instruct the laity about the three transcends: truth, beauty, goodness Failure to offer challenging adult theology instruction in the parish Failure to improve CCD—total chaos with incompetent lay teachers, waste of time, kids hate it . | Music, Beauty, Catechesis |
997 | some priest and bishops get involved to politically outside the Church and set a real poor example. | Politics, Leadership |
998 | Absence of altar rails. | Eucharist Reception |
999 | Appropriate attire to approach the Holy Eucharist. This is major. I’ve seen what could be considered a swimsuit during a confirmation. RCIA does not cover this and is very poorly taught. | Attire |
1000 | Women not wearing veils, laywomen women giving Eucharist to people in church, changes on 2nd Vatican made everything not Sacred, it became too casual to the point that people wear very indecent clothing in church, specially in Summer. How can men or teenager men concentrate to pray? . | Attire |
1001 | Lack of dress standard. Lack of clearly articulation that leaders such as Biden, Pelosi et al are not in a state of grace. Using prayers that refer to the host as "bread" in close proximity to communion. Homily content that does not follow Catholic teachings. | Homilies, Canon 915, Attire |
1002 | There needs to be a focus on catechism for adults about all the faith. Many Catholics were last catechized in school. Rosary marches in all cities and also Eucharistic adoration without music and more sacred. Take out the V2 guitars. We need events like the March for Catholics we did in Peoria. A national event. | Catechesis, Devotions |
1003 | Failure to admonish Catholic leaders and politicians when they promote sin and the decline of Catholic teaching in our once great universities . | Leadership |
1004 | Educating children on the Real Presence and importance of attending mass. | Catechesis |
1005 | Regular preaching about Confession / wait to receive Holy Communion until your life is right with God. How many Catholics approach for Communion while knowingly violating in areas such as use of Contraception/ living together without marriage / homosexual lifestyle in Priesthood yet carrying on in offering the Holy Sacrifice. In short EVERYONE needs to at least be on the Purgative way or they will lose their sense of the Sacred, especially the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. | Confession, LGBTQ+ Issues, Sin |
1006 | The nonchalance with which Our Lord is received, with no care given to the PARTICLES of His Precious Body. If every Particle was cared for, and that means receiving kneeling, on the tongue, with a paten, it would go a long way. Believing He is truly present in the Eucharist means acting like it. | Eucharist Reception |
1007 | Being hurt by the Church. The arguments going against the Church. Not being taught about why we believe what we believe. | Catechesis |
1008 | Education of mass & Eucharist . | Catechesis |
1009 | People need to understand what the Mass is, especially from a Biblical perspective, and how it connects the Old and New Testaments. Not simply an imposed obligation to keep one from going to hell. . | Catechesis |
1010 | -The practice of lay Catholics leaving Mass immediately after receiving Holy Communion -making the Sequence for the Feast of Corpus Christi optional (unlike those for Easter and Pentecost which are required) -The removal of scripture references to the damnation of those who receive in an unworthy state from the Mass -The acceptance of TV and Live Stream Masses as an approved substitute for Mass requirements for those Catholics who are in good health -Priests being more concerned about Masses being within an hour instead of taking the time to spend with Jesus -The disappearance of Catholic schools, especially in the urban core. | Reverence, Worthy Reception |
1011 | Not enough visibility of Catholicism, including Eucharistic teaching, in our media. People need to see it in their everyday lives. | Public Witness |
1012 | The fact that communion in the hand is even allowed as an option is the biggest reason for the lack of belief in the Teal Presence. | Eucharist Reception |
1013 | The downplaying or avoidance of clergy encouraging or even mentioning the practice of frequently receiving the sacrament of Confession to make one worthy to receive Holy Communion. | Confession, Worthy Reception |
1014 | Prevalence of “screen culture” vs direct apprehension of the natural world. | Modernism |
1015 | The Tridentine Rite of the Mass is no longer the norm. | TLM |
1016 | The total abandonment of the Mass given to us by the Holy Spirit himself in favor of a Protestant Mass invented by a Freemason and implemented through lies and scandal. | TLM |
1017 | Hypocrisy in the church - the lay Catholics are expected to go to confession and offer sincere repentance. Meanwhile, to this day, the church continues to hide sex abuse. Not enough restitution has been given. | Scandals, Leadership |
1018 | Not talking about mortal sin. Also, de-emphasizing Confession and making it reconciliation. People quit going when they had to face the priest. | Confession, Sin |
1019 | At our local parish, over the last 30 plus years we became much more Protestant. We “tried “ to be more like other Christian churches. Now, as we attempt to bring back sacredness into the sanctuary it is difficult. People don’t understand, believe, and were catechized incorrectly. I went to Catholic school, Mass on Sunday, and CCD. I knew little about my faith until I was an adult. My siblings have all left the faith. And sadly, this is the norm. In my humble opinion, we need to go backwards. Bring back the beautiful churches, sacred everything, and if possible Classical Education. I meet children and young adults who know and love their faith far better than I did at their age due to Classical Catholic education. We already live in a post Christian world. Our children don’t need more STEM, they need sacred. I certainly did, and I am just now realizing how much. Beauty in everything helps. Priests need direction and support from bishops. It has become a battlefield in many parishes. I have seen beautiful, holy, orthodox priests unsupported, criticized, and demonized for attempting to “turn the tide” in parishes. From a lay person’s perspective, money doesn’t fix this (or should it be a driving force in any parish or diocese). We need Christ, we need to find Him in his abandoned tabernacle, and we all need to adore Him. | Loss Sense of the Sacred, Beauty, Leadership, Catechesis |
1020 | Cardinals and Bishops allowing Public Politicians and other public figures to receive Communion with their radical pro abortionist views. This is disgusting to allow them to receive . | Canon 915, Leadership |
1021 | I believe the obviously anti-Vatican II stance of this and “the Traditional” Catholics are driving a wedge in our Holy Mother Church’s heart. Vatican II was not implemented excellently but it has some amazing and beautiful truths that should be attended to and not ignored or as this survey shows held as heretical. There is beauty in our Church and there are many ways to worship and reverence Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Don’t drive wedges. | Vatican II, Division |
1022 | Trying to abolish the Latin Mass. It's rigid rubrics and God centered characteristics are the instant and permanent fix to all our woes, both in belief and action about and in the midst of the Eucharist. | TLM |
1023 | People dress immodestly, the laypeople and priests no longer genuflect . | Attire |
1024 | Lack of modesty at Mass and nothing said from the pulpit in reference to this, i.e. shorts especially in warm climates, images by men, short skimpy dresses, shoulders and other areas bare. | Attire |
1025 | Administering first sacraments too early - before children can properly understand them. Confirmation is also undergone too early. Moving it to the young adult years would optimize opportunities for religious education / faith formation during the later teens and early twenties, when people should be more capable of discussing topics such as transubstantiation. | Catechesis |
1026 | 1. Lack of reverence shown by priest for Eucharist ( elevating and pausing) . 2. Mass being cancelled on Sunday because Priest is sick. They should have backups list to refer to. 3. Priests making sick calls in timely manor. Not at there convenience. 4. Priests with a “ my way or no “ attitude. . | Reverence |
1027 | Not having formation in the home with regard to all areas of faith, especially love for and reverence of receiving Jesus in Holy Communion and what it means and what it does. Receiving guidance from the parents and other relatives and friends and growing in virtues and Biblical and liturgical life. | Family, Reverence, Catechesis |
1028 | Ecumenism / inter-religious dialogue and the watering down of Catholic doctrine for this sake. | Ecumenism |
1029 | Statements in and outside of the Mass about what we believe the Eucharist is. The reason we celebrate, its purpose, and what it can do for us. | Catechesis |
1030 | Receiving communion in the hand and lack of overall reverence. | Eucharist Reception |
1031 | Clergy failing to encourage frequent confession among faithful; clergy failing to teach faithful how to pray; clergy permitting faithful to receive communion in the hand and standing; clergy not prioritizing Eucharistic Adoration. | Confession, Eucharist Reception, Devotions |
1032 | Words of Consecration spoken rapidly and with little conviction. Raising chalice and paten too low and too little time. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
1033 | Restricting or reducing the availability of the Tridentine Mass and the rites before 1962. | TLM |
1034 | People need to fall on their knees to receive the Lord. Every time. Head coverings for women. . | Reverence, Attire, Eucharist Reception |
1035 | Lack of understanding the Mass and True Presence. | Catechesis |
1036 | 1. Children's Liturgy - implemented DURING the Mass in which young children, some as old as 10 or 11 that I have seen, leave Mass before the Penitential Rite and go off to a separate space for a alternate version of the readings. They miss the actual reading of scripture and the priest's sermon, both of which are replaced by what looks like a shortened and dumbed down version of scripture that does not include all the readings, and they get something to color or play. They come back at varying times - sometimes in time for the Offertory, but I have seen them gallop in during the Consecration in some parishes. Thus they are taught that the Mass is not important enough to sit through, that it has nothing really to do with Christ's Sacrifice, that the Eucharist is just part of a social event, that the priest has nothing to say that is worth listening to, and so they tend to ignore whatever else happens for the time they are 'stuck' in Church. Those old enough to receive Communion will sometimes go, receive in the hand, then return to the pew to continue chatting or doing something else. There is no awareness that those who go out miss enough of the Mass that they should still attend Mass that day to meet their obligation. | Liturgical Practice, Eucharist Reception |
1037 | Sermons are not filled with church teachings and have been watered down or to politically correct. We need real priest to teach us the truth of our faith. | Homilies |
1038 | I have taught faith formation for many years. The current program used by many parishes is so watered down and does so very little to teach the hows and whys of our faith. I had a first communion program from Loyola press that focused more on recycling and the earth than anything about communion!. | Catechesis |
1039 | -Presence of the Latin Mass in general -dress code in the church. | TLM, Attire |
1040 | As we see and understand that many and most Catholics are in the state of mortal sin, using or agreeing with contraception, abortion, pornography etc. etc. and receiving the Holy Eucharist in that state. NEVER going to confession to confess because they don't believe or because they don't understand what they are doing ( priests don't tell them), non believing or lukewarm bishops allowing this all to go on for 60 plus years. We have NO shepherds! (very, very, very few). The laity must stop pretending that these wolves are what they are not. THEY ARE NOT! By their fruits you will know them! Even in our Catholic schools they are not taught the faith but water down fake Catholicism. And the bishops are over seeing them. What else can we expect. God have mercy! Bishop Fulton Sheen pray for us! Holy Mary, St. Joseph pray for us!. | Sin, Lukewarmness, Leadership, Abortion, Worthy Reception |
1041 | The Bugnini Mass has pedestrianized the Mass, created a smorgasbord of options lending themselves to ad lib innovations. The Charismatic movement began at the same time (late 1960s) and has Protestantize people's faith. | Liturgical Practice |
1042 | I’m not sure if I’m answering out of personal desire in the way I want things to be or the way they should be. I do not mean to sound blasphemous or heretical in anything I say. I feel the secular world is creeping into the church and impacting it negatively. I know this is God’s church and he wins. I do feel there are some churches that have lost their architectural beauty. The congregation that doesn’t wear appropriate attire to mass. . | Modernism, Attire, Beauty |
1043 | We should not assume that everyone knows what's going on in the Mass, we need to reach. Better Homilies, explaining how the Gospel affects our daily lives. | Homilies |
1044 | Infighting instead of evangelizing. | Evangelization, Division |
1045 | Our church requires families to attend catechism. So while our kids are in class we get great refreshers on teaching or for some parents, they hear about the true presence for the first time. I don't think many other churches do this. Also, no sports in catholic schools on Sunday and explain why. Also those not attending catholic school but who go to catechism are not welcomed to take part in things like altar service. They are pretty second class if they can't pat tuition. This turns so many away. | Family, Catechesis |
1046 | Young (20- 30 years old) that were educated in public schools and did not receive CCD. Or, that CCD classes were after school when the children were no longer able to be attentive. | Catechesis |
1047 | Pope shaming TLM!!!. | TLM, Leadership |
1048 | Homilies are not teaching the faith clearly. Most priests aren’t giving valuable insight and instruction. | Homilies |
1049 | Accepting and promoting The Latin Mass. | TLM |
1050 | Bad catechism in general, attempts to act “just like Protestants,” bishops concentrating of social Justice issues instead of the Faith, no plans to address the aggressive secularization if the West (or even seeming to notice it), halfhearted attempts at national programs everyone can tell are meaningless and not even sticking with them (proving they were meaningless), the complete failure of the bishops as a body to do anything about gay, or even same-sex, abuse and impropriety. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Social Justice, Leadership |
1051 | Lack of emphasis in Modest dressing before the King of Kings. | Attire |
1052 | Having adoration 15 to 30 minutes before mass (no signing at the entrance) seeing is believing. The churches that have adoration have less than 20 % of their parish participation. So you have to bring the Eucharist to the remainder. After a period of time a year or longer they will start to understand . | Devotions |
1053 | Lack of weekly Mass attendance by laity. Poor Catholic School theology programs. Lack of a sense of the sacred generally and in society generally (culture of death). | Schools |
1054 | Casual dress at Mass. Women are the worst. | Attire |
1055 | Lack of teaching at home. | Family, Catechesis |
1056 | Using the church for programs, clapping at performances, loud talking before Mass, inappropriate clothing, breast feeding during Mass--this is a church and God is present; not hall for entertainment. | Reverence |
1057 | Division in the Church . | Division |
1058 | The abandonment of the availability of Confession. The Eucharistic Revival will fail because of the lack of emphasis on Confession first. Holy Communion received in the hand makes the Eucharist casual. | Eucharist Reception, Availability/Access |
1059 | Failure to teach what is sin, why it offends God, consequences of sin, importance of Sacrament of Confession, Jewish roots of why animal sacrifice, why must eat the animal, how does eating it atone for sin, Jesus' sacrifice as the last bloody sacrifice. | Confession, Sin |
1060 | At funerals, the priest fails to announce the importance of the Eucharist--holy communion is for Catholics in a state of grace. | Worthy Reception |
1061 | Strict genuflecting in front of the host and the tabernacle. Too much focus on the alter instead of the tabernacle. | Reverence |
1062 | Failure to provide a national high quality religious education program for kids and adults. One that would set a standard. So many times different religious leaders give such different answers to questions regarding the faith. A strong educational program teaching the true presence, the true beauty of reconciliation, and a strong catechism foundation. | Confession, Leadership, Catechesis |
1063 | - Poor catechesis in general. - Lack of fortitude by clergy, in stating & defending Church teaching, in homilies & in public. | Fear/Cowardness, Catechesis |
1064 | During COVID, the Church let government come between the Catholics and the Eucharist. They also kept the Precious Blood from us even longer. The Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is not to be put away in fear, UNLESS it's only bread and wine. They made decisions in fear instead of love and diminished the perceived value of the Eucharist. If we cannot live without the Eucharist, they put our souls in danger. You see the vast number of Catholics who did not return after COVID and the Synod on Synodality did not reach out to them at all. | COVID |
1065 | Low percentage of children who have access to and can afford daily excellent catechetical Catholic teaching by religious who are faithful to the catechism. | Catechesis |
1066 | Poor or lack of catechesis. | Catechesis |
1067 | Pushing the Traditional Latin Mass to the peripheries. The vast majority of those attendees have a strong belief in the real presence and are a great influence. | TLM |
1068 | Bowing instead on genuflecting before the Eucharist. | Reverence |
1069 | Better catechesis at an early age, especially in CCE. | Catechesis |
1070 | 1. Importance of transcendence/spirituality and devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary de-emphasized. 2. Failure of clergy to stand strong in the face of cultural / attitude changes (Feel-good attitude of 1950s carried over to belief that Satan doesn't exist and everybody goes to heaven). | Modernism, Loss Sense of the Sacred, Devotions |
1071 | Many efforts have been established, especially by traditional priestly orders, traditional minded prelates, priests and apostolates to counterattack the lack of quality in catechesis and de-emphasis on prayer which has contributed to a decrease in belief in the real presence, especially since Vatican II. However, each individual must take responsibility for studying, knowing and living his Catholic Faith even amidst the increased CHAOS in the church and world today. Personal sin, especially grave or mortal sin, leads to darkened intellects in souls leading to a decrease in correspondence with the sufficient Grace God always supplies to lead men back to the true path of salvation. External gestures and practices, especially in public prayer, do help with the internal belief of the flock.. the faithful benefit from reminders from the pulpit to observe the old traditional practices of reverence (genuflecting, silence in Church where Our Lord is present in the Tabernacle, etc.) which correspond with doctrine beliefs. | Vatican II, Catechesis, Sin |
1072 | Getting rid of the Traditional Latin Mass . | TLM |
1073 | It’s not taught in Catholic schools or in CCD. Also it should be stressed that if you are not in a state of Grace (& explain what that means) then you should not receive the Host. No one should talk after Communion and the last blessing. | Schools, Catechesis |
1074 | Lack of Sunday best attire . | Attire |
1075 | Lack of reverence. For example genuflecting before the Eucharist in the tabernacle. | Reverence |
1076 | Allowing lay people to distribute communion. | Extraordinary Ministers |
1077 | Children are not being taught in the home, parents are the first teachers, too many let CCD do it all, it has to start in the home when the child is a toddler. They have to see their parents practice their FAITH. | Family, Catechesis |
1078 | Immodesty of dress and the casual way people present themselves at mass. | Attire |
1079 | Parents failure to catechize and live the faith out loud at home. | Family, Catechesis |
1080 | No teachings on virtues... all for Love of God. | Catechesis |
1081 | Very casual immodest attire. | Attire |
1082 | Influences outside of the church Divorce Birth control Sexual freedom No nuclear families. | Family, Modernism |
1083 | clergy seem devoted to control over service...old mass serves spiritual needs, but its not a ritual of control so it gets rejected. | TLM |
1084 | Lack of frequent confessions, failure to emphasize that missing Mass is mortal sin, rise of virtual Masses post COVID. | COVID |
1085 | Failure of clergy to teach genuflection at tabernacle and kneeling when blessed Sacrament is exposed, and how to dress modestly for Holy Mass. | Reverence, Attire |
1086 | I would say one of the biggest issues I have noticed is the lack of education on the purpose of the mass and how the faithful should be preparing themselves to receive the Eucharist. I think having Confession readily available prior to the start of mass would also be a great aid in preparing souls for the reception of the Eucharist. | Confession, Availability/Access, Catechesis |
1087 | Scriptural testimony and typology… the knowledge that God prepared us to receive the Eucharist from the beginning. | Catechesis |
1088 | Lack of adult faith formation . | Catechesis |
1089 | Teaching parents about the Real Presence! . | Family |
1090 | Living in a secular society which has increasingly become more anti Christian. Also, people merely "going through the motions" of their faith without really understanding why and what they are doing. Lack of faith, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, people LIVING IN A STATE OF SIN due to the NEGLECT OF partaking in the SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION. | Confession, Sin |
1091 | Faith can not be compromised to suit political agendas and world beliefs. We have to stand up to the truth by revealing the truth and not go around it or bend it to make it convenient to suit people’s intentions or expectations. God does not belong to us but we belong to God for he created us in His image and therefore we owe Him love, reverence and worship. As His beloved sons and daughter we née to long for His food, the true body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist to nourish our souls, renew us and to share that blessing of grace with others so they may come to be in communion with Him. Hence as reverence and worship we need to be clean from sin in our hearts when we go to approach the banquet table, the alter, to receive Him on our tongues and we should not expect that His body and blood be given to us in our pews just because we are disabled or are in the choir singing for the communion procession. I say this because I see most churches take the communion to the disabled and to the choir pews, where comes the longing, the adoration, the reverence to receive the real presence to be nourished and renewed? . | Modernism |
1092 | The restriction of the Latin Mass has negatively impacted the belief in the true presence by a great amount. Most of the previous questions concern major issues with the new mass that would be fixed if the practice of the old Latin rite was widespread. | TLM |
1093 | More widespread teaching about Latin Mass, specifically the Tridentine rite. I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school but didn’t learn about the traditional Mass until I was in college. I wish I had learned about it earlier and had the opportunity to attend from a much younger age. | TLM |
1094 | Proper attire for attending mass. | Attire |
1095 | 1) minimal confession time availability and not stressing need to be in state of grace 2) not instructing faithful in pious practices on entering/leaving church - for Mass or Adoration 7) not stressing importance of modesty in dress by laity while attending Mass or going to Adoration. | Confession, Attire, Availability/Access, Reverence, Worthy Reception |
1096 | Act of Veiling by woman in church & common for parishioners to dress casually for mass. | Attire |
1097 | Lack of dress code for Mass (wearing irreverent attire when in the church such as shorts, t-shirts, casual clothing). No teaching of the Real Presence from the pulpit. Too much focus on how God loves us/social justice/worldly issues and not enough focus on the need for being in a state of grace. No emphasis on the teachings of the Real Presence and the Eucharist in youth education programs (CCD, etc.). | Homilies, Attire, Catechesis, Social Justice |
1098 | Stressing being in the state of grace and regularly attending Confession with a priest. Reparation for our sins. | Confession, Worthy Reception |
1099 | Using hand sanitizer at the altar and masking up. Letting the faithful pray after the Our Father. Additional prayers imitating the priest with hand gestures while praying. Dress that is casual or scanty. Music that is loud and constant. | Liturgical Practice, Attire |
1100 | Laity taking Eucharist to distribute . | Extraordinary Ministers |
1101 | COVID!!! You all caved in fear or submission. Should have boldly insisted that Eucharist is essential! Certainly more essential than Walmart remaining open! . | COVID |
1102 | Lack of reverence. Children and parents thinking it is okay to run up on the alter in a Catholic school. Our Catholic schools need to be deeply rooted in the faith and reverence for the mass. | Family, Reverence, Schools |
1103 | Failure to emphasize Catholic education as necessary, whether school or at home. Catechesis is lacking from the beginning and also MODESTY!. | Catechesis |
1104 | Elected officials, for example Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden who profess to be devout Catholics, but spit in the eye of the Church with their stance on Abortion. They should be gone!. | Abortion, Canon 915 |
1105 | Communion on the tongue, kneeling. | Eucharist Reception |
1106 | Failure to remind laity that they are in the presence of the King! People are dressing for the beach, or sports. There is chatting before Mass that is distracting to the devout. Bring back veils for women and sacred music. Instruct servers not to hurry, and to bow/cross themselves when crossing in front of or approaching the altar. Jesus is King and Savior; let’s act like it. | Music, Silence/Distractions, Attire |
1107 | Lack of good catechesis for first communicants. Instructions on how to reverently receive Holy Communion, i.e., don’t chew it, return to seat reverently, realizing that one has just received Body, Blood, Soul, Divinity of Jesus Christ. | Catechesis |
1108 | Lack of education for adults on the catechism lack of opportunities for adoration lack of willingness by clergy to answer questions for adults . | Catechesis, Availability/Access, Devotions |
1109 | Our pries making fun of those wanting to be reverent and making jokes about those who receive on the tongue. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
1110 | St Paul's call for one to be worthy (state of grace) to receive is found no where in the 3 year cycle of the N O. Yet in the TLM, congregants hear it 3 times a year! Bring it and other 'hard sayings' back into the N O lectionary. | TLM |
1111 | The explanation of the Mass from beginning to end for clarity! I have heard so many say they do not understand! I was educated by one of Scott Hahn's books about the Mass! . | Catechesis |
1112 | No one tells the laity that missing Mass on Sundays is a MORTAL sin if one is not sick. Reverence during Mass, during the Consecration. We must catechize the children to receive kneeling and on the tongue. | Eucharist Reception, Catechesis, Reverence, Sin |
1113 | More education that the Eucharistic IS THE BODY OF CHRIST from an early age and every Sunday at mass. | Catechesis |
1114 | The Catholic schools are failing to assist the parents in instilling this understanding. The Catholic school are lukewarm. | Lukewarmness |
1115 | Did I miss…Communion in the Hand? CCE taught by well educated Catholics(clergy, nuns) VBS- it’s all protestantized and most are more focused on Bible stories than Catholicism. Themed VBS that are on scuba and jungle have lost the focus on God. . | Eucharist Reception, Catechesis |
1116 | Replace the Novus Ordo with the TLM. Educate every Cardinal, Bishop and priest on the history of the NO and how it Protestantized the Sacred Liturgy. Do not dismiss this suggestion without having at least some clergy take it up and report back. Consult with TLM advocates to select the materials to read/view. Also, launch a US-wide campaign importuning prayer for priests, bishops, cardinals and the Pope. | TLM, Leadership |
1117 | Lack of belief in the Real Presence is linked to lack of catechesis about who God is and his existence and works such as the Creation narrative. Unbelief in the Bible goes back to unbelief in Genesis. In 2019 Pew Research's survey of self-identified Catholics found that 87% believed humans evolved. Catholic educators teach that cosmic and biological evolution are compatible with Catholicism as long as one understands that "God did it.". | Catechesis |
1118 | Lack of adult catechism classes. 4th education and doink you are a fully educated catholic. Homes are not mini churches. Priest and lay ministers not attending adoration. If you get a paycheck it should include at least one hour of adoration!!! Maryland has two dioceses- Baltimore and Wilmington. Poorly educated Catholics are writing surveys . | Catechesis |
1119 | Reconfirming a church dress code for Parishioners to show reverence. | Reverence, Attire |
1120 | People marrying the spirit of the age, believing the Church should follow and bend to the culture, not the other way around. Marxism, modernism, the Sexual Revolution and whatever makes me feel good mentality—all makes the Real Presence seem irrelevant. | Modernism |
1121 | Proper and complete formation and instruction for all sacraments . | Catechesis |
1122 | 1) Priests lack of time available to educate laity and answer questions from laity 2) Homily that do not educate and guide laity in the faith. | Homilies, Catechesis |
1123 | I think there should be a bigger push for continued education in the faith after confirmation. I didn’t realize how much more there was to learn until my late twenties. That’s over ten years and now I’m trying to find ways to educate myself on the faith to further my understanding. | Catechesis |
1124 | The ‘deep state’ hierarchy within the Catholic Church purposely trying to destroy our faith. | Modernism |
1125 | All of the heresy and apostasy in the Vatican II anti-church. | Vatican II |
1126 | The Sign of Peace takes our adoration and attention away from Christ as He has JUST incarnated and offered Himself to us at the Consecration… we turn around and laugh and wave, having been instructed that being a pal to the guy in the next row is more important than Adoring the Most Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus Who gave Himself to save us… the irony blows me away… . | Sign of Peace |
1127 | Failure to catechize so that people KNOW their Catholic faith and why we believe what we believe. | Catechesis |
1128 | Failure of the Bishops to ensure proper catechesis, to reign in errant priests and allowing the abuses mentioned. | Leadership, Lack of Discipline, Catechesis |
1129 | Emphasizing all feast days and traditions of old. | Liturgical Calendar |
1130 | the lack of Christian formation and the lack of awareness of the need for a personal relationship with God. The lack of opportunities to develop lectio divina, silent prayer and other basics of being a Christian. | Relationship with Jesus, Devotions, Catechesis |
1131 | Discontinue use of communion rail. Less reverence if not kneeling and receiving on the tongue. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
1132 | My parish is St. Patrick’s Cathedral . | Other |
1133 | Loss of the practice of veiling. | Attire |
1134 | Pope Francis confuses people of weak faith. It’s unfortunate that people are of such weak faith and turn to Orthodoxy or Protestantism or something else, but reality is what it is. Most of the Bishops are liberal and weak. They are supposed to represent their flock and guide their flock, and often it seems as though they are our oppressors. There are many young priests who are solid, but plenty of terrible priests, especially old ones who take a wet blanket approach to the priesthood. | Confusion, Leadership |
1135 | Using a one man band for choir and having extreme loud music digital music instruments. | Music |
1136 | Failure to talk about sin and evil in homilies. Failure in kneeling to receive Holy Communion, the closing of the churches during COVID while restaurants and grocery stores, salons, Bars, etc.. stayed open. The church caved in and abandoned the faithful when it needed them the most. . | COVID, Sin |
1137 | Creating a Catholic culture by encouraging large families. Restoring home enthronements to the Sacred Heart, incorporating a prayer room or “home church.” Priests need to be vocal on the sins of abortion and contraception. Promoting the rosary, First Friday and First Saturday devotions. Why every Catholic should be enrolled in the Brown Scapulae Society and why we should wear one. Participating in praying the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mother or the breviary. Promoting the Legion of Mary. | Abortion, Devotions, Family |
1138 | Appropriate attire to attend Mass as well as appropriate attire to be a lector, EM, or server. | Attire |
1139 | Most people do not believe it is a mortal sin to miss Sunday mass and Holy Days of Obligation. | Sin, Catechesis |
1140 | Wanting to “move with the times” and watering down the Mass. The church acted lazy trying to make things easier rather than guarding zealously the worship of our Lord Jesus at Mass. | Modernism, Liturgical Practice |
1141 | I was not catechized when I was young, even though I attended Catholic elementary, junior high and senior high. I didn’t know this until recently. My children were not catechized when they were young. I did not realize this either until recently. | Catechesis |
1142 | The Church seeming worldly in so many ways, such as falling for and going along with mainstream lies and closing churches and requiring masks for a made up story. | COVID |
1143 | People must see the joy it brings, The true beauty of the faith must be brought back. The priest should have the final say not some "parish community". They make the faith too cheesy i.e...."be Kind" "Jesus Loves you"... That is what is lacking for the youth. I am a youth and the cheesy just makes it seem less real and important. Let the youth experience the fullness of the beauty of the faith. They will rise to it. Let us receive the full beauty, without scripting it so the youth will understand. Show them the beauty Christ will attract him, the truth will follow, and then conversion. Compromising leads to nothing, be charitable, but faithful. Give us the truth, beauty, and goodness, so that we can bring it to the world. | Beauty |
1144 | A growing reticence to boldly declare that the Catholic Church (along with our separated Orthodox brethren) is the one true church and that the Catholic faith is the one true religion. Also a growing reticence to boldly declare Catholic moral teaching. | Catechesis |
1145 | Lack of standard for dress in churches, particularly during the Mass. Bring back being scandalized by scandalous actions. | Attire |
1146 | General catechesis on the Catholic faith. This is needed to help lead people to the Eucharist . | Catechesis |
1147 | Bishops and priests lack of humility and unbelief themselves. They can try to have a Eucharistic revival all they want, BUT that is not going to make people believe in the Real Presence. It starts at the top, so they need to take a good look at the direction the church is headed. More secular all the time, priests, bishops and a pope who do not care for Tradition. Our bishops caring more about money and how much they can get from the government, so they can squander even more, while many of their charities support the LGBT agenda, abortion, birth control, the Democrats and the list goes on. The day the hierarchy gets rid of gay priests and those supporting them is the day I might believe that the hierarchy really cares about what is happening to our Holy Catholic Church. Until then, I will give my diocese and the Vatican NO MONEY, I will keep attending the Latin Mass, and if the pope tries to ban it for all diocesan priests, then I will find a priest who does not work for a diocese and go to his Mass even if I have to drive an hour or two each Sunday. Then we shall see if the pope tries to ban all orders who say the Latin Mass. I will RESIST. I have had too much of the social Masses and priests who try to be funny and think we need to be of the world! You might call them wolves. | TLM, LGBTQ+ Issues, Lack of Faith, Leadership, Abortion, Reverence |
1148 | Education and discussion regarding the real presence. | Catechesis |
1149 | Lack of reverence by the clergy. | Reverence |
1150 | The pope and his ruining the understanding of what is sacred and what’s not and punishing GREAT bishops and promoting pedophiles!. | Leadership |
1151 | Failure to preach on the four last things - death, judgement, heaven, hell. Failure to catechize about mortal sin and the loss of sanctifying grace. Apparent support in the priestly hierarchy and from public platforms for abortion, homosexuality, contraception, divorce. Very significant: a promotion in the church of the idea that all religions can/do lead to God, this false ecumenism, which leads souls to hell by telling them they need not conform themselves to Christ’s teachings and the one Church He left for us. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Catechesis, Abortion, Ecumenism |
1152 | The lack of priests showing and sharing their humanness. Not in the way of sin, but in the way of sharing their personal, intimate experiences with Christ, the Eucharist. This helps the laity to connect with our priests and not just view them as a minister of the Eucharist, but helps us to see Christ in them and more so the representation of Christ they are called to be. There seems to be a chasm between the priests and laity that was formed at some point, that must be healed. | Public Witness |
1153 | 1. The Churches’ FAILURE to make receiving the Eucharist for the community MORE important than any mandates the government makes for not receiving it. Here on the WEST COAST of the USA the Church made little attempt to serve the people during COVID and have at least drive through EUCHARIST or in home Communion services. Also, if the priest does not believe in the true presence, the faithful won’t either. | COVID |
1154 | Communion under both species and the liturgical abuse of communion in the hand. | Eucharist Reception |
1155 | Lack of teaching about fragments of the Eucharist lost on hands and fingers of communicants. | Catechesis |
1156 | Catechesis of youth that is engaging and age appropriate . | Catechesis |
1157 | The text of the new Mass itself. Adding "which will be given up for you" turns Mass into a reenactment of the last supper. Table vs. altar. The Mystery of Faith is now a protestant proclamation. No more absolution of venial sin before receiving Our Lord. "Happy are those who are called to the supper of the Lamb" (from the Apocalypse!) again makes Mass a meal instead of Calvary. etc. | Meal vs Sacrifice |
1158 | That’s the altars get decorated as if they are stages. Modest dress isn’t enforced. Inattentive/irreverent altar boys. Weak RE/RCIA teaching. | Reverence, Attire, Catechesis |
1159 | Banning the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. | TLM |
1160 | Priests and bishops need to act like priests and bishops - they are Jesus' SERVANTS, not politicians or CEOs who will do anything for more money. Updating the Mass to make it more social and protestant has been devastating and should be clear to any priest or bishop after all these years. Their number one goal should be saving souls, not making money or making friends who think they are cool because they are up with the times. They should see that these TIMES are not something we need to keep up with and condone. | Leadership |
1161 | Receiving in the hand. | Eucharist Reception |
1162 | Lack of reverence in the church after communion with jokes and announcements from the altar and clapping for the songs The absence of the Latin and the reverence conveyed in the 1962 and prior missals . | Reverence |
1163 | Sin(s) and the need for repentance, confession and conversion. | Confession, Sin |
1164 | More teaching of the Catholic church history and lives of the saints before Vatican II to know how the reverence to the Eucharist was very important back then. | Catechesis |
1165 | Lack of Traditional Latin Mass that promotes devotion to the Eucharist. Very casual attitude present in most of the Novus Ordo masses. Handling the Eucharistic bread and wine casually as if it's a cookie or chips both by the clergy and the EMHC. | TLM, Lukewarmness |
1166 | Promotion by the Church of then modern (mistaken) idea of “ecumenism”. | Ecumenism, Modernism |
1167 | Heresies of Vatican II. Novus ordo and post conciliar forms of the sacraments. Failure to offer the sacraments. Failure to confirm children prior to teenage years. Teenagers need the gifts of the Holy Spirit to navigate pressures they face. | Vatican II |
1168 | The Novus Ordo Mass. | Liturgical Practice |
1169 | Fewer genuflections made by the priest during the Novus Ordo Mass. Removal of Saint Paul's warning against receiving the Eucharist unworthily from the lectionary. Lay women in the sanctuary (servers, lectors, EHMCs). | Liturgical Practice |
1170 | Uniformity of church leaders and parishes regarding the Holy Eucharist and church teaching. | Leadership |
1171 | Availability of regular Adoration, and dress code. People need opportunity and encouragement to encounter Christ in an intimate, quiet, personal way. The individual relationship is what fosters faith in His presence, in my opinion. Failure to encounter Him personally & individually (not in a community setting) is a huge reason people don’t keep the faith or grow in faith. Dress code is an outward sign of respect and reverence. It doesn’t need to be crazy, just a simple sign like they have for touristy churches in Europe would suffice. It’s the FIRST impression of “this is a Holy place” that both the faithful and non Catholics experience. The next question is “Why is it Holy?” The answer is of course the real Presence. | Attire, Devotions |
1172 | Vatican II. | Vatican II |
1173 | Rewriting the Mass to look and feel so much like liturgical Protestantism. | Liturgical Practice |
1174 | Lack of religious instruction in the family. Lack of empathy and lack of education that “LGBTQ beliefs contradict Scripture” among Gen X. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Catechesis |
1175 | Well.. I think as far as church administration and leadership, outside clergy, it seems most councils are run by women, relegating men to inactive members of the parish. We need to work to get men involved in all facets of administration. | Role of Women |
1176 | Failing to expose how evil has crept in to the church at the highest levels. | Modernism, Leadership |
1177 | Pre-Vatican II clericalism which is actually what created the abuse scandal. Failure to relax the intellectual rigor currently required to finish seminary Immature priests (pre- and post-Vatican ii) Failure to teach Vatican ii Failure to be more inclusive - what kind of sinner do we want to avoid at Mass Many of the so-called causes aren’t even present - this is a biased interview hoping for emotional response out of a love for one particular form of the Mass. | Catechesis |
1178 | Resist Pope Francis and the curia concerning the traditional mass. | TLM, Leadership |
1179 | The suppression of the Latin Mass. | TLM |
1180 | A lack in over-all reverence while in church: inappropriate clothing, too much emphasis on socializing with each other, loud children, closing of cry rooms, constant parading in and out especially during the consecration, eating in church, leaving early or arriving late, reducing the number of Masses offered, ignorance about holy days, Ignoring fast and abstinence rules. Just basic lax attitude about all things Catholic and no pulpit direction about issues of the day. | Lukewarmness, Attire, Reverence, Fasting |
1181 | Rejection of TLM. | TLM |
1182 | A lack of clear, consistent, and frequent presentation of the Church’s teaching on which denominations have the True Presence/valid Eucharist (essentially only the Catholics, Orthodox and schismatics with valid orders) and which denominations do not. If poorly catechized Catholics believe other denominations have the True Presence, they may also believe erroneous things taught by these denominations regarding the Eucharist. | Catechesis |
1183 | Expanding upon the sexual abuse crisis, I know faithful Catholics who were willing to forgive the Church for harboring disturbed & abusive clergy, but who are broken by the Church's response--parish after parish filing for bankruptcy in order to avoid civil (monetary) penalties. It looks like avoiding accountability. Frankly, I think the civil lawsuits themselves avoid accountability since they (almost?) always settle out of court without trial and since criminal charges are never on the table. I don't think using $3 billion in alms given to the Church by its parishioners to pay off & silence victims is "taking accountability." I think the Church should defrock these pedophiles & hand them over to the state. Let them be prosecuted criminally. Some wonder why the state doesn't pursue charges on their own initiative? It's all very strange. Other scandals in the American hierarchy, not necessarily related to sexual abuse, are very damaging. Some bishops require stricter discipline from their superiors. Bishops Michael Olsen and Kevin Nunn come to mind--two who have been in the news recently, and it's their own fault. Bishop Olsen seems to have turned what was a need for spiritual counseling into a public scandal. I also don't think I'm being to presumptuous when I say that he seems to have embellished or exaggerated some of his accusations. And without presuming to comment on whether or not Bishop Nunn engaged in financial malfeasance, suing a parishioner of his diocese--a parishioner who had raised millions of dollars for the Church... well, while the Church declares bankruptcy to avoid lawsuits, this Bishop is actually bankrupting a devout woman who, yes, may have erred and caused some scandal herself, but we really deserve better of our bishops. So, I think the hierarchy of the Church needs to reign these men in and remind them to subsume their egos to their temporal and spiritual duties. It's heartbreaking to read the gloating coverage in the secular press. And for those it's impossible to reign in, such as pedophiles, eject them from the Church. Take the accusations against them to law enforcement, and let the state do whatever it will--probably not much, but at least the Church will have washed her hands of them. | Scandals, Leadership |
1184 | Lack of belief among the clergy of the core teachings of the Church and the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Materialism, Protestantism, and paganism allowed in our Catholic Churches. | Lack of Faith |
1185 | The generations starting with the baby boomers don't understand how much God wants to have relationship with them and how necessary He is to their lives, even when things are going well. | Relationship with Jesus |
1186 | Competing ideas and belief systems: scientific/empiricism, Protestant beliefs about the breaking of bread, sports-related rituals and identities, political and conspiracy-based belief systems, common education in philosophers and religions that reject God, Christ, and most orthodox Catholic beliefs about Mass/Eucharist, disparity of cult in families of origin, the rise of disaffiliation/Nones in historically Catholic demographics, widespread divorce and recoupling, widespread doubt about the claims of Christianity, doubt about the existence, life, death and resurrection of Jesus, widespread doubt about God's existence and the possibility of incarnation. Also, "magic" on offer throughout society: mediums, Tarot, Soul Cycle, etc. Also, not helping the situation: rigidity, arrogance, and triumphalism among some Catholics, including clergy. A closed attitude to the "gentile" world of non-Catholics and an unwillingness to evangelize through humble, gentle dialogue and storytelling. | Modernism, Evangelization |
1187 | Modesty, veiling, Sunday Confession. | Confession, Availability/Access, Attire |
1188 | Inappropriate Presentation of self to Mass & to receive Christ, especially sloppy, provocative clothing. | Attire |
1189 | Catechesis of youth. | Catechesis |
1190 | The breakdown of the family and parents also need to be held accountable for not catechizing their children . | Family, Catechesis |
1191 | The Novus Ordo Mass is a failure. There is no such thing as a “reverent Novus Ordo”. It’s a Protestant imitation. | Reverence, Liturgical Practice |
1192 | -Weak homilies focused on cheap laughs -Entire church architecture. | Homilies |
1193 | communion in the hand. | Eucharist Reception |
1194 | Failure to remind laity to bow before the Eucharist Casual manner of priests handling the Eucharist (rushing, casual picking up dropped Eucharist) Not blessing the area the Eucharist fell into the ground More teaching on visiting the Blessed Sacrament. | Reverence, Catechesis |
1195 | In addition to Our Lord not being front and center in the tabernacle, and the plethora of EMHC, communion standing in the hand, there are zero patens and no kneelers so most stand some sit during Consecration, few of us kneel. And zero words said about crumbs in the hands and brushed to the floor. So for 300 souls per mass in our warehouse style parish, there are 4 women for chalices and 2 to help the priest and deacon with consecrated hosts and the most awkward as we all are turning our back to or walking by or on the King of Kings. And not to mention that some of the EMHC women dress immodestly (exposed cleavage, shoulders, middle of thighs.) Then there is how Our Lord is shuffled to the other side of the parish after Holy Communion, usually a lady, to be reposed in the closet called a Blessed Sacrament Chapel while everyone looks toward the priest in front and no proper way to reverence the King of Kings passing by before being stuck in a back room. Never a reminder about when and where to genuflect, where to bow. And why aren't churches built facing East? Ours in completely backward, with the relic of the Holy Cross and our patron saint mounted at the exit at the back of our parish, not near the front to venerate. Lord, have mercy on us! . | Liturgical Practice, Extraordinary Ministers, Eucharist Reception, Attire |
1196 | Secular values, moral decline, media and educational lack of moral values. | Modernism, Catechesis |
1197 | Building a sense of community of true friends @ church. Recognizing that we are Catholics, first, and then the other roles in our life… rather than the other way around. | Community |
1198 | Generally, the loss of credibility among the priesthood - largely due to the sex abuse scandal, which continues to this day while Church leadership continues to cover up for themselves. | Scandals |
1199 | Bring back altar rails and have people receive communion on the tongue only! Stop Eucharistic ministers and have at least one TLM at all parishes. | TLM, Eucharist Reception |
1200 | All forms of lack of reverence to the Real Presence of our Lord from our church leaders, not genuflecting, casual manner Communion is given etc... Laity not being corrected on how to present oneself, behave and pray during the Holy Mass. Not being able to kneel to receive our Lord as it is often said by a non-Catholic - If I believed what the Catholics believe I would drop to my knees! . | Reverence, Eucharist Reception, Leadership |
1201 | The wholesale alteration of the prayers of the liturgy in the Novus Ordo which cut Catholics off from centuries of beauty, transcendence, tradition, and doctrinal strength. | Liturgical Practice, Beauty |
1202 | Failure to teach and stress the real presence starting with children in Catechism classes, and in Catholic schools. Many Catholics were not taught that the Eucharist is the real presence- it wasn’t dressed. Subsequently those Catholics have not been able to pass along the significance and importance to their children. | Schools, Attire, Catechesis |
1203 | It seems the priests lack supernatural faith themselves. | Lack of Faith |
1204 | The current Pope. | Leadership |
1205 | 1.Allowing lay people to administer Holy Communion to "homebound" people w/out a Priest first hearing their confession. 2.Allowing women on the altar as Lectors. | Confession, Role of Women |
1206 | Clergy not speaking of Heaven, Hell. Lack of Confession times and encouraging people to come to the Sacrament often. | Catechesis |
1207 | Failure in seminary life. There should be no women teaching in seminaries. There are Great Male Theologians and Doctors in Faith. | Role of Women, Priestly Formation |
1208 | The center of human development is giving church funds to groups that support abortion. That’s abhorrently sinful in the eyes of Jesus Christ our Divine Savior. | Abortion |
1209 | Pope Francis’ words. | Leadership |
1210 | Affordable Catholic school tuition . | Schools |
1211 | I think the biggest issue is lack of reverence in the sanctuary and priests allowing it. It doesn’t matter where I attend Mass, I always observe adults on their phones, reading bulletins, messing around with kids, phones going off during Mass, chatting in the sanctuary after mass, kids eating or playing with toys, or talking. And this includes Catholics who veil or kneel and receive the Eucharist on the tongue. A start would be an announcement at the beginning of Mass to remind everyone that we are in a special and holy place, with Christ present with us and request an air of reverence and participation and that all talking wait until after exiting the sanctuary. On a deeper level, education needs to be emphasized. Promote Catholic schools, make sure that they include a solid Catechism program, and stop letting the homeschooling trend cut into the enrollment that is needed to keep our Catholic schools active. Adults also need the refreshers from priests speaking on the True Presence during homilies and sound and engaging supplementary programming. Catholic parishes need to be talking about it often, rather than re-installing communion rails and focusing on Traditional Latin Mass. Without an understanding of our Faith, the lack of awareness continues, just in a different posture and a dead language that may result in the Church losing the engagement of more Catholics. | TLM, Homilies, Eucharist Reception, Catechesis, Silence/Distractions |
1212 | Priests refusing to let people kneel and receive on the tongue saying they prefer unity of posture over reverence. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
1213 | Receiving the Holy Eucharist Kneeling at the Communion Rail. The Reverence Shown in Our Lords Presence. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
1214 | Clergyman who are uneducated. | Priestly Formation |
1215 | Kneeling to receive the Eucharist and the necessity of the Sacrament of Penance monthly. The loss of faith because of the teaching that Genesis 1 and 2 is not literal history but that evolution is true even though one has to twist one’s brain into knots to reconcile molecules to man evolution with the true teaching of the Catholic faith by all of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church (who knew all about evolution in the teachings of the ancient world.) Why should the Catholic faithful believe in transubstantiation when our belief in the literal truth of the Supernatural Doctrine of Creation is denied and relegated to the status of a myth? The heart of disbelief among Catholics, especially our young people, who are taught that evolution is true using secular textbooks in our Catholic schools, this turning of truth upside down. A belief in evolution violates many metaphysical principles, the first of which is Priority of Act to Potency-in other words “something cannot give what it doesn’t have.” “In the theory of evolution, the existence of a being comes from that which is lower. For example, something without sight through a mutation begets something with sight. In this respect, the theory of evolution places potency prior to act, not just in the order of time, but in the ontological order. This however is absurd …” See “The Metaphysics of Evolution” by Fr Chad Ripperger for an explanation of the many violations of First Principles in the theory of evolution. Also see the work of the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation at | Confession, Eucharist Reception, Catechesis, Modernism |
1216 | Not enough confession times, opportunities. | Confession, Availability/Access |
1217 | not additional, but the clergy sex scandal is the number one issue. Also, I believe priests such as Fr. James Martin confuse the sanctity of the faith. | Confusion, Scandals, Leadership |
1218 | Not teaching parishioners to fold their hands in a prayerful attitude while approaching and leaving reception of Jesus in the Eucharist. | Catechesis |
1219 | Overall a lack of reverence surrounding the mass. The laity should feel that what we are participating in is holy, supernatural and a miracle. If you have priests that are irreverent - lack of care and belief themselves in what they are doing during the consecration and how they distribute communion, the laity will follow in the lack of reverence. | Reverence |
1220 | More teaching if Catholic Truths in homilies . | Homilies |
1221 | The lack of a sense of community. There is fragmentation and people come from all over whereas . | Community |
1222 | When we allow people, especially public figures, to denounce all Catholics beliefs and still be allowed to receive Our Lord, we are diminishing His Sacrifice and Presence in the Holy Eucharist!. | Canon 915 |
1223 | The Pope diminishing the Catholic Faith in too many ways to mention. | Leadership |
1224 | Another problem has been the constant presence of laypeople in the sanctuary for all kinds of reasons, with little or no sense that this is a space reserved for the ordained priests and ministers such as altar boys only. | Liturgical Practice |
1225 | Lack of Clergy enforcing reverence and regular education to the laity; discouraging postures of reverence such as kneeling or receiving on tongue; omission of portable kneelers if an altar rail isn't available . | Reverence, Eucharist Reception, Catechesis |
1226 | Bring back the kneelers when going up for communion. Give an option for those who want to stand. | Eucharist Reception |
1227 | The US bishops persecution of priests and laity who practice the traditional Latin Mass. The lack of the US bishops courage to stand against the evils of secular society! I feel that the laity has been abandoned by the church leadership!. | Persecuted Clergy, TLM, Leadership |
1228 | Loss of the real Catholic mass and catechism. Teach we are the only true Christen church from God. Start excommunication of unfaithful Catholics ( Biden, Pelosi, and many More). Get rid of liberal feel good clerics. . | TLM, Canon 915 |
1229 | I would love for priests to talk more about this in the homily. I am a very devout Catholic and will never deviate, but I have many friends in the young professional age group that are now nondenominational and I truly think it’s because we fail to connect the dots sometimes between the Bible and scripture with how it connects to our current lives and how we can have tangible take always. I’m so incredibly grateful for all that our priests do to serve us and the faith, but I think this could continue to improve with maybe the training on how priests are taught to evangelize specifically in the homily. A structure that seems to have great success is when priests debrief about the readings and scripture, give context to what was happening in that time, then provide connections to how it’s relevant with us today. I think a lot of people like to feel like in addition to receiving the Eucharist, they understand the why and how it’s applicable to them and in turn it helps them understand why going to Mass is so important. | Evangelization, Homilies |
1230 | Clergy do not preach on this and allow people to treat the interior of the church like a social hall. They themselves do not show reverence for the Real Presence reserved in the Tabernacle. Rarely if ever preach on this. | Reverence |
1231 | Priests who confidently say that they don’t believe in the Real Presence and that it’s okay to not believe- all from the altar. | Lack of Faith |
1232 | People with audiences are siding with schismatics like Vigano despite the fact that the McCarrick abuse scandal was allowed to continue because of Vigano's closeness to McCarrick and Vigano's lack of action on the case. Vigano attempted to cover this up by blaming Pope Francis and many trusted this without looking into it. If they had looked into it, they would have found it documented that Vigano let McCarrick get away with it. But instead people are being misled into schism and sedevacantism by people who never checked the facts. | Other |
1233 | In a culture focused on self-love and treating yourself as a god, we've lost a sense of what it means to worship God and our mortality is not present to us in a way to realize the gravity of that (eternal repercussions). I think people don't understand the Mercy of God offered through the sacrifice of the Eucharist, partially because it is not also in the context of his Justice. Mercy and Justice go hand and hand, but there is a tendency to focus on one without the other. These two things are needed to understand our relation to God, which then helps us to see more of the significance of God becoming Man in the first place, sacrificing all for us, and then uniting himself to us in the Eucharist. | Catechesis |
1234 | Churches that went with COVID shutdowns and said we didn't have an obligation to come to Mass. Many people took this to mean that there really wasn't anything "special" about the Mass after all and it was fine for them to just live their lives. Bishops should have fought to keep their churches open. | COVID, Leadership |
1235 | In the sacramental preparation programs there is little emphasis on the real presence and the need for reconciliation to receive the Eucharist more worthily. | Confession, Worthy Reception |
1236 | poor catechesis of children and adults. | Catechesis |
1237 | Marxism and the rampant practice of homosexuality in the clergy in all levels, especially the highest levels. Indifference/refusal of bishops and cardinals in not calling out public sin and scandal of public figures claiming they are "Catholic" and the clergy's blatant cooperation and funding to groups (especially the federal government) that promote sin and other scandal against the Eucharist (illegal immigration, abortion). AND, the "canceling" of innocent priests who object. | Persecuted Clergy, LGBTQ+ Issues, Scandals, Leadership, Canon 915 |
1238 | Lack of apparent holiness by those who receive Our Lord. Also, those who have made the faith just an expression of their alt-right politics. Especially in traditional communities. | Politics, Holiness |
1239 | The last series on the clergy danced around the issue, but did not hit on the head. 2 things. Homilies need to be utilized to also EDUCATE the congregation; far too often we hear from casual Catholics "I did not know" or "I never knew that." While that goes back to their respective catechesis, it is also too large a fact that must be addressed from the pulpit, and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is a paramount educational need. Two, weak Church leadership in not speaking out and even denying the Eucharist to loud advocates against church teaching (scandalous politicians and "Catholic" presidents at the top of the list), or permitting Catholic institutions to celebrate gay pride, host anti-Catholic events, "honor" scandalous priests (yes, James Martin readily comes to mind), and so forth, is demonstrating extremely poor leadership, and is itself creating and furthering scandal in the Church. Enough is enough.... | LGBTQ+ Issues, Homilies, Scandals, Leadership, Catechesis, Canon 915 |
1240 | The bishop has to get involved. He IS NOT A SHEPARD NOR A PASTOR NOR A SPIRITUAL LEADER - he is an egg head and a $$$$ man. | Leadership |
1241 | It should be a norm to receive by kneeling or standing. Currently just standing is norm. Kneeling before Eucharist whether receiving by hand or tongue should be considered normal. Bishops should allow communion rails to be installed if requested. Until our bishops start being radical and speaking the truth about the Eucharist people’s hearts won’t be changed. We need leaders to proclaim and practice the truth of the faith . | Eucharist Reception, Leadership |
1242 | Lack of education on the faith itself. Think homilies could be more educational and priests could use some training on how to write homilies that resonate better while also educating people . | Catechesis |
1243 | Adequate catechesis of the laity about “The Mass” and all of its parts. | Catechesis |
1244 | Poor education after Vatican II. Children in the 70s, were not taught clearly the real presence of Jesus. | Catechesis |
1245 | Reduction of Holy Days of Obligation mandated per year...such as when a Holy Day falls on a Monday. | Liturgical Calendar |
1246 | The suppression of the Latin mass has hurt recognition of the Eucharistic presence. | TLM |
1247 | I think the failure to use patens, while a practical problem (increased chance for desecration), also inspires a decreased reverence towards our Eucharistic Lord. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
1248 | Adults need to be offered and urged to take classes on Catholic teaching. The severe lack of knowledge is weakening the Church substantially. | Catechesis |
1249 | I think overall there’s been a loss of formality since the pandemic, in dress code, in manners. Men will wear gym shorts to church, teenagers wear cut off shorts. I say this as a 32 year old who grew up post Vatican 2. I am NOT suggesting we return to women in veils etc. but just a minimum semblance of propriety. There’s a balance between welcoming and requiring a level of respect. This is a broad cultural phenomenon (happening in the workplace too). But i do think much like “broken windows” when surrounded by people who pushing the definition of casual it lends itself to a sense that God isn’t there. I don’t think this is the only factor but I do think it’s a major one. Formal doesn’t mean cold and unwelcoming but it does mean reverence and respect. | COVID, Attire, Catechesis, Reverence |
1250 | 1. Allowing and encouraging youth (or anyone other than deacons, servers, and concelebrating priests for that matter) up on the altar during consecration. 2. Discouraging and even shaming people for receiving on the tongue and or while kneeling. | Liturgical Practice, Eucharist Reception |
1251 | Lack of real Faith regarding the Eucharist by the Bishops as seen in the way the offer Mass and in televised Mass. Additionally, basically telling us Mass was NOT essential, even on Sundays by closing the Churches during in 2020. | Lack of Faith, COVID, Leadership |
1252 | Lack of reverence by priests during Mass. | Reverence |
1253 | The heresy of denying Jesus' real presence in the Eucharistic crumbles And the opposite heresy of saying that Jesus' Real Presence in the hosts for Celiac disease, which doesn't even have enough gluten to resemble a crumble of bread (so it's not the breaking of the bread), while mixing the Eucharist with foreign substances (other cereals) which is banned by the Canon of Church Law. | Modernism |
1254 | Teaching!! Preaching why it matters to their busy lives that we have the Eucharist. Why it matters to worship, to spend time in prayer, etc. the relationship piece to our faith. Not just going through the motions. There’s an actual person we worship. | Catechesis |
1255 | Putting priority on getting along with everyone regardless of their religious beliefs to the point of implicitly fostering religious indifferentism. | Ecumenism, Lukewarmness |
1256 | Removal of High Altars and casual clothing of laity. Also, the previous issues led to the loss of young families, which then contributes to a loss in the believe of the Real Presence. It's easier to maintain the faith of children than to bring adults into the faith. | Attire |
1257 | Politicizing the Catholic faith. Priests and clergy using the mass as an opportunity to share their political beliefs rather than solely guiding based on the teachings of Jesus. This makes the mass feel “of man” rather than divine. | Politics |
1258 | Lack of spiritual leadership at the level of bishops, cardinals and the pope. | Leadership |
1259 | The laity’s lack of understanding of the supernatural graces which flow to the human person when receiving the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. The infusion of supernatural grace and the impact that has on us as individuals, our families, the Church and society. Without supernatural graces everything breaks down, virtue cannot be found, chaos rules…. | Loss Sense of the Sacred |
1260 | Poor catechetical preparation for sacraments. | Catechesis |
1261 | The survey seems to look at all the external trappings of where the masses said, how it said, what language is used, how we receive the Eucharist, and yes, that is partially important, but I think it really comes down to failure to explain to people like they should frankly give a damn. Before we get to the existential stuff, we have to start with, why is it good for me to receive it and how does it help me when I exit these doors into a 99.5% secular life. If there’s not a personal connection, none of the other stuff matters. | Relationship with Jesus |
1262 | Poor Catechesis overall - no true understanding of the faith, the nature of good and evil and how to live the Catholic faith. | Catechesis |
1263 | Closing of the churches when people needed them the most, during the academic. The church actively participating with evil democrats to push the face diaper and jabs. Even making videos to tell their people to put on the face diaper in order to be good Christians. Pushing a new jab that had no proof of efficacy and turns out is poison. The church today lost a ton of ground with the truly faithful Catholics. We love the true faith but are now huge skeptics with the church today. We answer to Christ first. Faithful Catholics who didn’t get swindled see what’s going on in the church today. We pray for the priests who were not strong enough to say no to the jabs. We follow those who knew better for they are answering to Christ. It was like watching Nazi German in our own church. You want people to believe in the real presence, but close the churches denying the Eucharist??? We never close the churches- ever. We also don’t let any government dictate this nor do we take their money to do so. Catholic schools welcoming non-Catholics into the schools filling them up during COVID and consequently parishioners cannot get their kids in. Not to mention masking our precious little children. Satanic for sure. Catholic schools also have gotten away from their mission, they are mostly public schools with regard to their curriculum, it’s pretty easy to see that year after year kids in Catholic schools value curriculum over the faith. Catholic schools are great private schools, but we’ve lost our mission trying to compete with the public. Relinquish the need to get their accreditation and bring back important lessons of faith in our curriculum. THIS is why kids leave their 12 years of Catholic education and attend pride parades, support abortion and the democrats and hate their country. They don’t know true history, nor their true Catholic Faith! Bring back true faithful education for Catholic families. | COVID |
1264 | A culture that only believes in what they want and is so into relativism ... And a lack of trying to meet people where they are to bring them into relationship and letting that relationship bring them into trust and belief. | Modernism |
1265 | Catholic schools teaching that it is not real. | Catechesis |
1266 | The impact a reverent father (dad) has on his children. My Father was the picture of devotion. Even the way he turned the onion skin pages in his Missal was an example of his devotion. He was very attentive to the Holy Sacrifice, yet he kept a watchful eye on the twelve of us children. One glance from him stopped the beginning of any misbehavior.. If one of the babies started to cry, one of us older children would take them out of Church until they calmed down. Devoted as my Mother was, her impact, though important, was very much less. Something to focus on the importance of fatherhood needs to be unearthed!. | Family |
1267 | There is a lack of modesty in dress and behavior by the laypeople in churches, and a lack of ceremony in the demeanor of priests. | Attire |
1268 | Liberal and society diminishing Christ and his teaching. | Modernism |
1269 | Use of the Novus Ordo Mass. | Liturgical Practice |
1270 | Loss of the Traditional Latin Mass. | TLM |
1271 | Allowing particles of Our Lord to fall to the floor and be stepped on by those receiving communion. People in the past would rather be martyred than step on Our Lord. | Eucharist Reception |
1272 | Educating The faithful on the weight of the Mass Educating The faithful that the priest is in persona, Christi Educating people about the true presence, reminding them that after Jesus taught about it in John chapter 6, many people left. Only the faithful remained. Facilitating opportunities for the young people have an experience of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Encouraging families to take their children to Eucharistic Adoration, Benediction, and Eucharistic processions Using the Catechesis of The Good Shepherd for parish catechesis. Resurrecting youth 2000! (require these things for Sacramental preparation, Specifically marriage prep ) Helping especially young adults and teenagers develop a love for the Blessed Sacrament. Go back to giving Confirmation to third grade and above. They need the Sacramental graces. It’s a gift not something earned. I think this is something that Catholic bishops are missing. Way more marriage prep! Priest and nuns get years of formation before making vows. I think upper level high school could begin “marriage prep” work on the fundamentals of living your faith in your marriage. I could go on… ??. | Leadership, Catechesis |
1273 | Strongly challenging the Protestant claims against transubstantiation as a real major issue and allow the Protestant view to creep in. | Catechesis |
1274 | The Church’s poor response to the destruction of the family. Domestic Church is primary in catechesis and evangelization. | Family, Evangelization, Catechesis |
1275 | Catholic parents who do not take responsibility for being primary instructors of their children in the Faith . | Family, Catechesis |
1276 | So long as the Catholic Church is hyperbolic in its messaging, it can expect the reaction to be equally hyperbolic. For example, saying Democrats are the Party of Evil lacks empathy and understanding. Supporting a President such as Donald Trump because they find common ground on one issue (abortion) while publicly siding against President Biden (a practicing Catholic) speaks volumes about the priorities of the Church leadership in America and how out of touch it is with the laity. | Leadership |
1277 | The Traditional Latin Mass should not be Limited. It should be encouraged . | TLM |
1278 | Failure on the part of the Bishops to take proper responsibility for the failure of priests, particularly as regards public sin. This has created an unhealthy dynamic in the church in the US, kind of like a family who never talks about or works out problems. Also, I would describe the relationship of priests to the Eucharist and laity to the Eucharist as a one-to-one ratio. If priests are casual with the sacraments / the faith, the laity will reflect that in their beliefs. | Leadership |
1279 | Need to catechize at every mass. Most don’t understand the faith. | Catechesis |
1280 | Poor seminary formation Lack of teaching about Eucharistic Centered Saints Hiring Divorced, single mothers as Directors of Religious Ed RCIA teachers not having true belief Priests not doing daily holy hours. | Priestly Formation, Catechesis |
1281 | Some of the modern Eucharistic Hymns are downright heretical: "You and I are the Bread of Life". The small amount of space in Catholic Religion Books for Catholic Schools and CCD classes to teach about the Eucharist and the other Sacraments. | Modernism, Music |
1282 | The loss of education in the area of discipleship and joy for the faith! When people encounter Christ in the Eucharist and choose to live a joyful life as a His disciples, this cultural change in the life of Catholics increases one’s desire to have faith, and to share faith. Not only faith in the real presence, but also faith in other sacrament and the life of the Church in general. Joy is key to drawing people into the faith! Miserable Catholics turn others away, and foster an environment where others who witness their misery don’t want to grow and also not believe. Good Catholics make good Catholics! Not priest, not Church teaching, not education on the Eucharist. Once a Catholic faithful has “bought in” then, and only then are they ready to hear teachings by good priest on the Eucharist! . | Catechesis |
1283 | How casual people dress for mass. When people receive there is a lack of reverence. Sometimes when the body Christ is dropped it is not always taken care of quickly. | Reverence, Attire, Eucharist Reception |
1284 | The way the sign of peace is practiced at mass and holding hands during the Lord’s Prayer orient the laity toward one another during the Eucharistic Prayer rather than toward the Eucharist. | Sign of Peace |
1285 | Connection of Eucharist as sacrifice compared to OT -necessary to recognize need for human worship of triune God. | Meal vs Sacrifice |
1286 | Taking prayer out of schools. Families not attending g church together Fathers not leading their families as Christ is head of the church . | Family |
1287 | Sin clouds peoples ability to see truth and beauty and prevents us from being willing to approach God. The lack of saints in the Church and the twisted pastoral care of not calling sin a sin and helping others to avoid sin out of love for God and Neighbor has kept believers from staying on the true path to loving God through receiving Him in the state of Grace. This lack of proclaiming basic truths of morality hinders us from corresponding to graces God pours out upon us. Many do not believe in the real presents because they take for granted the good God has done in our lives, it assumed and many are not able to be grateful. | Sin, Beauty |
1288 | If they don’t believe in the Church’s teachings on other (lesser) matters, then why would they believe in the Real Presence? Catholicism is a way of life, all or nothing. Most have chosen nothing . | Lack of Faith |
1289 | Lack of catechesis and attending daily mass in the Catholic schools. That being said we need nuns and priests to teach the children about their faith. Families need to be active in teaching the faith at home. | Catechesis |
1290 | Bishops and Priests who speak the truth and who have been removed. | Persecuted Clergy, Leadership |
1291 | Basic catechesis, speaking the truth and teaching. I had to relearn my faith as an adult that it was a relationship, no memorizing prayers…also being taught HOW to pray, and the WHY. | Catechesis |
1292 | Forcing sacramental preparation on the unwilling and asking parents to trust the church in the education of their children. | Catechesis |
1293 | 80s and 90s youth not being well catechized . | Catechesis |
1294 | Adoration hours should be encouraged . | Devotions |
1295 | We have a pope who seems to be bent on tearing down our core beliefs, saying, in essence, live your life as you want, all is ok, we ALL will get to heaven. | Leadership |
1296 | 1. I am insulted when people come to the Lord's home wearing flip flops, short shorts and improper blouses women wear. 2. I always come to church early to say the rosary and the loudness of people speaking/laughing before Mass is an atrocity. 3. Our priest refuses to address the issues going on in the Vatican. 4. I am disappointed in sermons. 5. I believe Priests have a great opportunity to teach our faith in their homilies. 6. I am saddened priests do not instruct parishioners on acceptable behaviors and the behaviors of their children. . | Homilies, Silence/Distractions, Attire |
1297 | The ways in which the structural Church, specifically the diocese, has failed to live out the Church's own social teachings. Why would the laity believe the Eucharist matters when the diocese itself does not seem to care about its own teachings?. | Leadership |
1298 | Parents catechizing children. It's not just up to lay religious educators and the clergy. | Family, Catechesis |
1299 | Going from the Latin mass that is steeped in a mystical rite presentation of the transcendence of the Trinity and presenting it as ordinary coequal conversation with the person next to you at work. | TLM |
1300 | Suppression of TLM. | TLM |
1301 | The way the Eucharist is handled by the priests. If the priest handles the Host with high reverence, it is easier to see that He also believes it holds the real presence of Our Lord. The way the priest speaks as he presents the offering, as the Liturgy of the Eucharist takes place, really helps the lay people to see his devotion, belief, and reverence to the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. | Reverence |
1302 | Priests who blab about their politics. I'm not a huge Trump fan, but that black bishop in DC lost his mind when Trump was going to visit the Pope JP2 center next to the Basilica. Sheesh! But they can give Bill Clinton communion. Infiltrating clergy seem to be the biggest problem. | Politics, Leadership |
1303 | Moral Relativism Less frequent Participation in the Sacrament of Confession. | Confession, Modernism |
1304 | People want to do what they want to do and when they want to do it regardless of the consequences. | Modernism |
1305 | Traditional customs. Veiling, genuflecting before tabernacle, bowing at the Sacred name of Jesus, removal of traditional holy days and customs such as no meat Fridays. | Reverence, Attire |
1306 | When the parishes were all closed during COVID, a number of us feel it majorly downplayed the importance of the Blessed Sacrament; we are told we should be ready to die for our Faith, but then the bishops closed the parishes, even while many (most?) of us were healthy. | COVID, Leadership |
1307 | The dumbing down of catechism or religious ed programs and failure to teach church doctrines, beliefs, and apologetics. We lost a whole generation of people to progressive thoughts and teachings. | Catechesis |
1308 | I believe that having a Catholic school gives us an opportunity to evangelize to lukewarm Catholics or non-Catholic people. We need to come up with creative ways/incentives to encourage families within our Catholic school to attend regular mass and to go deeper into their faith in order to use this as a way to build up our church. Lukewarm Catholics and non-Catholics are a threat to our Catholic community as they water down and create societal pressure on young practicing Catholics to not take their faith seriously. | Evangelization, Lukewarmness |
1309 | Catechesis. | Catechesis |
1310 | The endless options in the Novus Ordo and the emphasis on the creativity and friendliness of the priest to hold it all together. Reverence should be baked into liturgy not dependent on the individual priest’s reverence!. | Liturgical Practice, Reverence |
1311 | I think priests should be giving homilies on the importance of the Eucharist such as 1. Why it’s important? 2. Give examples of Church approved Eucharistic miracles 3. Explain what the Mass is (sacrifice to God - Jesus dying on the cross at Calvary for our sins - how heaven and earth meet at the Mass (all the angels and saints are present at the Mass), etc. Most of us were not well catechized. The homily is the priest’s opportunity to reach people and educate people but it has to be in simple language - not like a long lecture but more like an easy to understand on-going conversation. Each week work in some aspect of the Eucharist into the homily. The priests could also work with lay people who do believe in the true presence to help reach others in the pews who don’t believe it and to help reach those not coming to Church but think of themselves as “Catholic.” If everyone believed Jesus was truly present in the Eucharist, the Churches would be full! Teaching people about the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is the most important thing priests can do (besides giving people the Sacraments). | Homilies, Catechesis |
1312 | 1. Many people have great difficulty imaging what God could possibly be. 2. Many people can no longer imagine what salvation could possibly be, and more especially how Christ's death on the cross could have saved us. | Lack of Faith |
1313 | You had a question but needs to be addressed heavily and announced before The Holy Mass begins and end …. It is offensive, horrible and rude the way Parishioners carry on in church before and after Holy Mass as if they are at a social cocktail hour amongst friends as they are all in front of Jesus in The Tabernacle and there is no Reverence shown to Jesus whatsoever and NO SILENCE!! I have addresses many priests on this as I will continue doing so. | Reverence |
1314 | Bowing before the tabernacle, rather than genuflecting. | Reverence |
1315 | Allowing laity to do readings, etc. Should only be a deacon or priest. | Liturgical Practice |
1316 | "Transubstantiation" is a non-starter. It is not from a mode of thought Jesus used at the Last Supper. It ignores the words of institution. The history of the early Lord's suppers does not back to up. It's a speculative abstraction the does not offer understanding. And if ignores "do this in remembrance. | Catechesis |
1317 | Secular society abandoning religion . | Modernism |
1318 | It's not mentioned from the pulpit. It should be mentioned consistently (not just special feast days). Teaching about our rich history of saints, their successes because of their devotion to the true presence, would greatly inspire people. | Catechesis |
1319 | Referring to the Eucharist as a "community Meal.". | Meal vs Sacrifice |
1320 | I'm a priest Dickens or layman For the readings. | Liturgical Practice |
1321 | Priests must make teaching of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist paramount ---in sermons, casual conversations, workshops, etc. | Homilies |
1322 | Lack of priestly presence in our Catholic Schools which should foster natural relationships with youth and families who would then perhaps engage their faith more regularly. | Schools, Leadership |
1323 | The crackdown on Latin mass and too many democrats being allowed to go to communion and go to mass. | Canon 915 |
1324 | The way American life is structured, the Church family has been replaced by schools and teams. | Modernism |
1325 | How the priests in your church honor the Eucharist with how they conduct themselves either during mass or walking around the tabernacle. The pastor is our leader locally and if he shows reverence to the Eucharist it will either remind you of what is happening or cause you to investigate more into your beliefs. Both of which are good things. When a priest is casual or hurried during the sacrifice it not only is dishonoring to our Lord, it undermines what is happening causing disbelief. | Public Witness, Leadership |
1326 | To many to list. | Other |
1327 | The Priest not showing his love, honor, and respect to the Eucharist . | Reverence |
1328 | Poor preaching and adult faith formation educating Catholics about the Real Presence and for that matter the beauty and richness of the church. Not creating a community in the parish with events that actually gather parishes so we can grow as Catholics together like in the Bible. Not teaching what Jesus commands in the Bible is required not suggestion like service of the poor, giving alms and tithing beyond the 10% the Pharisees were commanded to give, no divorce..... We have treated the Bible as a suggestion so that is why we think the Eucharist is a suggestion. Catholic priest need to teach that it is not encouraged that we believe in the Eucharist. It is not encouraged that we donate a lot of our money to the poor. It is not encourage that we live simply and separated from the material of this world. It's not encouraged that we believe the death penalty and nuclear weapons are bad. It is a command from God that we love our neighbor as ourselves and we love the Lord. Meaning that your Christian is real. Give as much money to the poor as you spend on yourself. Stop killing anybody with weapons of destruction leave that to God. Stop consuming materialistic items like Protestants. | Beauty, Catechesis, Modernism, Community |
1329 | Proper education in RCIA and Confirmation classes is a major problem. | Catechesis |
1330 | Any and all suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass. It's not just that the TLM is in Latin. Major differences exist when comparing the old and new missals side by side; even Eucharistic Prayer 1 has tweak. It's all the eliminated and watered down prayers removed in the Novus Ordo such as the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, the Offertory, the Ablutions, etc. So many actions are during the TLM (suppressed in the Novus Ordo) by the priest and servers (not turning back on Christ from the Consecration to closing of the tabernacle/repose) are solely done because of the Real Presence. Laity handing the sacred vessels, purification of the sacred vessels at the credence table (no corporal), etc. Look at Corpus Christi for the Mass readings. On face, it looks like the 1 Cor 11 (Year C?) reading is the same, but the Novus Ordo has a key verse removed (cf. 27). | TLM |
1331 | Forbidding the Latin Mass, not correcting inappropriate attire at Mass. | TLM, Attire |
1332 | The allowance of immodest or casual dress in the true presence of our Lord and Savior , Jesus Christ!!!. | Attire |
1333 | I also heard that even a large portion of priests do not believe in the true presence. Faith travels down hill, according to Gods order. If the priests are not being catechized and taught properly in seminary how are we to expect the laity to receive the grace to believe in the miracle. Also the intention behind the priest offering Mass must be taken into consideration when we wonder if the Eucharist is even valid if the father offering it doesn't believe. | Lack of Faith, Priestly Formation, Catechesis |
1334 | We have fallen into the assumption that the cradle catholic doesn't need to do too much. And instead, they don't dig in and build a relationship with Jesus, to even be open to knowing and understanding that it IS Him in the Eucharist. We have lost the sense of "seeking" and just wonder through life wishing for conversion and relationship with God, but don't teach how and why things are so beautiful in the Catholic Faith. | Relationship with Jesus, Beauty, Catechesis |
1335 | Disrespect of the laity (servers, Eucharistic Ministers, cantors) who don't acknowledge Jesus is present in the tabernacle - no genuflection while crossing in front or working around. Use of Eucharistic Ministers when there are Priests available. Immodest clothing and tennis shoes/sandals in Eucharistic Ministers and servers. | Reverence |
1336 | The church seems complacent in evangelization. If this is truly the body of the Lord and necessary for the salvation of all, why aren’t y’all trying harder to tell everyone (not just Catholics) how vitally important it is and get them to receive it! I often feel like the attitude is, “yeah well it’s important *for Catholics* but if you’re not catholic it’s fine and you don’t need it really.” . | Evangelization, Lukewarmness |
1337 | Traditional formation especially after first holy communion and confirmation. | Catechesis |
1338 | Less reverence overall in mass through the current attack on the traditional Latin mass. For those who want to worship in what is a more reverent and ritualistic mass, they should have that option without having to look at SSPX and other groups that put people in jeopardy of not following the church and the pope. The current mass does not show enough reverence to the Eucharist with receiving in the hand and standing as well as the overall lack of reverence. The other major issue is the lack of fathers being the spiritual leaders of the house. The Catholic Church needs to work to engage men and especially fathers and get them included in men's communities, activities, and formation so they understand how vital their role is. To many families have the woman leading them in faith and that is a major reason for the decline of our faith and the real presence. If the father doesn't lead the family and show he believes in the real presence, there is a good chance the kids will follow suit and our next generation will be worse off and it will continue to decline. | Family, TLM, Reverence |
1339 | The Novus Ordo is awful, heretical, demonic, and cries out to heaven for justice. Ban the N.O. and bring back the Traditional Latin Mass. Please. The salvation of our souls depends on it. | TLM |
1340 | Lack of preaching on the Eucharist and the need for sacramental confession. We have a large parish and confession is offered for 45 mins each week. What message does that send?. | Confession, Availability/Access |
1341 | The behavior of those who claim to be faithful Catholics. If we believe what we claim then receiving Christ in the Eucharist should change the way we live and how we relate to other people. We can go through all the motions and recite all the theology but if we ignore the sufferings of the people in our own families, in our own neighborhoods and in our larger communities all of the trappings of Catholicism mean nothing. People should notice a marked difference in our behavior after we receive Christ in the Eucharist. We should be more patient, kind, accepting of the failings of others, willing to show unconditional love and bringing others to faith by loving like Christ. If receiving doesn’t change us, our claims that the Eucharist is Jesus lose any and all credibility. | Living the Faith |
1342 | Reverence as a community promotes increased individual reverence. While all these can be connected to lack of reverence in a community the more reverent community is encouraged by priests and contagious among lay people. | Reverence |
1343 | Proper attire for Mass. Education on genuflecting and proper disposition/ behavior for Mass. Lack of use of bells during the consecration . | Reverence, Liturgical Practice, Attire |
1344 | Lack of proper education/catechesis in schools and from the Priest . | Catechesis |
1345 | Blending of ministry of laity with priestly ministry of the ordained. | Liturgical Practice |
1346 | Lack of teaching kids to have a personal relationship with Jesus in Religious Education classes. What's needed for belief in the Real Presence is authentic witness from both the clergy and the lay people. As is kids learn early on from RE that their faith is just more boring school. | Catechesis |
1347 | The ringing of the bells during elevation is not present anymore. The priest not bowing at the least or genuflecting when passing in front of tabernacle. During confession getting cut off and given absolution with no penance. Clapping and holding hands and taking priestly positions of elevating hands. | Confession, Liturgical Practice, Applause |
1348 | Poor catechesis on the Faith in general. Emphasis on social justice over salvation. | Social Justice, Catechesis |
1349 | In Erie, PA, the bishop put all the homosexual priest in Erie and sent all the holy priests 2 or 3 hours from Erie. These priests public display of showing each other their affection is so DISCOURAGING. IF they celebrate mass, how can they be this far off???????????????????. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership |
1350 | Encouraging and why not, even mandating the laity to dress modestly for mass. Also encouraging women to wear veils. | Attire |
1351 | Ecumenicalism towards those "Christians" who do not believe in the real presence. | Ecumenism |
1352 | Catholic church’s stance on Divorce . | Other |
1353 | Denying the sacraments especially the Holy Eucharist and Confession and Anointing of the Sick during COVID….catastrophic decision; shameful!. | COVID |
1354 | Failure to genuflect getting into pew. | Reverence |
1355 | Chastising Laity for reverence and devotions. | Reverence |
1356 | Priests who fear parishioners will complain and go elsewhere if priest wants to make changes, i.e. Ad Orientem, not putting a stop to talk and laughter in the church, and many other irreverent behaviors. | Reverence, Fear/Cowardness |
1357 | Removal of the communion rails. | Eucharist Reception |
1358 | Talking before, during and after church. Clapping after mass to acknowledge choir. | Silence/Distractions, Applause |
1359 | Loss of the sense and gravity of sin. Loss of the sense of being a creature and truly owing God *everything*, and thereby a disposition of ingratitude. This is rarely preached from pulpits. The infinite Wisdom and Love of God saw fit that the necessary remedy for sin was the Blessed Eucharist, receiving God Himself. The magnitude of this solution reveals the magnitude of the problem. Lastly, the emasculation and feminization of everything. Loss of the concept of spiritual warfare. Recognition of the virtues of zeal, courage, valor, and even righteous anger (rightly ordered). | Sin |
1360 | The option of the sacristan in preparation of the Mass. My parish gives respect to the holy vessels by using the veil and burse. Otherwise the vessels look naked and just put together. In other dioceses am not given the opportunity to give reverence to my Savior because the EMHC/Priest does not afford the laity to receive Jesus kneeling and on the tongue. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
1361 | Homilies need too continuously stress Catholic teaching. Our Pope and Bishops need to speak truth, especially in regard to public scandals that mislead the laity. | Scandals, Homilies, Leadership |
1362 | The overreach of women allowed in the Sanctuary. | Role of Women |
1363 | The Novus Ordo Missae is inadequate and borders on invalidity. | Liturgical Practice |
1364 | The banning and/or negative attitude towards all the traditional rite of the sacraments. | TLM |
1365 | Closing the Churches throughout the COVID plandemic reinforced the false notion that receiving our Lord in the Eucharist was really not that important, surely not necessary. | COVID |
1366 | Education on an ongoing basis. Hear it in second grade for First Holy Communion and not reinforced much after that. | Catechesis |
1367 | Lack of an example of genuine Eucharistic devotion and love from their parents. | Family |
1368 | Lack of promotion of perpetual adoration; Lack of forty hours celebrations; Sermons on the Real Presence. | Devotions |
1369 | Parishes need to expose youth to more opportunities to receive Sacraments and be in Adoration, such as at youth events and during classes. Develop a relationship with Christ, being comfortable with confession, and love of Adoration earlier. Good role model leaders. A very great need for well formed, trained religion teachers. (Not just volunteers with books.). | Confession, Devotions, Leadership |
1370 | Clergy letting us know what is right and wrong especially in marriages such as birth control and what’s allowed in marital acts between husband and wife. | Catechesis |
1371 | Having educational opportunities . | Catechesis |
1372 | Confusion sowed from St. Peter's Chair and the lack of availability of the Traditional Latin Mass. | TLM, Confusion, Leadership |
1373 | Yes, just educating the laity how we physically honor the presence and words of God. When to kneel when to bow, etc. How to dress appropriately in His presence. How casually any person from ministry even in the choir or from the pews can give communion, who were asked last minute after consecration of the Eucharist. And how the personnel can also offer a blessing and laying their hands for those not receiving the Eucharist. I have been to a traditional mass and compared to the Novus O., the TA is so reverent and the feel takes you to feel the presence of God in the Eucharist without distractions. . | TLM, Attire, Eucharist Reception, Catechesis |
1374 | The lack of the traditional Latin mass , there should be no Eucharistic ministers of holy communion . | TLM, Extraordinary Ministers |
1375 | There is no community whatsoever in the church for young Catholics who aren't RadTrads. There is a concerning movement of overly zealous Catholics that frankly give us all a bad name. Veiling is off putting and distracting from the purpose of being at church. Female altar servers have NOTHING to do with the lack of engagement from clergy in ministering to the faithful. These questions frankly reveal how out of touch the church truly is in what is going on. My priest doesn't even know my name and I've been going to that same church for over 3 years. Those are the issues. Not saying the Mass in Latin or whatever. | Community |
1376 | The increase in casual dress by the laity for Mass and the clergy not offering gentle requests for modest attire. | Attire |
1377 | Not praying the Rosary. Lack of proper catechesis. | Catechesis, Devotions |
1378 | Foreign Priests who are difficult to understand. Lukewarm homilies that don’t address critical issues. Attire of parishioners. | Homilies, Attire, Lukewarmness |
1379 | Eradicating Latin, limited availability of the true Latin Mass, having lay people give out communion. . | TLM, Extraordinary Ministers |
1380 | Understanding what the Catholic Church is, and who they are as Catholics. Why reverence for the Eucharist equals reverence for Christ. People, like children, learn more through example than preaching. The example of the clergy has been, in large measure, horrific. | Reverence, Homilies |
1381 | Limiting confession times Closing churches during the pandemic was an awful idea. You removed the source and summit of our faith during a very dark period in history and that is disgusting. | Confession, COVID, Availability/Access |
1382 | Improper education of catechism, watered down mass, only 13 percent of trading mass carried over to Norris ordo mass, talking in church, no preparation in silence before and after mass, priests joking at the homily . | Homilies, Catechesis |
1383 | Horribly incomplete RCIA programs. | Catechesis |
1384 | The failure of people to know scripture and what the Mass is all about in connection with scripture. The greatest miracle sacrifice that happens at each Mass. | Catechesis |
1385 | Lack of a dress code to be in the presence of God; priests refusal to give Communion on the tongue . | Attire |
1386 | The Pope. He doesn't seem to care about tradition of the Church and overrides the basic teachings that have been handed down through all ages . More people are attending the Traditional Latin Mass and growing in their faith and love of the Church. | TLM |
1387 | Homilies that do not remind the faithful of the horror of sin nor teach the faithful to practice virtue. Homilies that speak too generally of being a good person and don’t make any demands of people to examine their faith lives. | Homilies |
1388 | People are no longer educated in proper reasoning and philosophy. It is hard to transcend reason into faith if you lack reason. | Catechesis |
1389 | The active sign of peace interrupting the consecration. | Sign of Peace |
1390 | encouraging proper preparation to receive the Mysteries before Divine Liturgy (remote preparation). | Reverence |
1391 | An overwhelming problem is the continual stream of news from the Vatican about Pope Francis promoting seemingly Anglican-style "synodality," blessings of same-sex couples, the Church's supposed need to change in "progressive" directions, including seemingly rageful opposition to traditional liturgy, harsh treatment of clergymen who once would have been considered faithful and diligent, and the Pope's apparent disavowal of Papal primacy. Each of these issues is devastating. Taken together, they tend to promote an attitude of "Why bother?" Why go to Mass on every Sunday and holy day of obligation for fear of the fires of hell? Why confess sins, which is stressful and embarrassing for weaklings like me? Why can't we talk about the scandals and crises caused by Francis? . | Persecuted Clergy, TLM, Lukewarmness, Scandals, Leadership |
1392 | The Catholic Church appears to be much more biased & political than when I was taught in the 60's by the Ursulines. When I think of the sexual abuse by priests & the cover ups by Bishops, it makes me physically ill. I was raised very strictly and sternly physically punished for some sins. I grieved even as a grownup for my childhood "sins", while grown men ignored (Bishops) the terrible sins committed by priests under their authority that ruined the emotional lives of so many children. I still feel mislead , and I'm sure I'm not alone to wonder what other sins by Catholic leaders were ignored or covered up. I am a personal friend of one ex-sister now in her 80's who still grieves over the loss of so many(26) women in her Order that were told to "shut up "by their Mother Superior, & not allowed to even go to PTA meetings after two priest's homosexual activities with male students were brought to light at their local Cathedral. While honest, holy men ( such as Bishop Strickland) are humiliated and punished by the Vatican for seemingly minor infractions, or voicing truths that glare & humiliate the sincere Catholics all over the world. However, at this time, I feel the major problem is the devious cover-up & collusion by the Catholic Charities & our Current President Biden to pay with the millions of taxpayer, & parishioner donations to promote & encourage & finance entries by 10 million illegal immigrants who come from prisons, and mental institutions all over the world . Many have proven they are here to rape, abuse youngsters, & grown U.S. citizens, male or female, or children sent to America un-attended !. | Persecuted Clergy, Politics, LGBTQ+ Issues, Scandals, Leadership, Canon 915 |
1393 | In many cases, the real presence is actually not present in the Holy Eucharist offered by the Novus Ordo. I actually know a Novus Ordo priest who actually told me such. I was shocked and caused great sadness in me for him. | Liturgical Practice |
1394 | Lack of catechesis in general. | Catechesis |
1395 | While I don’t find girl altar servers to be detrimental to the general lay population’s belief in the True Presence, I DO believe it to be extremely detrimental to the faith of young boys who would otherwise be interested in altar serving were girls not present in the sanctuary. I believe girl altar servers have a negligible affect on girls’ and women’s belief in the True Presence . | Role of Women, Vocations |
1396 | - the laity having to do a sign of peace with each other after the consecration (!) and before receiving (!) Laity should be able to stay in meditation and preparation for receiving, not worrying about saying hi properly to everyone around them. The nave is not for socializing with one another… but then we all do it at the same time, right before receiving God? - the laity being expected to be so vocal during the liturgy in the Mass. This does not suit all personalities, abilities and therefore presents challenges that distract from meditating on the true presence. Again, thoughts should be on the standard prayers and meditations of the Mass, not worrying about saying the changes-every-Mass responsorial Psalm at the right times, how your voice sounds, etc. (It is a distracting and bothersome part of liturgy for some) #1 issues are those that directly devalue the Eucharist: The priest lacks Reverence. Walking around casually as if Mass is merely obligation and just “going through the motions” Lacking the solemn ness at the appropriate times. If He is the King of Kings, priests shouldn’t look bored and apathetic. I often think of the way a faithful knight would come in to the court of his King and Queen, he would kneel and bow his head with great respect. #The host is treated casually: passed out like crackers, by unconsecrated hands, to laity standing up. | Sign of Peace, Reverence |
1397 | 1. Priests permitting the laity to walk back and forth through the sanctuary before and after Mass. (a common abuse). 2. Priests not allowing servers to use communion paten.(Clearly depicts lack of belief in true Presence by the Priests. 3. Tabernacle veils and proper ornamenting not permitted by Priests. 4. Lack of modesty. Indecent Mass attire permitted. 5. There is minimal Adoration of 1 or 2 hours a month allowed. Parish doors locked, no time to pray in front of Blessed Sacrament outside of Mass times. 6. The laity arriving to Mass late or a couple minutes prior to shows lack of preparation to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. . | Devotions, Availability/Access, Eucharist Reception, Attire, Reverence |
1398 | Removal of scripture from the Mass that emphasizes the Eucharist and how sinful it is to receive in the state of sin. | Worthy Reception, Sin |
1399 | Other ways in which the priest acts in a way that does not demand the respect of the congregation, whether during our outside of Mass, that lowers the Church’s ethos and the credibility of her teachings. | Leadership |
1400 | Expanding the Tridentine Rite expand the church. | TLM |
1401 | priest failure to encourage modesty in dress...sacred space and sacred time. | Attire |
1402 | Females in the sanctuary. Only males should be in the sanctuary. | Role of Women |
1403 | 1) Wonder if baseline survey data was done 60 -70 years? What would have been the results? 2) Curious about impact of other cultural influences? 3) I also question the results of Pew survey? . | Other |
1404 | the main issue seems to be making people wait for RCIA to be baptized so they go elsewhere and stay. we need to call back our children to mass and RCIA isn’t done after mass or for kids during mass. we need more openings for our youth! my own daughters have gone to sleep from not being in mass. so yes they know he’s present …. but if they truly did they’d be in mass every day. i have watched too many leave due to aging out of baptism when the parents wake ! back up and decide to rejoin the church. it shouldn’t be this hard. i would love to teach it via zoom! the more we attend mass the more we venerate. the more we learn our catechism! … the more we understand the mass yes is important …. but it really comes down to understanding the mass. i could go on and on. sigh. Our Lord deserves to be known intimately…. personally I'm grateful for all priests. I want to receive Our Lord. but maybe some need to see our priests not be afraid to say abortion is wrong - idk. I just want to receive Our Lord and my grandchildren who can’t attend a Monday night and the woman next to me hers either. our kids will not grow up receiving …. that is an issue . | Fear/Cowardness, Catechesis |
1405 | Lack of opportunities for the youth and adults to encounter Christ in ways that they can relate with, such as contemporary Christian music, praise and worship, and adoration. | Music |
1406 | Family Catechesis Everything starts with the family and personal holiness of parents and their Catechesis of their children. So, if parents are not catechized and aren’t living out their own belief in the true presence, and aren’t taking their children to mass, why would children believe it? . | Family, Holiness, Catechesis |
1407 | Failure to provide catechesis to first communicates and their families on the real presence at the time of the sacrament. Failure of parishes to provide on-going adult catechesis on church teaching such as real presence . | Catechesis |
1408 | Receiving communion on your knees, more priest, handing out communion. | Eucharist Reception |
1409 | Feminism first, then modernism. Everything woke turns to shit...including Vat2. | Vatican II, Modernism |
1410 | When Parents and Catechists teach the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, they need to pass on the fire of the faith as well as the academic knowledge. Children need to see them reverencing the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and see them making time for Confession to more worthily receive all the graces available to us when we approach the Eucharist with great faith. Children need to see them getting lost in the real presence of Jesus when they come back from Communion and enter into deep Communion with the Second Person the Blessed Trinity. | Confession, Catechesis |
1411 | Teaching proper reverence to the Eucharist and knowing the differences between adoration and veneration. | Reverence, Catechesis |
1412 | Laity who teach the faith and say that errors are okay. I’m Catholic but I do _______anyway. Many people want to do their own will but refuse to put God First Then neighbor …last should be themselves. | Catechesis |
1413 | Formation of clergy to ensure priests believe in the real presence. Prayer and fasting for greater understanding for the Kay faithful. Sacramental preparation for mass by offering the opportunity for Confession more than thirty minutes weekly in our parishes. Preach the danger of sin, actually use the word. | Fasting |
1414 | Parishes not offering confession times outside private appointments. Liturgical abuse. | Liturgical Practice, Availability/Access |
1415 | Horrible homilies that fail to exposit the Scriptures. | Homilies |
1416 | I believe that it’s very disrespectful for the choir to be up by the Alter and tabernacle with their backs turned towards us while Our Lord is behind them. | Reverence |
1417 | Theology watered down with the loss of the Traditional Latin Mass after Vatican II. | TLM |
1418 | I think general catechesis needs to improve across the board- A stronger faith over all will also strengthen the core belief of our faith. Also Mass needs to be more reverent- this can be helped by addressing some of the issues discussed in this survey already but also requiring a certain dress code for mass (at least the reception of communion, not necessarily preventing people from attending mass), discussing that it is ok to not receive communion at mass occasionally if you are not in a state of Grace, etc. overall in my experience the lack of general catechesis has led to a lessening of faith in general, a lack of knowledge and practice of Catholicism, and therefore a lack of belief in the real presence. | Attire, Catechesis |
1419 | Keep Catholic schools Catholic and open. | Schools |
1420 | Minimizing/eliminating the use of incense. . | Liturgical Practice |
1421 | Complete lack of teaching in the homily it’s always a goody two shoe lackluster, Meaningless banter the results in my complete dissatisfaction. What’s today’s clergy. | Homilies |
1422 | Basic catechesis! In an interesting and intellectual way. Using the saints as role models. | Catechesis |
1423 | Education of the Catholic faith. Outreach to bring people back to the church. Make contact with students who have graduated from Catholic schools. Inviting them and there families to come and experience the strength of the church. Create a confession mass. Something like a group repentance absolution .service . Have a way to belong to multiple parishes. I work/live in one town during the week and live in another on the weekend. Belong to a home parish but would like to be a member of both Services need to be interesting to get the church to grow and touch young families . | Confession, Catechesis |
1424 | Ecumenism. | Ecumenism |
1425 | Laity touch the sacred vessels. The priest not reserving his forefinger and thumb for the Eucharist. | Extraordinary Ministers, Liturgical Practice |
1426 | Getting up in the middle of the consecration to greet each other. It is such a silly thing and disrespectful thing to do. The choir being right up next to the altar. | Sign of Peace |
1427 | Inspiring, educational and truth about Christ's one, holy ,catholic and apostolic church. | Catechesis |
1428 | Receiving the Eucharist in the hand, poor catechism, poor-non teaching homilies, I’ve heard enough of God is Love and culture issue aren’t addressed from the pulpit. | Homilies, Eucharist Reception, Catechesis |
1429 | What happened to our Catholic schools?. | Schools |
1430 | Banning the Tridentine Liturgy and shutting down churches during COVID, failure to provide Sacraments to the dying. | TLM, COVID |
1431 | Suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass. Loss of faith in the true history of Genesis. | TLM |
1432 | Continually focusing on repenting as sinners rather than rejoicing and being grateful for His presence and to love all around us, despite differences. It feels very judgmental. We are not to judge others. | Judgmental |
1433 | Vague homilies. We need priests who speak the teaching of the Catholic faith and don’t worry about offending someone. | Homilies |
1434 | I was catechized in the 70's and it was a disaster. 10 years of Catholic school and never realized that the Mass was a sacrifice. Never understood the sacrifice as worship. I watched 1 video by Fr. Schmitz, The Hour that will change your life, and was an amazing education. I felt like a fool for never having really understood the Mass. | Catechesis |
1435 | Lack of education about what sins are, how they offend God, the importance of having sorrow for our sins and importance of receiving sacrament of reconciliation. | Sin, Catechesis |
1436 | Lack of clear, Reverent , well articulated, engaging (but not entertaining) homilies. Also the sign of peace right before communion is so jarring. Takes you out of transcendent at worst time. Better at start of mass or right before mass. | Homilies, Reverence |
1437 | Failure of Pope and Roman Curia to be catholic. | Leadership |
1438 | During the COVID pandemic, we were basically told that a flu like illness was worthy enough of an excuse to not receive Him or make sacrifices to be with His Presence. The clergy was even too afraid to provide the sacraments over this illness. What are the laity to think?. | COVID, Fear/Cowardness |
1439 | Lack of incense, tone/speed/indelicate handling of Eucharistic Prayers & Blessed Sacrament, Casualness/neglect of tabernacle during homilies, handling of blessed hosts that are accidentally dropped & handling of small particles . | Liturgical Practice |
1440 | In our parish Bible study recently, my small group spent part of our summer break on Ascension Press's study of the Mass. Our whole group was affected by many things we did not know--primarily how every part of the Mass harks back to Biblical events and the relationship between Jesus's sacrifice on the cross and the sacrifice of the Mass. We all became more enthusiastic and devout and this past year our whole group (around 100) did the same study and those of us who had already done it were happy to repeat it. I don't remember very much of what we learned from this study being a large part of my Catholic education, especially in preparing for the sacraments. My children's generation had scant preparation for all of it, and I believe all catechesis should include a more thorough background on what and how the Mass brings the presence of Jesus to every one who understands and accepts it. | Catechesis |
1441 | People are not taught to pray. If the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the greatest and most perfect prayer (it is), and people are "not getting anything out of it" then one of the biggest issues is that they are not being taught how to pray (mental prayer) and/or not praying outside of Mass. Instead, we have replaced a true understanding of "full conscious active participation" with the act of physically doing something in the liturgy. | Catechesis |
1442 | I have never heard a priest mention the importance of decorum or modesty in dress when attending Mass. | Attire |
1443 | Encouraging true invitation for the presence whereby the mass is reflective and not so rote. | Reverence |
1444 | Unavailability of Latin Mass . | TLM |
1445 | Lack of Faith of Priest, Bishops and Cardinals. | Lack of Faith, Leadership |
1446 | The practice of going up to receive Holy Communion row by row is intimidating to those who are not able to receive and creates an atmosphere that everyone should receive-- regardless of the state of their soul. Poorly catechized individuals who repeatedly receive Holy Communion out of habit or a sense of conformity to the actions of the majority, cultivate a callousness toward the Sacred Species and thereby leads to increasing doubt in the True Presence. | Worthy Reception, Catechesis |
1447 | Prevalence of "feel good" homilies that fail to mention sin, hell, fear of the Lord. | Homilies |
1448 | Preaching about it! . | Homilies |
1449 | General lack of catechesis of the Catholic faith on the whole for many years. (The desert) Unity in all bishops to teach Truth; the current Pope - to teach in clarity. He seems to say things that conflict with the teaching of Christ. A strong and unified leadership to remove truly bad priests that do NOT teach Truth (Fr. James Martin, for example). In doing so the may risk being "crucified" and despised (but in turn they may solidify their place with Christ in heaven). A lot of this boils down to having (and forming) faith-filled priests & bishops with strong leadership skills, and that their faith continually deepen, and that they openly declare their complete dependence on Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to lead them in their vocation. We've been in the desert long enough, yes? Isn't it time we listen to our Lord so we may enter the Promised land. Hell is not spoken of enough either. Spiritual warfare is not talked about either. They need to be discussed and taught. | Leadership, Catechesis |
1450 | Addressing the truth about the Eucharist in the Bible in CCD classes and in homilies. | Homilies, Catechesis |
1451 | Not enough emphasis on being in state of mortal sin and that confession is imperative! Many Catholics receive Holy Communion while in the state of mortal sin and also not in communion with the tenets and teachings of the Church. | Confession, Sin |
1452 | Closing Churches during pandemic . | COVID |
1453 | Lack of good formation especially concerning the importance of the sacrament of confession as it is related to the real presence and the importance of being in the state of grace in order to receive the Holy Eucharist. There is no Eucharist Revival without it's attachment to the sacrament of confession. | Confession, Worthy Reception, Catechesis |
1454 | Teaching a personal, loving relationship with Jesus Christ in all times and circumstances and such relationship being consummated in the reception of His body and blood in awe and reverence. | Relationship with Jesus, Reverence |
1455 | Not having Latin Mass more available. | TLM |
1456 | Priest having to do all the Financial and management duties of a parish like village ng them little time to do the sacramental duty. One hour of confession a week isn’t enough for the faithful to be cleansed of their sins and be able to receive the Eucharist . Have deacons do the parish running and the priest the sacrament and know the faithful more!. | Confession, Priestly Duties, Availability/Access |
1457 | I believe that the importance of the Sacrament of Confession must be emphasized along with the Sacrament of the Holy Communion as confession prepares one for the reception of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord. | Confession |
1458 | Receiving the Eucharist kneeling. | Eucharist Reception |
1459 | Failure to teach the Catechism willingness to have in catechized personal teach religion to the laity and the priests themselves. Teaching young boys that they are meant to be Christ's leaders as priests , fathers, all walks of life. | Leadership, Catechesis |
1460 | Reception of Holy Communion in the hand and excess of Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers. | Eucharist Reception |
1461 | Lack of emphasis on the need for regularly receiving the sacrament of confession . | Confession |
1462 | Synodality replacing papal and Episcopal leadership on moral issues. Widespread acceptance of homosexuality and feminism. Lack of patriarchy. Canon 915. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Canon 915 |
1463 | Encourage the faithful to occasionally be "Roaming Catholics" by attending an Eastern Rite Devine Liturgy several times a year (i.e. Byzantine, Maronite, Melkite, etc.). As St JP2 said "the Church must breathe with both lungs (Eastern & Western rites)" !!. | TLM |
1464 | What percentage of clergy don’t believe in the true presence. Most of the survey questions are so basic and cost nothing to implement. Yet the USCCB spent millions and accomplished 0. | Lack of Faith, Leadership |
1465 | Traditional Latin mass, the Mass of all time, codified by PIUS V should be the mass said. Its emphasis sacrifice, honors the blessed sacrament, and preserves the belief in the divine presence with its rubrics and prayers . | TLM |
1466 | Need to expand catholic education . Although I have not been involved in RCIA and children's religious education programs what I have observed is that there is sometimes more "socializing" than education. Weakness in church teaching on the sanctity of life. Decreasing celebration in the church communities on celebrating new life in the community and marriages. | Catechesis |
1467 | Lack of preaching regarding sin. Failure to preach on the Last 4 Things. The teaching that "God is Love" (true) without teaching of God's justice, and justice being love. Making Jesus "nice" (terrible word ... why not just say wishy-washy). Many more, I could stay here all night. | Homilies, Sin |
1468 | Aligning catholic mindset with that of agnostic attitudes. | Other |
1469 | Women sectors reading the gospel. Girl Altar Servers. | Role of Women |
1470 | Eucharistic Ministers. | Extraordinary Ministers |
1471 | The abandonment of the prayers said in the Latin rite when translated to English and the restricting of the Latin mass. | TLM |
1472 | Lack of Eucharistic belief is primarily fallout from our persistence in pushing God and His Commandments to the back, so we feel less guilt and more freedom in doing what we know in wrong. | Modernism |
1473 | Appropriate attire in church. Proper education and things available to youth. They're are youth groups but nothing for older people. More worship type music. | Attire |
1474 | Teaching the faithful how to have an interior life and reflection. | Catechesis |
1475 | Poor catechesis in general from elementary grades to adults. Church members who are not evangelized at all. Baptized pagans! . | Evangelization, Catechesis |
1476 | There are priests who miss opportunities to offer Biblical references to the True Presence of Christ during the homily. It needs to be explained more than just on the Feast of Corpus Christi. | Homilies |
1477 | Mass and intentional prayers being use for social issues. Announcements dragging the Mass ending. | Social Justice, Liturgical Practice |
1478 | Changing the wording from "Do This in Remembrance of Me" to "Do This in Memory of Me" changes the meaning. | Liturgical Practice |
1479 | Priests acting like performers in front of the congregation, telling jokes, etc. The ill-timed, awkward “sign of peace”. Women not covering their heads shows a lack of reverence, humility, and respect in God’s house. | Sign of Peace, Reverence, Attire |
1480 | Shutting down the Churches and denying the Sacraments to the Faithful during COVID showed the world that the leaders of the Catholic Church don't believe Jesus was and always is essential. I think that it made people believe even less in the True Healing Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. | COVID, Leadership |
1481 | 1969 New Order of Mass (Novus Ordo Missae): According to its primary creator, Annibale Bugnini, it was intended to remove major obstacles to reuniting with Protestants. However, it then removed so much of what is uniquely Catholic that it is a sort of generic Christian communion service, with a sprinkle of Mary to make it seem a bit more Catholic. It even uses the same 1970 Lectionary used by several Protestant denominations. This has bolstered the modern notion that the Catholic Church is merely one of several "paths up the mountain", i.e. the heresy of Universalism. You cannot radically change the people's primary "interface" with ANY religion without in effect changing the perception of what that religion is--despite repeated claims made in the 1960s: "We're not changing the Church's teachings; we're merely changing the made-made elements that can and should change." I'm old enough to remember this mantra constantly being repeated. Most people don't study Aquinas or the Catechism; they go to Mass and that's their primary "instruction". | Modernism, Liturgical Practice, Ecumenism |
1482 | Properly teaching youth, teaching from the Ambo during Homily. | Homilies |
1483 | The amount of Catholics that do not attend mass regularly after COVID. | COVID |
1484 | The emphasis on "healing" and not, the tradition of Redemptive Suffering. Angels envy man because we are unite with Christ through the Eucharist and Suffering. | Other |
1485 | Diminished sense of a CATHOLIC identity in our so-called Catholic institutions of higher learning. | Modernism, Schools |
1486 | Use of Extraordinary ministers inappropriately dressed, Even careless, lectors again not respectfully dressed or not prepared to proclaim. Not enough days/ time given for us to go to confession. | Confession, Extraordinary Ministers, Availability/Access, Attire |
1487 | Bishops visiting their churches in their diocese on a regular basis to encourage the faithful and teach of the real presence of the Eucharist. | Leadership, Catechesis |
1488 | People's attire for mass, such as immodestly dressed, dressed as if they're going to the beach or a sports event. | Attire |
1489 | 1. Civilly divorced and remarried being permitted to receive the most holy Eucharist. 2. Wearing immodest/casual dress without rebuke. . | Attire, Worthy Reception |
1490 | Constant confusion of what the Church now teaches due to ambiguous statements by the hierarchy. Failure to maintain the sacristy as a holy space, now crowded with numerous “ministers “, lack of reverence toward the tabernacle with priest and servers now seated with their backs toward it, lack of genuflecting when passing in front of the tabernacle. If actions do not suggest belief in the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist what is expected to be the result?. | Liturgical Practice, Confusion, Leadership, Reverence |
1491 | 1. We are not consistently using the paten while distributing the Eucharist and altar servers do not wear gloves and returning any particles from the paten to the chalice to he consumed by the priest. 2. We do not act as though Our Lord is present in the tabernacle. We enter church loud, do not appropriately genuflect in front of the tabernacle every time we are in front of it and dress very casually and/or immodestly. I love Jesus, Our Holy Catholic Faith, I believe in the Trinity and transubstantiation, therefore I would be remiss if I did not add the following… The Mass should not be treated as a social gathering and the church is not a “club” we should join for entertainment. We should be humbling ourselves, and offering praise and thanksgiving. It is not about us! It is about him! The church seems more interested in making people happy rather than saving souls. We should love each other enough to, with charity, tell each other the truth. The church and our priests should tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear. It’s interesting we worry about offending each other, not about offending God. Our actions speak much louder than our words, often what we do not say sends a message quicker than what we do say. The priest scandals in and of themselves do mot harm the church as much as the way we respond to them. Covering up, moving priests and paying people off to make an issue go away does not make the laity have more faith in church leaders or want to follow their teachings. We should be the bold Christian’s fighting the good fight? We should be like the Maccabees willing to die for God! It can be done with charity, we do not have to be abrupt, aggressive or belligerent. It’s often not what we say, but how we say it that offends or pushes people away from the church. It is hard to engage the laity in generosity, first fruits and tithing when we have very wealthy clergy. There is a common misconception that all orders take a vow of poverty. I understand this isn’t so, but some of the perceived extravagance is hard to swallow for many of the laity. Especially, if they do not have the same resources and/or lifestyle. Our youth are divided, I’m very encouraged when I see young people embrace their faith. I see this a lot in the Latin mass. On four separate occasions, with four different groups of boys, I met boys (high school & college) who traveled over an hour to attend a Latin mass. One group was on Spring break from Nashville and attended daily! Thanks be to God!!! I am not as blessed with my own children, but I have hope as I have surrendered them to Our Lord. I sacrificed a lot to send my children to catholic school, K4-12. They no longer practice their faith although both still believe in Jesus. One attends a Protestant church regularly and the other prays but doesn’t attend a church. They both think the catholic church is a joke, a bunch of hypocrites and/or ridiculous in their teaching based on the behavior of the church leaders. I was poorly catechized. I went to public school for the majority of my schooling and CCD was another opportunity to hang out with my friends. Many of my dear childhood friends are no longer practicing Catholics. Much of what I have learned has been from reading, catholic radio (GRN/EWTN/WAOB), bible studies and retreats. Ultimately it is by Gods grace I have continued to grow, learn and not abandon my faith, I did consider changing to a nondenominational church in my 30’s. I wanted my children to have what I thought I missed, so I sent them to Catholic School. Unfortunately, I was the primary breadwinner and worked outside of the home. I relied on the Catholic School for what should have been my job. I am convinced both parents working outside of the home is contributing to our problem. We do not have time, energy or both to teach our kids and relying on others, even the catholic schools isn’t enough. The more I learn the closer I get to Jesus and the more I desire. I am baffled at the churches stance on the Latin mass, it was the catalyst that took me so much deeper in my faith. I prefer the Latin mass, but there is none available near me. I prefer Ad Orientem because i understand why it is done. All my friends say they are offended when a priest turns their back to them. I try to tell them they are standing with us presenting our petitions to God. Interestingly, everyone is ok with the priest turning his back to God. I kneel during the lamb of God, when the tabernacle is open and Our Lord is removed. He deserves my reverence. It’s strange to me that the Latin mass is considered such a problem. I see “opinions” in everyone on everything. If we are trying to grow in holiness and following the teachings of Our Lord; Father , Son and Holy Spirit, what is the issue? Why are we majoring in the minor? I try to ask myself two questions daily… 1. Will doing/saying this get me in to heaven? 2. Will doing/saying this keep me from getting to heaven? These are the only questions and answers that should matter… Why are we trying to conform to the times versus conforming to Our Lord Jesus Christ? We should be emulating Our Lady, the perfect disciple. I may not make it to heaven, but I pray I die trying! I thank God daily for His love and mercy on this lowly sinner! Prayer is the most, not the least, we can do! Deo Gratias, for the opportunity to provide my feedback, and indulging. Unfortunately, the Lord did not bless me with the gift of brevity… Rejoice always, pray without ceasing and give thanks in all circumstances. | Eucharist Reception, Leadership, Catechesis, Reverence |
1492 | Confession . | Confession |
1493 | All of these plus the general lack of reverence by some priests. Not telling the faithful the truth and not preaching the true Gospel. Fear of talking about real issues and standing up in faith for the truth. | Reverence |
1494 | Confession. | Confession |
1495 | 1. Priests should teach CCD. When only lay people teach Catholic doctrine, families do not take it seriously. 2. Priests need to teach basic Catholic Doctrine about the Eucharist from the pulpit. 3. Priests need to believe what the Church teaches about the Eucharist. They can't teach what they do not know or believe. | Catechesis |
1496 | Get back to catechetical basics. Pass out The Penny Catechism to parishioners. So simple and clear. | Catechesis |
1497 | The failure of Mother Church to explain Her role in the world at large and Her necessity, as the one true Church, for the salvation of souls. | Catechesis |
1498 | 1)Lack of emphasis on priestly vocations. 2) unavailability of priests for emergency needs. | Vocations |
1499 | The threat of removal and actual removal in some parishes if the Latin Mass. The only place we found the spirituality that we seek. The "dumbing down" of our religion, where all that matters is "peace, love and understanding" and not avoidance and repentance of sin. | TLM, Sin |
1500 | Our Pope continues to confuse the laity by trying to "modernize" the teachings of the Church. Much of what he says minimizes the importance of many aspects of our Faith, including the Real Presence. He needs to be the center of our Holy Church, not the center of attention. | Modernism, Leadership |
1501 | Lay ministers should not be handling reserved Holy Eucharist in Tabernacle. Should be done solemnly by priest/deacon. | Extraordinary Ministers |
1502 | To keep the day assigned Psalm and not to replace for another. Even if it is read or the choir doesn’t know or have a song! Many times Choirs change the psalm to a different one. Please don’t change! This is happening in many parishes. Also, the choirs are turning the masses into a band concerts and hard to pray and meditate. What is happening to our church music! If a choir is part of charismatic group that is fine but not use their music during a Sunday mass. Thanks you so much for doing this survey! God bless!????. | Music |
1503 | The Pope frequent heretical statements. | Leadership |
1504 | Changing the attitude towards gays. | Modernism, LGBTQ+ Issues |
1505 | Having more time for adoration. | Devotions |
1506 | Eliminating the necessity of veils for women, covering our head in His Presence. That receiving the Eucharist is a gift to Him, living in the state of grace and receiving Him in thanksgiving. | Attire |
1507 | The mixing of politics in the homilies. Teach the Word of God and make Jesus the center of our homes and lives. Make the Gospels relevant to our lives . | Politics, Homilies |
1508 | Allowing money to drive decisions. | Other |
1509 | Rambling sermons that go on and on that the real point of the sermon gets lost. | Homilies |
1510 | Having “favorites” especially wealthy vs poor. Bigger contributors are openly favored. Poor income faithful Parishioners cannot compete. | Other |
1511 | To properly reverence the Real Presence of Our Lord, communion must be received on the tongue, kneeling (unless one has a physical infirmity) and not in the hand. Also, public servants who repeatedly violate church teachings (abortion, homosexual marriage, etc.) must be excommunicated and/or (at least) publicly instructed not to present themselves for communion. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Canon 915, Eucharist Reception |
1512 | People used to go to Mass dressed in their Sunday finest clothes. Now they show up like they are having a picnic in the park or headed to the beach. This is a symptom of a lack of reverence. Also, most women no longer cover their heads in Church. Who told women that they no longer needed to cover their heads?. | Attire |
1513 | We are poorly catechized and do not understand the bible. | Catechesis |
1514 | Not encouraging the faithful to read the lives of the saints and learn what their relationship with the Eucharist was like. | Catechesis |
1515 | As one who was raised in post Vatican II Church, I don’t feel I was taught the TRUE tenants of the faith and Church - that I was not properly catechized. For instance, there is a loss as to the concepts of virtues and vices, and the necessity to grow in virtue. Combine this with societal influences creating a loss of the sense of sin, how do we recognize when we are not in a state of grace? I understand parents have a duty as well, but the Church plays (or should play) a pivotal role for where parents may themselves lack in understanding, especially in today’s world. So where am I going with this? I feel that the Sacrament of Reconciliation could be more emphasized in catechism classes and maybe even in the mass. In my experience, a very short time was spent explaining how and why we do it, and the healing that can come from penance. How are we to understand the depth of approaching God himself in a state of grace if penance is not taken seriously? Furthermore, how do we contemplate transubstantiation when we do not see God the Son offer himself to God the Father through the Holy Spirit at mass when the priest is facing the people rather than the alter and the crucifix - which depicts the actual sacrifice? How are we expected to believe the Eucharist is God, when the reverence we would surely show to God is removed - when the act if kneeling and receiving on the tongue is reduced to standing and allowing those without consecrated hands to touch the Holy Eucharist (with the exception of adoration at which point touching the Holy Eucharist is again revered). If God is supposed to be at the center of our lives, why is God not in the center of the altar of our churches? These may seem like small things, but symbolically they are powerful. I believe you are spot-on with the questions you asked - the changes in the mass (liturgy, Ad Orientem, kneeling, receiving on the tongue, sacred music, having only priests handle the Eucharist, etc.), but I would also add the catechism, particularly in the area of penance and how it relates to the Eucharist. | Family, Eucharist Reception, Catechesis, Worthy Reception |
1516 | The Novus Ordo Missae is the root cause. Though it does not call for abuses explicitly, it de-emphasizes the sacrificial aspect of the Mass, and it allows for all these abuses in the way it is formed. | Liturgical Practice |
1517 | Error taught to younger generations. Lay people opening the tabernacle . | Catechesis |
1518 | Continuing closure of Catholic schools and selling of catholic owned property has divested the church of an opportunity to PROPERLY catechize children in their formative. CCD IS NOT AN ADEQUATE SUBSTITUTE FOR A CATHOLIC EDUCATION!!!. | Closures, Catechesis |
1519 | General casual attitude in American Catholic Churches where people dress and behave as if they aren’t in a sacred place. As a convert from atheism I had no idea until expressly taught that Jesus was physically present in the Eucharist as congregations definitely don’t behave that way generally. It’s an incredible mystery, so powerful and mind blowing but the general nonchalance and acceptance of the lowest common denominator in behavior, attitude, music etc. doesn’t imply and signal what the Church believes. I wish I could kneel at an altar rail when I receive for example, as it’s so reverent and sacred. I have this experience in other countries at Catholic Mass and it makes a huge difference in the seriousness with which people participate and receive in Mass. I love to hear chant at Mass too as the secular music is already extremely dated (mostly from the 70s, 80s, 90s) and it doesn’t give the experience of being outside time and space when we worship. I find it very distracting, even when I was a young adult I thought the music was really bad. We have such a rich heritage of beautiful chant and music that all the congregation could join in with. I go to a regular parish, I am not a Latin Mass goer or anything. We just have so much ancient beauty that we could use in our worship at Mass (music, decoration, architecture) that is ignored and I don’t understand why. I am just as able to be too casual at times because nothing encourages us to enter into a unique experience, or it’s relatively rare unfortunately. | Loss Sense of the Sacred, Liturgical Practice, Lukewarmness, Attire, Reverence |
1520 | Church helping bring illegal aliens into USA, church is in essence breaking the law, and puts very negative light on the church. The Pope is too liberal. He should not be talking about global warming. After a visit with the Pope from President Biden, priest, bishops, and cardinals stopped critiquing Biden on abortion, so church looks wimpy and non-committed. Pope firing conservative priest hurts. Church moves too slow is solving problems like homosexual priest who assault children and women. | Persecuted Clergy, LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership, Abortion, Modernism |
1521 | The inconsistencies between what the Catechism teaches and what the Vatican/Pope is doing/saying in publications. | Leadership |
1522 | Proper catechesis in the family and very often at parishes is theologically impoverished regarding theology around the Eucharist (and theology in general). Also, many parishes that offer daily Mass do so at times only non-working or retired persons can actually attend (such as midmorning). Working persons and students cannot possibly attend Mass at those times and still fulfill their obligations, so as a result they attend Mass less often, and their devotion to and belief in the Eucharist is diminished. | Family, Catechesis |
1523 | Failure of priests and deacons to talk about basic Catholic doctrine during their homilies. | Homilies |
1524 | Being surrounded by a predominantly Protestant and secular culture which leads people to believe they can choose what parts of the Faith they can believe in. Not enough teaching on the permissible and good differences in faith expression (i.e. different saint devotions, charismatic movements, Latin Mass) vs. What must be believed (actual doctrine not just preferences). | Modernism, TLM |
1525 | Saturday Masses; lack of modest dress for Mass. | Attire |
1526 | The overall casual attitude from both the laity and clergy towards the Eucharist, specifically in receiving Communion. | Lukewarmness |
1527 | Poorly prepared priests and deacons whose sermons are read aloud rather than proclaimed from the heart and don't teach the basic precepts of the church , don't quote scripture enough, don't refer to the catechism.. and don't hold anyone's attention #2. Allowing communion to be distributed also from the rear of the church. 3# singing has its place but it can also be a distraction. | Priestly Formation, Eucharist Reception, Catechesis, Silence/Distractions |
1528 | Lack of teaching about transubstantiation. | Catechesis |
1529 | Young people receiving Catholic education are not given a proper understanding of St. John's Gospel. In his gospel John clearly states that Christ meant for us to eat his body and drink his blood literally. I am a pre-Vatican II educated catholic through three years of college and don't remember emphasis being placed on the Real Presence. I don't believe it has gotten any better since then. | Catechesis |
1530 | Fewer holy days. General change in calendar ordinary time, no pre-lent, shortened Christmas season, not recognizing All Souls’ Day, moving Ascension Thursday to Saturday, not having Christ the King precede All Souls and All Saints, despite all the additional readings not tying them back to the Easter triduum. | Liturgical Calendar |
1531 | Priest rushing through the Offertory and Consecration. | Reverence |
1532 | The way the church universal and individually reacted to the COVID scam. On EASTER closing churches because of germs? NO holy water! No Precious Blood! No Body of Christ!? To be honest this started years ago with “it’s flu season we can’t have the Precious Blood” as a convert I have been puzzled by this my whole Catholic life. | COVID |
1533 | I think that the clergy needs to talk a little more about the criticality of staying in the state of grace, and of the seriousness of taking Communion when NOT in the state of grace. Hell is real, and they should be reminded of that ugly fact. | Worthy Reception |
1534 | Sacrifice as an offering by the Faithful has been abandoned, devaluing the Real Presence. Why would a Catholic even consider the Real Presence when they do not realize their own sacrifices of Charity enables and embodies our Communion with the Eucharist? Consider the Epiclesis, here. The Catholic Church has not upheld the obligation of the Faithful to participate in the Perpetual Sacrifice by offering up the sufferings from their Deeds of Charity. We are called to put Love into action. This transforms the Heart of Stone to the Heart of Flesh. Our sacrifices thus unite us with the Mystical Body. The Faithful then see and encounter the Real Presence. When the Assembly experiences the sufferings of the Universal Sacrifice, they comprehend the worth of the Eucharist. They not only see the Body of Christ but are transformed into the Body of Christ. The Faithful become one with the Real Presence. Sacramental Graces are delivered. The doorway to Salvation is further opened for each soul. The virtue of Love becomes active: Real - and - Present. Sources: - CCC 1368 is the nucleus - Reading material from the - - USCCB Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship - Multiple Papal Encyclicals . | Meal vs Sacrifice |
1535 | Failure to support the seminarians who had a true calling . | Vocations |
1536 | Liturgy of the Eucharist versus populism, making the priest the focus, not the sacrifice; over focus on social issues,. | Liturgical Practice |
1537 | Emotional and psychological immaturity in the clergy Fear in the clergy of offending others or losing parishioners Lack in the clergy of deep, personal holiness and courage to show it/teach to others Failure of the clergy to clearly call others to let go of their sin Turning a blind eye to and not calling out sex outside marriage from the pulpit and in the confessional. | Fear/Cowardness, Sin, Holiness |
1538 | There is not enough teachings on how to build a personal relationship with Jesus at Catechism classes and during the homilies. | Relationship with Jesus, Homilies |
1539 | The head of the church has neglected his chief mission-safe guarding the deposit of faith. | Leadership |
1540 | Certain problems in the Church, particularly the sexual abuse scandals and division on teachings like on artificial contraception, I think lead to a frame of mind where people don’t open themselves to Christ or the Church’s fundamental beliefs like the Eucharist. | Modernism, Scandals |
1541 | Overall Catholic catechesis has failed. | Catechesis |
1542 | Shortened and careless ablutions also reinforce doubts that the Eucharist is actually Christ. | Confession |
1543 | There is not enough use of Holy Water, Incense, Alter Veil and the Paten . | Attire, Eucharist Reception |
1544 | The disuse of patens. Particles fall to the floor and Christ is trampled under foot!. | Eucharist Reception |
1545 | COVID church closings and pushing untested gene therapy . | COVID |
1546 | The priest should offer mass every day. Is two days off to play golf more important than feeding his children? . | Availability/Access |
1547 | Families neglecting to put the mass as the most important thing for Sundays (or Saturdays). | Family |
1548 | Not enough priest . | Vocations |
1549 | priest frequent homilies on the real presence guided meditation and quiet ( no music) after reception is over. holy hours. These were in survey ...just empathizing them !. | Silence/Distractions, Homilies |
1550 | Priests need to clearly teach substantial unity and why dualism is not true. People are unconscious dualists, so they can’t understand how Christ is present in the Eucharist. They believe that spirit is separate from matter. This is the source of sexual sin, lack of transcendence, and lack of true belief in all of the sacraments. They can’t fathom how it works, so belief is very weak and consequently reverence. | Reverence, Catechesis |
1551 | The confusion regarding doctrine and tradition from Vatican that seems to lessen the reverence and devotion that is due to Christ the King and Savior who although merciful is also the Just King worthy of our best !. | Confusion, Reverence, Leadership |
1552 | Laity knew how to read or say prayers, but don’t seem to really know how to talk to God. We need to teach from an early age how to really believe and talk to God from the heart. | Catechesis |
1553 | The business of the American life drowns out the presence of God, Jesus, and Spirit. Not having Sunday as a day of rest with more time to think about God further alienates people from the Divine. It is go, go, go, go and people miss the whisper of the Divine. Also, there is not enough Bible study. I have joined a non-denominational Bible study for 3 years now, and my relationship with the Divine is 100% better. The program is called Bible Study Fellowship. Sadly, a number of Catholics have left the faith to join other churches that do Bible studies. They are finding a relationship to the Lord through Bible study. Guidance in prayer would be helpful too. There are so many different ways to pray. Just exactly how do you grow closer to the Lord? People need help. As Catholics, many only get one hour a week at mass. That is not enough. | Modernism, Catechesis, Devotions |
1554 | Moral issues, especially sexual ethics not being discussed from pulpit. | Homilies |
1555 | Allowing laity to enter the Sanctuary, especially during the Mass. | Reverence |
1556 | Offering both forms (i.e. wine) to the laity. | Liturgical Practice |
1557 | Vatican II significantly changed the church into a new non catholic religion. Vatican II must be completely expunged from any association with the catholic religion. | Vatican II |
1558 | Constant Talking prior to mass. Total Failure to address the Destruction that Pope Francis is causing. Example, Blessing Homosexual SIN, 1 week prior to Christmas. Elimination of Bishop Strickland, Vigano, Bishop of Aracibo. Total disrespect by Pope of the Dubia, and Cardinal Zen!! OUTRAGEOUS . | LGBTQ+ Issues, Silence/Distractions, Leadership |
1559 | Right leaning politics, Maga, evangelical protestants . | Politics |
1560 | When the Priest seems to race through the Mass. | Reverence |
1561 | Lack of reverence in the Mass. easing and shortening blessings. A lack of believing in a supernatural God by the clergy and in turn by the laity. | Reverence |
1562 | While the overall Mass is the same across the US and the world, each church and diocese is very different. It is often very different parish to parish. Education often stops at Confirmation with classes for marriage prep or even baptism prep. Sometimes, there are other classes, but again, it differs between parishes, diocese, etc. There needs to be a greater push for education for adults if we are to teach the generations why they need to be Catholic. We need to find ways to pass on education in ways that they learn as well. There are an entire generations that missed so much which is why so many young people are not in Mass today. Find a way to reach out to them, too. | Catechesis |
1563 | Perhaps it ties into "reminding people that reception of Holy Communion must only take place in the state of grace," but a culture where many parishioners regularly abstain from reception. When it seems like 100% of the attending parishioners (except children and visitors) are partaking, making the choice to abstain can be very hard. Good pastoral care and catechesis about not judging anyone sitting, remaining seated if not partaking, etc., could go a long way to avoiding the additional sin and possible scandal of people receiving when in the state of mortal sin. | Catechesis |
1564 | Singing while and after receiving Holy Eucharistic. Can't give thanks properly. No adoration. | Silence/Distractions, Eucharist Reception |
1565 | The norm historically and at present to receive Holy Communion kneeling and on the tongue. | Eucharist Reception |
1566 | Catechesis that fails by omission and also fails by failure to teach the essential truths of the Faith. | Catechesis |
1567 | How few people receive on the tongue while kneeling and that many priests discourage or even forbid this. | Eucharist Reception |
1568 | Communion in the hand. | Eucharist Reception |
1569 | Must receive kneeling and on the tongue out of reverence. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
1570 | No one but the clergy should touch the Eucharist. With laity distributing and taking the Eucharist to homebound. We have lost the reverence due to our Precious Lord. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
1571 | How to do not discuss the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus, the importance of regular prayer Do not discuss the importance of observance of the 10 Commandments and they don’t confront her culture our godless culture. The absence of our priest, showing their personal involvement in prayer praying in front of the tabernacle or praying in the adoration chapel. | Relationship with Jesus, Devotions |
1572 | The Latin Mass being replaced by Novus Ordo. | Liturgical Practice, TLM |
1573 | Removing the tabernacle and placing Our Lord in a "closet" somewhere other than at the altar. Failure to teach the seriousness of sin and why only Christ could atone for our sins. Failure to give the Holy Mother of God proper honor. Failure to teach that confession and being in a state of grace is necessary in order that we properly receive Our Lord and not bring condemnation upon us. Failure to teach that we must attend Mass properly attired so as not to cause scandal or distract other and to be presentable to appear before our Eucharistic Lord . Everything at the Mass, including the way we dress and act should be convey that we are in a space set apart, in the presence of God Almighty. | Confession, Attire, Modernism, Worthy Reception |
1574 | bishops cancelling Mass due to COVID!. | COVID, Leadership |
1575 | Receiving in the hand, without reverence, thanksgiving after, confession prior, and reminders of doing so- . | Eucharist Reception |
1576 | Making TLM freely and widely available . | TLM |
1577 | Poor catechesis re Sacraments, especially Confirmation, to convey power and gifts of Holy Spirit, responsibility to know and defend faith, turn away from sin, live the Gospel, build the kingdom, remain in Him via Eucharist: Body, Precious Blood of Jesus. Host is not a “token” for being Catholic. | Catechesis |
1578 | The US bishops (USCCB) loss of supernatural faith, leading to a failure to be strong shepherds to their flocks, their selling out to the Democrat/Marxist political party for blood money and the rampant acceptance of sodomy in the high ranks of the hierarchy!. | Lack of Faith, Leadership |
1579 | Ok. | Other |
1580 | This may fall under “reverence”, but people’s attire at Mass does not beget coming to the house of the King of the universe: jeans, shorts, T-shirts, bared shoulders. The holiness and sacredness of the Mass and God’s house - in addition to the Presence - should be revered in a number of ways. I wear a veil as well; maybe offer them to ladies and girls before Mass. And both the clergy and laity should discourage talking inside, instead maybe engaging in prayer (e.g. Rosary, Divine Mercy chaplet, organized chant) to honor the sacred space. Also, making the church more available to the faithful throughout the day, or just the chapel, or to a quiet prayer garden to welcome individual meditation on the Presence. | Holiness, Attire |
1581 | laity participating in the sacrifice of the Mass. Lectors, etc. | Liturgical Practice |
1582 | Major scandals in the church such as Homosexuality, indoctrination and butchering of innocent children , abortion ( since the beginning ) failure to preach strongly from the pulpit against these and countless more destructive issues in our society over the course of decades has not only opened the door to where we are today, indeed the Catholic church not only stood in silence , but has held the door open. | Abortion, LGBTQ+ Issues, Scandals |
1583 | Lack of focus on the WORD of GOD as being HOLY. I'm a new (6yr Catholic at age 72) Emphasis on the individual's responsibility to know the HOLY WORD of GOD is lacking in the Catholic Church. It is rare to hear a priest say 'read your Bibles'. | Catechesis |
1584 | Failure to tell laity that transubstantiation wasn’t church doctrine for over 1000 years when it was invented . | Other |
1585 | Incessant heretical and/or scandalous blather from Rome since about 1960. | Leadership |
1586 | The culture itself. Lack of teaching on sin and limited access to confession in some parishes. | Sin |
1587 | Failure of priests to preach about Particles being dropped, or Particles on their hands for those who receive in the hand Emphasizing that Particles are Jesus . | Eucharist Reception |
1588 | Return to the traditional Latin mass where almost everyone believes in the real presence because the mass feels more reverent. Remind the laity before receiving communion that they have to be in a state of grace and to receive it unworthily is wrong. It seems like the church is too busy trying to please the public which is fickle instead of trying to please our God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. We please him with having our priests look at the tabernacle at Him instead of having the priests putting their back at him and looking at us. Also, we should be receiving Holy Communion kneeling and in our tongues. I think it’s time to return to tradition instead of straying away from it. | TLM, Worthy Reception, Eucharist Reception |
1589 | Failure to catechize the connection of the Eucharist to scripture. | Catechesis |
1590 | Teaching on 4 last things. | Catechesis |
1591 | Media. | Modernism |
1592 | Lack of faith formation and education on the real presence of the living Body of Christ. And therefore on the reverence etiquette, as in knowing where and when to kneel, with one knee and when with two…. | Catechesis |
1593 | No Priest ever brings up Birth Control and "IF" you can find a class its far away and costly, PLUS also Catholic schools are so expensive , the average family can't afford them, Kids needs other Catholic kids and a daily Religion class on there Faith. Also Bring back the alter rail, this way people have to get on there knee's to receive Christ. | Fear/Cowardness, Schools, Homilies, Eucharist Reception |
1594 | Vatican 2 heresies like ecumenism, humanism. . | Vatican II, Ecumenism |
1595 | Churches shutting down during COVID. If Mass is so essential, why shut down?. | COVID |
1596 | The sign of peace. Women in the sanctuary doing the readings. The deplorable way people dress for Mass. Lay people distributing holy communion at Mass, and even ashes on ash Wednesday. Not reminding people at funerals and weddings that only Catholics in the state of grace can receive Holy Communion. Using the church as a social and music hall when the Blessed Sacrament is present. Bowing instead of genuflecting. Saying, "For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, after the Our Father like the protestants do. Having children come up into the sanctuary for the homily. Not giving children, the option of communion on the tongue kneeling, or confession behind the screen. Why is it that no-one with authority is willing to say, "The Emperor has no clothes." Until we get rid of Mass facing the people, communion in the hand standing, lay people distributing communion at Mass, and women in the sanctuary, nothing will change. All these good intentions on the part of the church leaders are just a waste of time when they so blatantly ignore the obvious. | Confession, Silence/Distractions, Sign of Peace, Attire, Eucharist Reception, Leadership, Reverence, Role of Women |
1597 | A relationship with Jesus. Christianity is about the person of Jesus not just rules. Also we don’t seem to relate to the poor in our communities. It is not just rituals as the Pharisees had all that. In the evening of life we will be judged on love. | Relationship with Jesus |
1598 | The Novus Ordo mass itself is a (No Suggestions) of the holy mass. It diminishes the sacrificial nature of the mass and turns it into a meal. | Liturgical Practice |
1599 | The current Pope and his doctrinally and morally corrupt inner circle is a counter witness to Catholicism in general. In America the absolute refusal of Bishops to both address and enforce Canon 915. If Biden and Pelosi can receive then the Eucharist has no significance . | Canon 915, Leadership |
1600 | Vatican 2 and the NOM. | Vatican II |
1601 | Failure of the clergy to teach about the Real Presence, Heaven Hell and Purgatory from the pulpit. They flipped to social justice and the " church of nice" No education of the laity especially the young people. Failure of the bishops to speak out , especially the last 3 years when they hid during the government gas lighting of everyone. Denied the sacraments to the faithful, especially the dying. | COVID, Leadership, Catechesis, Social Justice |
1602 | People need the Holy Spirit. An encounter with JESUS CHRIST. | Relationship with Jesus |
1603 | In my opinion, I think the following topic should be a part of the discussion: Having to many options for the priest to choose from in the Novus Ordo Mass can create disunity and be a distraction to people from focusing on the Eucharist and what is happening during Mass. For example, I went to one parish in where people "shuffled" together, crossing the aisle, to hold hands for the Our Father prayer....I have never seen that done anywhere else before except this one parish. Another example is paragraph 128 from the GRIM: 128. After the Collect, all sit. The Priest may, very briefly, introduce the faithful to the Liturgy of the Word. Then the reader goes to the ambo and.... The word "may" insinuates that he Priest can either choose to do this part or not. This is one example of many in where things should be kept consistent no matter what Parish you go to. People form a cadence when they go to a specific Church with a specific Priest over time and once that cadence is thrown off....then that is when people are now distracted from what we should be focused on and start having conversations that...can get uncomfortable. . | Liturgical Practice |
1604 | A lot of things rest on parents. If parents don’t show it’s important to go to mass (and why are people scheduling sports for kids on Sunday mornings???) and the emphasis on receiving First Communion as a pageant, rite of passage , with no encouragement of parents to continue coming to mass . | Family |
1605 | Catechesis on the faith in general seems to be lacking, in addition to catechesis listed above. Encouraging personal encounters with Jesus in the Eucharist and personal relationship with Jesus. . | Catechesis |
1606 | Lack of true practice of the faith .. My Pastor growing up said often .. the Faith is caught not taught. We’ve not given our children anything substantial to catch . | Living the Faith |
1607 | Yes. The over emphasis on social justice issues. Not enough emphasis on the healing message of forgiveness and love from the pulpit. | Homilies, Social Justice |
1608 | 1. A lot of criticism comes from believing the laity sitting beside you at church are hypocritical- going to mass on Sunday but living differently throughout the week. This shows me that the Eucharist has been culturally important but not transforming the hearts of the people in the pews. Better catechesis for adults and practical examples of how we ought to live could strengthen the lifestyles of the congregation (more examples of do x,y, Z in concrete ways - not just the list of “Don’t do all these other things” 2. Most people Don’t understand the history of the mass itself, the symbolism and the parallels from Old Testament worship to what mass looks like now. An appreciation for how things came to be and why they are can deeply strengthen one’s devotion to the liturgy itself. | Catechesis |
1609 | 1) Failure to adequately, if at all, teach the continuity of the Mass until Vatican II. . | Vatican II |
1610 | The key point is that for years there has been no quality control over what teachers/volunteers teach in the classroom (Catholic school or PRS). Most people have never learned about Adoration and or the Real Presence of Christ in the he Eucharist. There are real solutions but they require change and a leadership committed and accountable for the changes. | Leadership, Catechesis |
1611 | That deciding to not receive the Eucharist while being is a state of separation, is a type of adoration . | Worthy Reception |
1612 | Public excommunication for pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality individuals who are in the public eye. | Abortion, LGBTQ+ Issues, Canon 915 |
1613 | Promoting Homosexuals like Father Martin. Pope Francis Announcing 1 week before Christmas the Blessing of SODOMITE Couples! OUTRAGEOUS, and then the Priests Never talking about it!!!. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership |
1614 | Proper catechizing the youngest. They are only brought to RE when it is time for sacrament prep. | Catechesis |
1615 | Many Catholics are glued to the secular media and technology. The secular media has long waged a campaign against traditional Catholic belief- especially the Eucharist. | Modernism |
1616 | 1. Persecution of the faithful traditions of the Catholic Church by the Pope and clergy. | TLM, Leadership |
1617 | I believe that Priests do not care much for their parishioners who are poor. The Priest use to visit the poor to see if they needed anything or just to have a chat with them. I knew of a Priest who actually went into the poorest and most dangerous parts of the city. I don't see that anymore. But I wish I would in my lifetime. They should let the poor know they count and their souls just as important if not more so of others. Some also don't take those who need help spiritually serious enough. | Leadership |
1618 | Lay people taking over Catholic educational and treating it as a business more than a ministry. | Catechesis |
1619 | The high number of modernists posing as clergy or religious. The lack of correction of heretics and criminals such as Fr. Rupnik, or Fr. James Martin and others blessing unrepentant homo couples, the Bishop in Austria introducing sacrilegious "art" blaspheming our Lord and Lady in a cathedral, the lack of correction and support of politicians who support abortion even giving them Communion, the Holy Father handing out the Eucharist to anyone and everyone when St. Paul admonished to receive unworthily is to be guilty of the body and blood of Christ. The cancelling of holy, priests that teach the Catholic Faith as it was for centuries, that is, until Vatican II when innovations and novelties replaced sound theology and Tradition. I could go on, but I have things to do. God bless you and for the love of God, please correct course of the Barque of Peter before more souls are lost. | TLM, Persecuted Clergy, Vatican II, Leadership, Modernism, Canon 915 |
1620 | Pronouncements and teachings from the Vatican on the matter of Eucharistic holiness. | Holiness, Leadership |
1621 | When we - lay Catholics AND clergy - fail to take our faith seriously - i.e. fail to allow God’s grace to affect how we approach and how well we address our primary responsibilities, then we give a poor witness and undermine faith in the Source of Grace - Jesus, especially as He is present in the Eucharist. We can fail to take our faith seriously in 2 ways - 1) by laxity as this survey OVER and MIS focuses on and 2) by treating our faith as a set of external rules we have to follow but if we feel we have followed the rules, then we are no need to allow God’s Grace to affect how we treat our primary obligations. What good is it if we say we believe in the Real Presence and are solemn and silent in Church if we cannot practice prudence and charity in our family? What good is it if a bishop makes a big show if denying the Eucharist to public figures and does not address the problems of abuse in his own diocese? If we Catholics want others to have faith we had better not behave as though the Eucharist were an empty symbol ourselves. | Lukewarmness, Leadership |
1622 | Education. | Catechesis |
1623 | Failure to preach about the presence and to preach about sin. | Homilies, Sin |
1624 | Lack of leadership on the part of Bishops and clergy. Closing down the Church during COVID for so long a time told Catholics (who may have been weak in their faith and formation to begin with) that the Faith was and the Church was “non-essential.” We as Catholics should have been encouraged to truly live our faith as Saints in the modern world—ministering to the world. “It is easier for the earth to exist without the sun than it is for the earth to exist without the Mass.” (Padre Pio) The fact that Rome (the Papacy) is tolerant of all things but the “Latin Mass” and those considered “Conservative” is a red flag. The Church has a rich tradition. The attack of the devil is on the priesthood and on marriage and family. The call of our Baptism— the Sacramental life…. We are called to counter-cultural…. Leading by example. Truth in love does not condone us in our sins… we are called to be saints.. The Eucharistic Congress and all that is being done to celebrate this time should only lead us to more … what distinguishes a Catholic within the world but not of the world… “The Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our Faith.” What we do and why we do what we do matters! Why bishops won’t entertain the call from laity to have the opportunity to kneel and receive Jesus on the tongue—- where is our faith and belief? Where is our reverence? Where is our humility? Where is our love and thirst for holiness? It appears that the Synod on Synodality and what Rome is pushing, allowing, and what seems to be a shutting down/ silencing and removing any voices that disagree (considered too conservative) with this agenda is what Pope Francis has advocated. There appears to be no balance when it comes to “extremes.” I am a child of the “Novus Ordo” Mass, and it has only been a red flag to me when as a life-long Catholic I am witnessing a total disregard for those who have a love for the “Latin Mass” - where is tolerance for this? How are faithful Catholics and those looking on to make sense of this hypocrisy from the highest offices within Rome—- “Peter” abdicated his title of “Vicar of Christ” and he confuses all who seek his guidance and the truth of our Faith. It is not okay to attack and retaliate against those who have questioned and opposed some of what has been thrusted upon the faithful. There is a deposit of Faith… We are called to be faithful. Jesus I Trust In You! Totus Tuus??. | TLM, Persecuted Clergy, COVID, Holiness, Eucharist Reception, Leadership |
1625 | Kneel and receive on the tongue. Should only distribute the host only. | Eucharist Reception |
1626 | People will believe Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist when Catholics act like it - simply behaving with more reverence in Church or tell people TO believe is not enough. We must be holy and we must teach people what holiness is (spoiler: you can eliminate ALL the "issues" in this survey and still be far from God.) Note on questions so far: "contemporary" (syn. modern) is not the opposite of "sacred." There is plenty of music from the 1800's (and prior) which banal and as inappropriate for use in the liturgy as secular music. | Modernism, Music, Catechesis |
1627 | HOLY, REVERENT PRIESTS! 'Horrible formation in seminaries' Many priests 'behave' or if one could say casually sloppily celebrate at the altar. Do not hold hands reverently throughout the celebration of mass. Look at the host irreverently' almost like they do not believe. Sit looking at parishioners instead of they themselves set example and reverently pray after administering holy communion to parishioners. WE NEED SAINTLY PRIESTS that will lead souls to believe what is really happening at mass so that ALL parishioners would not even want to leave!!!!. | Reverence, Holiness, Priestly Formation |
1628 | Loss of the propagation of the science of the Saints in most of all the early church fathers which affects the gifts and fruits of the holy spirit, and also the formation in pre-Cana And confirmation and the precepts of the church. | Catechesis |
1629 | An utter failure to emphasize continuing education/catechesis of adults on the lay vocation and universal call to holiness. | Holiness, Catechesis |
1630 | In my own parish and in others in the diocese I witness priests disregarding the sacredness of the Holy Eucharist: lack of care in purifying the sacred vessels (saying that the tiny particles don't count and are not the Body of the Lord), I know of a priest who when the tabernacle became empty!!! brought a non consecrated host to a dying woman, walking into the church before a daily Mass and finding the Tabernacle standing open and or empty! Allowing a sacristan to expose the Blessed Sacrament for a holy hour. I could go on!!. | Reverence, Liturgical Practice |
1631 | Priests should be catechizing at the pulpit. Offer reminders about the faith that people never learned or forgot. Also need sometimes to talk about current events that are happening and offer advice. This is all crucial. Many people feel that major Catholic events are not important to the church because they are so SILENT about it all. Everyone needs guidance and strength during these anxiety ridden and changing times . | Homilies |
1632 | Matthew 26:31 . | Other |
1633 | Laity not showing reverence when receiving communion. | Reverence |
1634 | I think that the clergy has dropped the ball when it comes to defining for the laity what is acceptable dress while visiting a church and attending mass. Bridal wear is especially egregious. I attend an FSSP parish and we have a dress code that should be universally mandated. How one dresses has a direct impact on how one acts. | Attire |
1635 | Liberal politics during the homily. | Politics, Homilies |
1636 | The failure of diocesan Catholic Schools to remain faithful to Catholic teaching in general and on the Eucharist specifically. | Schools, Catechesis |
1637 | Blessing homosexuals union , all religions lead to GOD ( Frances teaching ) church follows Frances as if everything he says is law and persecutes anyone who disagrees. Infallibility has only be used 2 times. Enviro woke. | Persecuted Clergy, LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership, Modernism |
1638 | Positively deformative catechesis, particularly in homiletics. Also, the publicly observable discontinuity of Catholic clergy promoting DNC platform goals with zeal, while omitting any public activism for sacred causes (government non-interference in worship, discipline for heterodox universities, hospitals, etc.). | Homilies, Catechesis |
1639 | Vatican II. | Vatican II |
1640 | Catechesis of children following the teachings of the catechism. | Catechesis |
1641 | Perceived lack of adequate passing on of the faith to the last 2 or 3 generations of Catholics; oddly, this seems to have it's roots in the 1960's post-Vatican II. | Vatican II, Catechesis |
1642 | Bad or Poor Formation Of Priests in Celebration Of The Mass The Discouragement Of Strong Preaching On Who is in The Eucharist i.e. that Christ Is Physically Present Just he was two thousand Years IE What it truly mean that he is with us always not merely as some fond memory or spiritual presence Also A Proper Catechesis that God Is not a merely A Pal or Buddy but Holy That we are not God That we are Contingent Creatures and Sinners who need The Sacrament of Confession etc.. | Priestly Formation, Catechesis |
1643 | Dumbing down students at Catholic schools in Theology. Mass should be held daily at Catholic schools. Crosses in every classroom as well as the American flag. | Schools |
1644 | Pope Francis' papacy based on "Make a mess" with little real direction about the true precepts of the Catholic faith and a never ending litany of continuing scandals of every type and a total loss of church attendance due to the banning of all of the sacraments during the pandemic. The laity no longer feel a need to believe in the traditional dogmas of the Church let alone attend mass. | COVID, Leadership |
1645 | Failure to offer the Traditional Latin Mass at times and places easily available to the people. Also failure to offer Confession at convenient times. | TLM |
1646 | Priests and others in leadership roles fail to emphasize the uniqueness of Catholicism in holding onto - and actually having - the Real Presence. (I know the Orthodox have Him too, but I think most people are scarcely aware of their existence, so that's not a factor.) I'm a convert from Evangelicalism and have very warm sentiments toward Protestants and all of the good in Protestantism, but the uniqueness of our faith and the superiority of the Church to expressions of Christianity outside of it should never be deemphasized. | Leadership |
1647 | Poor catechesis and loos of the nuns in the schools. | Catechesis |
1648 | Catholic schools that have lost their Catholic identity and failed to transmit the Catholic intellectual and spiritual tradition to students and their parents. Uncatechized and poorly formed parents who are immersed in the secular culture. Deterioration of marriage and family. | Family, Schools, Catechesis, Modernism |
1649 | There are bound to be more that neither of us are thinking of. | Other |
1650 | Teaching on the ecclesiastical aspect of the reception of Holy Communion: i.e., that reception of Holy Communion also signifies the unity of the communicant in the Mystical Body of Christ, and that communion with the Church is necessary for the reception of Holy Communion. The loss of this Patristic teaching, effectively makes "open communion" with heretics and schismatics possible, diminishing the importance of worthy reception of the Eucharist (being in the state of grace, etc.), the truth of the Church's teaching on the Real Presence, the sacrificial nature of the Mass, etc. | Catechesis |
1651 | Lack of explaining regarding the Real Presence of Christ therein. The Eucharist is the Center of our Catholic Faith. It has not been taught for decades. Priests should routinely explain the Eucharist. Modesty in clothing. Prayer in Church. Respect the Real Presence and the prayers of those who need silence. | Attire, Catechesis |
1652 | Casual attitude towards grave sin, or even believing there is such a thing, rendering Christ and His sacrifice meaningless. | Sin, Lukewarmness |
1653 | Catechesis is a major issue and the other is the leadership (or lack of) by the bishops who often appear to be cowardly and of a "circle the wagons" mentality. | Catechesis, Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
1654 | Girls, women on the altar serving Mass. | Role of Women |
1655 | The laity are still in need of catechesis on the Truth of the Mass--that it is the worship of God that Jesus commanded us to offer. | Catechesis |
1656 | A lack of faith that the Eucharist is truly body and blood, soul and divinity of Christ. | Lack of Faith |
1657 | The current Pope and the direction coming directly from the Vatican to our Bishops to not implement Vatican II as it was originally designed; The curia taking the decision-making ability away from the Bishops and their diocese, at the local level, to bring back any and all traditions and norms they believe will assist in laity's growth in belief in the Real Presence (i.e., TLM, Gregorian Chant, no lay people touching the Eucharist as Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers or receiving the in hand); Consistent appointments and elevations of Bishops and priests that espouse loyalty to the Pope rather than Jesus Christ, His church and His magisterium; Punishment of priests and Bishops that champion the teachings of Jesus Christ and the magisterium above politics, popularity, and being liked; layperson dress needs to change - women in modest dress clothing and men in suits or dress clothes, head covering for women as prescribed by St. Paul (see Corinthians 11:3-16). | TLM, Extraordinary Ministers, Vatican II, Attire, Leadership |
1658 | We need quiet reverence and not a jamboree. Jesus is the focus. | Reverence, Silence/Distractions |
1659 | Lack of reverence for the Blessed Sacrament and lack of Silence in the Church. This is because they do not know that Jesus is really there--the Host is NOT a symbol. | Reverence |
1660 | The false notion of lay "active participation" as if lay "active participation" is what makes or breaks the legitimacy of the Mass rather than the priest's offering of the Holy Sacrifice being what is central. | Liturgical Practice |
1661 | Lack of use of a paten when distributing the Eucharist. | Eucharist Reception |
1662 | Not following traditional Catholic values. | Modernism |
1663 | The COVID lockdowns treated the Eucharist as un-essential. Then when we returned to church, the restrictions treated Holy Communion—reception of the Divine Physician—as an opportunity for contagion. | COVID |
1664 | The lack of modesty . | Attire |
1665 | Wearing proper attire to Holy Mass. . | Attire |
1666 | Lack of education on proper attire and modesty in church. Allowing that people that are almost naked receive the Eucharist Not educating the people bon the use of the Chapel Veil. usually the person who uses the veil, believed in the Real Presence. Allowing woman to read thev1 St and second reading and Psalm during Mass. Locating singers and pianos in front of the church. The sacrifice of the Mass should have all the attention, not the choir, it's not a concert. Not encouraging the education on Latin and organ. Not doing Eucharistic Processions in weekly basis When the prettiest or Bishop talks in the middle of the church during the Homily, giving his back to the tabernacle. When the priest or Bishop consecrate and elevate the Holy Host with one hand instead of using both hands. When priests don't provide kneelers for the faithful who wants to receive the Eucharist properly. When they tell the first communicants that it is okay to receive in the hand. Communion in the hand is protestant and is wrong, and if someone wants to receive in the hand leave for adults, never for children. When the priest says the body of Christ, wait a prudent amount of time for the Amen before putting the Eucharistic on the tongue. Instead of rushing it. Encourage altar servers to do Holy hours. Set some Holy Hours for altar servers. Wait enough time after communion to pray, don't give the Blessing so soon. Have more time if silent prayer while the Lord is still present in those 15 minutes. Put signs in the entrance of the church with modesty guidelines. Give first communicants more opportunities for Holy Hours. . | Liturgical Practice, Attire, Leadership, Catechesis, Reverence |
1667 | politics in the church. Conversion of clergy. no one from the church official is speaking out the truth regarding abortion politics, chaos in the world, gender issues, etc. | Politics, LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership, Abortion |
1668 | The use of the impoverished Novus Ordo Missae. | Liturgical Practice |
1669 | Closing churches during COVID Lack of homilies exhorting faithful on effects of sin Lack of orthodox catechesis. | COVID |
1670 | Dumbed down homilies. Homilies full of same talking points. Extraordinary ministers in general but especially when on the altars and too many ill clad women on the altar . | Homilies |
1671 | When Liturgies fail to show reverence & sacredness; when celebrant thinks it's a show for him to perform, instead of leading the Faithful in quiet moments of prayer. | Reverence |
1672 | Stress teaching in RCIA and First Communion classes. | Catechesis |
1673 | I believe that longer homilies and more impassioned preaching (not necessarily more charismatic, though sometimes it may be) would be welcome. We do not need shorter mass durations and relaxed standards. We need to be convicted of our need for God and called to dedicate our time and attention to the Eucharist. | Homilies |
1674 | Seeing Eucharist as the center of our belief- lack of catechizes for grownups . | Catechesis |
1675 | Secular pressure in faith lives. Remarks that make one have doubts when one is not continuing to be encouraged to build your own faith. | Modernism |
1676 | Clergy lack of reverence during the Consecration. | Reverence |
1677 | Priests fail to quote and use God’s words to support Catholic beliefs regarding radical behaviors that, in recent years, are proclaimed as “normal”. | Catechesis |
1678 | Taking out of altar rails so that all will receive Jesus while kneeling and on the tongue . | Eucharist Reception |
1679 | Connecting Confession with reception of the Eucharist; proper modest dress in church; genuflecting. | Confession, Reverence, Attire |
1680 | Secular humanism. The philosophy and materialism have infiltrated the culture in the Church. Yet the main issue is the lack of people living and professing that personal relationship with Christ, for the Faith is passed on through the family. | Modernism |
1681 | The benefit of protestant converts coming into our church has led to further Protestation of the Novus Ordo mass ( raising of hands , incessant singing during communion etc.). | Liturgical Practice |
1682 | Placement of the celebrant's chair in front of the tabernacle. This denotes a casual attitude toward the tabernacle and a lack of respect for the contents, the Eucharist. | Reverence |
1683 | Wearing inappropriate clothes at Church and consecrated ground. Also, lack of discipline, sacrifice, charity, respect to the clergy. | Attire |
1684 | The Vatican irreverence towards the Eucharist and the TLM. | TLM, Leadership |
1685 | Failure to teach people how to meditate/mental prayer Poor catechesis on what constitutes grave matter Routinely locking churches so that people cannot come pray. | Catechesis |
1686 | The prayers of the priest and faithful are not as beautiful as they once were. They are weak. We don't glorify God as we should. I've been attending St. John of the Desert Melkite Catholic Church for more than 2 years. | Beauty |
1687 | Lack of Adoration or perpetual Adoration at each parish. And locked parish doors during g the day. | Devotions |
1688 | Lack of catechesis on sin, virtue, sanctifying grace, the Sacrament of Penance, the Communion of Saints, traditional devotions such as Consecration to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, novenas, etc. General lack of reverence for the holiness of the temple, the Tabernacle and the altar. Too much emphasis on the homily and too little on the offertory. The 80% plus changes to the TLM, i.e. less mention of Holy Trinity, Angels, Mary and the Saints, Calvary. | Confession, Devotions, TLM, Catechesis |
1689 | The breakdown of the liturgy overall which feels watered down and devoid of the sacred as well as the attitude of the clergy during mass and their reverence, especially in regards to the Eucharist. | Reverence, Liturgical Practice, Lukewarmness |
1690 | Allowing reception of the Eucharist in the hand. | Eucharist Reception |
1691 | the contradiction in stating the sacraments are vital to the salvation of our souls and then locking them away so no one may receive them. the shepherd makes sure all the sheep are in the fold before he bars the gate with his own body . | Availability/Access |
1692 | Failure of seminary formation of priests . | Priestly Formation |
1693 | The cancelation of Good Holy priests who are in Good Standing , but because they are not lukewarm in the teachings of the Church they are being silenced, reprimanded, persecuted , not supported by their own bishops, cardinals and the pope....they are being removed from their parishes and their Dioceses. Shameful! . | Persecuted Clergy, Lukewarmness, Leadership |
1694 | Homosexuality and corruption in the church hierarchy. Bishops, Cardinals, and Popes who either are homosexuals or tolerate those who are. The word 'celibacy' is rarely mentioned anymore - because the clergy are no longer celibate. I think statistically there is a correlation between the percentage of homosexual clergy and the percentage of people who no longer believe in the real presence. Homosexuals cannot become actual priests. They do not have the proper mindset. As such, they are not actually capable of confecting the Eucharist. Therefore, the people sense that the Eucharist they are receiving is not valid - because it's not. The Vatican knows they are not ordaining valid priests and they are cancelling current priests and bishops who are valid - so, what is the solution? Oh, perhaps the Church Hierarchy could start following Christ and following actual Catholic teaching, and begin ordaining actual, valid, priests. If you actually want to restore believe in the real presence in the Eucharist, you need to restore the Church making it an entity that is capable of producing a valid Eucharist. | Persecuted Clergy, LGBTQ+ Issues, Scandals, Leadership |
1695 | Purification. | Other |
1696 | Family life and parents teaching their children about the real presence. This is the foundation of a child’s understanding of things even before what occurs at the Mass. if this has been done well, children will understand the significance of the Eucharist being the very Heart of Jesus. | Family, Catechesis |
1697 | 1. Allowing immodest or very casual dress in the Church, including AND especially those reading at holy Mass - short, low-cut or sleeveless dresses, tight pants or yoga pants, shorts, blue jeans, sweat pants, shirts with logos. I have witnessed a few parishes with gracious signs posted on the doors noting appropriate dress for men and women. It's not rocket science! 2. Altar boys wearing gym shoes! Or shorts/very casual clothing under their altar serving clothes. 3. Lack of preaching on the reality of SIN or hell. The reality of what happens spiritually of receiving the Eucharist...when you say 'Amen', you agree and submit to Church teaching, even if not understanding it. Preaching so they understand to keep coming, but what it means to receive in a state of grace and NOT to receive if not in a state of grace. AND what receiving (or not) in a state of grace does to our souls...healing or condemnation. | Sin, Homilies, Attire, Worthy Reception |
1698 | Casual dress of people at Mass. Especially Eucharistic Minister. l saw a lady in white short shorts & tank top distributing the Holy Eucharist! Completely unexceptionable! The priest should have told her to sit down. We don't need 6 lay Eucharistic Ministers when there are only 50 people at Mass. Put the Communion rail back up. lt goes much faster and more reverent when people are kneeling and receiving Our Lord on the tongue!. | Reverence, Attire, Eucharist Reception |
1699 | Abandonment of Traditional Latin Mass . | TLM |
1700 | Poor catechesis in 1970s-80s Catholic school. I did not know the teaching of the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist until I was a mom in my 30’s listening to Catholic radio. I went to Catholic school for 12 years. | Catechesis |
1701 | Influence of other Christian faiths that attack the Catholic Church, especially the sacraments. | Ecumenism |
1702 | We were not taught all of the clear teachings of the Church. We were taught only social justice issues, which lead to the “be a good person and that is enough” ideology. | Social Justice, Catechesis |
1703 | "I'm going to remain undetectable the entire time, but if you don't believe in me, it will hurt my feelings." --God. Hahahah, this is a non-scenario. you are all frauds. | Other |
1704 | Fake and anti-Christ religious in Churches and especially in Vatican. Many priests see their ordination as a job not as a mission or calling. | Lack of Faith, Leadership |
1705 | failure to instruct people to dress respectfully when receiving Eucharist . | Attire |
1706 | Quiet in Church…we talk before, during and after Mass…I have heard golf scores discussed during Mass….I am guilty of talking after Mass in Church…BUT at Eucharistic Adoration I have seen our Hispanic community back out of Church in order to keep facing Jesus until they walk out the door. Makes me re-think my posture when I leave Church…. | Silence/Distractions, Devotions |
1707 | Some churches have wooden statues that don't bring a sense of holiness We prefer the Italian human form of carving . | Holiness, Beauty |
1708 | Failure to use Communion plate for those receiving on the tongue. Congregation sitting after Communion. Congregation raising hands during certain Mass parts. Congregation raising and lowering kneelers during Mass. Deacons showing no reverence, but rather serving/“performing” for attention. Congregation is not on stage here…let’s have priests talk about reverence and respect for Christ when inside His house. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
1709 | Not making the Church a sacred place. Get rid of the sign of peace. Stop all the laity from using all the hand jesters. During adoration, silence. | Sign of Peace, Silence/Distractions, Loss Sense of the Sacred |
1710 | Allowing reception in the hand rather than exclusively on the tongue. | Eucharist Reception |
1711 | Lack of availability for confession or a need. Modesty in dress requirements. Too many people in sanctuary - lectors etc. especially women in sanctuary. Lacks respect for holy ground. Communion in the hand . | Availability/Access, Attire, Eucharist Reception, Reverence |
1712 | We put too much emphasis on how long (time) we are at Mass. We have let modern culture dictate a speedy Mass as opposed to quality time spent in the Presence Of Our Lord. I am 83 years and for 60 of those years I have not heard homilies directing us away from sin. For the record, we have bee married 58 years and have lived in all four corners of the USA and spots in between. We have bee members of 25 different Parishes so we have seen a good cross section of Catholic leadership. | Modernism |
1713 | Veils for women Proper reverent attire at mass Too many Eucharistic ministers Closing thumb and index finger after consecration until after communion by the priest Insisting on EM washing fingers after distributing the Body of Christ More kneelers when the altar rail is missing More iconography and statues and stained glass windows . | Attire, Eucharist Reception |
1714 | TLM must be the focus for all Catholics everywhere reverting to the 1962 Missal. | TLM |
1715 | Failure to follow God’s word. Writing the catechism for the Catholic Church and creating rules that are not ordained by God. | Catechesis |
1716 | The importance of a personal relationship with Jesus. In 2nd grade, I remember Sister Cabrini told me if that if I was the only person on this Earth that Jesus would have died on the cross because he loves me that much and wants me to be with Him always. | Relationship with Jesus |
1717 | Clergy don't talk about sin. They don’t define it, site examples or teach on hell, or the repercussions of decisions people make. They don't teach how confession is required to receive Jesus and that you should abstain if you aren't in a state of grace. What is a mortal sin? Every Sunday these teachings need to be addressed. Also, why not attending mass on Sundays is a sin. And the gravity if you don't take your kids to church. | Confession, Sin |
1718 | Since Vatican II, the priest has become the centerpiece, the star of the show of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The protestant tinkering of the Mass along with the lack of belief of the True Presence of our Lord, has reduced His body into a mid-show snack. These are great survey questions by the way. | Vatican II |
1719 | Failure to mandate chastity in attire for Mass and homilies instructing adequate information in the commandments and consequences for not following the church mandates, dogmas and principles. | Homilies, Attire |
1720 | People’s self-centered mess, selfishness, lazy, poor choices, the powerful evil in the world, the DEVIL, . | Modernism |
1721 | The clergy not mentioning the Eucharist And the real presence during their homily. | Homilies |
1722 | That the Latin mass will be forbidden on 7/16/24. | TLM |
1723 | I think receiving in the hand instead of on the tongue was one of the biggest mistakes. Allowing at least a single station for kneeling to receive would help restore some of the reverence in receiving the Eucharist. | Eucharist Reception |
1724 | Failure to instill daily prayer in the life of the laity as a significant value. | Devotions |
1725 | 1. Prohibit Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2. Prohibit distribution of Precious Blood to communicants except for weddings. 3. Removing opportunities to kneel while receiving 4. Little care given in purification of vessels after Communion 5. Bring back patens under chins of faithful during reception 6. Make Confession available before each Mass. | Confession, Extraordinary Ministers, Availability/Access, Eucharist Reception |
1726 | The fact our bishops closed the churches during COVID. | COVID, Leadership |
1727 | Weakness for priests and bishops to speak about the teachings of the Church during homilies instead of trying to make everyone feel good. | Homilies, Leadership |
1728 | Failure to educate the young . They think after Confirmation they don’t need anything else . | Catechesis |
1729 | Poor CCD teachers. Approval of unconsecrated hands touching the Body of Christ. Bowing to the back of the person in front of you in the Communion line rather than the Son of God. Using the excuse that we don’t know another’s heart to allow bad and irreverent behavior at Mass. Failure to stress Confession and offer it regularly in many parishes. | Confession, Reverence |
1730 | That the Priests and Bishops themselves don't believe in the Holy Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist. As exhibited when they closed the churches during COVID. | COVID, Leadership |
1731 | The way people come dressed to Mass. Shorts, halter tops, tight fitting clothing on women, etc. Receiving holy communion with dirty hands and irreverently. | Attire |
1732 | The Precious Blood is not offered regularly. (And yes I am fully aware that under both species Our Lord Is Present. I am also aware of the history - but if it was offered for the first 1200 years or so (up until the Council of Constance I believe) , why in both the TLM and a very large percentage of NO Masses , is it still being withheld from the laity? This is scandalous- . | Liturgical Practice |
1733 | Homilies that are trivial, not focusing on the readings, Old Testament Bible studies and presenting the amazing story of salvation history. Mixed messages from the Vatican, no one knows what to believe any more. Bishops and priests who rarely stand up for what the Catholic Church has always taught. I dare say, St Paul would be so disappointed in where the Church has fallen. | Confusion, Homilies, Leadership |
1734 | Church leadership corrupting the sacrament of the mass. | Leadership |
1735 | No TLM available . | TLM |
1736 | The Traditional Mass. | TLM |
1737 | 4 min homilies that do not translate the true meaning of the Gospel readings. Lack of visibly present reverence by the priest to the transubstantiation of the gifts on the alter. I see this more and more, as if it is just a “re-enactment” of an event!. | Homilies, Reverence |
1738 | People dressing in the worst possible way... SHORTS, LOW CUT TOPS, DIRTY and un-kept... CHILDREN running and playing in the Pews with toys and EATING food to keep them quiet.. PARENTS are to blame... It takes away from the RESPECT we owe the LORD.. Priests are afraid to CORRECT HIS for fear the won't come to Mass.. Total Distraction by this kind that are Not disciplined in any way. | Family, Fear/Cowardness, Attire, Reverence |
1739 | Lay people going into the tabernacle. Need to restore the use of patens for Holy Communion, and communion rails. | Liturgical Practice, Eucharist Reception |
1740 | Either the Priest extends his Homily beyond the time, people begin to get tired & also, rushing the mass, I've attended churches where the entire mass ends in 45mins. | Homilies |
1741 | Poor catechism in Catholic schools. | Schools, Catechesis |
1742 | Lack of excommunication to political leaders who totally go against Catholic principles; socialist priest; covering up of too many scandals; hypocrisy. | Scandals, Canon 915 |
1743 | Desecration of the Eucharist underfoot when receiving in the Hand. IF Christ’s blood is real and precious and any drop falls to the ground it’s cleaned up, same goes for His Body. Stop all abuse and just return to receiving Jesus on the tongue kneeling. No more excuses. Christ is vulnerable to satanic cults in black masses receiving in hand, but they use a device in the mouth to keep host dry. Protect Our King, period! . | Eucharist Reception |
1744 | Ban communion in the hand, receive knelling on the tongue. | Eucharist Reception |
1745 | Faith formation classes have failed miserably!!! We have not taught the faith post Vatican II. | Vatican II, Catechesis |
1746 | living the faith according to scripture and tradition has been so misconstrued. | Living the Faith |
1747 | Failure to teach about the sacrament of reconciliation related to being in the state of grace, and having adequate times for the faithful to receive it . | Confession |
1748 | Communion in the hand is irreverence. We really should be kneeling to receive Jesus. | Eucharist Reception |
1749 | many of our bishops and the Vatican give mixed messages confusing the faithful. | Confusion, Leadership |
1750 | Lack of instruction and emphasis on reading and understanding the Bible is the word of God. Too many rules not connected to the Bible or the word of God . Readings at mass never explained . Lay persons come from all walks of life and education. Wearing a collar does not make the e essence of a priest. They are men who like to exercise , sometimes navigate around without being noticed. The heart of the person still radiates . St Peter is my favorite post le. He was uneducated, he was rough, he loved Jesus with all his heart . He did not need a doctorate to follow Jesus. | Catechesis |
1751 | Acceptance of women's ordination and gay marriage. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Role of Women |
1752 | Allowing homosexuality to be present in our Liturgies with priests’ vestments, altar cloths, adornments, and displays - rainbow flags, colors, etc. | LGBTQ+ Issues |
1753 | We have a President and political folks who say they are Catholic but promote abortion and continue to receive Communion. The bishops do nothing. | Abortion, Canon 915, Leadership |
1754 | Lack of transparency . | Leadership |
1755 | Reverence shown for the Eucharist seems to be lacking at all levels of Catholicism . | Reverence |
1756 | The Mass and its origins are never explained to those attending Mass. To outsiders the Mass is like Hokey Pokey. I learned the origins and their meanings when I studied to be an Altar Boy. But have never seen it explained or discussed at Mass. | Catechesis |
1757 | Poor catechesis, lack of priests willing to try new evangelization techniques. | Evangelization, Catechesis |
1758 | The Catholic Faith is the ONLY way. Counter to the “world”, all religions are not equal. Too many Catholics are ok with abortion, this needs to be addressed from the leadership that this is unacceptable. How can someone who is ok with taking a life, able to believe in the REAL presence of our Lord. | Abortion, Modernism |
1759 | Failure to catechize . | Catechesis |
1760 | Priests failure to speak truth about scripture, tradition, current social issues. In our parish we never hear homilies or teaching on Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, divorce/remarriage, abortion, IVF,IUI, contraception, gay marriage, transgender. Our Pastor would prefer to socialize, go out to dinner with parishioners than preach the truth. Our parochial vicars and deacons have a “gag” order on these topics too. Pastor’s lay female assistant of 20 years approves homilies. We never have parish missions by true orthodox priests. Instead lay women from parish present advent/lent talks. Anything conservative is not allowed. We have a retired priest in residence who preached on his support of women priests. I’m in the Newark Archdiocese so there is no place to go to be heard. I could continue, but it all makes me angry. I apologize for ranting. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Homilies, Leadership, Abortion, Role of Women |
1761 | Dressing appropriately for Mass The impotence of confession . | Confession, Attire |
1762 | In many parishes there is no apparent awareness of the crucial need for priests and religious persons to stat in close touch with older elementary and high all high school students. Even though catechesis has improved somewhat in recent years, I strongly suspect that much of it is still much too rote and essentially meaningless to many teenagers. By the time they’re in college or working out in the world, their faith foundation is not nearly strong enough to resist peer and general culture counter pressures. | Catechesis, Leadership |
1763 | Clear and concise teaching/re-teaching on the true presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament for all ages. Perhaps done through homilies, videos, podcasts, CCD classes, any and all means to reach the masses with the universal teachings of the Catholic faith as stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Deposit of Faith. We have The Truth, we need to teach and explain it to our people so they can be faithful. | Homilies, Catechesis |
1764 | Vatican II and the Novus Ordo. | Vatican II |
1765 | They way people dress when they’re in church, lack of reverence . | Reverence, Attire |
1766 | Not alerting attendees at funerals, weddings, Memorial Masses that only Catholics, in the state of grace, may receive the Holy Eucharist. Priests walking down the aisle before Mass laughing and talking with people in the pews. | Reverence, Worthy Reception |
1767 | Importance of going to confession before receiving the Eucharist and telling people that missing mass is a mortal sin. | Confession, Sin |
1768 | Eucharistic Adoration Holy hours and /or Perpetual Adoration Chapels. | Devotions |
1769 | Receiving in THE HANDS! Faithful have no idea each particle is FULL BODY & BLOOD OF JESUS we are walking on! If bishops & priests reversed this & preached against the seamless garment theory, much would improve. | Eucharist Reception, Leadership |
1770 | Peace be with you to our neighbors in church should be a short nod it’s not even necessary because we are there for Jesus but lay people have taken it to a whole different level with hugging and kissing each other and it is a total distraction. People need to be told to pray especially the rosary to come closer to Jesus and his Mother . | Sign of Peace, Devotions |
1771 | Failure to explain why homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion and contraception are morally wrong and are mortal sine problems. | Abortion, LGBTQ+ Issues, Sin |
1772 | Clerical vanity instead of humility and parish irresponsible stewardship equating non-essential spending with greater holiness and reverence. | Reverence, Holiness |
1773 | The need for teaching reverence in the church and while with the Real Presence. Jesus is truly 100% in the Eucharist. | Reverence |
1774 | The Immortal Rite of the Mass!!!!! The "New Mass" in its celebration teaches very little if any of the True Presence. In its creation those in charge did exactly what Martin Luther did. He turned the altar around to face the people and he changed the Latin to the vernacular. | TLM |
1775 | Confusion (or is it?) emanating from Rome on many, many subjects. Errors as well: the jab, attack on TLM, border control, the farce of manmade global warming. | TLM, Leadership, Confusion, Modernism |
1776 | 1. Lack of presence of “SHEPHERDS” among our Bishops and Priests. We are training Administrators, not good Shepherds. Our Bishops do NOT SHEPHERD their own Priests. Lack of “Fatherhood” in the Priesthood. | Leadership |
1777 | My issue is the Homilies NOT referring back to the spiritual readings. | Homilies |
1778 | Excommunication of conservatives who disagree with Bergolio. Our Pope is a disgrace! Gays, drag queens surround him, yet he punishes the conservatives. The Pope has his nose in climate issues, American politics, pushing disastrous open borders (yet he lives within a wall with security). The Vatican is very rich. I have a Bishop (Jefferson City MO) who destroyed the Cathedral, to make way for a $25 million renovation of gaudy gold (where is HIS poverty). He lives alone (with boyfriend benefits) in a huge home. He takes extravagant vacations to Key West (a parishioners vacation home) with his boyfriend. What a hypocrite! I want to go to confession but NOT to a sinful, disgusting man such as Bishop McKnight! Why would I sit in Mass listening to a sinful gay man call me a sinner??? . | Persecuted Clergy, LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership |
1779 | Silence in the church. Priests do not educate the laity in the importance of being in the presence of Our Lord, and church is a place of prayer, silence, reflection etc. Socializing should take place outside of the sanctuary. More available Mass times and confession times. Nocturnal adoration, retreats with Priestly leadership, theology classes for the laity taught by Priests not the laity, Bible studies as well with Priestly leadership so the interpretations of the scriptures is within the Doctrine of the Church and not our own interpretation. Teach the laity the Catechism of the Catholic church or even bring a lesson into the Homilies. | Confession, Homilies, Availability/Access, Catechesis, Sin |
1780 | The current push for women deacons and women priests. Our Lord ordained 11 men as priests at the Last Supper. He did not include women. We need to get back to teaching trans substantiation and reverence when receiving the body of Christ. Women distributing Holy Communion in pants sloppiness is absolutely disrespectful to Our Lord. We don’t need women on the alter as lectors, Eucharistic ministers (I am a woman). The church has gone to far in disrespecting the Holy Eucharist. Inclusivity is no excuse. The norms in the time of Christ is NOT a good reason for women to be demanding inclusion on the Altar. | Role of Women |
1781 | People have not been catechized. We need to hear it from the altar. Two weeks of CCD school is definitely not enough to teach the children. RCIA needs to be monitored. A lot of different ideas in RCIA. | Catechesis |
1782 | Communion should only be received on the tongue and never in the hand. And, it should only be given by Ordinaries of the Eucharist, Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. | Eucharist Reception, Leadership |
1783 | A hateful Pope who is an idolaters, merciless and lacking supernatural Faith. | Leadership |
1784 | Our Bishops are no longer $Shepherds. They are wishy-washy on just about everything except pleading for funds. | Leadership |
1785 | Kneeling at an altar rail and receiving Communion on he tongue instead of the hand! We, the communicants, should not have the option of physically touching the hosts at anytime! Vat II was a disaster!. | Vatican II, Eucharist Reception |
1786 | No one taught us this. Since my childhood in the early 70s, none of this has been taught. Half of the topics you just asked me about, I have never seen in real life, like the priest facing away from the congregation. I have never seen an altar rail in use in my 55 years on this earth. How does our generation teach our children something we don't even know? . | Catechesis |
1787 | The loss of Catholic school education. We were taught repeatedly about Christ’s presence in the Eucharist. Uncertain whether this is emphasized today in parish children’s programs. | Schools, Catechesis |
1788 | Teaching faith-filled mystery of the real Presence. It is not a mystery to be solved but to be believed. Beginning with little ones and continuing through each stage of life. Build strong Faith! Continuously until death. | Catechesis |
1789 | Failure to offer proper catechism . | Catechesis |
1790 | Poor catechisms used in Catholic schools & CCD sacramental prep programs. | Schools, Catechesis |
1791 | A long hard look at what is being taught in seminaries. I will not contribute to any seminary until a conversation with the Rector (yes I have called) and asked a direct question. Is there "frolicking about" going on in your seminary? Are homosexuals admitted? NO MORE. | Priestly Formation |
1792 | Failure to catechize children about the Real Presence and worthy reception of the Eucharist. | Catechesis |
1793 | Preaching Love instead of repentance . | Worthy Reception, Sin |
1794 | Yearly confession and mandatory reception of the Eucharist during the Easter season; people have lost a sense of sin; more catechesis is needed. | Confession, Sin, Catechesis |
1795 | Folks belief in God, they have become one and don't feel going to church as meaning anything. | Modernism |
1796 | Vatican II and the promotion of ecumenism. | Vatican II, Ecumenism |
1797 | Rejection or barely putting up with signs of reverence as women covering their heads No reparation of any kind when a Host. Jesus. Is found in pews or trampled into the carpet by those going up to Communion and when told about it the Priest says it is unfortunate but it happens Holy God forgive us. | Reverence |
1798 | Lack of concern on the part of clergy for the attire of the faithful for Holy Mass. Doing away with the practice of head covering for women. | Attire |
1799 | The loss of religious sisters and brothers in the Catholic schools. | Schools |
1800 | A general lack of reverence in church by ALL! The Pastor needs to be sure that Silence is observed inside of church...also that clapping is not encouraged...everyone becomes infected when the Pastor encourages it...I miss the absolute silence in church that I grew up was so enhancing of the feeling of the reverence that is needed to realize that something/someone very special is present.. | Reverence, Applause |
1801 | Lack of faith in the Real Presence exhibited by Pope Frances and too many bishops and cardinals and priests. Examples; allowing Nancy Pelosi to receive Communion in St. Peter's one week after being admonished by her Archbishop that she should not receive. Example: Rainbow Masses which give consent to active homosexuality and allow people in serious sin to receive the Lord. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Canon 915, Leadership |
1802 | Children in both Catholic schools and CCD are not being brought to church in adoration of the Eucharist. RCIA programs are not stressing the Mass, reception of Christ in the Eucharist as they receive communion and not being taught reverence or even what it is and means - was a CCD teacher and director for almost 40 years and ran an RCIA program for ten years. I've seen it all. | Devotions, Catechesis |
1803 | There is very little information on how the apostles celebrated the first Masses and how they passed that on to their successors. We need more catechesis on the early. Church fathers And how our Church Has continuity from those first days to the present. Period. | Catechesis |
1804 | The institution has lost its luster, credibility, transparency with so much sexual and financial abuse scandals. In spite of measurements taken to fix these issues, IT HAS NOT BEEN FIXED . | Scandals, Leadership |
1805 | Catechesis has been so severely watered down in recent decades that some classes teach little more than "I am special" and "Helping others is what being Catholic means." . | Catechesis |
1806 | The seeming prohibition of the ordained bringing Communion to the sick and shut-ins. Only the goddesses of lunacy, aka Eucharistic Ministers, are permitted to do this - a little snack for the old people. The Church's wounds have been self-inflicted, orchestrated by a small band of willful clergy (and a few women) determined to destroy the Church from within. | Extraordinary Ministers, Eucharist Reception |
1807 | How can anyone believe in the real Presence of the Eucharist, when every Tom, Dick and Harriet is allowed to touch…and distribute the Eucharist???!!! . | Eucharist Reception |
1808 | the display of reverence by priests and laity towards the mass. | Reverence |
1809 | Continued teaching of the Catholic faith and traditions throughout our lives. Catholic school is JUST the beginning…we adults need it more than ever!. | Catechesis |
1810 | People should receive kneeling & on the tongue. | Eucharist Reception |
1811 | There doesn't seem to be any reverence for Christ's presence on the alter. We have a pastor that runs around the alter like it is a basketball court, then asks for a 'round of applause for the band & chorus also next to the alter. | Reverence, Applause |
1812 | Failure to have biblical talks referencing tracing of Jesus as Lamb of God. and familiarizing New Testament scripture notations as proof . | Catechesis |
1813 | The US bishops failure to throw out Fr. James Martin and the like and instead throwing out the coalition of canceled priests. | Persecuted Clergy, Lack of Discipline, Leadership |
1814 | Priests Having to have a day off rather than putting the needs of the people first, such as attending to the dying. | Leadership |
1815 | Little emphasis on reality of sacredness of host. | Loss Sense of the Sacred |
1816 | The pope’s actions canceling good holy priest and stacking the cardinals with pro homosexuals. Also the handling (not excommunicating ) men like Marko Rupnik! . | Persecuted Clergy, Scandals, Leadership, Lack of Discipline |
1817 | Clergy’s casual (& disobedient) attitude towards the liturgy; changing and ad-libbing the prayers of the Mass to fit their own whims & agendas. Clergy’s lack of reverence towards the Mass; the tendency to treat the Mass as a one-man show. | Reverence, Lukewarmness |
1818 | Clerical lack of ordained leadership. The confusion caused by the Pope's hostile comments about Conservatives and Americans. The rotten leadership of Cardinals in Washington and San Diego. The disaster of years of clerical silence about Biden's abortion support. The wretched example of men such as Jesuit Martin and his superiors and the Pope's approving comments of Martin's heresies..... I could go n and on about the crumbling state of Catholicism as these men go about their accommodatingly destructive behavior..... and, I would add, the unnerving "tolerance" of the politically correct USCCB which seems to consist of a large group of men who have lost their savor and who now do nothing about evil in their midst..... and much more which relates to the rotten state of clerical leadership and theological fidelity in the present Catholic Church. | Leadership, Abortion, Confusion, Canon 915 |
1819 | Lack of witness by Priests of reverence and love towards the Eucharist when celebrating Mass. | Reverence |
1820 | The fact that immediately, our Churches were closed for the pandemic! What was the message, that the Eucharist is just not that important. The bishops and priests showed their lack of faith in the healing power of the Eucharist! People got the message loud and clear that it was not necessary or relevant! . | COVID, Leadership |
1821 | Access to more regular confession. We need greater access to confession. Everyday before Mass if possible! If people are in the state of grace they will see the Eucharist for the gift that it is. | Confession, Availability/Access |
1822 | Lack of faith by priests . | Lack of Faith |
1823 | Catholic education gone in schools Woke attitudes. | Modernism, Catechesis |
1824 | Abortion. They never mention abortion in a homily. They accept politicians who support abortion. There is no leadership in the Catholic Church, and that includes the pope. They also basically support illegal immigration. They are liberal and do not support American principles. | Abortion, Homilies, Canon 915 |
1825 | The importance of going to Confession and receiving communion cleansed of mortal sins. | Confession |
1826 | Failure to emphasize the Sacrament of Confession-- that one must be in a state of grace to receive, and that when one is not in a state of grace, they have cut themselves off from the lifeblood of the Church and they can pray for NO ONE but themselves. | Confession, Worthy Reception |
1827 | Adult catechesis because formation of the past centered on following The Baltimore Catechism, The Ten Commandments, and a fear of God. Relatively few who call themselves Catholic today follow traditional Catholic news sites and are generally clueless about what the Church teaches and why. | Catechesis |
1828 | NGO’s subverting the United States by using funds from parishioners to fly illegals, room board cash clothe register to vote so the Pope may appear magnanimous with the globalist cartel. The nagging for funds while the Vatican amasses more wealth and is part of globalist agenda. The changing of music from heartfelt songs to nouveau renditions while placing illegals in charge of music and bypass tradition. Giving communion to political theater Catholics Biden Pelosi whilst they support abortion and open borders and aberrant behavior pride parades. No mention of values voting and reminder of what our values are. Jesus taught many a lesson and did stand up to tyranny instead of remaining complacent. We are about to enter a thousand years of darkness unless men are strong again and people are moral and virtuous . Too busy accommodating secularists and Godless instead of standing with girded loins. I cant go to church because they preach to the two in bush rather than bird in hand. The world yearns for Our God Given Rights not cow towing so as not to offend. Find your God gene again and stop pacifying while going along to get along. This Pope is not of God and the people. He had a liberation theology agenda and needs to be replaced. My family has catholic cemeteries in Va, Tn, Ks, etc. as they came to America in 1738 and fought for man to not be subjugated but self determined. I cannot conscionably play a contemporary charade for appearances. God knows, Jesus knows, judgement day is coming, and they know my heartfelt beliefs, that is why i fight Prepare for the Modern Day Holy War. Repent and live it lest your eternity be elsewhere for those who did not put Father, Son and Holy Spirit first. Amen Thank you God for my blessings and Your amazing Grace. | Politics, Canon 915 |
1829 | the scandal of the Bishops being more concerned with Caesar than with God. | Scandals, Leadership |
1830 | Lack of real teaching and discussion of current issues in the church from the ambo! Terrible catechesis! New believers enter in serious deprivation of the history, depth of the magisterium re salvation, and tolerance among the laity, clergy, and religious for abortion, sacraments, reverence, etc. It's a Mess out here in the hinterlands!. | Abortion, Reverence, Catechesis |
1831 | Formation in the faith. | Catechesis |
1832 | taking the focus off of the Eucharist with the "sign of peace" when everyone socializes. | Sign of Peace |
1833 | A watering down of catholic education in Catholic schools. The Eucharist is a symbol, poor teacher role models regarding the emphasis on reverence in the church. | Catechesis |
1834 | Social constructs . | Other |
1835 | Parish emphasis on fellowship after Mass. Social justice too greatly emphasized. | Social Justice |
1836 | The silliness that goes on when the people are asked to express Christ’s peace to one another —— right before receiving Communion — would we could stop this practice or put it at the beginning of Mass— I appreciate it when the priest omits it. . | Sign of Peace |
1837 | Lack of authentic curriculum being taught in Catholic Schools and in parishes religious education program. Teaching prayers and praying in same programs. Addressing the Churches teaching regarding contraceptives, birth control and abortion from the priest and Bishops. Addressing the issues of homosexuality, trans and gender that is being taught to our youth. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership, Abortion, Catechesis |
1838 | Disregarding the belief in Heaven and Hell, Salvation, necessity of Confession. | Confession, Lack of Faith |
1839 | Inadequate religious education training for catechists teaching children the sacraments. Lack of inclusion and training of parents as their children participate in sacramental programs. No parental support for the completion of the sacraments. Poorly run CCD/ Religious Education programs for public school children. Lack of Priestly presence or interest in the children and what they are learning. Lack of funding for well run retreats, youth nights, engaging activities for parent and children, poor homilies for people who are not catechized at the Masses. | Catechesis |
1840 | Neglect by our Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, through lack of moral courage and fraternal love, to speak with Truth and clarity, to guide us on the narrow path of salvation. . | Leadership |
1841 | Speaking truth from the pulpit. All about the money and receiving money from the government. Little talk about a just God as well as a merciful God. No talk about hell. | Homilies |
1842 | Attire People fail to come to Mass, to adore and praise God, in their Sunday Best. They come with sports attire, clinging immodest attire for women, soiled looking jeans and husbands do not seem to role model proper clothes for families either. Some appear practically in beachwear and tight revealing leotards. They most likely would not wear to a Wedding reception nor New Year’s Eve event… If you believed in the REAL presence of Jesus in the Tabernacle and upon the Altar, one would dress for Respect for God. Also, many people rarely pause and truly genuflect, and thought physically unable, bow beforehand entering the pew. Actions, demeanor, clothing, speaks volumes. It doesn’t have to be expensive or trendy, just modest and respectful from children and adults. . | Reverence, Attire |
1843 | Vatican ii encourages ecumenism+ evangelicalism while discouraging proselytizing. Also, Vatican ii has had several subtle errors that has caused all this issues present to go out of control. The clergymen need to show they Revere holiness in the church teachings even to any new councils. Name the errors of modernism and notice the errors of Vatican ii promulgates modernism. | Ecumenism, Holiness, Vatican II, Modernism |
1844 | An understanding of Who God is…. | Catechesis |
1845 | 1-Offering peace and socializing instead of focusing on the Eucharist. 2-People leaving right after Holy Communion before Mass is ended. 3-Quiet in the sanctuary after Mass, again loudness and socialization. 4-Dressing up for Mass and not arriving in inappropriate attire.(Would you dress like that for a wedding and if not, then why do you dress like that for Our Lord?) 5-Rebuilding customs, like sign of the cross when passing a church, respect for the tabernacle, reverence in our churches. 6-Promoting adoration. | Sign of Peace, Reverence, Attire |
1846 | clothing worn in a Church and to Mass. people look like they are going to a back yard barbeque. leaving Mass before the priest processes out. | Attire |
1847 | Pastor does not always show up at daily Mass and is obviously not aware of the sacredness of the Mass. His goal stated at his first Mass, “I promise to make Weekend Masses less than a hour!” His distractions are abundant. Does not look at the Ordo to know that there is an obligatory feast day and skips the Creed on Solemnities. Don’t get me started!. | Reverence |
1848 | women not wearing veils men wearing hats not genuflecting for the laity having a social time after the Our Father while the Tabernacle is being opened!!!!! Not kneeling during the Creed Eucharistic Ministers distributing communion and receiving it in the hands. I know you mentioned this but I think it is very important. The altar servers, sacristans and Em's not being trained.. walking all over the altar and between the Tabernacle and the priest during Mass. Tabernacle being removed from the church and put in a closet down the hall.. another big one. As if He is not important and why we are in church. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception, Attire |
1849 | As a believing Catholic, I answered these questions as I know of my own understanding of Jesus Christ in transubstantiation in the Holy Eucharist. I don't know, and could not guess what other "people's" thoughts are in regard to belief in the Lord's Holy Presence. But, I am appalled by the lack of reverence in the conduct of Holy Mass at some parishes where I attend, including my home Parish---they're Novus Ordo parishes. My experiences include 1. speeding through the Worship Ceremony in less than one hour, 2. hearty and loud affirmations by the attending faithful at particular statements of prayer offerings (following the Sermon: topical pleas for peace to politically favored groups of people, then, pablum wishes for harmony in all other mentioned purposes; no mention at all of long-standing Catholic and Christian persecutions in places throughout the world 3. utter disruption of proper focus upon the altar, where Jesus is now Present, while the 'sign of peace' admonishment by the priest generates church-wide, rowdy acknowledgment among all fellow Mass attendees, 4. the disruption of Holy Mass as a serious time for Worship the Lord God, when parish announcements are given free time range prior to the final blessing; cannot the priest and parish leaders accept that their fellow parishioners will read the bulletin (hard copy) or flock notes (email delivered) which always addresses the same information as the priest announces before giving the final blessing? 5. the large, visible clocks on the wall of the church 6. attendees at Mass resuming their socializing immediately following the priest's departure from the altar/procession to the narthex/outside church porch, for personal greetings, 7. I attend the Ancient Rite as often as I can; it is offered sparingly, at a neighboring parish, in the 'old church', and only at 8:00 a.m. Sundays; the Low Mass is offered. It is beautiful to my soul and all of my senses. The reverence of the priest and the congregation is clear to behold; the silence allows me to read the Latin in my missal, as the priest speaks all of his prayers, and the readings of Scripture, in silence or softly out loud. All of us congregants are facing the altar, the same as the priest----no one is 'in the round' (amphitheater seating)---only one direction: facing East. . | Sign of Peace, Reverence, Politics |
1850 | The Novus Ordo. The whole thing, not just bits and pieces of it. | Liturgical Practice |
1851 | Closing Churches during the pandemic; it showed that the bishops don't see the sacraments as essential - or even important. | COVID, Leadership |
1852 | How can a Priest honestly who doesn’t believe in Purgatory, or Hell actually consecrate the host? Or a priest who believes in LGBTQ which is Pride a grave sin consecrate the Host? Don’t say the Holy Ghost intervenes. That’s blasphemy and you know it. | Lack of Faith, LGBTQ+ Issues, Sin |
1853 | Socializing in Church, before & after if the Tabernacle is empty.....maybe GOD has left the building because of all the chatter!. | Reverence, Silence/Distractions |
1854 | More emphasis on worldliness and less importance of Church. Unbelief of priests and bishops. People being used to immediate gratification and no concern for their souls. | Modernism, Lack of Faith, Leadership |
1855 | Ignoring the sacrifices of the Saints. | Catechesis |
1856 | Failure to at least provide kneeler for receiving communion & some diocese’s policy of standing during Eucharistic prayer . | Eucharist Reception |
1857 | Fact that the pope is making decisions contrary to Catholic teachings! . | Leadership |
1858 | Novus Ordo Missae. | Liturgical Practice |
1859 | CLERGY, LAITY, EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS (randomly listed) SAY NO to: socializing in church; vested priests wearing shoes other than all black, both shoe and sole (some are way too casual and distracting for mass or funerals and looks like they just came back from the gym. This contributes to the casual and disrespectful overtones that are present in the church; clergy arrogantly belittling and scolding altar servers and others during mass; tolerating immodest attire and casual dress (including & especially cantors, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers); female Altar Servers; sappy music; giving sign of peace; lifting of hands (instead of being folded); priests jokes especially at the altar; toys, food and entertainment for children; children called to front of altar for homily on their level; Parents who allow bad behavior (I love children) some parents use the choir loft and don’t realize they are contributing to bad behavior - assimilate them with the congregation. There is no need to use the loft with half empty church. It should be locked or roped off; too many unnecessary Extraordinary Ministers and many are poorly trained; priests at church socials or anywhere near the church without his Roman Collar (ALWAYS a wear in public both priests and nuns in habit) ; lack of proper confessionals conducive for privacy, and need indicator to show when occupied; folks who leave church after receiving Holy Communion, live streaming mass (can watch EWTN or one mass can be made available by the archdiocese for shut-ins (its a matter of privacy and unnecessary money spend for each church to provide); Pastorates. I believe it is a burned on a sole pastor and detrimental to both priest and the congregation. We don’t have an Associate Pastor; no to hiring folks as administrators who do not know the faith, where the confessional is, what a general confessional is, I could go on and on. We have mostly progressives. We also have greeters that likely aren’t Catholic. They stand in the rear of the church and never go to communion; Beverages in altar area for priests; laity retrieving and returning the Hosts to the Tabernacle; Drums, guitars, tambourines, etc.; Blood of Christ offered to Laity; female priests; confusion from the Vatican; sacrilege and sacrilegious progressive “priests”; attempts to change the Eternal Word and or modernization of church; closing beautiful and historic churches in our diocese; keeping or moving around scandalous priests and religious; no to the Vatican cancelling holy priests and bishops; allowing public figures to receive Holy Communion who are openly pro choice and share their opposing views and other moral issues, some should be excommunicated! YES to: Return to devotionals: Rosary, First Fridays, First Saturdays, Sacredness and reverence in the Lord’s house; Return to the business of Saving Souls not the Church of the Poor (if we are good Christians, that will be a natural byproduct) ; prayerful worship, silence, communion rail and receiving on the tongue; sacred music and traditional choirs; high mass; incense; communion plate (IMHO not using is counter to believing in the Real Presence) ; more altar BOYS; homily’s that are meant to save souls - speaking truth boldly (morals, sin, church doctrine, catechism etc.); more priests and better formation; making use of evangelizing and formation materials that EWTN and others have available for parishes (much is free); use of the Magnificat monthly publication to be encouraged; Sacred Statues; adding our Blessed Mother Mary “Co-Redeemer” as the 5th Marian dogma; teach more about Mary the Mother the Church, St. Joseph and all the Saints, Divine Mercy etc. etc.; Yes to encouraging longer lines at confession and making more conducive confessionals and more times offered. Bring us back to pre-Vatican II and devotion to our Blessed Mother who leads us to her Son. TEACH TRUTH: There really is a place called HELL. Getting to HEAVEN is through the narrow gate. He will not let us enter if he does not know us. It must be earned and this is our true purpose here on earth, we can’t be “cafeteria Catholics”. We must do a better job of undoing all the lies Satan dispenses AND each of us must be more Christ-like examples 24/7. We must put Christ first! “Ignorance of Scripture, is ignorance of Christ” - St. Jerome From a female who loves Our Lord Jesus Christ and the beautiful Catholic Faith he has given us! I pray conversions and holy vocations to the priesthood and religious life! This survey is such a great Idea especially since the “listening” church has failed us! God Bless you!. | Confession, Devotions, Persecuted Clergy, Family, Extraordinary Ministers, Evangelization, Attire, Leadership, Silence/Distractions |
1860 | Need more education on the Eucharist, Catechesis! More emphasis I. | Catechesis |
1861 | Clapping for people that are visiting. Clapping for the chorus… It’s a Holy Mass, not a concert, not a fellowship meeting. Also, some priests cannot sing, so why let them sing at an important part of the Mass? Very distracting.. | Silence/Distractions, Applause |
1862 | Proper catechesis. Every homily can include a teaching from the catechism. | Catechesis |
1863 | Lack of leadership from the church leadership. | Leadership |
1864 | Homilies should be more than bible studies—teach the faith- not watered down. | Homilies |
1865 | Youth ministers without training and/or watered down catechesis. | Catechesis |
1866 | I think the priest, especially pastors, seem to be losing emphasis of being shepherds and protectors of our souls. Seems like it's more about the business and money to run the parish. The higher up, the more it is noticeable, those who are shepherds are getting cancelled and excommunicated and the ones who have been convicted, are pedophiles are protected and given even higher positions in the church. Also by trying to fit in to modern society, include every group of people, we lose the sense of the one true church with the fullness of the truth. We have lost the sense of repentance of sin as though all will be going to heaven after they die, even without truly committing to try to sin no more or going to frequent confession. | Persecuted Clergy, Lack of Discipline, Leadership, Modernism, Sin |
1867 | Distractions at Mass such as inappropriate dress or too much activity during Mass puts people someplace else rather than focusing on Jesus. People need assertive preaching on the Real Presence on a regular basis. I think there are many who may have never believed for lack of knowledge and or lack of belief in the supernatural or miraculous. | Homilies, Silence/Distractions, Attire |
1868 | Many churches are using the actual church as a meeting place of community room. It should solely be for adoration, prayer, and Adoration. Silence should be observed from the time of entry until leaving. There should be a set uniform liturgy that all churches MUST used, and NO ad-libs by the priests. Priest should not avoid preaching the real truth and not soften it up to make the people feel good. Also, a dress code for the parishioners should be enforced and not allow half naked people into the church. | Silence/Distractions, Liturgical Practice, Homilies, Attire, Reverence |
1869 | Failure of bishops to enforce required matter of Eucharist and importance of Confession before First Holy Communion. When I was a child the priest “consecrated” sweet bread for my FHC in San Bernardino Diocese and parish refused to have first communicants receive confession prior, stating it was too traumatizing. My father contacted the bishop, who approved of what was done. | Confession, Leadership |
1870 | Divorce/broken families, disregard the authority, ecumenism. | Ecumenism, Family |
1872 | The priest’s genuflection prior to elevation. By removing this genuflection suggests that it is the people that bring on transubstantiation instead of the priest. The communion rail to bring about kneeling for communion and the separation of the laity from the holy of Holies. While one or two corrections will help it is a comprehensive approach that will only be the way to bring about a change of hearts. | Liturgical Practice, Eucharist Reception |
1873 | Lack of proper catechism through/in schools, RCIA/RCIO, Confirmation, and CCD/Faith Formation classes. The Baltimore Catechism books 1 and 2 need to be taught and the teachers of the Faith Formation/ Confirmation/ RCIA classes should not be cafeteria Catholics. | Schools, Catechesis |
1874 | Confusion since V2. With clergy handicapped g over their priesthood/fatherhood to women. I.e.: women on the altar, altar girls, Eucharistic ministers , etc. | Vatican II, Confusion, Leadership, Role of Women |
1875 | I think the people attending Mass should dress appropriately. | Attire |
1876 | Emphasizing that the Mass is a SACRIFICE, the element without which there is no worship........praise and honor: may be present, yes; but worship. Only Catholicism WORSHIPS God. | Meal vs Sacrifice |
1877 | Focusing on humanism, that is, preaching and focusing more on our physical & material needs over our spiritual needs. Neglecting to teach about sin, Satan, and hell and focusing on our eternal preparation. | Modernism, Sin |
1878 | Failure to address this issue and really make the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist a major talking point. Explain why we offer the Mass and it’s meaning - it has such a beautiful history. | Catechesis |
1879 | Novus Ordo Mass is gay. | Liturgical Practice |
1880 | One issue is that the clergy fail to promote daily Mass and observance of feasts and solemnities, likely because clergy do not want to increase their workloads. Another issue is that solemnities are moved and obligations to attend Mass are abrogated when holy days fall in Saturdays and Mondays: these practices also seem to be for the convenience of the clergy. | Liturgical Calendar |
1881 | Abandoning the traditional Roman Rite which safeguards all the above and embracing the man made Novus Ordo. | TLM |
1882 | Homily emphasizing/reminding Catholic truth/tradition emphasis on historical, traditional catechism—especially in seminaries Ask for prayers for conversion of sinner, church hierarchy . | Homilies, Catechesis |
1883 | Get back to traditional Catholicism. | Modernism |
1884 | Priests don't tend to talk about what's necessary for salvation. They don't tend to talk about mortal sin leading us to hell in the hell is real. There needs to be more of a stress on the salvation of our souls. And what that means. | Sin, Catechesis |
1885 | Catholics do not understand their faith! They do not understand the Bible, nor see the importance in it or how our faith was started. They do not understand the love that God has for us much less understand the path of salvation that he offers us. Most Catholics do not have a true, loving relationship with Jesus. I believe that if people truly understood their faith in the history of our faith, they would see the importance of learning it correctly, and following it the way that God had intended. Unfortunately, the people who volunteer to teach religious programs and act as Eucharistic ministers, and such fall into this category of people, not understanding their faith. They continue to teach the incorrect faith to our children, the lack of importance of the sacraments, the lack of importance of the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. They do not encourage their children to consider religious locations. | Catechesis |
1886 | There is no guidance by the priests that one must dress reverently when going to mass. No shorts for men, tank tops and women wearing leggings etc. that are a major distraction and sinful in some cases. The church bulletin should not be handed out while parishioners are entering mass. Get rid of the projections to follow along , for one we are not in a theater. | Attire |
1887 | The lack of devotion to our Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of our Holy Mother Church especially on her feast days with proper hymns which honor her as daughter of God the Father, mother of Christ Incarnate, and spouse of the Holy Spirit!. | Devotions |
1888 | Give more educating from the pulpit, providing easy availability for adult education in each church, provide back to the basics Baltimore Catechism for each parish family, train and allow priests to use Latin, have the pastor explain what the Mass is on a Sunday when it will be heard, post an article each week in the bulletin about the Eucharist, Mass, etc. People don’t believe because the Catholic Church has lost 2 generations due to ignorance of it!! Let the parishioners actually see their pastor in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, even if not exposed. And offer more Adoration time. My pastor at St Benedict in Mt Pleasant, SC is a very good example for us!!!. | Catechesis |
1889 | Lack of catechizing in general. Worldly emphasis on sports and scheduling games on Sundays. Lack of Catholics standing up for their faith as we have had it too easy. | Catechesis |
1890 | Failure of clergy to remind faithful that they need to confess after they sin and do not take Holy Communion if in sin. Forget about once or twice a year. This lead people to sin and take Holy Communion while in stage of sin, Failure to teach how to act in church, kneel when and why, dress for church modestly, do not talk in church, remind people of the celebrations upcoming( the celebration of feasts and other). | Confession, Eucharist Reception, Attire |
1891 | Restoration of The Extraordinary Rite would solve most of these issues. Of course the priests would have to be formed the ICKSP and FSSP are. The priests have to be given permission and encouraged to preach the truth. | TLM |
1892 | How the priest celebrates the Mass - if he races through it like the Mass has to be over as quickly as possible; or if he insists on including jokes in his homily to make it more entertaining. | Reverence |
1893 | Political politicians who are in a state of mortal sin, are able to receive Holy Communion. | Canon 915 |
1894 | Would be most helpful to only place Eucharist on the tongue, not the hands. | Eucharist Reception |
1895 | I am 69 years old. I received my first Holy Communion kneeling, on the tongue. I was so sure that I had received Jesus and that it was so very sacred that when I coughed and a tiny part of the Host touched my hand I feared that i would go to Hell if I did not go to confession and confess that my unworthy hands touched the body of my Lord. Later, as a college student I attended services where anyone could approach the altar and receive. This came as a result of confusion due to Vatican II. Altar rails were remove, and everything became "about us", and we no longer had to profess anything in order to receive. I am blessed to be in a devout TLM area complete with weekly adoration, but I know many in my age range who are not so blessed. I am praying hard that this will soon change and in spite of what the Vatican currently wants to remove, My Lord and Our Lady are the FIRST and LAST WORD. Amen. | Vatican II, Eucharist Reception |
1896 | Leaders Lead. When the Bishops and priest make Jesus and the Eucharist the main thing we will have reverence once again. People follow their Leaders. | Leadership |
1897 | Listing all the benefits one receives Our Eucharistic Lord - graces, merits, forgiveness, etc. | Catechesis |
1898 | Failure of clergy to address political issues that impact living your life as a Christian. Failure of our bishops to reject the shut down of our churches during COVID. | COVID, Leadership |
1899 | Generations of poorly Catechized children and adults . | Catechesis |
1900 | Lack of reverence by priests in handling the consecrated Eucharist, e.g., no use of the paten, priests subjugating lay persons to distribute the body of Christ, reception of the blood of Christ being unnecessary to receive Christ in both forms; appears to be keeping up with the Protestants, bot a Catholic tradition. | Reverence |
1901 | Conformity in the use of the sanctuary lamp marking the presence of Jesus. | Liturgical Practice |
1902 | No Communion Rails and Eucharistic Ministers distributing the Body of Christ. (Their hands ARE NOT CONSECRATED.). | Extraordinary Ministers, Eucharist Reception |
1903 | I'm calling for RAILINGS FOR REVERENCE! IM 85 desire to kneel before our Lord & Savior! Because we have spoiled brat society that thinks they are God, bring back the FEAR of God & not so much the love of God!! We're still waiting for the Pope & all homosexuals to step DOWN! Francis, appearing in evil Biden's campaign videos, allowing this abortionist communion, has ruined America as many blockheads Catholics votes for him & will do so AGAIN! THEY HAVE NO FEAR OF GOD! . | LGBTQ+ Issues, Eucharist Reception, Leadership |
1904 | Abandoning the TLM Mass. | TLM |
1905 | Cowardliness & silence of priests, bishops & cardinals to recognize & call out evident evil ,heresy & blasphemy & abomination coming out of Rome & the hierarchy. | Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
1906 | Removal of Communion rails, not using the paten at Communion, removal of kneelers in pews . | Eucharist Reception |
1907 | Use of altar girls and extraordinary ministers on the altar. | Extraordinary Ministers, Role of Women |
1908 | Tabernacle not being in the center of the altar . | Liturgical Practice |
1909 | Making church non essential during COVID. | COVID |
1910 | Homilies over emphasized. | Homilies |
1911 | Continued reminders during Mass. | Catechesis |
1912 | Humility and reverence is what makes truth in all the sacraments easier to grasp. This is something that can be modeled by the hierarchy; love and devotion will flourish and spread to the flock… those Christians, oh how they love!. | Reverence |
1913 | Causal dress. Wearing jeans, low cut shirts, short skirts, shorts, dress, No Veil. Men: T shirts, jogging pants. Priests are afraid to speak about it. Also woman proclaim Gospel. No. No. No Altar servers and readers with no dress code. | Fear/Cowardness, Attire |
1914 | Our children are either not being catechized or incorrectly being catechized by lay instructors who are not properly trained. The Augustine Institute is close to releasing a video series for first to eighth grades which will go a long way in correcting this major issue. | Catechesis |
1915 | Lack of Marian devotion by priests/pastors. No emphasis on praying the rosary daily. | Devotions |
1916 | Scandals in the church make people uncomfortable with leadership, priests and make a person question the priesthood, church, mass etc. The huge cover ups really make a person question why and what is behind the cover ups. I have known too many. Many want to just pray and read their Bible without attending. There is a loss of dedication. | Scandals, Leadership |
1917 | Lack of in-depth homilies that instruct the faithful on the seriousness of mortal sins, specifically what they entail, and how deadly receiving Jesus in that state is. Instruct the faithful that every particle of the Eucharist is Jesus, how to deal with spills and accidents, and why. Educate the faithful about the true history of receiving on the tongue, while kneeling, and why it is still the norm of the Universal Church. . | Homilies, Sin, Catechesis |
1918 | Dress code for Mass and all sacramental occasions in the church. | Attire |
1919 | Lack of faith in the real presence by the ordained priest!! No man should be ordained if he does not believe in the real presence. Almost impossible to pass on what one does not possess himself. | Lack of Faith |
1920 | The way people are dressed or undressed with no respect for the Real Presence. When you hear just be glad they are there . | Attire |
1921 | POOR Catechesis in general Too much focus on First Holy Communion attire. One hour a week not enough !!!!!!. | Catechesis |
1922 | Promote the sacrament of confession to help people better understand the seriousness of the matter. Priests should spend less time doing admin work and more time in the confessional. They often don't show up until the minute needed. Also, at Adoration, many do not attend. That's a problem. | Confession, Devotions |
1923 | 1. The importance of receiving Communion ONLY from the CONSECRATED hands of a priest. Cf. St. Thomas Aquinas. 2. Do away with laity receiving Communion from the chalice instead of the Sacred Host. | Lack of Faith, Eucharist Reception |
1924 | Bishops not acting as Bishops and lying to the laity. I am in the St. Louis Archdiocese and the "All Things New" is a big lie. We have proof. Also why do we have Cardinal McCarrick in our diocese?. | Leadership |
1925 | The lack of availability of the extraordinary form of Mass. That Mass fosters belief in the Eucharist more effectively than the Novus Ordo, at least as the Novus Ordo is usually celebrated. | Liturgical Practice, TLM |
1926 | Not emphasizing Adoration and providing for significant periods of it, even daily, especially as folks are called to pray daily. Also, churches should be open for significant hours during the day. | Availability/Access, Devotions |
1927 | Chastising, faithful priest and allowing priest that teach contrary to the church to continue. | Persecuted Clergy |
1928 | The culture working against Church teaching, Secularization of the laity, lack of catechesis to all generations, lack of bible studies in parishes, priests not knowing how to be spiritual fathers. | Modernism, Catechesis |
1929 | Traditional/conservative clergy being chastised while liberal clergy are celebrated. | Persecuted Clergy |
1930 | Weak homilies. | Homilies |
1931 | Have confession available at mass ….and emphasis the necessity and why of being in the state of Grace …… Mainly teach CATHOLICISM . | Confession, Availability/Access, Catechesis |
1932 | the total lack of respect of the Eucharist with the constant socializing. | Reverence, Silence/Distractions |
1933 | Catechesis on moral issues like abortion, contraception, sexuality and the importance of the sacrament of penance. | Confession, Abortion, Catechesis |
1934 | This might have been in there, but this form is not allowing backing up to reread. The additional factor: priests do not seem to believe in the Holy Eucharist. Their lack of belief then spreads through the parish. | Lack of Faith |
1935 | Failure to genuflect to the tabernacle when entering or leaving the pew. Lack of bible study explaining the Real Presence and the Sacrificial nature of the Mass. . | Reverence |
1936 | The Catholic Church showing more concern for criminal illegal aliens than they do for their aging flock that built the beautiful church they have been blessed to work in. Because Marxist democrats pay them billions to do it and just love compromised people. These useful idiots including this so called infallible Pope who do not know or care about the history of what happened in Russia in 1917 due to Satanic Marxist or about it. As George Carlin said ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS MONEY so they can recover from their pedophile lawsuits and keep getting low cost meds from big Pharma for their homosexual Priest with AIDS. | Politics, LGBTQ+ Issues, Scandals, Modernism |
1937 | Steady secularizing drumbeat of the society in which we are all immersed, including the shaky priesthood and the craven bishops (not all of them). | Modernism, Leadership |
1938 | Lay people visiting sick with the Blessed Sacrament. It’s a shame the priests don’t do more of it. Retired priests should be utilized more for this and confession, if they are able. | Confession, Eucharist Reception |
1939 | The lack of reverence of the celebrant for the Blessed Sacrament during Mass (waving the Host around at the altar instead of reverently raising It for all to adore). The laity plundering around in the tabernacle. The complete lack of reverence during the ablutions! Reusing the corporal, over and over again and leaving it out overnight on the altar. | Reverence |
1940 | Lack of reverence for the blessed sacrament in opening the tabernacle and during the ablutions . | Reverence |
1941 | Casual attitude about Eucharist no emphasis on need to be in state of grace . Receiving host in hand rater than kneeling and receiving host directly on tongue while priest recites Corpus Domini Jesus Christi custodian anima meum vita sternum. Amen. | Confession, Lukewarmness, Eucharist Reception, Reverence |
1942 | Taking away the tabernacle from the main altar has decreased respect and acknowledgment on the presence of Almighty God. | Liturgical Practice |
1943 | Lack of reverence from entering the House of God to leaving. The church is just a social hall to sit and watch a ceremony. That is how a lot of our parishes operate. | Reverence |
1944 | Return to the traditions of Trent. | TLM |
1945 | This is an incredibly biased survey that assumes everything and everyone is wrong. The wording is skewed toward a presumption that is wrong and bad. Badly done and not worth paying ANY attention to. There are NO ‘correct’ answers to badly devised questions. You should be ashamed and go to confession for lying and deception . | Other |
1946 | Poor understanding or knowledge of church history, the church fathers and saints. Catholics are poorly catechized. Priests behave more like social workers than priests. | Catechesis |
1947 | Internal theological "wars" within the Church--especially divisions within the clergy and religious are scandalous! Clergy publicly, privately and personally dissenting from the truth as taught by the Church. The promotion of women's ordination and legitimization of homosexuality erodes supernatural belief in the authority of the Church. Finally, the present Pontiff is causing confusion and is pushing people away from the faith of the Church. | Division, LGBTQ+ Issues, Confusion, Leadership, Role of Women |
1948 | When people take communion in the hand, they are not properly watched to make sure that they do not walk away with it. Also, the Patton (sp?) to catch particles isn’t used in most churches. And unfortunately, YouTube has shown us churches where people are refused Communion for kneeling when they receive, Churches where The priests confuse God‘s mercy with the requirement to love thy neighbor - publicly condoning the LGBTQ agenda instead of teaching about its intrinsic evil. All of these things, publicly available on the Internet, and never is there any mention of whether or not those priests, churches, or bishops, get corrected from the senior authorities within the church. Also, this nonsense with the pope limiting the Latin mass, the bishop should know that the Latin mass is a valid mass, and the pope doesn’t have the authority to limit it. So they don’t need to obey. Of all the problems in the church with the LGBTQ agenda, the pope is focused on something beautiful and traditional from 2000 years?!?! All of these things send a mixed message to the public and it’s the evil one allowing this to happen. The bishops, the faithful ones, need to step up and speak up!!! . | TLM, LGBTQ+ Issues, Eucharist Reception, Leadership |
1949 | Distribution of the Precious Blood. No need for this. | Liturgical Practice |
1950 | The entire Novus Ordo. | Liturgical Practice |
1951 | In NY state, there is little or no teaching on Pro-life issues. And, REVERANCE for the Eucharist is severely lacking. . | Reverence |
1952 | Communion in the hand while standing and the hypocrisy of too freely giving Holy Communion to public, unrepentant sinners and/or people of questionable faith leads people to believe the Eucharist is no big deal, and even causes contempt. Also, failure to use communion Paten, female Eucharistic ministers, or drafting of altar servers, readers or other lay people to distribute communion (resulting in both profanation by the distributor and the receiver), lay people touching the sacred vessels without wearing gloves, not paying attention when someone walks away with a consecrated Host (which couldn't happen if everyone was compelled to receive on the tongue), lay people in the sanctuary except those who are part of an altar society that cleans the items in the sanctuary and prepare the altar cloths. | Role of Women, Eucharist Reception, Lukewarmness |
1953 | Children have not been sufficiently catechized regarding ALL of the above issues & the foundational elements of Catholic belief, even in Catholic Schools, since Vatican II. The Church seems more & more performative with each passing decade. | Vatican II, Catechesis |
1954 | My religious education ended in eighth grade. High school theology was a forgettable joke. 1982-1986. | Catechesis |
1955 | Priests not knowing the faith/having a prayer life, not encouraging forgiveness and confession, and not speaking truth to people. They should not have to go school so long and take so much philosophy! They should learn how to pray, take care of their baggage so they guide others, and be trained spiritual directors. | Confession |
1956 | More education on the Real Presence is needed but in a realistic way. I am going to look at the Augustine Institute's Lectio series on the Eucharist and see about facilitating that for adults in our Parish. | Catechesis |
1957 | The restrictions placed upon and even the removal of the Traditional Latin Mass. | TLM |
1958 | That Jesus should be received on your tongue while you are on your knees! I believe this is the number 1 most important issue. | Eucharist Reception |
1959 | Mass attendees not required to wear modest and proper attire; ushers disrupting Mass by seating late comers; Priests and lay people not showing proper respect when going before Altar and not genuflecting; clapping in church shouldn't be allowed - the Mass is not a social event; church goers bringing dogs to Mass. | Silence/Distractions, Attire, Applause, Reverence |
1960 | The overall lack of morality so pervasive today including acceptance of abortion & homosexuality. You can't believe in the Real Presence while believing that those sins are acceptable before the Lord. There is a disconnect somewhere. | Abortion, LGBTQ+ Issues |
1961 | The church is being SILENT in the face of Evil and it starts with the top, the Pope. There’s NO leadership. The few that rise up are then excommunicated and silenced. It took decades for the sex abuse scandal to be addressed but only months to take out bishops and priests who disagree. We are supposed to be ONE BODY for Jesus Christ the Lord and King of ALL Nations. How do you expect the lay people to be apostles of Jesus Christ when our Leaders are quiet. We question if they even know the Truth of GOD. A brood of vipers out for themselves not of LOVE. I believe that is how evil is getting in the Church, the Bride of Christ, by dividing us. The Pope, Cardinals, and Bishops would do well to listen and ask the Lord for His Truth, Wisdom, and Mercy. I’m sorry but that how I feel. Thank You for asking. Peace be with you and the whole world. | Persecuted Clergy, Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
1962 | Ecumenism dilutes the belief in the one, true, catholic and apostolic church. | Ecumenism |
1963 | I am an old lady and I have found most Catholic churches are unfriendly places. When your fellow parishioners are unfriendly, form clicks, and are not welcoming it is so contrary to Jesus' teachings that people become alienated and start to question whether God is truly in our church. When you question that, then the next logical question in our pagan society is to question whether the Eucharist is truly body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. | Welcoming |
1964 | Failure by Bishops to catechize the people. | Catechesis, Leadership |
1965 | Liberalization of the Church, tolerance of other religions, and diminishing Church superiority and authority . | Ecumenism, Modernism |
1966 | Catechesis of children not properly explaining the true presence . | Catechesis |
1967 | Priests & Laity lack of knowledge of the Council of Trent, the Papal Encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII & Pope Pius X to start, The lack & improper catechesis since Post Vatican 2, Everything done during Pope John XXIII papacy, The improper cancelling of priests who say the Tridentine Mass, Not having the Douay Rheims Bible vs the horrific & missing passages in the New American Standard Catholic Bible, the unnecessary changes to Canon Law and Magisterium. Overall, the USCCB proliferation of the "smoke of Satan" which the USCCB should be disbanded as USELESS and COUNTER TO ALL THINGS ONE HOLY APOSTOLIC AND CATHOLIC. | TLM, Persecuted Clergy, Leadership, Catechesis |
1968 | Many people in the NO Masses do not genuflect before the Tabernacles (which are often hidden from view in our diocese) nor before sitting into their pews. Priests do not stress that silence before and after the Mass is necessary; they seem to enjoy conversing with people in loud voices while inside the Church after Mass. The sign of peace is very distracting and noisy- some people keep doing the sign of peace noisily during the Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus. This survey points out many negative things in the NO Mass and is why I joined my local FSSP parish. I hope someday the sign of peace can be abolished, have no more females on the altar site, only receive Communion by mouth, and move ALL the tabernacles to the front of the altar and for people of both sexes wear respectful clothing (e.g., no shorts, no low-cut tops for the females, no sports tee-shirts with teams on their fabrics, etc. | Silence/Distractions, Sign of Peace, Attire, Reverence, Role of Women |
1969 | Biden - Adoration - better training of young in faith - stimulate deep prayer life. | Devotions, Family, Politics |
1970 | We have 4 children brought up in the Faith, but all have abandoned it. Once they attended college it was over. | Modernism |
1971 | Clergy and lay people alike need to be better catechists. If they teach with love and truth, people will come to know and believe. If you know and believe, your actions will be reverent - whether in hand or on tongue, for example, shouldn’t matter if you receive with a heart and mind that believes and loves your Savior. You will receive Him with true reverence when you do, in either mode of reception. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception, Catechesis |
1972 | Modesty in dress, which is at times just plain insulting toward The Most Hold Trinity. | Attire |
1973 | Teaching young Catholics that they should receive the Eucharist in the hand and not formal genuflecting before receiving. More emphasis must be placed on teaching the Eucharist is the body, soul, and divinity of Jesus. | Eucharist Reception |
1974 | Children were not taught in RE it was nothing about sacraments. Our children from the 80s and 90s learned nothing about their faith, even books lacked knowledge of basic tenets of faith. Parents could teach their children but RE teachers were into entertainment not faith. This was in California. 4 children and only one attends Mass regularly. I pray for them daily. | Family, Catechesis |
1975 | Priest don't spend enough time offering Reconciliation and they speed through it. Little Catechesis in Parochial Schools Not Having Mass during Pandemic! Priests and Pope seem to want to make the Traditional Mass Out Of Touch With God and The People and Seem To Hate SSPX and put down on people who find it interesting and reverent and feel God's Presence in the Eucharist! Liberation Theology and Cultural Marxism seems to be what's being pushed on Catholics instead of the Catechesis of Catholics and their Children instead of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in The Eucharist and Mass itself. No tolerance for the Laity and their different thoughts towards returning to the Tridentine Mass I learned as a Child before Vatican 2! It made everything too confusing. I've considered leaving the Church and going to the Orthodox Church because of all of these problems. I am interested in going to meet Jesus at the Mass not being assaulted with Social Justice Political garbage every Sunday!!! I want to go to Heaven as a Saint when I Die not be thrown into hell with the Devil!. | TLM, COVID |
1976 | That anyone regardless of religion can receive the Holy Eucharist. How reconciliation has an impact on one's state when receiving the Holy Eucharist. | Confession, Worthy Reception |
1977 | 1). Failure to ring the bells at consecration in some churches 2). The disposition of the priest when he does the consecration and when he gives it to the people. 3). Not beating our breast or bowing or anything to signify humility when the consecration occurs. 4). The priests holding their fingers a certain way so they don’t get loose crumbs of the Eucharist. | Liturgical Practice |
1978 | Lack of a committed personal prayer program seeking union with God, and humble obedience to HIS will. One must have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, how can one know him in the Eucharist or in his brother if he is not seeking HIM. | Relationship with Jesus, Devotions |
1979 | Lack of Modesty in dress and reverence before the Blessed Sacrament. | Attire |
1980 | Lack of dissemination to explain remind and practice religiously the 7 sacraments . | Catechesis |
1981 | It's no secret that the Church started losing great numbers of Catholics after the Novus Ordo was introduced. Its banality robs the Church of her mystique, takes the eyes off God and puts them on each other, and on the priest as personality rather than as persona Christi, and lining up to receive communion instead of kneeling at the altar rail. I converted in 2000, and one of the things that turned me off to the Novus Ordo early on was the trite, blase' offertory prayers that communicate nothing of the great, awesome, holy mystery of the consecration and transubstantiation that takes place on the altar. The TLM offertory prayers, by comparison, are sublime--absolutely heavenly. Also, I can't stress enough how detrimental communion in the hand and lay Eucharistic ministers (anytime!) are to the realization of the sacredness of the Holy Eucharist. Also, lack of care about who receives it. A priest who does not himself treat the consecrated Host as something holy, and protect the integrity of the sacred species invites casual behavior, even disdain, by the flock. The Church cannot expect a Eucharistic revival to have any real impact when powerful people are freely given communion though they are known manifest public sinners. Such hypocrisy shows extreme irreverence for Christ. We show more reverence for sacred relics than we do for the Majestic Son of God, despite many Eucharistic miracles. Other things that diminish the sacredness of Mass, and by inference the Holy Eucharist, as a woman, I don't like seeing women and girls in the sanctuary during Mass. In addition, the use of a "table" instead of a high altar diminishes the notion of a "sacrifice." In truth, there is so much in the way we Catholics do "Church" that is detrimental to faith, its a wonder there are any faithful Catholics left. All of the things effect how we perceive the Eucharist, whether directly or indirectly. | TLM |
1982 | Catechesis on the bed for frequent Confession and how to make a good Confession. Also more frequent homilies on the Real Presence. | Confession, Homilies, Catechesis |
1983 | Disunity among Believers and unkindness toward the People of God. Judgmental attitudes toward someone who has a different view of the Latin or Ordinary Mass or different preference. Lack of sound teaching on Vatican 11. | TLM, Vatican II, Catechesis, Judgmental |
1984 | Undeniable FAITH, . | Lack of Faith |
1985 | There is a distinct lack of focus on our eternal salvation. Clergy seem only to focus on mercy without atonement and helping the marginalized and poor. That is not what Jesus taught. He helped the poor and showed Mercy but He was very clear to go and sin no more and He did not have a laser focus on monetary poorness. Jesus was concerned with our eternal salvation, primarily. | Catechesis |
1986 | Allowing casual attire and allowing women to not veil in Mass. | Attire |
1987 | Ecumenical "outreach" to Protestants, while hammering Catholics who hold to the Faith of their fathers. | Ecumenism |
1988 | Belief that priests are committed and also believe that they are the only hands, holy hands, that can offer the Eucharist. | Eucharist Reception |
1989 | Reminding the lay faithful that outside the church there is no salvation and that the sanctifying grace that is necessary for salvation is bolstered through frequenting the sacraments worthily received. Furthermore, the loss of emphasis on the evil one, the pains of Hell, and the magnanimity of how many sins truly constitute moral sin has resulted in a watered down understanding of the Catholic faith and has resulted in a loss of sight of the severity of all that is at risk by treating the sacraments without the utmost respect of which they deserve. | Sin, Catechesis |
1990 | lack of catechesis following Vatican II. | Vatican II |
1991 | Failing to regard children as our greatest asset and most valuable resource. Most people who fall away do so by the age of 12. TWELVE!!! That is the age that they mentally check out. We are not putting our time and devotion into properly catechizing our children (as a Church). | Catechesis |
1992 | The entirety of Vatican II . | Vatican II |
1993 | Parish priests do not offer enough hours for Adoration and Holy Hours. Biggest fault is then parishioners don't sign up since priests are not supporting it . | Availability/Access, Devotions |
1994 | Poor or non-existent knowledge of the true faith. Poor catechism. | Catechesis |
1995 | Only the priest’s consecrated hands should touch the Eucharist. | Eucharist Reception |
1996 | A general lack of catechesis on our mission as disciples of Jesus--to save souls, and all that it entails. | Catechesis |
1997 | Systematic eradication of the traditional Latin Mass. | TLM |
1998 | Need more reverence to instill more love for Christ and the passion He endured for each of us. Just saying He died on the cross makes it so impersonal. I need to remind myself and I don’t always get to that deep, loving place where I should be for Him. | Reverence |
1999 | The Novus Ordo Missae. | Liturgical Practice |
2000 | Poor catechesis from childhood on. | Catechesis |
2001 | Lack of proper traditional, catechesis extending from even the Vatican. | Catechesis |
2002 | Making social issues more important than spiritual matters in Church initiatives. Additionally, when social issues flow from spiritual matters, connecting them together is rarely done. | Social Justice |
2003 | Lack of modesty and reverence in our sacred spaces, heretical protestant expression and errors, weak/effeminate leadership. | Reverence, Attire, Leadership |
2004 | Restrictions on the Traditional Latin Mass. | TLM |
2005 | The confusion about sacred traditions generated from Rome. It creates a sense of non-trust and doubt about what is taught. | Leadership, TLM, Confusion |
2006 | Raising the Eucharist quickly without devotion and reverence during the consecration . | Reverence |
2007 | Lack of modesty and elegance in the dressing of the laity and behavior when attending Mass. | Attire |
2008 | Effects of Vatican II on mass and sacraments. | Vatican II |
2009 | Return to the Traditional Latin Mass. | TLM |
2010 | Proper cleansing of the area where a host has fallen. | Reverence |
2011 | I remember when I was growing up when the priest would come into the classroom. Everyone would stand. He would talk to the whole class, then he would only talk to the boys. Most, if not all, would become altar servers. The priest made them understand that this is an honor to serve at Mass. ONLY the boys - girls did not serve and that was a HUGE mistake. We need to go back to having men on the altar. NO WOMEN should be on the altar - not as readers, or lectors or any other position. .ESPECIALLY NO lay people distributing the Holy Eucharist. It is what the priests hands were anointed for. | Vocations, Role of Women |
2012 | Strong teaching from the pulpit, and fear of priests to offend with the truth. | Catechesis |
2013 | Appropriate attire for Mass. Laity thinking that they should mimic the gestures of the priest during Mass Laity not genuflecting when entering and exiting the pew. Removal of kneeled from pews of some churches. Ex hanging the Kiss of Peace among the Laity. Poor reading of the Scriptures by the Laity at Mass. Attire of Lectors. | Sign of Peace, Reverence, Attire |
2014 | i feel neglecting to honor the lords house with head cover and looking back in mass. reverence missing in mass. | Reverence |
2015 | No value for confession. If they don’t go to confession they will slowly convince themselves it’s not real and doesn’t matter anyways to justify their actions. | Confession |
2016 | There is an overall sense in some parishes that the visiting is paramount. And the parishes that ignore Divine Mercy Sunday seem to be the worst for this type of disrespect. | Reverence |
2017 | Referring to Our Lord’s very words, “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will not have life within you.”. | Catechesis |
2018 | The tenets of death in the Real Presence needs to be taught and emphasized in teachings to the youth and also in adult education. | Catechesis |
2019 | The Vatican's stance on professing that all denominations are pretty much equal and focusing more on uniting the world instead of uniting us as Catholics . due to the fact that we have the Eucharist, as Catholics, we are afforded special graces. Most Catholics aren't well educated in what we truly believe. | Ecumenism, Leadership, Catechesis |
2020 | Talk about the covenant in salvation history. Exodus 24 has Moses sprinkle blood on the altar and the people saying this is the blood of the covenant. Jesus sheds his blood on the cross and we receive it in communion when he said this is my blood of the new and everlasting covenant. Make the connection for people this is how we are sealed in the new covenant. | Catechesis |
2021 | The survey didn't necessarily miss the issues. But whoever processes it and examines it, should also remember the larger picture. Both clergymen and laymen alike often are lukewarm in their faith. We need to find the fire again. If we believe this is the truth, we need to start acting like it. Flashy videos, seminars, retreats, etc. have their places, but they seem to be a bit much the last several years. The faith isn't a self-help workshop. Get back to basics. We don't need to reinvent the wheel. One thing that may help would be to add the last gospel to the Novus ordo, or do it after the mass. St. John really hits reality about as close as anyone could. If laymen could meditate on the logos, and really dive into it, I think it would help them open themselves to salvation history. When they get to the bread of life discourse, they may be more willing to believe it. Finally, people even left when Christ walked the earth and spoke to him. Unfortunately, the faith isn't always popular. We may have to accept a smaller, more suffering Church. | Lukewarmness |
2022 | All the activities on the altar serving Eucharistic ministers creates lack of focus and reverence of the presence of Jesus in the church. Takes more time than walking to an altar rail where people are reverently receiving Communion b on the tongue. | Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
2023 | Reverence Due Almighty God on the altar. Proper Reverence if a particle of a host falls during Holy Communion Reserve the Altar for the Priest…. His Sacrament Women on the Altar, giving Sermons, Being Altar Servers Proper use of Bulletin to provide the laity with instructions on reverence in the Presence of Jesus in His Body Blood Soul and Divinity. | Reverence |
2024 | Lack of careful preparation of music and use of appropriate music that fits and extends the people's understanding of the Mass. Music ill prepared and chosen is a major distractor. It doesn't have to be complicated just well done. | Music |
2025 | Abrogation (real or practical) of the Traditional Latin Mass. The liturgy ought not be the play thing of committees, churchmen, and popes. | TLM |
2026 | Clergy at all levels not leading by example. Many seem to have a casual or lack of humility before the Eucharist. Higher levels of clergy treating more observant Catholics and converts as extremist fools. | Reverence |
2027 | Only priests should distribute the Eucharist. | Eucharist Reception |
2028 | The formation of priests in seminary. They are taught that the church is no better than any other religion. | Priestly Formation |
2029 | For one, let's put the veil back on the Tabernacle. The sacred used to be veiled. People used to understand the real reason, not the stupid garbage we were taught " in the spirit of Vatican II", that destroyed so much of my generation because of a loss of Faith in the supernatural. | Vatican II |
2030 | The church took away the true authentic mass that teaches correct Catholic theology to the people which is the true mass of the Catholic Church which is the Latin Mass. The true gem of the church has been destroyed and replaced with a fake. That would destroy anyone’s faith and belief in the true presence. Once I started going to the Latin Mass, my eyes were opened to what is truly happening every time that Mass is celebrated. And my love for the Eucharist was restored and my love for Christ has grown exponentially. | TLM |
2031 | The need for repentance in confession. | Confession |
2032 | The Pope and clergy really failed as shepherds during COVID and reinforced the belief that Jesus cannot be present in the Sacrament. It all began during the beginning of COVID, When the Pope and Bishops outrageously shut down the Churches and denied the faithful, even the dying, the Sacraments, and they declared and showed the faithful that Mass and The Sacraments were not "essential". Horrifyingly, many DIED WITHOUT THE SACRAMENTS!!! This catastrophic failure of the Pope and Bishops "spoke volumes " to us sheep. It begged the question, "If this were truly Jesus, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Host, why would the Holy Father and clergy treat Him like this and deny the faithful the Most Holy and Blessed Sacrament? If this was really Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the same Lord who cured the sick and raised the dead, wouldn't we need MORE OF HIM in the Mass and Eucharist than being totally denied Him in the Sacraments, especially during a time of crisis caused by a "deadly" pandemic ? This Pope and the clergy have yet to publically admit their failure and apologize to the faithful. Not one has done so. I ask myself and they wonder why so many have not come back and why so many no longer believe in the True Presence? . | COVID, Leadership |
2033 | Not teaching the Real Prescence. | Catechesis |
2034 | Modesty within the church has been ignored for too long. People are not encouraged to dress like they are before the King of Kings. Veiling is also a reminder of who we are before. | Attire |
2035 | None. | Other |
2036 | Priest lack of reverence in saying Mass, rushing, reading a sermon from paper. | Reverence |
2037 | Bishops worldwide must be unified in: consecration of RUSSIA as Our Lady of Fatima requested; offering Confession before/during most Masses; denouncing Evolution, Darwinism, and Big Bang, and faithfully teaching literal Genesis as taught by all Church Fathers, popes, councils, etc., for most of Church history; strongly, publicly denounce rising satanism, homosexuality, abortion, transgenderism, materialism, ecumenism, paganism, etc. Return to being the confident, uncompromising Church as Christ founded her. Return to the Traditional Latin Mass, ‘43 Missal, calendar! It is not enough to insert Latin and Ad Orientem into a New Order Mass which has been stripped down to more resemble a Protestant service. Definitely return to the TLM, but also lead and teach the faithful how to live virtuous, sacrificial lives, with Jesus as the center of everything throughout the day (Angelus 6/12/6), through being a slave to and child of the Blessed Virgin Mary. | Confession, TLM, Revelation, LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership, Catechesis, Ecumenism |
2038 | Dis-unity in the USCCB, failure of the bishops/priests to preach on the Precepts of the Church resulting in Laity's lackadaisical approach to the Church, its sacraments and their faith. | Lukewarmness, Division, Leadership |
2039 | Do you think the church would lose parishoners if she went back to speaking Latin after so many decades in native languages?. | TLM |
2040 | No unity from one Parish to another, Priest feel or taught that they can do what ever they please, no uniformity. | Liturgical Practice |
2041 | Clapping in church. Recognizing people's wedding anniversaries and birthdays. Encouraging people to welcome one another before Mass starts...AND The sign of peace...lose that!. | Sign of Peace, Applause |
2042 | General catechesis of the faithful for children AND adults. Ongoing teaching of the fundamentals is an Imperative. There must be Drill in catechesis - that is, gentle repetition - key points Must be emphasized! - the survey mentioned the Communion rail - really ? -- how about Persistence for ALL the faithful in . . --- Piety, Study and Action ! --- Especially personal Piety and Study -------- Recall "to Know, Love and Serve God in this life . . " It's not too unusual to see kind action among the faithful --- however even "the pagans do that" The faithful from age 4 - 104 Must be encouraged toward personal pray! --- must be encouraged [with persistence] to spend time with God -------- If people do not persist in private personal prayer, as our Lord expects (Mt 6:6) - How can they be expected to grow in the knowledge of God? If people do not persist in ongoing study, as seen in the lives of so many of the saints - How can they be expected to grow in love for God? If folks do not persist in private personal prayer, as our Lord modeled (Mk: 1:35) - How can they be expected to persist in public prayer? If people don't experience a personal encounter with God in their private prayer, - can they be expected to in their public prayer? What does our Blessed Mother recommend? Pray Pray Pray!. | Catechesis |
2043 | The pope's lack of following proper teachings against homosexuals in the church, communion to those who publicly are for abortion (aka politicians) and then are seen taking pictures with then. It's like who's side are you on? . | Abortion, LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership |
2044 | There are some clergy that make people feel like they are not welcomed to receive Our Lord on the tongue. They expect everyone to receive in the hand. There are very few churches that offer kneelers to receive. I drive 40 miles each Sunday to receive Holy Communion kneeling at a Communion rail. | Eucharist Reception |
2045 | Traditional Latin mass attendees literally believing they are greater than the men who are in the line of apostolic succession. All Latin Mass attendees. | TLM |
2046 | Informality in the sacristy prior to and during Mass. Too much loud talking. | Reverence, Silence/Distractions |
2047 | Vatican dismissing Bishop Strickland and honoring Pachamama distorts the role of Pope. Deep silence not observed in church. Churches could be kept open on weekends and evenings for prayer by Knights of Columbus rather than "locking Jesus up." Lay movement to be guardians of the tabernacle could help this. Sunday afternoon monthly open houses to welcome inquirers and curious and explain the stations of cross, tabernacle, statues that are not worshiped!! and answer questions with a brief talk on the Eucharist and its miracles. Many are curious but afraid to enter a Catholic Church. A brief catechism talk after every Sunday Mass for those who would like some Faith teaching. | Persecuted Clergy, Leadership, Catechesis, Silence/Distractions |
2048 | The sign of peace is right during the solemn part of Mass before receiving Communion and it turns into a big goofing around session right before going to receive. | Sign of Peace |
2049 | Since the Eucharist is the Source and Summit of the Catholic Faith, it should be stressed at all levels of Religious Education; until everyone fully comprehends Its importance. First Communicants are woefully lacking in this understanding. | Catechesis |
2050 | Before Mass I was taught we were to be silent and meditate on the passion and sacrifice that is going to take place, but the silent meditation has been replaced by a recitation of the rosary. | Silence/Distractions, Catechesis |
2051 | Moving Holy Days of Obligation to the nearest Sunday. | Liturgical Calendar |
2052 | Readily substituting a liturgical Communion service in place of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This results in people thinking the main reason for going to Church is to receive Holy Communion, rather than the four ends of Holy Mass. | Liturgical Practice |
2053 | Watered down catechism, disregarding the Baltimore Catechism & the Catechism of the Council of Trent and reading loosely translated Bibles instead of the Douay-Rheims Bible. | Catechesis |
2054 | The Novus Ordo (the New Rite) by design is an inefficient means of worship, catechesis and evangelization. | Evangelization, Liturgical Practice, Catechesis |
2055 | We have turned the Novus Order and desecrated our handing not only of how we receive Jesus at the offertory but now you are having those who are play people serving Jesus on the hand. You have no idea whether these people are reverent. In the Latin Mass while you kneel and receive Jesus at the altar rail it is more reverent and respectful to Jesus . We then get to kneel and pray afterwards because I understand it takes longer to hand out communion however I love the prayer time with our lord. I don’t want to see girls in short shorts and I surely don’t need to see boys with baggy shorts. What happened to dressing as your going to our lords house for supper? . | Attire, Eucharist Reception |
2056 | In a reverent mass, the altar servers wear white gloves when handling sacred vessels. Also, the laity and priest alike will genuflect every time they pass by the tabernacle, enter or exit the pew. Women will wear a chapel veil or mass hat. | Reverence |
2057 | Almost zero clergy rejecting "covid lockdowns" and sick visitations during same. Jesus given as food for the journey. Almost zero clergy living a true Catholic faith. Why would people believe or follow them. | COVID |
2058 | Importance of prayer to strengthen faith. | Devotions |
2059 | Political correctness and the promotion of it. Makes us fearful or doubtful of defending our faith and what we morally believe in. We don’t hear much of it from the church, since we don’t hear it we might believe that something is not ok but because we weren’t instructed on it we are fearful to protest it on the public eye. | Fear/Cowardness |
2060 | Allowing Masses to be shut down as nonessential during the Pandemic; Persecuting the Latin Mass but not addressing liturgical abuses in the Novus Ordo; Not addressing inappropriate attire worn during Mass; No Eucharistic ministers; No communion in the hands; Silence in the presence of the Eucharist in the Tabernacle; Priests (not laity that don't know the faith) teaching Formation classes. | TLM, Extraordinary Ministers, COVID, Eucharist Reception, Attire, Silence/Distractions |
2061 | Faith formation for the sacraments are watered down. Blessing and use of sacramentals are not promoted as they should. People don't understand the meaning behind the parts of the Mass. Need more instruction. | Catechesis |
2062 | People coming in late just to get communion. People dress like they are going to the beach and not church. | Reverence, Attire |
2063 | Capitulation to COVID restrictions. Low priority to confession. Low priority to extend unction, lack of education thereof. | COVID |
2064 | There are many priest that don’t show respect to the presence of Jesus in the tabernacle, at the altar and in adoration. Allowing the laity to do what they are supposed to do as our shepherd’s; taking Jesus from the tabernacle, distributing communion, exposing & reposing Our Lord. Many priest are spending their time with the laity instead of fellow priest. | Reverence, Liturgical Practice |
2065 | The Baltimore or similar catechism being taught in all religion classes. Priests, deacons, and teachers need to be taught how to preach !. | Catechesis |
2066 | The existence of the Novus Ordo Missæ in all of its forms and the modernist and Protestant assembly/meal-theology on which it is based, together with the entire corpus of theological and liturgical revolutions institutionalized at and after Vatican II. | Vatican II, TLM |
2067 | Immediate dress by the laity during mass . | Attire |
2068 | 1. The pope's firing of clergy who don't mirror his position on heterosexual positions. 2. The pope's desire to destroy the Church via synodality. 3. The pope's stacking the College of Cardinals with heterosexual yes men. 4. The pope's idolatry (Pachamama). | Persecuted Clergy, Modernism, Leadership |
2069 | Clergy, failure to teach the faith from the pulpit. Time and time again they will fail to teach what the scriptures are saying. | Homilies, Catechesis |
2070 | The Godless culture. | Modernism |
2071 | I would say to promote kneeling while receiving Our Lord. And priests take more time in adoration while they elevate the Host and when they give the Eucharist be more reverent instead of been so quick. And maybe Deacon can help distribute Communion. | Devotions, Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
2072 | Discontinued Latin Mass. | TLM |
2073 | Need more scripture groups and bible studies to better share Christ's life. there is too much built up anger and guilt. people need to know God loves unconditionally . | Catechesis |
2074 | There is a lack of fundamental understanding of what the Eucharist truly is and that needs to be taught to our young Catholics .I myself was not aware of the Eucharist miracles until In my 50’s ! I was never taught of their existence The foundation in faith with examples and references to teaching from Christ ,the sacrifices of his apostles and followers need to be forefront and clear .So much is considered optional and allows for the lines to be blurred .If the core of faith was stronger and people truly understood why ; I believe the faith would be stronger . . . | Catechesis |
2075 | The absence of a choir loft in most sanctuaries and the presence of the choir in the front by the altar. Applause in the sanctuary for people during the time reserved for worship of God. Catholic education in Catholic schools and CCD - the absence of the foundations that were given with the Baltimore catechism Attire of the faithful. Leaving Mass after communion not discouraged Absence of priests and nuns in the schools When the nuns took off their habits Ecumenism Not discouraging the LGBTQ lifestyle especially in the Catholic schools. My grandson’s sexual confusion was nurtured at Bishop Kenny . | LGBTQ+ Issues, Attire, Applause, Leadership |
2076 | No input from clergy on proper dress in Church and no veils on women. No catechism on this topic. | Attire, Catechesis |
2077 | Failure of all catechesis in diocesan schools; when even the teachers don't know their Faith, how can we expect them to teach it to children?. | Schools, Catechesis |
2078 | The Catholic schools are not Catholic any more. They do not teach catechism!. | Schools, Catechesis |
2079 | Priestly humility during the Mass. If a priest is acting more like a Protestant preacher (seemingly to get people’s “attention”) then he’s making the Mass more about himself, not Jesus Christ or the Holy Sacrifice. | Reverence |
2080 | Some weak and/or dry sermons. | Homilies |
2081 | teaching and maintaining catechesis throughout adulthood and more focus needed about our Catholic heritage and the Church Fathers. | Catechesis |
2082 | The general removal of signs of reverence which used to be present in the Latin Mass. | TLM, Reverence |
2083 | Changing the entire liturgy of the mass to reflect a Protestant service. The abandonment of the Holy Sacrifice instituted by God Himself. | Liturgical Practice |
2084 | Sense that the entire enterprise is a bureaucracy more than a means of grace. Lack of availability of Confession which tells people that it’s not important or an annoyance to the priest, along with lack of emphasis on its value as a regular practice; mindless homilies focused on contemporary themes (“Jesus is like Tweety Bird”, Football as an analogy for faith, that sort of thing) dumbing down the faith until you wonder if there’s anything of value to even believe. Why not give people something to strive for, and genuine meaning for the crosses they bear? It’s hard to believe you’d lose more people over that than what we have now. (Based on 60 years in diocese of Buffalo NY). | Confession, Availability/Access |
2085 | Lack of catechism. The opportunity to teach the faith from the pulpit has been lost. The faithful feel abandoned by the hierarchy in the church. If our leaders do not believe the faith this harms the laity. | Leadership, Catechesis |
2086 | I was never taught about the Real Presence/ the sacred nature of the Eucharist growing up in the Church. Thank you and God bless your efforts!. | Catechesis |
2087 | Demonic influence and temptation to doubt. | Modernism |
2088 | Ecumenism/“respecting” other religions Failure to teach no salvation outside of the Catholic Church. | Ecumenism |
2089 | It should be taught that modesty in church is necessary as it shows reverence for Our Lord and eliminates the issue of being an occasion of sin for our fellow man. | Reverence |
2090 | Lack of catechesis for children. Lack of resources to support parents in teaching their children. | Family, Catechesis |
2091 | Preaching from the pulpit about the truths of our faith. | Homilies |
2092 | Liturgical abuses: such as not following the prescribed words and gestures at Mass. (Latin does help to remedy along with Ad Orientem, which were stated but even if mandated, those would he ignored as well.) . | Liturgical Practice |
2093 | That a person must be in a state of grace before reception of the Holy Eucharist. | Confession |
2094 | Need for confession by all. Lack of teaching doctrine from the pulpit. | Confession, Homilies |
2095 | I discovered a great lack of reverence for the Eucharist while participating in hospital ministry. The training for the ministry was given by a religious sister and even her direction was poor and incorrect. I took my observations to my pastor who then passed me off to another priest who oversaw the ministry program in the diocese. | Reverence |
2096 | Appropriate dress at Mass. Use of our churches for secular reasons (concerts etc.) while ignoring His Holy Presence. | Attire |
2097 | I think in order for the average Catholic Christian sitting in the pews in the United 2 understand the real presence we first must have them understand who Jesus is in their lives. I believe that the USC CB along with every Catholic parish priest should invite each parishioner to experience a 4 week new PentecostStates of America to understand the real presence is Jesus body blood soul individually we first need to go back to categories an offer a 4 week horse on. | Relationship with Jesus |
2098 | The Church is recognized as a place of socializing and not one of worship. I'm 62 and it is so sad how the Church has lost its Sacred traditions over the years. Bring back the altar rail!!!! Woman wear veils. Dress properly. Miss the beautiful statues and beauty of the church. It no longer feels like God's House. | Attire, Eucharist Reception, Beauty |
2099 | Modesty in dress and especially modesty in dress in the Church. The Church hierarchy, especially priests, need to stress the importance of the inextricable relationship between modesty in dress and chastity. Yesterday in the Confession line there were 3 girl teens with LifeTeen on their tee shirts who were in short shorts. They did not know any better. Parents need to be educated. Skinny pants emphasize private parts and hence can be an occasion of sin for many men who struggle with lust. | Attire |
2100 | Very poor religious education of children. Laity without proper training and evaluation allowed to be religious education teachers. | Catechesis |
2101 | Priest’s lack of reverence . | Reverence |
2102 | A general giving in to the culture around us and allowing the errors from the culture to sink into the church. | Modernism |
2103 | Suppressing the Latin Mass and replacing it with the Novice Ordo. | TLM |
2104 | HOLY COMMUNION SHOULD NEVER BE GIVEN IN THE HAND. Restore St. Michael prayer after every mass. | Eucharist Reception |
2105 | Allowing the Latin Mass for any Parish that wants to offer it. Encouraging the community to attend the Latin Mass periodically. I like to go and love the Reverence. Would love to have more Churches offering the Traditional Mass as the only one available to me is in the city and I don’t feel safe attending alone. | TLM, Reverence |
2106 | Lack of emphasis by the clergy in praying the Holy Rosary before the Holy Eucharist, penance, developing a deep prayer life by spending time before the Real Presence our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. | Devotions |
2107 | The number 1 issue at hand is the change of the Mass itself. Every item altered, every prayer changed, affected how the Laity perceived Christ in the Eucharist. All of it stripped the sacrifice of the sacrifice and turned the Mass toward man himself. The new Mass turned the laity's focus to vocal participation and physical postures instead of contemplative prayer at the foot of the cross on Calvary. It made the Mass about the Priest and not about Christ. | Liturgical Practice |
2108 | More emphasis on going to confession. | Confession |
2109 | Biblical roots of the Eucharist. | Catechesis |
2110 | You covered a lot of good items that need addressing. I'd like to add some more: If the priest, deacon, & altar servers are reverent then that makes a big difference. I've noticed the priests treats the monstrance with reverence but are casual with the Eucharist during the Mass. (But who goes to Adoration? - only the most faithful.) The church needs role models. People in the front. Lay people you know when to genuflect, kneel, stand, how to respond boldly, pray sincerely, offer generously, sing with joy, dress for the King, etc. I think the Eucharist revival effort (which I applaud) will not be too successful. I'd be willing to bet most people in the pews aren't even aware of it or they are apathetic to it. Catechesis is very-very important. Do people believe in miracles? If you don't believe in miracles how can you believe in Transubstantiation? Do people believe in Genesis? Many priests and laity don't. Our culture believes in Science. What about germaphobia? How many parishes offer the Precious Blood? Does society value virtue and piety? We accept abortion, contraception, divorce, skipping Mass for sporting events, not offering Mass on secular holidays, etc. What about the removal of blue laws? What about massive secularization of our youth in media and education? Consider the few children that regularly attend CCD class. Only 50 minutes out of their week are they there. Yet between school, social media, tv, books, godless friends, etc. they spend the other 99% of their time. What about religious & moral relativism? What about respect? What about their parents? Do they set a good example? Much damage has happened since the Reformation. The Traditionalists bring up a lot of good points (which will all add to the value of the Mass & I've tried bring them up in my parish) but we are losing the cultural battle. For brevity I'll end it here but I think you get my point. We have more existential problems. Which bringing back kneelers & receiving it on the tongue won't fix. Our hearts need softening and we must see Christ as King. | Family, Public Witness, Abortion, Reverence |
2111 | Not disposing communion properly after is has been drop on the ground. The priest conduct at mass. Emphasis on the dress code at mass...etc. | Liturgical Practice |
2112 | The "spirit of Vatican 2" exploited ambiguity in the documents and intent of the majority to destroy tradition. | Vatican II |
2113 | I think the overall negative judgment of people is affecting Or maybe just distracting from the true presence of Christ. Judging who is a sinner and who isn’t takes away from the true meaning of being Catholic and those who are martyr. Hate and division even between Catholics are taking away From the presence of the Eucharist. Our job is to replace this with love, not judgment. We need to find a way to do this. | Judgmental |
2114 | Catechizing is very poor; a continuation of it should happen “forever” after reception of First Communion, etc.!. | Catechesis |
2115 | Failure to teach the proper order established by God and the importance of the father as protector of his family. | Catechesis |
2116 | Ecumenism. Treating salvation as equally attainable, regardless of particular religion one ascribes to. Heresy and apostasy in hierarchy of Church dilutes any message one could have on the Eucharist, if credibility is tarnished . | Ecumenism |
2117 | Women veiling, kneeling when receiving our Lord. | Attire, Eucharist Reception |
2118 | I was born in 1965. I was baptized but never confirmed or catechized. I return back to the church in 2023 and was confirmed in 2024. Growing up, I was NEVER TAUGHT about the true Presence!! Didn’t have a clue until 2033, when I went on YOUTUBE!!! It wasn’t from going to mass. I had no idea. I’m now, 59!. | Catechesis |
2119 | The elements of the church concerned with this are missing the single most important thing concerning the true presence, science. A people schooled in the scientific method have a cognitive impairment when it comes to accepting something for which there is no tangible proof. Eucharistic miracles are insufficient to get beyond cognitive dissonance. | Modernism |
2120 | Lack of catechism in general. Instead of homilies on the readings that could be given in a Protestant church, need to use at least some of that time to teach Catholic beliefs. Another option is for the past in weekly bulletin, and bishop in monthly diocesan newspaper or bulletin insert to teach Catholic beliefs. | Leadership, Homilies, Catechesis |
2122 | Teaching children who are receiving the Sacraments of Confession and First Communion is done in two classes each; Confessions are done in the Fall and not repeated before First Communion. They don't teach children proper reverence- genuflecting before the Tabernacle; parents of children receiving the Sacraments should also be properly trained because they often were not when the were children. | Confession, Catechesis |
2123 | Changes in how our youth are taught. We should go back to the Baltimore Catechism. They should be introduced to the great preachers like Fulton Sheen. | Catechesis |
2124 | Protestantism making it’s way into the Catholic Church and the believe that that Catholic Church is not the one true church . | Modernism |
2125 | Ridiculously poor catechesis. Born 10/64. My father married a Protestant who did not convert until shortly before her death. We were raised Catholic- but The 1970’s happened. My father remained faithful but probably due to his very traditional upbringing- he was born 1916. He was obedient to what was being forced but I really think he knew. Sorry for the ??personal blow by blow story but I believe it captures many ‘issues’. | Catechesis |
2126 | Stop labeling and dividing church members by race. Share cultural diversity outside the liturgical celebration what contributes to a positive Catholic lifestyle respectful of legacy, authority, praising God. Encouraging domestic churches in each family, prayer life and formation of children in the home. Encouraging the roles of women as wives, mothers and educators bringing new members to the Church complementing the roles of men as husbands, fathers and ordained ministers serving the Sacraments in the Church. | Role of Women, Division |
2127 | 1. Not encouraging children stopping in Church in front of the Tabernacle to simply say hello to Jesus on the way before school. 2. Accepting serious sin as normal and accepting secular humanism as compatible with living a good and holy life style. 3. Almost ignoring the need for personal reflection on what was both good and bad at the end of each day, and almost doing away with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. | Confession, Holiness, Sin |
2128 | Except for a very few the absolute and serious lack of consistent leadership by our hierarchy. We are being defeated from within. It begins with the unending scandal. Why trust system that continues to demonstrate serious flaws. | Scandals, Leadership |
2129 | Very displeased with the attitude of our woke Pope. Friends I talk to say he is the Devil, ignore him, and keep the faith but its a shame to have the man we look up to, and now we do not. It makes me not trust, difficult to believe our faith. | Leadership |
2130 | Priests using the pulpit as a means to push a political agenda and not speak the truth. That holy days are different from diocese to diocese. Every catholic church that you walk into should be the same. There is too many differences from church to church. It is supposed to be One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and we aren't. | Homilies, Liturgical Practice, Politics |
2131 | Access to knowledge and information about anything and everything is now accessible at everyone’s fingertips. The ability to discern our God’s presence in all that has gone missing. | Loss Sense of the Sacred |
2132 | Catholic politicians like President Joe Biden pretending to be Catholic when he is pro abortion yet continues to be allowed to receive Communion. This is a major negative - anything is OK, grace is not required. | Abortion, Canon 915 |
2133 | The push towards having more "laity involvement" in other parts of the Mass (e.g. doing readings/petitions, choirs singing, exchanging sign of peace, etc.). | Liturgical Practice |
2134 | Dressing appropriately for mass…no scantly dressed parishioners. | Attire |
2135 | During Covid when all the churches closed!! It showed Laity that receiving the Eucharist was not as important!! If we truly believed Jesus would a in the Eucharist then that takes precedent over adhering to our government! Also, putting hand sanitizer on the alter and having a theatrical show of sanitizing the priests hands even though he just touched Jesus in the Eucharist haunts me to this day!! That right there took all belief away from laity. I am thankful I had my true conversion with Jesus in adoration, but many many others who maybe have not had such a conversion but are still searching and trying to keep the faith. The visual of the stupid hand sanitizer and closing churches during Covid was horrifically sad!! . | COVID |
2136 | I’d also like to add the relaxed dress code has likely also added to the loss of faith in the real presence of the Eucharist. I’ve seen plenty of people dressed in flip flops, tank tops, shorts, then nonchalantly receive the Eucharist like it’s a Ritz cracker. | Attire |
2137 | Help people recognize we are in the world not of the world. Christianity, our relationship with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, enables all He teaches. Living in the world He gives comfort, love, faith, hope and support to each person to become Holy people. Helping us transform the world. . | Modernism |
2138 | New priests attempting to appeal to seculars by being trendy. | Modernism |
2139 | True Catholicism is about kindness, lack of judgement, and respect for others as Jesus taught. Jesus never condemned others for varying beliefs, including political. He helped everyone no matter what their background, including prostitutes, lepers, the poor, the hungry, etc. The issue I see with people not coming to the church is that the church has a sense of hypocrisy in it currently—where it preaches about spreading love to your neighbor but judges and condemns others based on their lifestyle/beliefs. Instead of leading by example, the church is leading with hatred sometimes. That is not the basis of Jesus’ teachings. | Judgmental |
2140 | Dressing improperly for mass. | Attire |
2141 | Clergy should be allowed to marry. Women should be allowed to be Deacons . | Role of Women |
2142 | lack of teaching the 10 Commandments and what is a sin and real Presence of Jesus in Catholic Schools . | Schools, Sin, Catechesis |
2143 | It needs to be addressed that the priest should be the last to enter the church and the first to leave. There should be sacred silence always in the church and reverence in going to and coming from Communion. Those entering the Catholic church need to know why this and that are happening and the relevance. | Reverence, Silence/Distractions |
2144 | Catechesis, catechesis, catechesis. Teach the faithful that the Catholic Church is the one true Church--not relativism! Defend, don't compromise, her dogmas and teachings. Demand appropriate attire of the laity to show respect because they are in the presence of the King. I could go on and on, but can't for lack of space. | Attire, Catechesis |
2145 | Catholics should focus on acting like Jesus towards others. In this way we may demonstrate the transformative power of receiving the Real Presence. | Living the Faith |
2146 | Lack of Paton being placed under host by male altar servers during communion. Removal of kneelers in the pews. | Eucharist Reception |
2147 | Failure to educate laity in homilies or other instructional methods of the Real Presence and why we should dress modestly to be with and receive the Real Presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. | Homilies, Attire |
2148 | The bishops failed to demonstrate the importance of the Holy Eucharist when they shut down churches and the Sacraments during the pandemic. Did they even apologize afterward?. | COVID, Leadership |
2149 | Complete failure of Bishops Cardinals to teach the faith from the Bible or emphasize the Bible. In addition, the USCCB is weak and very poor leaders having become politicized for money. When you take $$$$ from the devil (government) you compromise yourself. Church Leadership in USA is weak, corrupt and compromised. . | Leadership |
2150 | The Church's emphasis on sin-based spirituality rather than placing emphasis on growing in virtue. Clericalism. Judgmental attitudes among clergy and laity. | Judgmental |
2151 | Clergy lack of truth Catholic doctrine formation in the advices after confessions (nothing is bad. Penance? Nooo. Relax , God is mercy full, he understands your sins, for example. | Confession, Priestly Formation |
2152 | Lack of emphasis on appropriate dress at Mass for men and women. No reverence for the Real Presence. Would not get dressed like they do for a wedding or visiting someone in a high position of responsibility. Please HELP educate the importance of dressing up for Mass. | Reverence, Attire |
2153 | Deacons should not do the homily. Priest's homily should be focused on scripture and teaching, not social hour to entertain. Bring back First Saturday and First Friday. Go back to pre-Vatican II. Bring back Catholic traditions. | Vatican II, TLM |
2154 | Dress for mass. | Attire |
2155 | Many of us are reminded of the need for Reconciliation of mortal sin before the next time receiving Communion. Failure adds yet another mortal sign to our soul. Some of us seldom hear this reminder. | Confession |
2156 | Proper preparation for all the Sacraments. | Sacraments |
2157 | Lack of proper faith formation. | Catechesis |
2158 | How the laity dresses for Holy Mass. In some parish, shorts and t-shirts are the norm. How they dress says a lot about whether they believe Jesus is truly present. How often do you hear priests talk about it? Not very often--if ever. | Attire |
2159 | The lack of modest dress and casual attire trivializes the sacredness of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Church leadership fails to address this insult to Our Lord and His Mother. | Attire |
2160 | Building a righteous relationship With God And understanding of the Grand Commission of the Good News. Mass is merely a convict to help us achieve that !. | Relationship with Jesus |
2161 | Churches that create an atmosphere that EVERYONE is "entitled" to receive the Eucharist and not giving "permission" for some to remain in their pew or only go up for a blessing if they are not able to receive the Eucharist for prescribed reasons. | Worthy Reception |
2162 | Bishops, priests and higher-ups have no backbone or courage to tell the Truth. Scared of Francis canceling them! Catholic Church needs a Catholic Pope not a commie bullshiter! . | Persecuted Clergy, Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
2163 | I recently heard a talk regarding the “maintenance” of structures like bridges and infrastructure in a city…and it resonated with me as a great analogy for our need for reminders and frequent reminders of the teachings of the Church. If we want the infrastructure to last, we need to maintain it. It is in our nature to have what I call “spiritual amnesia” - think of the Israelites not long after witnessing the miracle of the Red Sea, lamenting about how when they were slaves at least they had better food. We need more than our teachings, we need to be reminded as part of our Daily Bread. (It’s not a one and done teaching.) . | Catechesis |
2164 | The infiltration of the church hierarchy by Marxists, Communists and Freemasons . | Modernism |
2165 | The lack of constant education and explanation of historical concurrence with catholic history. When a priest or deacon take the time to help laity understand a portion of the old and new testaments, and relate it to their lives today, the receptiveness to further instruction increases as does the laity extending that knowledge to family. | Catechesis |
2166 | So many adults don't seem to know the Catholic faith and beliefs. They need more faith formation and a place and time to ask questions and get Church teachings as the answer to their questions on the faith. | Catechesis |
2167 | Poor to no catechesis and lack of domestic church at home; parents not taking responsibility for educating their kids in the faith : living moral lives, enforcing kids dress modestly, go to adoration, give their kids a solid prayer routine. | Family, Catechesis |
2168 | Ushers wearing shorts and sneakers Laity wearing beach clothes to mass Few times and very short time for confession CCD not teaching children the truths of the faith Sacrilegious art allowed in churches and cathedrals Canceling priests and bishops for telling the truth of the faith so that the laity believe that what they are saying is wrong. Removing nuns and monks from monasteries for wanting to live their vows and worship with the traditional Mass Making it extremely difficult for people to find and then attend a Traditional Latin Mass which is 2-3 hours drive time one way Threatening to ban the Traditional Latin Mass Bishops stating that they would rather have empty churches than to have the Traditional Latin Mass Allowing sacrilegious masses to be said without any consequence and in some cases applauded . | Persecuted Clergy, TLM, Attire, Leadership |
2169 | I was born in 1941. By 1943, all the 6 male members of my family were drafted into the war, including my Dad. Each one of them was in the thick of battle, Europe and Pacific. My grandmother's response to all this was to pick up her missal and go to daily Mass. We had moved back into her home because my father was gone and she had just birthed my baby brother. While Mom nursed her infant, I precocious 2-5 year old accompanied her to Mass. Church was CHURCH! It literally FELT different...the SMELL of incense, the votive candles flickering in garnet and deep blue, the silence and reverence, the side altars of our friends, the saints. Most impressive to me was the welcoming big white marble Pieta from Italy. I always stood there, trying to grasp the profundity of "what happened"? Why was His mommy crying? Why did He die? I was innately sad. I wanted to love Him and be good and comfort His Mommy. We'd passed the Stations of the Cross as we walked down the center aisle. I remember the bell announcing the priest, the reverence, the altar boys bowing...In nomine Patris! At 3, I was saying Ecum Spiritu Tuo! This sacredness just seeped into your bones. This was God's Holy Presence, His Home, His space. I was very sad I could not receive Holy Communion. Waiting 'til 6-7 seemed like ages. I knew Holy Communion WAS Jesus so why did I have to wait? Everyday we went to Mary's side altar...with my Mom's arm around me we whispered the Daddy Francis on a radar ship in the Pacific, Uncle Jack in Hawaii, Uncle Jim under Eisenhower in Germany, Uncles Matt and Jack both bombardiers, stationed in England, flying nightly bombing raids over Germany/Russia. They all came home safely, without injuries...and that was the rock of my Faith...We prayed to God and He heard us! I saw the soldier men walk up our street knocking on doors announcing capture, injury, missing or death. God was REAL...He heard me. I thanked 6 I believed with all my heart in the Real Presence. We often walked to Church just to "visit" Him. He was a Real Presence. | Loss Sense of the Sacred, Reverence |
2170 | Dress code and lack of addressing the issue. | Attire |
2171 | Nothing, listed or not, should keep any practicing Catholic from believing the Blessed Sacrament is the Real Presence. That said, having a progressive Pope and corruption Bishops has hurt those trying to grow in faith within the Church. Pray without ceasing, that God will allow is another four years with Donald Trump as our president, and that Pope Francis and his progressive/corrupt Bishops will do GODS WILL and not theor own. | Leadership |
2172 | Lack of homilies that explain how our faith should be reflected in numerous secular situations such as our relationships with gays, commenting on the church going after conservative clerics and especially not pointing out that Germany is in heresy or schism. I'm tired of homilies that retalk what I just heard in the first reading and the gospel. | Homilies |
2173 | the need to quote Scripture regarding the True Presence and that this was the belief from the times of the early Church. | Catechesis |
2174 | It is the toxic behavior of the clergy which has driven the faithful away, without a doubt. The sex scandals, both abuse and homosexuality, in addition to poor fiscal management of parishes, alcoholism among the clergy (which no doubt stems from the toxicity of the work environment), abuse Bishops and Cardinals, such as Cardinal Cupich. Also the way that church closures have occurred... solvent parishes are being closed. The priests LYING to parishioners about the state of affairs. Wasteful spending because of all the internal corruptions, bribes that must be paid by vendors to get the work. | Closures, LGBTQ+ Issues, Scandals, Leadership |
2175 | Lackadaisical, Irreverence of extraordinary EM; over use of EM’s; when a host is dropped by an EM or priest, there is now obvious effort to protect the Lord from being stepped on (every crumb being the full BBS&D of Christ by using a purification and water to lift the host particles from the floor. | Extraordinary Ministers, Eucharist Reception, Lukewarmness |
2176 | -Modesty, what people wear to Mass shows their respect or lack thereof and what the Church asks of us -Offer Confession around daily and/or Sunday Mass times,, . | Confession, Availability/Access, Attire |
2177 | Lack of educational opportunities for laity in learning the Catholic faith . | Catechesis |
2178 | Putting the altar rails from the church and allowance of others than priests to distribute communion. | Extraordinary Ministers, Eucharist Reception |
2179 | Loss of Catholic identity. The failure of Catholic schools forced many of us to home school in order to try to give our children the richness of living a Catholic life. In addition, the abysmal catechesis by the local bishops and priests including not just the basics of our faith but the need for us all to move toward a personal encounter with Jesus in our prayer life and at mass. | Catechesis, Leadership |
2180 | Immodest/casual dress at Mass, servers and Eucharistic ministers inappropriately dressed in the sanctuary, and loud talking in church before and after Mass. | Attire |
2181 | Loss of Catholic teachers who believe what the church has always taught. | Catechesis |
2182 | The Pope Unwillingness of the hierarchy to root out the sacrilege of homosexuality Loss of the Traditional Latin Mass. | TLM, LGBTQ+ Issues |
2183 | Social Media, political climate, the church is later in the game of technology and evangelizing, People feeling they need to be entertained as an example of evangelical churches and their music and church is cool type of feeling. | Modernism, Music |
2184 | Pope Francis attack on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Attack on the Latin Mass, He attacks faithful Priests and Bishops. Pushes Homosexuality. | TLM, LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership |
2185 | Outdoor mass and VISUAL ART PROPS AND CATHOLIC BIBLE LIVING WORD TOURS LIKE POE JOHN PAUL 2 great saint ROLE MODELS engaging before and after mass activities omnibus bonding bill on the tours of faith. | Other |
2186 | Having ministry leaders who they themselves do not act as models, e.g., reverent bowing in front of tabernacle, receiving communion on the hand, having attire like going to party or beach, talking loud/waving to friends like politicians. | Extraordinary Ministers, Attire |
2187 | Bishops failure to lead faithful in Church teachings. | Leadership |
2188 | The absence of the Eucharist/Mass during Covid is huge! Peer pressure from other friends/family members who have different faiths (being prepared to defend the faith and the real presence). | COVID |
2189 | Little or no urging people to receive Jesus on the tongue or kneeling or explaining why!!. | Eucharist Reception |
2190 | I am a cradle Catholic who was away from the Church for about 10 years. The change in demeanor of the faithful toward relaxed reverence is a major factor, I believe. | Reverence |
2191 | The hierarchy must be more faithful to the teachings/dogmas of the Magisterium. Promoting the Sacraments, sacramentals & private devotions leading to truly living a Catholic lifestyle. | Devotions, Leadership, Sacraments, Living the Faith |
2192 | When the priest is not present for adoration, does not show proper reverence toward the Blessed Sacrament and is lukewarm, the Faithful follow by example. If the priest is holy, the Faithful will follow and strive for holiness. If the priest is not proclaiming that the Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our Catholic Christian faith then the faithful will take a nonchalant attitude toward It. | Holiness, Lukewarmness |
2193 | failure of clergy and bishops to promote Eucharistic Adoration in all parishes. | Leadership, Devotions |
2194 | Poor catechesis about everything especially that we need to know Jesus so that we can love and serve him and that hell exists for those who don't. | Catechesis |
2195 | Priests that are too casual on the alter. They don’t act like they believe that they are touching God. | Reverence |
2196 | Silence in the church Current mode of dress with no correction from the clergy. | Silence/Distractions, Attire |
2197 | Failure of Bishops to encourage their priests to talk about mortal sin such as Abortion, homosexual acts, transgenderism , racism, cohabitation, contraception, and the absolute need for monthly confession. | Confession, LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership, Abortion |
2198 | There are priests that Consecrate with a matter of fact attitude. There are others that show such. Deep love and respect. Some priests have taken the attitude that it’s a job not a vocation. The homilies have Not been challenging rather they are pat on the shoulders where hey we are all sinners but that’s ok. The scandals with the German bishops who are marrying couples that are contrary to the faith is unbelievable. Administering Communion to a pro abortion pro homosexual marriage president doesn’t help since his sin is public he would have to publicly renounce his sin yet here we are the priest giving him Communion must not truly live him since he is heaping coals on him and it’s a great scandal … Catholics now believe that you can be all those things and you are not sinning . | Sin, LGBTQ+ Issues, Homilies, Leadership, Abortion, Reverence, Canon 915 |
2199 | lack of sacred music. | Music |
2200 | Loss of The Latin Mass and traditional ‘Music. | TLM, Music |
2201 | teaching the mass is a communal meal instead of the sacrifice of the Body Blood soul and divinity of Jesus for our salvation. | Meal vs Sacrifice |
2202 | Failure to lead by example of many of the clergy. | Leadership |
2203 | A whole generation of people were taught that Holy Mass is the Family Meal therefor all is symbolic. | Meal vs Sacrifice, Catechesis |
2204 | How to dress for Mass. | Attire |
2205 | Silence in the church out of respect for our Lord especially before Mass when people are praying to prepare themselves for the Holy Mass. | Reverence, Silence/Distractions |
2206 | Talking about hell. | Catechesis |
2207 | Local lavender mafia has taken control intolerably! . | LGBTQ+ Issues |
2208 | We lack more homilies with emphasis on the Eucharist and everything related. | Homilies |
2209 | The post Vatican II spin (watered down) on the messages and secrets of Fatima. | Revelation |
2210 | Allowing people to receive the Eucharist on the hands. | Eucharist Reception |
2211 | The necessity of a daily friendship with Christ through prayer, frequenting the Sacraments of the Church, Adult Formation/Catechetical Classes and orthodox spiritual reading. | Catechesis |
2212 | We need sermons that teach/remind us of the dogmas of the true teachings of the Catholic Faith. Why is it different then other religions & how is it set apart. Catechism 101 for sermon topics. | Homilies, Catechesis |
2213 | Receiving our Lord's precious body and blood on knees and on tongue. God holds us in the palm of his hands, we should not be holding God in our hands. | Eucharist Reception |
2214 | Our secular culture and secular schools. | Modernism |
2215 | Priest talking to the parishioners inside the church when others are trying to pray. Priest can meet and greet outside. Everyone receiving the Eucharist without going to communion and not preached enough from pulpit and more times for hearing confessions in most churches. | Confession, Availability/Access, Catechesis, Silence/Distractions |
2216 | Communion in the hand definitely has affected belief! . | Eucharist Reception |
2217 | Behavior (or lack of) by our bishops. Have been too silent on issues , political and scandals coming out of Rome. | Scandals, Politics, Leadership |
2218 | Improper emphasis on community instead of going to Mass to worship. V2 attitudes. Emphasis on social issues instead of reverence. | Vatican II, Reverence, Community |
2219 | Not enough Masses during the day, or time for confessions. Churches always locked up. | Confession, Availability/Access |
2220 | The lack of bells to announce the importance of the Consecration has left parishioners with their minds wandering and not focused on Transubstantiation. When. I was I growing up in GF, ND there was no coughing, no crying at the consecration. My non-Catholic relatives would remark about it. We all knew something important was about to happen!. | Liturgical Practice |
2221 | Inconsistent use of ringing the bells during the Consecration at one church to another in the same diocese. The clergy need to stress the importance of being in the state of grace to receive the Eucharist. | Liturgical Practice, Worthy Reception |
2222 | The rites of Mass itself. When compared to the traditional Roman Rite, the Novus Ordo as a whole seems less convinced of a Eucharistic theology by its prayers, readings, and every lacking genuflection or action of reverence. | TLM |
2223 | “The attire oft proclaims the man.” William Shakespeare. Attire reflects the reverence we show to that which is sacred and important. Immodest and immoral attire, especially in women, but men also, has distracted away from due reverence and attention to our Lord in the Eucharist. Also, the terminal importance to our eternal soul to attend Holy Mass as often as we must and more, if possible. Confession's are, sadly, quite limited to some odd times, I.e. Saturday mornings at 9-to-9:30. With so little anonymity in the confessional, it see becomes additionally difficult to properly dispose our souls as we should towards our Lord. Lastly, there is much too little devotion to Our Lady, who directs all our efforts towards he Son. | Silence/Distractions, Attire |
2224 | Education! The most important thing in our brain is not being passed down thru families and not being fully understood by laity. Fallen away Catholics are now raising their children without any faith let alone the source and summit of our faith. They don’t understand sanctification! And they don’t want to carry “crosses” to get there! . | Catechesis |
2225 | Continuing to promote the Novus Ordo Mass rather the TLM!. | TLM |
2226 | Immodesty at the altar—men dressing like slobs, women dressing in tight and revealing clothes, and women abandoning the veil. | Attire |
2227 | The Church building--many times looking more like a gym or a barn and no altars of Mary and Joseph. | Modernism, Beauty |
2228 | Priests need to teach truth, not what people want to hear. | Catechesis |
2229 | They have taken God out of our schools and fail to talk and teach about His ministry. | Modernism |
2230 | Middle school and high school catechesis as well as confirmation preparation do not focus on the real present e nor the importance of confession receiving. Need more focus on respect for the Eucharist and fear of the Lord. (Taking ot seriously and the graces received) need more focus on being on a state of grace. | Catechesis |
2231 | The direction of society as a whole and the Church going in the direction of society rather than teaching and living the teaching of the Church. MAKE THE CHURCH HOLY AGAIN. Quit with the anything goes. No more lay people distributing Communion. | Modernism, Holiness, Extraordinary Ministers |
2232 | Not teaching laity how to pray properly daily so they might draw nearer to Our Lord and experience personal and intimate encounter with Our Lord. Most Catholics don't know how to meditate and pray with scripture, light a candle, slow down, exposure to masters of the interior life. We NEED regular, solid spiritual direction from the pulpit and encouragement to draw near in daily prayer and how to do it safely. We need to hear how to interpret scripture with the help of great commentaries, solid apps, homilies online, etc. after all, isn't that the goal of the Novus Ordo? For the laity to learn that they too can grow in holiness and draw nearer to the love and mercy of God which is His healing also? Also, Banning laity from the Sacraments (necessary for salvation) during Covid was acting like our Faith is not supernatural—not the Sacraments, not His Church, nit the Word… for example: misleading laity with “attending” Mass online and worrying more about what can kill the body than what kills the soul. Also, Covering up of predators and abusers and lying to victims—like what GU, the Jesuits, and the Boise diocese did to my sister. Anyway, looking ahead: spiritual direction from the pulpit, great formation for solid men for seminary, and really beautify and make more reverent the Novus Ordo. We don't need more Latin Mass when the NO has not gotten the chance to shine as the beautiful gift it is to the Church, the laity and the world (because its wrought with abuses from music, to architecture, propaganda masses, etc.). Beautiful Masses, great homilies, beautiful sacred music sung by competent musicians who are not there to “perform”… its the recipe that wont fail. | Devotions, Music, Homilies, Beauty, Catechesis |
2233 | removal of communion rail contributes to lack of respect causing the Sanctuary, altar and tabernacle not treated as holy which leads to the disrespect and disbelief of the Holy Eucharist. | Eucharist Reception |
2234 | The very real necessity for silence during the Mass! At most Masses it's impossible to hear the priest because of constant screaming children--it never stops! Parents need to be taught to remove their children immediately if begin to cry, stomp on the pews, throw toys, etc.!. | Family, Silence/Distractions |
2235 | Children are not taught enough in the CCD programs about the Presence and a multitude of other things they are not learning. | Catechesis |
2236 | The attacks on churches and the bishops not being united in their support of Bishops Strickland and Vigano. | Persecuted Clergy, Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
2237 | The impact of Covid hysteria, causing parishes not to even offer the Chalice, as though the fear of contagion outweighs the salvation of our souls. | COVID |
2238 | The lack of preaching on the consequences of sin. What sin is. The four sins that cry out to God for vengeance. The silence on sin. The Mass as a sacrifice. Dress properly, modesty. | Sin, Attire |
2239 | Education of the faithful on why Church teachings on many important subjects are what they are. No discussion ever on LGBTQ+, real discussion on the immorality of abortion, premarital sex, corruption of children's' innocence by radicals, lack of emphasis on the beauty of the Eucharist, the Blessed Mother, loss of devotions. | Devotions, LGBTQ+ Issues, Catechesis, Abortion |
2240 | Abolish the irreverent form of the sign of Peace and incorporate "Silence" before, during and after Holy Communion. | Sign of Peace |
2241 | Communion in the hand has done the greatest damage to belief in the real presence. | Eucharist Reception |
2242 | The attitude of our present pope regarding social issues. Allowing public figures to receive Communion while not following Church teachings. Lack of respect since Vatican 2. | Vatican II |
2243 | This may sound petty, but the absence of Sanctus bells during the elevation of Christ's Body and Blood eliminates an audible reminder of the very sacred nature of the miraculous transformation occurring on the altar. The Sanctus bells remind us that the angels and saints are with us in this Holy Sacrifice. | Liturgical Practice |
2244 | To great an emphasis on charismatic preaching during the homily and then rushing through the Eucharistic prayers and reception of Holy Eucharist. Loss of the Sacred in favor of modern looks & sounds in architecture & music & liturgy. | Modernism, Homilies, Reverence |
2245 | Making the TLM the extraordinary form rather than the ordinary Roman rite. | TLM |
2246 | The bizarre utterings and practices of the current resident of St. Peter’s chair confuse the faithful. And he likes the confusion. Also, far before him, the leadership of the Church seemed to have given up on evangelizing. But our Protestant brethren did not. Hence the drift of large numbers of Catholics from the true Faith to heresy. | Confusion, Evangelization, Leadership |
2247 | Attack of laity by many members of church leadership all the way to the top for being ‘too rigid’. | Leadership |
2248 | Allowing protestant like practices in "worship", fellowship and prayer; into the Catholic daily functions not only in mass, but also in formation, and catholic social functions. | Liturgical Practice, Catechesis |
2249 | Scriptural passages that relates practice of Catholic Faith . | Catechesis |
2250 | Priests need to remind the faithful constantly on the importance of the Holy Eucharist and also the Sacrament of Reconciliation for salvation of the Soul. | Confession |
2251 | Lack of sermons describing the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. | Homilies |
2252 | When I attend the Traditional Latin Mass, most of these concerns don't exist. Why is that?. | TLM |
2253 | Teaching the catechism. | Catechesis |
2254 | Poor catechesis starting with children. Not taught reverence for our Eucharistic Lord. | Catechesis |
2255 | People don’t believe in heaven and hell anymore … today’s society is all about me … need more catechisms … need to get back to basics. | Catechesis |
2256 | It should be taught often from the pulpit that the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at the Consecration. The priest begs the Holy Spirit to come down and perform this miracle. The priest’s hands are what we see and his voice is what we hear, but God works the miracle. Alleviate the senseless remark of, “What man can change bread and wine into God.” Only priest’s consecrated hand distributes Communion. It has been made everyday, ordinary. Return it to privileged, special, and miraculous. | Catechesis |
2257 | Confirming people who know nothing about the faith and are not expected to return to church until they get married or have a baby to baptize. | Sacraments |
2258 | Failure to admonish sin, as sin hardens the heart away from God, truly present in the Holy Eucharist. | Sin |
2259 | Conflicting statements coming from The Holy Father and the Church Leaders, plus too much engagement with the world at the expense of teaching the truths of the faith. | Leadership |
2260 | The catholic church is a political due to Bishops being opponents of the 2nd amendment to the constitution. The Pope is eliminating Holy priests and Bishops. He is Satanic and destroying the church. Pushing Homosexual Unions between Sodomites. Equates Catholic God with Muslim God, OUTRAGE!!. | Persecuted Clergy, Politics, LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership |
2261 | The survey mentioned communion rails, but just to be clear, the faithful should be kneeling and receiving communion on the tongue. If this was happening, many of the other issues would be resolved. | Eucharist Reception |
2262 | The suppression of the Latin Mass of our ancestors has had a very negative effect on the Faith of the people. Lack of access to something so central to the Faith of the Saints makes us feel like maybe none of it really matters. | TLM |
2263 | More emphasis on reconciliation. | Confession |
2264 | Failure to address the clothes people wear to Mass. | Attire |
2265 | Communion in the hand Lay people giving out Communion Lack of receiving Communion kneeling at the Altar rail Lay people bringing Communion to the sick instead of a priest. | Eucharist Reception |
2266 | We no longer have a missile that clearly shows the prayers during the Mass, especially the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Children and new converts, as well as seasoned Catholics, can benefit from reading along with the consecration. When I follow along with the written form, I can stay more focused and feel I am participating more. | Other |
2267 | Becoming NGO’s to accept illegal immigrants i ton this country. Catholic NGOs and hierarchy are great at justifying skirting the law of the USA and expecting their parishioners to follow the Canon Law of the church. | Modernism |
2268 | Lack of instruction on the nature and structure of the Mass. | Catechesis |
2269 | Lay people having access to the tabernacle. For example, opening it, removing hosts for taking to the sick or setting up the monstrance for Eucharistic Adoration. | Devotions, Liturgical Practice |
2270 | Priests should frequently speak about and refer to the Real Presence in the Eucharist. Most Catholics have never truly understood this truth!. | Catechesis |
2271 | I think that the Pastors need to speak from the pulpit to it that parishioners dress respectfully to come into Church. I know the big excuse "they are coming to Church" yes but respect to be in God's Church is important. | Attire |
2272 | Immodest attire when coming to Mass and especially for Eucharistic ministers. There should be no mini skirt or dresses, shorts, see through clothing, skintight clothes, plunging necklines. | Attire |
2273 | A public show of repentance from the leadership for leading the Flock astray. The horrible teaching of the True Faith and our leadership not Standing up for The Body of Christ. | Penance, Catechesis |
2274 | Priests do not preach the gospel message and other references about many of our beliefs, inc the Eucharist. For the past 3 weeks, our pastor did not give a homily bc it was too hot. He said, "We all heard and understand the gospel message, so let us recite the creed.". | Homilies |
2275 | Closing churches during covid told Catholics that church was nonessential. | COVID |
2276 | You threw out my responses here. There will never be true respect and belief in the Real Presence in the Novus Ordo masses, only in the Traditional Latin Mass!. | TLM |
2277 | Making it very hard to attend a Latin Mass. | TLM |
2278 | Jesus on the alter and in the Eucharist. | Catechesis |
2279 | failure to educate the parents of young people today. Parents are not passing on their faith since they did not receive good instruction themselves. | Family, Catechesis |
2280 | Pro abortion priests and laity. (Yes I've met pro-choice" priests) An unbelief that life is "hidden" in the womb, carries over to an unbelief that Jesus is "hidden" in the appearance of bread and wine, in the Eucharist. | Abortion |
2281 | Poor or absent religious education for the middle school/early high school age group. Today, 12-14 is the average age that young Catholics lose their faith, well before college. This has proven true in my experience as a college-aged Catholic and product of Catholic schools. A systematic solution to the crisis of belief in the Real Presence may be renewed focus on solid faith formation in the most critical but most neglected age, early teenhood. | Catechesis |
2282 | The Reverence before and after Communion. This is when we're the closest to Jesus in the Mass. | Reverence |
2283 | Catholic Democrat politicians "in good standing." Failure to teach Catholic morals like prohibition of birth control. So that 96 percent of Catholics are fine with it. 2/3rds okay with sodomite "marriage." . | LGBTQ+ Issues, Canon 915 |
2284 | Regarding the Clergy: Instructing the laity on what constitutes grave matter for mortal sins in popular aspects of secular life regarding the reception of communion. | Worthy Reception, Sin, Catechesis |
2285 | Leadership through unapproved changes post Vatican lL our Mass,? Teachings, sermons and church has been Protestantized. Diluted. It starts at the top! And it took 60 years for it to crack and fail. . | Vatican II, Leadership |
2286 | The evil that has entered the world captivating the faithful.. causing dissension amongst the faithful!. | Modernism |
2287 | Casual dress of the laity. | Attire |
2288 | The scandals in the Vatican and The Bishops themselves setting a good example for their brother priests and lay people . | Scandals, Leadership |
2289 | Cultural Catholics who don't really have faith but go to Mass because it's tradition. | Lukewarmness |
2290 | Modesty in dress and female head coverings. | Attire |
2291 | Form of the Mass. What is now referred to as the Latin Mass now was way more reverent and elicited reverence toward the spiritual realities of the Mass and the Eucharist. | TLM |
2292 | Proper catechism on the faith. Lack of emphasis on prayers, separate holy not doing Palm Sunday and Good Friday liturgy together. Stop making it 'easy',, I e Ascension Thursday celebrated on Sunday, which diminishes the importance of the 40 days after the Resurrection. | Catechesis |
2293 | Catholic schools do not have Catholic school teachers. Some have 80% nun Catholic teachers. | Schools |
2294 | Much of the sacredness of the Latin Mass is not present in the Novus Ordo. Many of the words have lost their rich and sacred meaning. One example: "Lord I am not worthy that Thou should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed" is said 6 times in the Latin Mass before Communion is received. The reverent focus on the sacredness of the body and blood of our Lord is lacking. | Loss Sense of the Sacred, Reverence |
2295 | The bishops have failed to stand for Catholic beliefs: abortion, the Pride day in California that Bishop Strickland had to protest, because the CA bishops did not. The bishops should be instructing us, not being involved in parties. | Abortion, Leadership |
2296 | Priests not genuflecting in front of the tabernacle. Same goes for deacons and Eucharistic Ministers and anyone else on the altar. | Reverence |
2297 | Churches that do not ring the bells during transubstantiation, priests who rush through the prayers of transubstantiation, lack of paten use during reception of Eucharist, lack of ushers to observe that the Eucharist is consumed completely by each recipient. | Reverence, Liturgical Practice, Eucharist Reception |
2298 | Priest not preaching on what Jesus said and meant. The majority of priests try to please the congregation with nice feelings of God and miss a great opportunity to exhort the people to know Scripture and Church teaching. | Catechesis |
2299 | Receiving the Eucharist under both species. Not necessary, yet many Catholics are used to this and it just lends itself to the need for more EMHC’s and the lack of reverence. | Extraordinary Ministers, Reverence, Eucharist Reception |
2300 | Receiving Communion in the tongue with paten at bottom held by Altar Boy. | Eucharist Reception |
2301 | People just don’t care, don’t bother to think of it, only are concerned with worldly situations, lack of belief in God or the supernatural, and people are just Too Busy( they think). | Lukewarmness |
2302 | . | Other |
2303 | Catechesis in schools. | Schools, Catechesis |
2304 | Decreasing number of masses offered…. Not listening to peoples input in financial matters in the church . Always wanting more money! . | Availability/Access |
2305 | General ad-libbing and lack of reverence lead to loss of belief int he true presence. Children learn from what they witness. Casual attitudes about dress, genuflection, who can be on the altar, etc. is where the disbelief begins. If we don't act like God is there, people won't believe He is. | Reverence, Attire |
2306 | Attempts to eliminate the Oldest form of worship i.e. the Latin Mass for those who love the reverence & quiet prayer talking to the Lord. | TLM, Reverence, Silence/Distractions |
2307 | The lack of educating the faithful during Mass from the pulpit about the Real Presence. | Catechesis |
2308 | Public education. I understand this is a survey about Catholics. HOWEVER if the Church won’t teach everyone, why would Catholics care? . | Catechesis |
2309 | Loss of prayers for the priest at foot of the altar (except those still done in TLM and Eastern Divine Liturgies); not purifying vessels on the altar (some will have done elsewhere while the liturgy concludes); loss of the bells being rung at critical points in Eucharistic prayer ; lack of confession opportunities; Lack of modesty in dress code for parishioners; Priest divergent from rubrics of Mass or being “creative” to entertain . | Liturgical Practice |
2310 | Lack of faith education programs for the faithful post Confirmation. Many laity seem to possess a lack of understanding of basic teachings and there is an expectation by the Church that basic teachings are understood by the laity. Thus, the lack of educational programs and lack of understanding. | Catechesis |
2311 | Teaching, at least quarterly, the proper ways to respect, receive and appreciate the Eucharist in our lives. Education of the faithful and proper respect from the Church authorities for the Eucharist is essential. | Catechesis |
2312 | Expressing Jesus didn’t say this might be my body or might be my blood he said this is my body and blood . | Catechesis |
2313 | Rarely do the priests I know catechize us from the pulpit. Homilies are poor, and provide little to no food for spiritual growth in the understanding of the beliefs and rules of the Church. | Homilies, Catechesis |
2314 | Lack parish bible study classes on The Real Presence. | Catechesis |
2315 | If we only get rid of the new Mass and go back to the richness and beauty of the traditional Latin mass it would be a huge start to getting folks to see that it’s not about us it’s about God. The new Mass and all that comes with it has obviously brought the crisis we are seeing. | TLM |
2316 | Pushing religious education to volunteer CCD teachers who don’t believe and are not catechized rather than parents living and passing on the faith Priests who don’t respect the Eucharist as the body, 'blood, soul, and divinity and are casual about Mass and lack reverence themselves. How are the laity supposed to hold it sacred when the priest speeds through Mass and doesn’t give the people real theological “meat” in his preaching? Pray for priests. | Catechesis |
2317 | 1. understanding the audible prayers the priest says during mass and that they are addressed to the Father by the priest in persona Christi. 2. a clearer understanding of what the laity are doing during mass, i.e. purely being receptive? offering their own heart? being a witness? What internal stance should they be taking. | Catechesis |
2318 | Failure to teach theology in grade schools & CCD classes via the Baltimore Catechism. | Catechesis |
2319 | The extremely casual way people dress for Mass. Women on the altar. Girl altar servers. Too much talking before and after Mass in the church. Way too many, unnecessary, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. | Attire |
2320 | The pressure to be a "cultural Catholic" It often seems that the clergy, deacons included, contribute a good deal to this "status climbing." We see that so much in parishes. I saw it so much in my own childhood and as a young parent to my children. Some of the "most heralded" people in the parish are the ones who host charity events or attend gala's but have little regard for neither Mass or Jesus in the Eucharist. No doubt, some priests and bishops are worse at rewarding this social climbing behavior than others, but every SINGLE parishioner feels it and it CONFUSES young people. Older people like myself (56 years) may see right through it and "write off" the clergy or the people or flat out recognize "AH, THIS is who Jesus was talking about" the Pharisee. But i dare say younger people are turned off or completely misled and confused. | Confusion, Leadership |
2321 | Eucharistic ministers and readers should be dressed to be on the presence of God; suits, dresses etc. No jeans, shorts etc. | Attire |
2322 | Priest believing what they profess. | Lack of Faith |
2323 | Dressing respectfully for Mass should be emphasized. We need more opportunities for confession. | Confession, Attire, Availability/Access |
2324 | Why. | Other |
2325 | The lack of Catholic Schools to teach a basic beliefs of the Faith! Religion classes are not teaching the basic tenets and prayers of the Faith. Use the old Baltimore Catechism. | Schools, Catechesis |
2326 | When priests concelebrate mass it implies that each each re-presentation of the sacrifice of Calvary is not of infinite value in itself . | Liturgical Practice |
2327 | The Church does not focus on communion and its importance in the Mass and Catholic beliefs. | Catechesis |
2328 | Failure of our Catholic schools to educate ALL students on the Real Presence. | Schools, Catechesis |
2329 | Lay people make the correlation between the nature of the ceremonies of the top degrees of masonry and the Novus ordo Mass , the push for a false ecumenism across religions , the suppression of key dogmas of the Catholic Church including the lack of knowledge of Queenship and Mediatrix of Our Lady - The suppression of cloisters and monasteries, the seeming acceptance of practicing sodomy and receiving Holy Communion , and the judaization of Christianity with dual covenant theology that is sweeping through Christianity . | Persecuted Clergy, LGBTQ+ Issues, Ecumenism, Modernism |
2330 | Bishops that are unholy, pushing secular agendas and treating laity with disdain and arrogance. Priests that believe being "pastoral" replacing need to be truthful and corrective regarding mortal sin. | Sin, Leadership |
2331 | Failure to preach about the Eucharist. | Homilies |
2332 | This was mentioned in a question that there is a disconnect between science and Mass. This is because many people do not think science supports the Mass. People are unaware of the investigations that have been done to prove that Jesus is not truly present, and they have been proven wrong because He is present. I think that teaching a class or running a seminar would open the eyes of many to see how, yes we physically can’t see Jesus, but the reality that He is present. And the reality that we are not suppose to understand everything, because we can’t and showing them that it is okay to not understand. Another problem is that when many none Catholics interact with Catholics, they are judge and yelled at for not being Catholic or the way they go about their life. I have no idea how to solve this problem, but I am 21 and their are numerous people around me, who aren’t Catholic, who say that Catholics are mean and treat everyone else like they are underneath them because they aren’t. | Catechesis |
2333 | Teaching of church history and of the saints . | Catechesis |
2334 | The church putting more stress on social justice issues, separating people into groups, legal illegal, white, Mexican, in my church the priest is Mexican, I can’t understand a word he says and he separates us between them and us (Mexican or white). It’s not about the celebration of the mass anymore but social issues. | Social Justice |
2335 | 1) The controversy of Pope Francis as Holy Father of the Church 2) (Coming from a former Religion teacher): Parents setting an example for their children of not attending mass weekly (i.e. only attending on Easter and Christmas) receiving the Eucharist while not in a state of grace, not taking their children to confession/emphasizing its importance, referring to the Eucharist as “bread” and “wine”. | Confession, Family, Leadership |
2336 | Lack of modesty and appropriate clothing that indicates you are about to encounter your king and savior. | Attire |
2337 | I hardly ever hear priests talk about the necessity, beauty and healing power of confession. Laity need to be reminded of our need to receive the sacrament of penance. And also, we need reminders about what receiving holy Eucharist means, yes, of course the body, blood soul and divinity of Jesus, our Lord, but also being in communion with the Church and her teachings. Maybe there is an assumption by priests that all of us Catholics attending mass received a firm education in the foundations of the faith. I did not. I went to public school kindergarten through eighth grade and then went to a Catholic high school. So during my formative years in the faith, all I had for education was one hour once a week catechism class where I was among other public school students. It wasn’t until my 30s when I got a job teaching at a truly Catholic school where I learned about the mass. I don’t even think I knew what Eucharistic adoration, benediction, or even what Tabernacle meant. Would it be safe to assume that most of us Catholics attended public schools during our elementary years and not Catholic schools? We were not learning the foundations of the faith. | Confession, Catechesis |
2338 | They were not taught this in religion classes. They did not learn it. | Catechesis |
2339 | Most questions = results, not causes of problem. People need to be strongly encouraged to dress up for being in presence of God. | Attire |
2340 | Lack of education about heaven/ Christ in heaven/ earth. | Catechesis |
2341 | Having greeters immediately puts the Mass into a social gathering, obscuring the importance of silence and focusing on the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. | Silence/Distractions |
2342 | Parents offloading their duty as first catechist to parish schools and failure to develop a friendship with Jesus our King. | Family, Catechesis |
2343 | Lack of silence and reverence BEFORE Mass begins: laity speaking loudly in church or adjacent spaces interrupting prayer before the Tabernacle. | Reverence, Silence/Distractions |
2344 | The Catholic Church is the only church that has the Real Presence due to transubstantiation . | Catechesis |
2345 | I think people want too much to erase theological differences between denominations, and even non-Christian religions; to be willing to water down their own beliefs on order to be culturally tolerant. | Ecumenism |
2346 | Many fewer children attend catholic grade and middle school. The teachings are not reaching most families. The cost of school is prohibitive to most families. If there are ways for middle income families to afford it, they are not well known. | Family, Schools |
2347 | There is a lack of understanding of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as the only source of perfect reparation that is required to fully satisfy God's justice. | Catechesis |
2348 | The current pope is a terrible leader of the Catholic Church. His political ideology has no place here. I will not attend mass or contribute money to the church until he is gone. I think the American Catholic Church needs to segregate themselves from Rome. | Leadership |
2349 | If the Mass/Eucharist is important, then the lack of priests will impact people. (Ex: closing/consolidating parishes, etc.) Our current priests are either retiring or burning out. So after all Masses, daily & week-end, we should pray for an increase of vocations to the priesthood. | Closures, Vocations |
2350 | The Pope’s heretical actions and words. | Leadership |
2351 | Laze Fair - complacency- Eucharistic celebration . | Lukewarmness |
2352 | Lack of solemnity and quiet before and during mass. Lack of participation at mass. | Silence/Distractions |
2353 | Relational homilies out from behind the ambo. | Homilies |
2354 | Use of the Novus order, it looks protestant and teaches the protestant faith, which is ambiguous. Protestants can believe in the real presence or not. If there is a real presence in the Eucharist its the community that makes it happen. | Liturgical Practice |
2355 | the New Mass promulgated. watering down of sacraments and blessings. removal of prayers after Mass. | Liturgical Practice |
2356 | I feel that there is a wide spread lack of education in adult Catholics about the Catholic faith and doctrine. Since they do not know it, they can not pass it along to their children, extended family, antes questions or engage meaningfully with questions from neighbors, non-Catholics, other Catholics, coworkers etc. The effect is little or stunted evangelization. There should be ready and constant education in all parish and especially from the pulpit. | Evangelization, Catechesis |
2357 | Lay parishioners do not have consecrated hands to touch the Host. That should be done by the priest. | Liturgical Practice |
2358 | using contemporary music in Mass . | Music |
2359 | lack of catechesis among young people and adults. Lack of faithful Catholic education at all levels. | Catechesis |
2360 | Bring back the use of hand Patens by the altar servers at every Eucharistic station. | Eucharist Reception |
2361 | Education on and reverence of The Real Presence needs to be included regularly in homilies; for most laity, especially our youth, that is the only religious education they receive. | Catechesis |
2362 | Going to the sacrament of Confession -very important to receive that sacrament along with Eucharist. Gods Grace alone will open the hearts to those who are away due to sin. The sacrament of healing. | Confession |
2363 | Bishops declaring it was not necessary to attend Mass during covid; limiting number of laity allowed to attend Mass; requiring laity to sign-up to attend Mass; Bishops refusing to answer ANY questions on homosexuals in our diocese; Popes refusing to admonish homosexuality and not removing homosexual priests. | LGBTQ+ Issues, COVID, Leadership |
2364 | I believe people should kneel and receive on the tongue. If at the name of Jesus every knee shall should even more so when you receive him in the holy Eucharist!. | Eucharist Reception |
2365 | There is definite lack of catechesis regarding the theology and biblical backing of the Real Presence, too many people think it is solely a "symbol" as our protestant brothers believe. This is in part I believe due to a lack of addressing the difference either from a clerical or catechizing perspective. Priests should know why it is more than a symbol and be able to lay out to the laity why that is the case. | Catechesis |
2366 | Your only interest seems to be in working in alignment with a sick and degenerate society.....stop trying to please the public...and teach THE WORD OF GOD.....we must follow JESUS . | Modernism |
2367 | The lack of educating lay people that the Eucharist is God. | Catechesis |
2368 | The open conversation about everything sex; lack of understanding of what we do(Holy water, why we make the sign if the cross and many traditions in the Church). Broken families, one parent or both not bringing children to Mass…. | Catechesis |
2369 | Educating lay people on the Mass and what each part is and what is happening, too long heavy theological homilies when shorter ones that pertain to how the scripture we hear and how we should live our life each week is more important, understanding prayer and what it is, explaining anamnesis. | Catechesis |
2370 | The new mass. There is no silence, no contemplation, all the focus is on people and it makes you wonder why you’re there. Feels like there is a hole in the entire experience. | Liturgical Practice |
2371 | Failure of laity to dress with modesty and reverence for Mass, and failure of clergy to instruct and remind them to do so. Including the wearing of chapel veils by women and girls. | Attire |
2372 | Interreligious dialog that shows the catholic church as just one path of many roads to salvation. Even if this is not the specific case related to the dialog it looks that way. Especially when other spirits are welcomed into the sanctuary to take center stage. | Ecumenism |
2373 | Money over Faith & following the Holy Trinity through God’ Word. | Other |
2374 | Lack of catechetical instruction and/or watered down instruction is the greatest of these for the lay person - what is the faith, why, and how is it really supposed to be carried out. I believe the same for the formation of priests - it is modernistic and without Latin they are deprived of true knowledge of the deposit of faith. | Priestly Formation, Catechesis |
2375 | Communion songs after we receive Our Lord in the Eucharist. It’s distracting when we should spend those moments talking with Him. Also the priest standing in the back of church after mass. People stop to talk and shake his hand thereby disturbing those who wish to pray for a few moments after mass. He should go outside or in the Narthex. | Silence/Distractions |
2376 | A secular approach to teaching and formation in our catholic schools from pre-K to college—abandoning classical curriculum which teaches children to know the Truth and see the world and through the lens of Faith: math, science, literature, art, history, nature studies, logic etc. The world’s approach cannot compare in what the Church has done with unspeakable success the world over for more than a millennia. Modern and secular approaches to education are starving and destroying our children and families—depriving them of all that is good, true and beautiful in themselves, their neighbor, the Church and the world. | Modernism, Catechesis |
2377 | It is very concerning to see and hear loud talking at church before and after Mass. It demonstrates that people don't understand the Real Presence. Priests generally don't say anything to get people to be respectful. | Silence/Distractions |
2378 | The chaos in the Vatican. Sheltering sexual predator priests. The Pope: I am not comfortable with this man. I don't believe he was chosen honestly. | Confusion, Leadership |
2379 | Use of incense at daily mass. Having kneelers in all Catholic churches. Holy days of obligation have been revised to limited ones versus traditional calendar of events. People are allowed to dress too casually versus traditional Sunday bests!. | Liturgical Practice, Liturgical Calendar |
2380 | Not being receptive of outsiders or welcoming those who are not Catholic, into the Church. Appearing very strict and stand-offish to others. Requiring Parish membership for periods of time before being welcomed or available to aid in Sacraments. | Welcoming |
2381 | Bishops are seen as politicians instead of servants and leaders. Most laity have never met their bishop, never heard their bishop preach except for asking for money once a year, and have never seen their bishop at their church. When the leadership of the Church are corrupt men who spend their time soliciting donations and schmoozing with elites instead of ministering to their flock, it’s hard to believe that the bishops believe in the Real Presence. And if bishops don’t believe in what they preach, how can we hope to convince the laity?. | Leadership |
2382 | For there to be successful Eucharistic Revival, there must be Sacrament of Reconciliation Revival that PRECEDES the Eucharistic Revival. Think about it. Few people go to confession, but everyone receives Communion. Something amiss here. More preaching and education about what constitutes GRAVE sin!!!!!. | Confession |
2383 | Kneeling to receive Jesus. | Eucharist Reception |
2384 | Sacramental preparation for youth. Many students who receive their sacraments do not attend Mass regularly , but they are allowed to receive the sacraments anyway. It is just a box the parents are checking. Their needs to be more accountability. There should also be more presence of the religious sisters and brothers in the schools. | Catechesis |
2385 | The use of the paten! I am so sad that it is rare to never used and how many times has our Lord fallen on the floor and there seems to be no formal procedures for when this happens. And what about Particles - they are also Our God! Trampled on by the faithful!. | Eucharist Reception |
2386 | Suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass, while ignoring scandalous behavior from other parts of the church's hierarchy. Materials used in Religious education are weak and do not challenge students. Catholic schools employing non-Catholics or teachers not in communion with the Church's teaching. Catholic schools use secular material, and Religion class is often neglected when other "more important things" come up. Waiting to Confirm students until 11th or 12 grade. Preaching on Confession, but then having very minimal confession times. Parish should have an actual confessional that is easy to notice, not a made over closet, or out of the way place. Priest's so "busy" that they don't have to attend, much less, lead parish Rosary or Stations of the Cross. First Friday and First Saturday devotions that are promoted and explained and easily available. Preach on purgatory - and the importance of funeral Mass vs. celebration of life, and that everyone is not guaranteed heaven. We need religious sisters/brothers, in habits, to be present and encouraged. Vocations week/prayers/efforts should be about more than priests. No more outdoor Mass. If we couldn't have them during Covid, why are they o.k. for "parish fun days" ? If altar rails and/or kneeler are requested, please give it all due consideration. That will be a wonderful way to show that there really is something special going on! . | Confession, TLM, Homilies, Scandals, Eucharist Reception, Catechesis |
2387 | Clergy need to periodically remind the congregation of appropriate dress and conduct in the Lord's presence. Not an easy message to convey I admit, but an important one. | Attire |
2388 | Failure to teach that the Real Presence is the community of believers, not the bread/wine. The Real Presence resides in ALL those who partake. | Catechesis |
2389 | No more gimmicks. I do believe restoring reverence during the Sacred Liturgy is key. | Reverence |
2390 | Lack of Scriptural education, of both Old and New Testaments, to support the Church’s belief and defense of the Eucharist as God’s plan for us rather than our plan for God. | Catechesis |
2391 | Lack of Catholic Education. | Catechesis |
2392 | Addressing priests of parish by their first name. Proper attire for mass. Leaving early. Children Eating and drinking (water) during mass. Children going to bathroom especially during the consecration . People coming in late. Highlighting what is online and in bulletin at end of mass. | Reverence, Attire |
2393 | Modest attire. Cellphones. Gum. If you are late, wait in foyer until homily. The Real Presence of God is on the altar...act like it! Priests must reeducate the flock. | Reverence, Attire |
2394 | 1. Lack of prayer outside of Mass 2. No or limited understanding of how to prepare yourself for Mass 3. The attire of the laity when attending Mass 4. Lack of preaching about the offense God is taking 5. Lack of preaching about the seriousness of venial and mortal sin 6. Little to no condemnation of heretics and indifferentism within the Church 7. Societal pressure 8. Not attending Mass at least weekly. | Lack of Discipline, Homilies, Attire, Modernism, Sin |
2395 | “Sunday best” no longer encouraged or practiced. | Attire |
2396 | The attack from clerical hierarchy in the church on the Traditional Latin Mass. A Mass that is sought after from countless faith centered and seeking Catholics, a liturgy that has been in existence from the apostles, to see how much attack it is receiving and the individuals seeking it from the very shepherds that should be attending to their souls is heartbreaking. Most of these individuals, families, religious are going there because of the very fact that all is ordered to proper worship. Worship that SHOWS the true presence. The very reason we never had this problem to contemplate (why and how the faithful don’t believe in the real presence) for thousands of years is because the way we lived, taught, and worshipped inherently made it clear. Please stop attacking the very means on how to fix this problem. It creates more division in the church which even further makes all Catholics and non believers confused and does not show or is unity. When the clerical hierarchy is going after tradition, orthodox teachings, it undermines everything it is and further makes people skeptical even on the most fundamental principles of the faith such as the real presence. Thank you . | TLM |
2397 | Novus Ordo. | Liturgical Practice |
2398 | Just as removing the tabernacle, removal of the ALTAR RAILS lends to a more casual approach. Once kneeling, it is almost impossible to receive in the hand. | Eucharist Reception |
2399 | Society and culture trends. | Modernism |
2400 | What women wear to mass. Leggings, short & tight fitting dresses & tops no matter how cute are still in poor taste and 1 out of 500 are asked to leave. | Attire |
2401 | Failure to honor the Blessed Sacrament by not dressing properly for Sunday Mass, i.e. a "come as you are" mentality. And a casual folksy attitude in church, i.e. failure to observe silence, socializing in church, loud talking, letting young children misbehave in church, etc. | Silence/Distractions, Attire |
2402 | Women and men not wearing modest attire. Even Latin Mass women need to wear slips so men can't see through their dresses. What happened to dressing up with your best outfit for Jesus? You don't have to be rich -just wear clean modest attire to adore God! ALSO arrive early to pray and stay later to pray in adoration and thanksgiving. BE PREPARED by reading the Mass readings BEFORE coming to Mass. | Attire |
2403 | Priests #1 duty is to save souls not to be social workers. When administrating the sacrament of Reconciliation they have stopped requiring the penitent to say the Act of Contrition in the confessional & just have them go outside the confessional to say it; how do they know the penitent does it, and if not are the penitents sins forgiven? Also priests worry more about time example ending Mass by a specific time. They should be more in tuned to what the Holy Spirit is asking of them. They need to show with their actions that they Truly believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. That’s what bought about my conversion. I have always been a practicing Catholic but to fall in Love with Our Savior is a different experience all together. This Holy priest the way he held the Host, the way he look at it, you could tell he was in love with Jesus in the host that Jesus Truly present their. So I asked Jesus to give me that same Love for him and she did. This happened because of the reverence I saw in this priest, I pray for him everyday. Also I think receiving the Holy Eucharist in the hand should be done away with and receiving on the tongue reinstated. This shows true reverence that this is Truly Our Savior we are receiving; and their would be less abuse and sacrilege of people who take the sacred host and throwing it on the ground, etc. When we have a great reverence for the Holy Eucharist others will too. | Confession, Eucharist Reception |
2404 | Church was way too slow at fixing problems like priest homosexualism. Church was criticizing Pres. Biden for his support of abortion, he then visits the Pope and criticizing ceased except for a very few with courage. That makes the church look wimpy and kills confidence in the church's preaching. Pope penalized conservative priest, bishops, cardinals. Pope pushed for acceptance of LGBTQ. Pope involved in the farce of global warming. Pope criticizing capitalism. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Leadership, Modernism, Canon 915 |
2405 | Blending of politics with church teachings. Primarily equating certain religious practices with political stances. The politics in this country are so embarrassingly bad at this point that while I agree that priests should help their flock navigate it, bringing it into the liturgy blends the church with a failing political structure. Not all priests do that, but I’ve seen a lot of parishes and Catholic groups blend their faith with politics in way more than just pro life work (which should definitely still be addressed). | Politics |
2406 | -Lack of patens -Not attending to the spilling of the Precious Blood and dropping of the Body as if it's a big deal. | Eucharist Reception |
2407 | Our materialistic society are focused, increasingly on pleasures, amusements, and focusing on one’s own comfort. Also, religion programs in our elementary schools, and CCD leave much to be desired. | Modernism, Catechesis |
2408 | The change from TLM to the Novus Ordo Mass and change of the TLM, failure of Priest to catechize laity and failure of priests to be priest giving duties to others especially women and Bishops who put their Crucifix in the pockets of their shirts and frankly who are not Catholic anymore...the don't even dress the part anymore. | TLM, Leadership |
2409 | Catechetical teaching by deacons, priests, and bishops. Scandals among the bishops and perpetuated by the bishops. | Leadership, Scandals, Catechesis |
2410 | Education, Education, education. I grew up Catholic but I missed a proper intellectual connection to the Eucharist until well into my adulthood. Reading Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, understanding how the Early Church believed in the real presence (St. Justin Martyr) and how it binds the faithful and is the climax of our life and worship. I think if Catholics get this foundational they will never leave or doubt. It is so amazing . I get do frustrated that we don't advertise the strong history and intellectual basis for the Eucharist. | Catechesis |
2411 | Lifelong discipleship…go and make disciples…we cannot be good/great disciples without the Eucharist…in my mind it’s as if we are good disciples if we receive our Lord in the Eucharist and that’s it …two questions that must be answered- what does God want me to do as his disciple? And how do I put His calling/my faith into action - otherwise this mentality of I received my sacraments …I received my Baptism and Confirmation, I go to Sunday Mass weekly, I go to confession a few times a year and have done my “duty” - yet we spend our lives building careers, or invest so much in sports, electronics, shopping, and give God the leftovers! . | Living the Faith |
2412 | I believe one of the main issues people don't have faith in the real Presence is that people need to understand and be led into a relationship with Jesus (my sister-in-law left for this reason), who is Eucharist, and a second issue is that we need to understand and be taught both the theology and complementing scriptures that teach about the Eucharist (my Catholic son said this), so that we know why we do what we do; don't take this for granted because people have largely been uncatechized since Vatican 11. | Vatican II, Relationship with Jesus, Catechesis |
2413 | Catechism in general for children up into high school is sorely lacking and does not emphasize going to Mass. many kids receive their sacraments and parents do not take them to Mass. it becomes more of a rite of passage than holy sacraments. The entire catechism curriculum should be dumped and reevaluated/redesigned. | Catechesis |
2414 | I think people have to be taught what reverence and what the true meaning of Fear of the Lord is, so they can come before the Lord with awe and respect. Additionally, the supernaturalness of our faith needs to be re-established. | Reverence |
2415 | Lack of catechism from the priest, we need to hear about, sins, mortal sins. If you miss me as one a week you have to go to confession unless you’re ill, because if you receive it the next week, it’s a sacrilege people don’t know this I think that, going down to eight minute sermon is a mistake. They do not tell us about any of these things. I see tons of people going to communion but when it comes to confession, there might be a line with six people in it that people aren’t going to confession and go to confession once a month , I don’t think these other people at all so this is what should be discussed by the priest and it is not spoken about. Sometimes I think it’s because they’re afraid to lose people but you have to tell the truth about confession, mortal sins, etc. I think they did each week , just a short. Time I think adults are not catechized and the real presence. Of course it is real, the body blood so divinity of Jesus of course is real. How would they even doubt such a thing I never did and I’m 70 years old and what I was told that there was only 30% of Catholics that don’t believe in the real presence , I just heard that recently from a very good source so there’s different percentages going around one I heard was 70% that didn’t believe in it. I don’t believe that believe it’s around 30% and these people get examples of Eucharistic miracles do we ever hear about that church , no. So they’ve got to talk about the sacraments that confession the Eucharist versus a lot of subjects that I never hear I think going to eight minutes is a mistake that enough time to get adults Catechized. I even did the Bible of the year and the catechism in the year within the last year so I would be up-to-date. Do you think other people do that? I doubt it I think maybe younger people might but I’m not sure but that’s not spoken about. I just think there’s a total lack of catechism and that’s part of the problem for the real presence of Christ and the Eucharist. There’s no doubt in my mind. There never was a doubt that the Eucharist is the real presence of the body blood soul divinity of our Lord Jesus not everybody knows that yes I think the Priest should do more at the ambo. Need to educate these adults when intern could educate their children. I have brothers and sisters and a son and their children that don’t even go to church and I nagged them about it so much and it did no good at all so the priest told me to stop. I don’t know what’s going to happen to all my relatives when it’s their time for judgment. I just think it’s a result, not teaching your kids when they’re young, and Catechism throughout your life. If this was happening, there wouldn’t be any doubt about the real presence. | Confession, Fear/Cowardness, Catechesis, Sin |
2416 | Modesty and respectful dressing. | Attire |
2417 | N/A- covered all the topics I would say are an issue. | Other |
2418 | People born before Vat 2 - know this from their growing up training. Born after? Have they even been made aware of prior Vat 2 Latin Mass? . | Vatican II, TLM |
2419 | USCCB not demanding Mass and the Eucharistic to the Faithful 1st Amendment . | Leadership |
2420 | The whole Novus ordo is the problem. When every practicing Catholic realizes what has been stolen from them and they return to Tradition, The TLM, then and only then will there be a Eucharistic Revival. Your programs will count for nothing without returning to The Mass of The Ages. | TLM |
2421 | the pope encouraging people in mortal sin to come forth and be ONE with the Church. | Leadership |
2422 | Vey poor catechesis. The Baltimore Catechism was very strong in educating Catholics in their Faith. Lack of respect for Jesus in the Eucharist -- modesty in dress not even mentioned. Short shorts and immodest dresses are not appropriate for Mass. | Catechesis |
2423 | Poor catechism. Parents not upholding and living Catholic faith. | Catechesis |
2424 | Our pope is a Jesuit and should have never become pope his liberal agenda does not fit with the role he plays form our faith , he needs to be removed !. | Leadership |
2425 | Failure to educate/sermon on evils of Abortion and the Church moving into Social Justice. IVF is killing a child and should be brought out in the Sermons. | Catechesis |
2426 | Another issue I believe that should be addressed is that (this is semi sequitur), many of the priests, deacons, and laity do not participate in Biblical and Conciliar studies to aid in the understanding of cradle Catholic Christians. I do additionally believe that there should be more representation for the Eastern Rites in our Church since they have not lost their identities and their understanding of the Most Holy Eucharist. If these go up, I believe the laity will have a better chance in not just informing each other, but attract heretics, schismatics, and non-Christians back to God. | Other |
2427 | Pope Francis equating Catholics with Muslims. Acceptance of Sodomites . Priests afraid of Political Bishops. Blessing and allowance of Eucharist for Couples living together. | Fear/Cowardness, Politics, LGBTQ+ Issues, Worthy Reception, Leadership, Ecumenism, Sin |
2428 | Not kneeling when the tabernacle is being opened. | Reverence |
2429 | It is bigger than just a lack of belief in the Eucharist, which is bad enough. But, there is a growing lack of belief in God, Himself. We are becoming a pagan nation. People educated in the faith are now agnostic or atheist. | Catechesis |
2430 | Failure to emphasize the First Fridays and First Saturdays, learning about saints, and Adoration. | Devotions |
2431 | Lack of belief in Catholicism as Jesus intended coming from the Vatican!. | Leadership |
2432 | Lack of priests maintaining the canonical digits upon consecration and being overly casual in the purification of the vessels. | Liturgical Practice |
2433 | Teaching children of the Real Presence. I went to Catholic grade school and High School and never got that education. | Catechesis |
2434 | Poor catechisms. | Catechesis |
2435 | Encouraging members to come even in VERY casual attire along with lack of teaching does not promote reverence to our Lord. We should honor Him at Mass and long to be fed with His Body and Blood. | Attire |
2436 | Pitiful homilies that don’t catechize the flock so that we are less aware of our sinfulness and thereby less aware of our need for the sacraments . | Catechesis |
2437 | Lack of living out the faith EVERY DAY at home, in thriving families that are not broken. | Family, Living the Faith |
2438 | The younger generation doesn’t want to be tied down to one ideology. They like to experience things immediately. | Modernism |
2439 | Both clerics and lay people treating their Catholic faith as something on the side, not the main point purpose and fulfillment of their vocation and life! It needs to inundate our very existence in our culture the way that it has in years past, many years, right now it is just one little thing we do sometimes. Bring the two Faith including the real presence in the Eucharist back into peoples lives in a cultural and personal way. | Lukewarmness |
2440 | The priest’s overall lack of reverence for the Eucharist during mass Allowing all kinds of people around the altar and the tabernacle during mass and afterwards. The Eucharist is treated just like a special piece of art, but nothing sacred. There are lay Men and women Who are going Eucharistic ministers standing around the altar without kneeling or showing any reverence for something sacred. Everybody just walks by the Eucharist like it’s nothing. Anybody can go in and out of the tabernacle. No patterns! The training of male Altar Servers not only increased reverence for the Eucharist, but also awakened vocations and young boys! Now the altar servers don’t do much of anything and there’s a bunch of girls mixed in. I am a woman, but this is ridiculous!. | Reverence |
2441 | The laity (that would be me) have become lax in our gestures of reverence I.e. during procession and recession, genuflecting as the cross bearer passes with Christ on the cross, and bowing as the priest passes. | Reverence |
2442 | Different cultures make a difference when you can’t understand anything they say. | Other |
2443 | The way the Church handled Covid. Many people still feel that Faith fell far below science. It was also very sad how the rules during Covid at Church greatly differed from the rules at Catholic schools. At one point our children were faced with restrictions in school yet while attending Mass, these restrictions didn’t exist. | COVID |
2444 | Use of Patens. Canonical Digits. | Eucharist Reception |
2445 | Get rid of Novus Ordo. We need Latin Mass immediately. Stop the Catholic Church from involvement with illegal immigration. It is demoralizing. Our Pope is a heretic. I won’t tolerate him disciplining our devout Clergy anymore. | TLM, Leadership |
2446 | Very lax Catholic media presentations on TV and social media, which emphasize the social aspects of the Mass. | Lukewarmness |
2447 | Lack of ringing the handbells during consecration; no reading the words of the Consecration slowly and meaningfully. | Liturgical Practice |
2448 | The Sexual Revolution and living in an increasingly secular culture. | Modernism |
2449 | We have Priests and Religious who do not believe in the real presence, we see people like Biden and Pelosi, who legislate killing in the womb, and the Pope calling them good Catholics. Many have not only left the Eucharist but the Church. We the laity desire a Holy Church, one that serves God, we are so embarrassed to be called Catholic, we have started going to a Mission Orthodox church, where we are unable to receive the Most Holy Eucharist, we may convert... | Abortion, Lack of Faith, Canon 915 |
2450 | I think we need to hear Homilies of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and the benefits of his Presence within us. We need to savor the time after receiving Him and offer prayers of thanksgiving. People should be informed to socialize after Mass in the Foyer. It’s disrespectful to socialize in the Presence of Our Lord. Also, greeting your neighbor; blah!. | Sin, Homilies |
2451 | Priest homily, they often just repeat what many of us have already read prior to Mass. They need to apply the message to current events and then teach on a major subject out of catechism that will help us to grow. Example, how to not just pray but how to talk to God, understand how the Holy Spirit is in our souls, how to talk to your guardian angel and teach about specify saints that can help with troubling issues in one’s life. | Homilies, Catechesis |
2452 | Receiving the Holy Eucharist standing. Altar rails need to be used and if there are none then build them!. | Eucharist Reception |
2453 | lay people immodestly dressed to receive Holy Communion . | Attire |
2454 | The teaching of the difference between the Catholic beliefs and those of our Protestant brothers and sisters. | Catechesis |
2455 | You have already mentioned the homosexuality in the church, but for me this is a killer. I absolutely will not attend a mass if I believe the priest is a homosexual . | LGBTQ+ Issues |
2456 | We need to examine the failures going on in Catholic families, the domestic Church. Parents have more opportunities for catechesis than any priest, bishop, or lay school teacher ever will. Also, we need to fix Catholic schools or abandon them. | Leadership, Family, Catechesis |
2457 | Priests that do not show reverence during the consecration of the Mass. | Reverence |
2458 | Lectors, especially female. . | Role of Women |
2459 | Vatican leadership. | Leadership |
2460 | The POPE...I don't believe he is a true man of god, gives communion to pro abortion politicians such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden...I think this pope is evil!. | Canon 915, Leadership |
2461 | Lack of emphasis on communal singing during the assembly's procession and reception of Holy Communion; Failure to veil the chalice, ciborium, monstrance, and tabernacle. | Liturgical Practice |
2462 | Removing ringing the bells, communion rail, too many people handing out communion and wine. Lack of proper dress, woman’s head uncovered. | Extraordinary Ministers, Liturgical Practice |
2463 | Important for the Catholic Church to be crystal clear on abortion being the murder of unborn children. Having Biden, Pelosi openly support abortion and be able to receive Communion is totally unacceptable . Encourage priests to deny Homy Communion to those who openly are divorced and cone to church and receive Communion. Be firm as they were decades ago. | Canon 915 |
2464 | Most parishes don’t give out communion wine anymore. | Liturgical Practice |
2465 | Constant conflict with Rome on all matters directly impacts our Sacramental life and the life of the church. | Leadership |
2466 | Not nearly enough pastoral guidance on the importance of social justice. Becoming more of a political lightning rod especially supporting candidates solely on being Pro-Life when they are Pro-Birth. | Social Justice, Politics |
2467 | More opportunities for confession . | Confession, Availability/Access |
2468 | 1. Use of a paten 2. Lack of emphasis for relevant feast days such as Corpus Christi and for The Most Sacred Blood 3. Failure to promote Adoration among the laity, especially children. | Liturgical Calendar, Devotions |
2469 | More preaching from the pulpit on the Real Presence, more involvement of priests & deacons in parochial school & PSR re the Eucharist. More emphasis in our schools & youth groups on Eucharistic Adoration. More emphasis on Eucharistic Adoration at parish level including families. | Devotions |
2470 | Casual, indifferent and cowardly priests. Bishops, and horrible cardinals that are canceling the holy priests. Bergoglio. | Persecuted Clergy, Fear/Cowardness, Leadership |
2471 | The lack of faith in the clergy specially Bishops, the obsession to be in good stand with the world. and the failure to talk about hell and purgatory (God justice) . | Lack of Faith, Leadership |
2472 | Confession is a must before receiving the Eucharist, and returning to using the communion rail. | Confession |
2473 | Lack of belief of some clergy in the real presence of Jesus being in the Eucharist. | Lack of Faith |
2474 | The fact that only 40% of the clergy beliefs in the real presence is alarming. How can they be with sincere consciousness teaching, express and pass on the love for the real presence to the flock if they themselves don't believe in it? I believe that this is the greatest problem of all. Wondering if those priests are actually infiltrated. | Lack of Faith |
2475 | Failure to administer communion to other than Catholics. | Worthy Reception |
2476 | I feel the way people dress should be addressed. I feel the quiet in church and the space in the church building, as you enter, should be addressed so a reverence persists the moment one enters this holy place. | Attire |
2477 | Bishops and priests not believing in the real presence and not adhering Catholic doctrine. | Lack of Faith, Leadership |
2478 | Remove the POPE. | Leadership |
2479 | Protestantism infecting the Church and Catholics. | Modernism |
2480 | Educate on inappropriate clothing for mass. | Attire, Catechesis |
2481 | catechesis for the family as to sacramental importance. And this encouragement from the pulpit by the clergy. | Family, Catechesis |
2482 | Modern Protestantism promoting false doctrine in America Removing TLM Lack of parish involvement in community outside of mass. | TLM, Modernism |
2483 | The casual approach the church is taking regarding the real presence. Probably receiving in the hand says the most. How can a person’s hand that was just picking his nose be touching GOD. If two gay priests are living in sin how can they create and eat Jesus’s body and blood. | Eucharist Reception |
2484 | So many Catholics no longer believe in Catholic teachings or don't even know what the Church teaches. What so many Catholics believe is more like what their protestant friends believe. There is very little difference between many Novus ordo Masses and protestant church services. Catholic Masses are so casual now and often seem to have more of a social gathering. | Modernism, Liturgical Practice |
2485 | Extremely poor catechism taught by laity. Also the use of paten when receiving the Holy Eucharist. | Catechesis |
2486 | Failure to encourage attending daily Mass and frequent confession. | Confession |
2487 | Stripping of the altars and the casual dress and attitude of parishioners. | Liturgical Practice, Attire |
2488 | Protestantized influence in Novus ordo mass; need to return to Traditional Latin mass. | TLM |
2489 | The loss of the belief in the dogma that Outside the Church there is no salvation. | Catechesis |
2490 | By not educating the Faithful regarding the numerous Great Saints of the past who were well known for amazing miracles that were connected to the actions of the Holy Eucharist. Miracles of cures, and miraculous conversions of infamous sinners. | Catechesis |
2491 | - the shutting down closing churches during COVID. Catholic Churches were closed by bishops before government orders. Constitution protected churches from closure, other religions fought and won court rulings to open churches. No problems with health emergency shopping at stores, but could not visit the Lord and pray in Catholic church. Do Bishops and clergy really believe in true presence, or just on stage performing. - closure of churches, adoration chapels without input from parishioners. Manufactured priest shortages by bishops in US. Removing neighborhood locations housing Jesus without explained justification. - Elimination of public Eucharistic events (40 hours devotion, Exposition, Benediction, etc.) - Scandals involving ordained priests who should be defrocked but allowed to continue to celebrate Mass - Liturgies have become like a non-denominational type service, or a TED talk, no reverence by priests. Words of consecration rattled off like any other written word - one wonders if priest actually believes or intends for the transubstantiation or just going through some motions, reading a script. | Closures, Devotions, Liturgical Practice, COVID, Scandals, Leadership |
2492 | Laity not understanding faith and reason work together. Liturgy (public worship) being more focused on the community than worshipping God. | Community, Catechesis |
2493 | Loss of consecrated nuns teaching catechism whose lives are devoted completely to Jesus in the Eucharist. | Catechesis |
2494 | Priest don’t believe and preach the gospel to help us to come to the Lord, their homily are empty, we are fighting evil in our own families and have no strength to keep fighting, our teens are turning into homosexual stuff or suicide or drugs, we need more prayer, more rosaries and encouragement for men to be men and take control of their families. But our priests are weak or they can only allow so much by their superiors. | Leadership, Lack of Faith, Devotions |
2495 | communion in the hands. | Eucharist Reception |
2496 | Use of patterns, using candles to proceed before the Lord when he is being moved. And more public processions not just doing donuts in the parish parking lot. | Eucharist Reception, Devotions |
2497 | Priests who, in confession, dismiss some sins - in particular, sins of impurity - create a casual approach to both sacraments (confession, Holy Eucharist). People in a state of grace receive God worthily, growing them instead of hindering their souls. If people cannot discern sin properly because priests are lying to them in the confessional, we have a greater problem. Our overall Church has grown lazy and cannot sacrifice well as a whole. | Confession |
2498 | Abortion and same-sex marriage should be taught as sin. | LGBTQ+ Issues, Sin |
2499 | Allowing dancing and other activities in the Mass. it should only be the Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist and reverent hymns/music. | Reverence |
2500 | That ALL churches need to have the Tabernacle IN the church and not off somewhere else even Adoration Chapel ... needs to be IN the church. | Leadership |
2501 | The failure to endorse the doctrine around sin. Preaching everyone is saved no matter what. Why have a sacrificial God if everyone is going to heaven?. | Sin |
2502 | Continued use of “ The Spirit of Vatican Two” creates issues and unbelief in the Eucharist. | Vatican II |
2503 | Removal of numerous genuflections by the priest after the consecration. Confession not held immediately before Mass. Removal of multiple confiteors. Failure to instruct about and enforce proper attire for Mass. Offering the Eucharist to laity in both species. Clergy casual handling of Eucharist (handling with their entire hand rather than thumb and first finger; leaving "dirty dishes" on a tray off to the side after Mass rather than meticulously gathering and consuming every last drop and morsel; administering to the laity standing and in the hand rather than kneeling and on the tongue, and with only the vague words "Body/ Blood of Christ" rather than the prayers designed for this purpose; the elimination of bells to signify especially sacred moments during the canon; removal of the instances wherein servers kiss the hand of the clergy and his garments.... Basically, we just need to return to the Mass of Pope St. Pius V. | Confession, Liturgical Practice |
2504 | Improper catechism . | Catechesis |
2505 | Lack of being taught. People are being formed by the culture and current societal pressures to be inclusive not to judge anyone’s actions. Also if we believe and live out our faith in a heroic way holiness would attract and draw others to Jesus. Not the music what we do but by truly being transformed into Christians will attract. We must love and not hate. We have to be transformed by his body blood and divinity. | Modernism, Holiness, Catechesis |
2506 | I see extraordinary ministers joking about consuming the remaining cup when returning to the sacristy after Communion. (“Give it to _______, you know how he loves his wine…..”, etc.). | Reverence |
2507 | The church is a safe haven in the community. The church needs to become more community based and encourage more people to celebrate mass again. | Community |
2508 | Return to the traditional Catholic faith, Latin Mass and traditional sacraments, and these problems will be solved. The problem started with Vatican 2 and introducing a watered down, Protestantized Novus Ordo liturgy and sacraments, along with adopting ecumenism and humanism, and a failure to acknowledge Christ as King over the whole world, and the Church as the ONLY true Church. Replacing the Catholic Church "IS the Church of Christ with "substitute in" is a culmination of many heresies and resulted in this cataclysmic departure from the faith and one true Church. I am a Protestant convert, and came for the unaltered truth, without deviation or confusion, and that is only found in the Church that existed prior to Vatican 2 and still follows ALL of the Church's teaching for the last 2000 years. I came into the Novus Ordo, but could easily see the Protestant influences that I had left behind, so I researched, and moved to the Latin Mass, and will never, ever return to the new mass and Vatican 2 religion. It is NOT Catholic. The Church did NOT need reforming prior to Vatican 2. It needed to obey Our Lady of Fatima but did not. The massive failure of the Novus Ordo and Vatican 2 "reforms" are painfully obvious for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Open your eyes, your hearts, and your souls. The world is in grave peril, hanging by a thread. Time is running out. Stop trying to fix what was never broken and simply return to the true Catholic faith. God did not make a mistake in guiding her for 1962 years before that dreaded Council. | TLM, Revelation, Liturgical Practice, Vatican II, Modernism |
2509 | Talk about sin, the difference between mortal and venial sin Why its necessary to go to confession so people aren't receiving sacrilegious communions. Explain what mass is, and STOP WITH ALL THE DISTRACTIONS like clapping, liturgical dancing, Rock and roll music, and clapping after a homily. Stop treating the mass as if its entertainment and maybe the laity wont either . | Confession, Sin |
2510 | No preaching about the devil and his tricks enough. . | Homilies |
2511 | Lack of theocentric emphasis in catechizing, preaching, and liturgy; the busyness and impossible to follow variations of the NO; dysfunction from the get go (cf. concern about announcements and activities rather than “I go to the altar of God”) of to the dysfunction of the sign of peace in liturgical placement and practice. The abysmal leadership from our shepherds - pastors, Bp.’s, Red caps, and current Pope; ecclesiastical climbing, corruption and the homosexual cronyism from seminaries, diocese up to Rome (word is it is likely over 50% seminaries to Cardinals with accompanying deceit), lack of enforcement, firm discipline, and expulsion for violations of tradition and morals for both individuals and organizations of all sorts. | Liturgical Practice, LGBTQ+ Issues, Sign of Peace, Leadership, Catechesis, Lack of Discipline, Canon 915 |
2512 | Canceling holy priests and excommunicating holy clergy! Allowing dancing and balloons and dragons and bubbles at Holy Mass is horrible!. | Persecuted Clergy, Liturgical Practice |
2513 | The lack of Priests visiting the people of God and look like an ordinary civilian. | Other |
2514 | I believe that the impact of the elimination of Gregorian Chant cannot be understated. It is a massive and devastating loss for Catholic culture, all of which (said culture) lifts our hearts to the heavens, driving us to seek worthiness in the eyes of almighty God. | Liturgical Practice, Music |
2515 | 1. Changing stance on abortion 2. Increasing elements of 'woke' thinking i.e. non Christian thinking 3. Collaboration with satanic elements in the global governance structure . | Modernism |
2516 | Failure to instruct people on the importance of modesty in attire as a form of reverence to the Lord. Allowing female lectors. Allowing lay people on the altar especially during Mass. | Liturgical Practice, Role of Women, Attire |
2517 | Explaining what mystery means in the Eucharist. | Catechesis |
2518 | The sacrificial element and propitious nature of the prayer during mass. The lack of attention to the crumbs of the Eucharist, the use of tables and emphasis on a meal, the reduction of the sacrificial role of the priest, the idea we are to be entertained while at Mass, . | Meal vs Sacrifice, Eucharist Reception |
2519 | Failure of parents to remove young children who are disruptive to the Cry Room. This is a MAJOR issue for those who seek concentration/ reflection during Mass. | Family, Silence/Distractions |
2520 | Failure to properly prepare children for their First Communion. Allowing First Communions to become a secular, cultural celebration rather than a major sacramental event. | Catechesis |
2521 | 1) Reminding laity reception is only necessary during Easter Season. (Major) 2) changing of the calendar (moderate) 3) Frequent reception during the mass of the laity and not offering after mass on occasion. (Major) In my opinion this psychologically has conditioned many/most Catholics to expect it. It also through pressure has likely caused people to go up and receive unworthily so to avoid embarrassment of staying in the pew. To be clear I’m not saying this happening often and would need to be the new norm, because I believe what Pope Pius X said on frequent reception. 4)More emphasis on Spiritual Communion (Major). | Worthy Reception, Catechesis |
2522 | Failure to distinguish between the true Transubstantiation (Catholic Eucharist) vs various devout and respectful but ultimately invalid quasi-Eucharist's in non-Catholic Churches Failure to stop Eucharistic sacrilege, e.g. celebrity photo-ops of Communion received by people who openly, unrepentantly, flagrantly reject Catholic faith and morals Careless "storage" of the consecrated species e.g. in a cheap ordinary-looking box "tabernacle" in a corner of the Sacristy with few or no signs that Our Lord is present in a miraculous way. | Ecumenism, Reverence, Catechesis |
2523 | It was turned into a ritual years ago, get back to gathering to discuss God and his beauty. No show with flash and dance needed, just gathering to Thank him for his many blessings. | Other |
2524 | The politics and activism in the Church from Covid to the environment. We need shepherds who teach us about faith and become closer to Christ and not activists and narrative pushers. | Modernism, COVID, Politics |
2525 | Lack of Church teaching and doctrinal instruction in homilies. | Homilies, Catechesis |
2526 | 60 years of awful catechism classes. We are now reaping what we sowed. Disrespect by priests in the Sanctuary. Attitudes of church leadership. | Leadership, Lukewarmness, Catechesis |
2527 | Association with Donald Trump Undue criticism of the Pope. | Other |
2528 | Attire. Dress like going to a banquet. | Attire |
2529 | Individualism, liberalism, and modernism in society (these all place the principle of judgement of truth in the internal forum rather than the external, i.e. reality; the church) which have not been adequately addressed by the clergy in their preaching and teaching. | Modernism |
2530 | The Marion modesty of women. The approval of the absence of veiling. The blatant political influence during petitions. The absence of the Baltimore Catechism in teaching and recruiting new Catholics. | Politics, Attire, Catechesis |
2531 | Pope Francis . | Leadership |
2532 | Pope speaks out of line. | Leadership |
2533 | Priests and catechists need to educate the laity on the Eucharistic miracles which have been studied scientifically, the apparitions of our Blessed Mother Mary all over the world, Her role in the church, the power of praying the rosary, sacramentals, what we need to do to sanctify our lives, purgatory, how fallen angels negatively impact our lives and world current events. This education can be offered in small group gatherings at church in order to build community. Priests should show more reverence by speaking less about every day matters, personal problems and more about Heavenly things so that going to Church feels more like ascending to Heaven and being in the presence of God and not just another social gathering. | Community, Catechesis |
2534 | Having grown up before Vatican 2, I watched how it undermined everything about our faith and made it more Protestant with the long term diabolical plan to take us into the one world religion of the one world order. Everything had to trivialize our faith in order to incorporate all religions together. | Vatican II |
2535 | Not using communion rail. | Eucharist Reception |
2536 | Praying the Novus Ordo Offertory audibly. | Liturgical Practice |
2537 | I would say that when people live a style of life in the secular world that is sinful or not consistent with the Faith, that affects the person's willingness and interest in fully embracing the Faith. They will be attracted to "watered down" teaching because it will make them feel their sin is not very severe. Those faithful who are in situations incompatible with the Faith need stronger support in changing those situations. | Modernism |
2538 | The failure to speak out about issues regarding the USA and world. Cowardness when it came to closing churches, masking up, lockdowns and mandates. Going along with laicizing priests who speak the truth about the Catholic faith as passed down thru generation. Hob-knowing with politicians. Not publicly cruising Biden for his abortion stance and on and on. Most of them are cowards, a lot are obese and more concerned about their own welfare than that of the church. I haven’t read any of them ( with the exception of a few) speak out about Vigano's excommunication, or the Popes efforts to shut down the Latin Mass or many of his other efforts to destroy the Catholic faith as Jesus taught us. | TLM, COVID, Fear/Cowardness |
2539 | People being Poorly Catechized for over 50 Years. The Church has been infected with social/Communist Philosophy. It has not stood up and set itself apart. Lost Moral Authority. | Catechesis |
2540 | 1. One's education/formation. For my part, I was educated to understand the world in a way that created extraordinary doubt and obstacles to believing. (evolution, big bang, the ontological flattening of the universe, in which there are just fundamental particles that collide, i.e., no spiritual dimension to the universe, etc.). I believe many Catholics in the pews have been at least implicitly trained to view the world in such a way that, although in their heart they might earnestly want to believe, yet in their mind they have certain false understandings with which they can't reconcile that belief. This interior conflict, especially given the present liturgical abuses, will almost inevitably end is disbelief about the Eucharist and even (as I have personally witnessed with my brother) resentment towards Catholics for claiming such a belief which (to such a person) clearly can't be true given the attitude/understanding of Catholics. My studies in Thomistic philosophy and theology have completely transformed my mind from the way it was formed in public school. 2. The lack of reverence for Holy Scripture and lack of understanding that the Catholic view is that every word was written by the sacred author at the dictation of the Holy Spirit. After all, this is where Catholic belief about the Eucharist comes from. If we can't even believe that, e.g., Moses really wrote the Pentateuch and the Great Flood was real, how can we possibly believe in the Eucharist? I refer you to John 5: 46-47. . | Liturgical Practice, Reverence, Catechesis |
2541 | Choosing a heretical pope. | Leadership |
2542 | The purposeful restriction of TLM options in dioceses around the country. Statistics reveal the faithful of the TLM are far more in tune with their Faith and the teaching’s of the Church. | TLM |
2543 | Never hear about abortion, how evil it is from alter! Priest never talk about how bad!. | Abortion |
2544 | Ushering everyone up to Communion by rows. | Eucharist Reception |
2545 | 1st) Combining the 2 issues of the laity receiving Holy Communion in their hands, which is a grave abuse, with ‘standing’, which is not an abuse per se, is deceptive. Giving Holy Communion in the hand should be couple with the use of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - which are never necessary in normal circumstanced. Ending these two abuses will at least double the belief in The Real Presence in a very short time. Most parishes still perpetuate the abuse by calling them ‘Eucharistic Ministers’ - this indicates that the Clergy is lukewarm and not attentive to HIM. 2) Genuflecting whenever passing the Tabernacle. 3) The use of artificial lighting in Churches rather than candles and natural light, which attune souls more easily to prayer. 4) Offering Confession before each Mass so as to properly prepare souls to receive HIM in a state of Grace. 5) True Spiritual worship & Adoration, especially by the Clergy. 6) Proper attire by both Clergy & laity. 7) True, living Faith of Clergy - whereas all their words and actions flow from and are consistent with their belief. | Confession, Devotions, Extraordinary Ministers, Lukewarmness, Eucharist Reception, Attire, Living the Faith, Reverence |
2546 | Communion in the hand. It should be only on the tongue for so many reasons!!!!. | Eucharist Reception |
2547 | Remind laity that the priest is the active confector of the sacrifice on the altar; our designation as "priests" does not mean that we, the laity, must be active participants (vocal responses, taking up the offertory bread and wine, etc.) in offering the sacrifice. It is enough that our reverent presence is active enough. | Catechesis |
2548 | Modesty of how to dress for Mass, the veil that it is not a piece of lace on your head , Purgatory there is so many young Catholics that know to pray for the souls ,the simple things that have been lost over years like you don't sit down till the priest sits and leaving early because u received Communion, the prayer n meaning of beating your chest 3 times during Concentration, The little things that add up to the reverence. In respect of the mass and the priest. | Attire, Catechesis |
2549 | Women on the altar. Having women readers or allowing women to set up the altar instead of the altar boys. Allowing women to walk in and out of the sacristy like it's their own house. Women need to know their place in the church and stay off the altar unless they are part of the altar guild who help to clean the altar linens, etc. Women need to return to wearing the mantila. Be humble! The dress code for both men and women. Allowing women to wear yoga pants. Both men and women wearing shorts, etc. There is lack of modesty in the dress code. It is shameful!!!!! Dressing like you just came from the gym or will be going for a run after Mass or a game of golf. The clergy NOT addressing the congregation to NOT leave after Holy Communion and stay for the final blessing. Remind the congregation your obligation is NOT fulfilled if you leave right after receiving Holy Communion. | Reverence, Attire, Role of Women |
2550 | During COVID why didn't the Church fight to keep the doors open?? Miracles have happened in the past with marching the Eucharist through towns during pandemics?????????? you told the people they don't need the Eucharist!!!!. | COVID |
2551 | Lack of Formation, education, and adoration, . | Catechesis, Devotions |
2552 | I believe half of the Catholic Church believe that is a symbol, not the actual body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it is the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and if every Catholic believed our faith would be unshakable, but that is a lack of churches not teaching as parents and grandparents putting that into our children and people teaching that that this is the body and blood of Christ not assemble . | Catechesis |
2553 | Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is supposed to implicitly teach the One True Faith. The form/rubric matters. The traditional Latin Mass teaches the Faith better than the Novus Ordo (which based on statistics since 1970, proves that the N.O. has failed to teach the Faith almost completely). All of the questions in this survey would find their solution in the TLM and if the TLM was promulgated universally once more. In short, if you want to solve the crisis of Faith bring back the primary educator on the Faith, which is the Holy Mass—the SOURCE of “the source and summit of Our Faith”. If it was good enough for 1650+ years of Catholic saints before 1970, it’s good enough for us, too. | TLM |
2554 | Some Churches in the Cleveland diocese have removed kneelers and the Priest advised the church that as soon as the last person receives the Holy Eucharist that everyone should sit down. It was my parents parish so I would visit them and attend mass, before Mas |